Venous Ulcers, Second Edition, provides a comprehensive synthesis of evidence-based recommendations and the highest level of expertise from a leading group of doctors, which is a fundamental constituent for the appropriate management of nonhealing venous wounds in everyday practice. This book offers a fertile environment for a complete understanding of genetics and molecular and biochemical mechanisms that lead to the development and progression of venous ulcers, which is essential for elucidating the underlying pathophysiology and can be utilized for developing novel therapies and accessing previously inaccessible areas of research. Socioeconomic impact, impact on health-related quality of life, the clinical course of the disease, and diagnostic algorithms are elaborated in detail. All currently available treatment modalities are explained in a clinically applicable approach with particular emphasis on operative technique, technical feasibility, success rates (both clinical and technical), and side effects. Lastly, this book elaborates on special diagnostic considerations and management of the most complex patients, often requiring the highest level of expertise for successful treatment.
Clinical Management of Pediatric COVID-19: An International Perspective and Practical Guide provides the most current international research and clinical characteristics of pediatric patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection. Coverage ranges from epidemiology including origin, route of transmission, incubation period, mortality and susceptibility risk factors; to pathogenesis, including difference between the adult and pediatric populations. Diagnosis is covered with special attention to the difference between adult and pediatric patients as well as the differences between newborns, children and adolescents. The book presents current complications, including multisystemic inflammatory syndrome as well as treatment therapies including antiviral and immunomodulatory therapies for this age group. Finally, immunization efficacy and safety are examined. This is the perfect reference to provide guidance to pediatricians on the diagnosis and treatment of SARS-CoV-2, as well as a valuable source of the latest research about the pediatric population for further study.
**Selected for Doody’s Core Titles® 2024 in Obstetrics & Gynecologyn**Handbook of Obesity in Obstetrics and Gynecology addresses all aspects of general obstetrics and gynecology in obese patients, providing evidence-based guidance for the treatment and management of gynecological problems and pregnancy-related care in obese women. The book is a valuable resource for junior doctors, residents and obstetricians and gynecologists looking for a comprehensive guide that addresses the most relevant aspects of obstetric and gynecologic care that are impacted by obesity, an increasingly prevalent condition. The rising prevalence of global obesity is of public health concern, hence obese women suffer from a higher incidence of menstrual disorders, polycystic ovaries, infertility issues, and more.In pregnancy, obesity is associated with an increased risk of early pregnancy loss, recurrent pregnancy loss, fetal developmental abnormalities, thrombo-embolic disease, gestational diabetes, dysfunctional labor, post-partum hemorrhage and difficult operative deliveries.
Meiosis in Development and Disease, Volume 151 in the Current Topics in Developmental Biology series, highlights new advances in the field, with this new volume presenting interesting chapters on topics such as The initiation stages of meiosis, The molecular basis and dynamics of meiotic cohesions, and their significance in human infertility, Chromatin, recombination, and the centromeres, Sites and structures that mediate segregation when crossing over calls out sick/Life (or at Least Meiosis) Without Crossing Over, Crossover maturation inefficiency, Non coding RNA mediated gene regulation in meiosis, Short chromosomes in meiotic recombination, Chromatin level changes during meiosis initiation vs. oncogenesis, and much more. Other sections of note include Chromosomal speciation revisited: Meiotic recombination and synapsis of evolutionary diverged homologs, Recombination suppression at specific chromosome regions, Unwinding during stressful times - mechanisms of helicases in meiotic recombination, Meiotic functions of PCH-2/TRIP13 and HORMADs, Crossover interference, Checkpoint control in meiotic prophase: Idiosyncratic demands require unique characteristics, The breadth of meiotic drive genes and mechanisms across the tree of life, and many more interesting topics.
The Immunological Synapse, Part A, Volume 173 in the Methods in Cell Biology series provides state-of-the-art methods for the study of the immunological synapse. Sections cover Imaging polarized granule release at the cytotoxic T cell immunological synapse using TIRF microscopy: control by polarity regulators, Analysis of centrosomal area actin reorganization and centrosome polarization upon lymphocyte activation at the immunological synapse, P815-based redirected degranulation assay to study human NK cell effector functions, Cytotoxic and Chemotactic Dynamics of Natural Killer Cells Quantified by Live-cell Imaging, Quantification of interaction frequency between antigen-presenting cells and T cells by conjugation assay, and more. Other chapters focus on the Study of the Effects of NK-Tumor Cell Interaction by Proteomic Analysis and Imaging, Quantification of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus specific T cells and LCMV viral titers, Quantification