Advanced Nanocomposites is a peer-reviewed journal that drives innovation in the design, development, modelling, and manufacture of nanocomposites to address challenges across various application areas. These areas include, but are not limited to, aerospace, automotive, energy conversion and storage, infrastructure, maritime, health care technology, and recreational products.The journal aims to promote the rapid publication of original research papers, authoritative reviews, and leading opinions that focus on the existing and emerging nanocomposite science and manufacturing technologies for processing polymers and cementitious materials, the characterization and analysis of structure and mechanical and functional properties of the resulting nanocomposites, and the assessment of their applicability across engineering sectors.The scope of the journal embraces the entire workflow underlying the development of nanocomposites and their manufacturing processes, as well as fracture mechanisms encountered in engineering applications. Due to the multidisciplinary nature of nanocomposite science and engineering, topics of interest sit at the crossroads of:Design and synthesis of nanoparticles and their surface modification,Nanostructure for energy conversion and storage,Biomedical nanocomposite materials,Interfaces in nanocomposites,Characterization of nanocomposite structure and constituent phases,New approaches to prediction and measurement of mechanical, physical, and chemical behaviour,Analysis of mechanical performance and electrical, wear, barrier, antifouling, flame-retarding, sensing and thermal properties,Manufacturing science and engineering,Fracture mechanics, andThe performance of nanocomposite devicesEditorial Board
A Journal Devoted to Scientific and Technological Aspects of Industrially Relevant PolysaccharidesCarbohydrate Polymers is a major journal within the field of glycoscience, and covers the study and exploitation of polysaccharides which have current or potential application in areas such as bioenergy, bioplastics, biomaterials, biorefining, chemistry, drug delivery, food, health, nanotechnology, packaging, paper, pharmaceuticals, medicine, oil recovery, textiles, tissue engineering and wood, and other aspects of glycoscience.The role of the well-characterized carbohydrate polymer must be the major proportion of the work reported, not a peripheral topic. At least one named carbohydrate polymer must be cited and be the main focus of the paper and its title. Research must be innovative and advance scientific knowledge.Characterization - For all polysaccharides or their derivatives, including those obtained from a supplier, essential structural information which will affect their behavior in the subsequent work should be given, along with a description of how that information was ascertained. Editors are unlikely to send papers for formal review if the glycan is not adequately characterized. Please read the guidelines Characterization of carbohydrates and related products carefully as it contains all relevant information.Hypotheses - Nearly all scientific papers benefit from inclusion of a statement of hypothesis. Such statements should be concise, declarative, and should describe the one or more key hypotheses that the studies upon which the manuscript is based were intended to confirm or refute. Inclusion of a hypothesis statement makes it simple to contrast the hypothesis with the most relevant previous literature and point out what the authors feel is distinct about the current hypothesis (novelty). It also permits the authors to describe why they feel it would be important to prove the hypothesis correct (significance).Topics of interest to the journal: structure-property relationships analytical methods chemical, enzymatic and physical modifications biosynthesis natural functions interactions with other materialsTopics not of interest to the journal: Bibliometric reviews Studies that involve only modelling without any comparison of model results with experimental data, either carried out by the authors or from the literature. biological, physiological and pharmacological aspects of non-carbohydratemolecules attached to, or mixed with, carbohydrate polymers, unless the polysaccharide has a relevant and specific role materials science of biocomposites where there is no mention of any specific carbohydrate polymer, or the role of the carbohydrate polymer is not the major proportion of the study polyalkanoates, polylactic acid, or lignin routine studies of extraction yields without characterisation of the extracted polysaccharide under the different conditions routine studies of complexation of a drug with a single cyclodextrin studies of newly discovered natural polysaccharides or new polysaccharide derivatives where the structure of the polysaccharide (derivative) is unknown production and isolation of enzymes which act on polysaccharides (studies on the mode of action of an enzyme on a polysaccharide are within the journal scope)carbohydrate oligomers where the degree of polymerization is equal to or less than four treatments of cotton fabrics and cellulose-based paper where the research is largely not about the component cellulose itself use of carbohydrate polymers as a support material (e.g. in enzyme immobilization, chromatography, etc.) where there is no specific involvement of the chemistry of the carbohydrate polymer production of chars from polysaccharides, regardless of the application to which the char will be used. Such manuscripts are out of scope since they do not focus on the science of well-characterized polysaccharidesStudies of routine preparation of polysaccharides such as cellulose nanocrystals or cellulose nanofibers where the focus is on preparation from a particular plant source, including “new” plant sources, rather than advancing the science of polysaccharide structure, properties, and synthetic methods.Carbohydrate Polymers has an open access companion journal, Carbohydrate Polymer Technologies and Applications, which is devoted to scientific and technological aspects and applications of polymers and oligomers containing carbohydrate.
Chem Catalysis is a monthly journal publishing innovative and insightful research on fundamental and applied catalysis, providing a platform for researchers across chemistry, chemical engineering, and related fields to disseminate and promote their work. The journal is a premier resource for scientists, researchers, and engineers in both academia and industry, bridging the multidisciplinary aspects and scales of the field. Chem Catalysis publishes experimental and theoretical studies in all fields of catalysis-heterogeneous catalysis, homogeneous catalysis, and biocatalysis-that report transformative methods, tools, and technologies that are of value to all communities. We give particular emphasis to reports that significantly advance our understanding of existing systems, expand the current knowledge with novel catalysts, and connect fundamental catalysis insights to the real world for the benefit of society.Catalysis is a key technology for improving the efficiency and sustainability of the production of chemicals and is central to advancing research in renewable energy, healthcare, and environmental science. We therefore ask authors to categorize their research into at least one of the following five Sustainable Development Goals identified by the United Nations:Good health and well-being (SDG 3)Affordable and clean energy (SDG 7)Clean water and sanitation (SDG 6)Climate action (SDG 13)Industry, innovation, and infrastructure (SDG 9)Visit the Cell Press website for more information about Chem Catalysis -
DRM is a leading international journal that publishes new fundamental and applied research on all forms of diamond, the integration of diamond with other advanced materials and development of technologies exploiting diamond. The synthesis, characterization and processing of single crystal diamond, polycrystalline films, nanodiamond powders and heterostructures with other advanced materials are encouraged topics for technical and review articles. In addition to diamond, the journal publishes manuscripts on the synthesis, characterization and application of other related materials including diamond-like carbons, carbon nanotubes, graphene, and boron and carbon nitrides. Articles are sought on the chemical functionalization of diamond and related materials as well as their use in electrochemistry, energy storage and conversion, chemical and biological sensing, imaging, thermal management, photonic and quantum applications, electron emission and electronic devices.The International Conference on Diamond and Carbon Materials has evolved into the largest and most well attended forum in the field of diamond, providing a forum to showcase the latest results in the science and technology of diamond and other carbon materials such as carbon nanotubes, graphene, and diamond-like carbon. Run annually in association with Diamond and Related Materials the conference provides junior and established researchers the opportunity to exchange the latest results ranging from fundamental physical and chemical concepts to applied research focusing on the next generation carbon-based devices.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Dyes and Pigments is an international journal on the dyes, pigments and their intermediates. It publishes papers on all aspects of the scientific and technical of the chemistry and physics of dyes, pigments and their intermediates.Dyes and Pigments aims to interest a wide variety of workers in a range of disciplines whose work involves dyes, pigments and their intermediates, and provides a platform for investigators with common interests but diverse fields of activity such as cosmetics, reprographics, dye and pigment synthesis and structure, sensors, medical research, polymers, renewable energy (solar cells), etc. Submissions on the properties of the coloring matters are particularly welcomed.The Journal publishes topics including: Synthesis and characterization of dyes, pigments and intermediate.
Physical or chemical properties of dyes, pigments and intermediate, e.g. spectroscopic, surface, solution and solid-state characteristics.
Physical aspects of dyes, pigments and intermediate preparation, e.g. precipitation, nucleation and growth, crystal formation, liquid crystalline characteristics, their photochemical, ecological or biological properties and the relationship between color and chemical constitution.
Deal with the more fundamental aspects of colorant application and of the interactions of colorants with substrates or media.
The Journal does not accept submissions on:Dye degradation by catalysts or photocatalysts including the evaluation of new catalysts using dye degradation as an example, dye removal, or dye wastewater remediation
Inorganic colorants, inorganic pigments, inorganic sensors in general and particularly those in the areas of inorganic ‘cool’ / ‘reflective’ pigments, inorganic luminophores / phosphors and inorganic pigments / glazes for ceramics. Submissions which predominantly report incremental advances to the subject field will not normally be considered.
*Authors are requested to complete a Review Proposal Form for Editorial approval prior to submission of the review article. Proposals can be submitted to
One of the key goals of Energetic Materials Frontiers journal is to disseminate original basic and applied research results in the field of energetic materials and fuels. It seeks to bridge gaps between theoretical and experimental basic science, and interdisciplinary, applied, goals-oriented research and development. It also aims to provide a comprehensive open access publishing platform to researchers and scholars from various fields of science and technology related to energetic materials and fuels. Our goal is to trigger effective "cross pollination" of ideas and methodologies and provide researchers at various stages of their academic careers with the opportunity to be part of the broader scholarly community.The journal scope ranges from theoretical studies to experimental investigations related to all aspects of energetic materials and fuels, including:Molecular and crystal designs and simulations;Synthesis, synthetic methods, and characterization;Formulation and composition;Sensitivity, thermal behavior;Ignition, combustion and detonation studies;Demilitarization, and soil and water decontamination studies (green chemistry).Editorial Board
AIMS AND SCOPEFocus on Polyvinyl Chloride reports on new developments in the PVC industry, starting with petrochemical aspects, through production of chemical intermediates to finished applications such as construction products, flooring or packaging. Published monthly, each issue starts with a brief editorial and then provides a series of concise summaries on business, market and technical developments from a global perspective. It covers:• market trends • company news • innovations and applications of PVC • environmental issues, re-cycling and re-use • new legislation • patents • conferences.
Food Hydrocolloids publishes original and innovative research concerned with the characterisation, functional properties and applications of hydrocolloid materials used in food products. Hydrocolloids are defined as polysaccharides and proteins of commercial importance that are added to food products to control, for example, the texture, stability, rheology and sensory properties. The key focus of the research should be on the hydrocolloids themselves. The source and nature of the hydrocolloid materials should be fully described and details of their physicochemical characteristics provided. Manuscripts should clearly outline the specific aims and objectives of the research and must include a fundamental discussion of the research findings at the molecular level and their significance. Manuscripts that simply report data without providing a detailed interpretation of the results will not be accepted for publication in the journal. Studies on hydrocolloids in complex formulations should focus on their influence on the overall properties and their mechanism of action. Simple formulation development studies that primarily aim to optimize proportions of mixed ingredients and/or processing conditions to enhance formulated product properties will not be considered for publication.The main areas of interest are:Chemical and physicochemical characterisation of hydrocolloid materialsThe rheological properties of hydrocolloid solutions including viscosity, viscoelastic properties and gelation behaviourThe influence of hydrocolloids on food microstructure, texture and organoleptic propertiesThe interfacial properties of hydrocolloids including stabilisation of dispersions, emulsions and foamsInteractions in mixed hydrocolloid systems including phase behaviour, complexation and conjugationThe film forming properties of hydrocolloids with application in edible films, coatings and active packagingThe function and performance of hydrocolloids in 3D printing formulations for food applicationsThe encapsulation and controlled release of active compounds for inclusion in food formulationsThe modification of hydrocolloid functionality through chemical, biochemical and physical processesThe physicochemical characteristics and application of hydrocolloid materials from non-traditional sources with commercial potential in foodsHealth aspects, particularly the role of hydrocolloids as dietary fibreManuscripts that deal with the use of hydrocolloids in medical settings such as encapsulation of drugs, wound dressings and tissue engineering or research involving animal studies will not be considered for publication in Food Hydrocolloids. Such work would be more appropriate for publication in Food Hydrocolloids for Health. This is an open access companion Journal devoted to hydrocolloids applied in human health and nutrition.The Food Hydrocolloids Journal publishes Review articles that provide a focussed overview of the latest developments in emerging topics of specific interest to researchers in this field of activity.
The International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives draws together the many aspects of the science and technology of adhesive materials, from fundamental research and development work to industrial applications. Subject areas covered include: interfacial interactions, surface chemistry, methods of testing, accumulation of test data on physical and mechanical properties, environmental effects, new adhesive materials, sealants, design of bonded joints, and manufacturing technology. The IJAA also welcomes scientifically robust research and reviews on the developments of technologies related to hard and soft tissue adhesion of dental and biomedical materials. The IJAA does NOT deal with soldering and welding. The above list is not exhaustive but the editors will reject any proposed papers which they consider to outside the scope of the journal.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Official Journal of the International Association for Hydrogen EnergyThe International Journal of Hydrogen Energy aims to provide a central vehicle for the exchange and dissemination of new ideas, technology developments and research results in the field of Hydrogen Energy between scientists and engineers throughout the world. The emphasis is placed on original research, both analytical and experimental, covering all aspects of Hydrogen Energy, including production, storage, transmission, utilization, enabling technologies, environmental impact, economic and international aspects of hydrogen and hydrogen carriers such as NH3, CH4, alcohols, etc.The utilization includes thermochemical (combustion), photochemical, electrochemical (fuel cells) and nuclear conversion of hydrogen, hydrogen isotopes and/or hydrogen carriers to thermal, mechanical and electrical energies, and their applications in transportation (including aerospace), industrial, commercial and residential sectors.When outstanding new advances are made, or when new areas have been developed to a definitive stage, special review articles will be considered. Shorter communications are also welcome.This journal welcomes contributions that support and advance the UN's sustainable development goals, in particular SDG 7 (Affordable and clean energy)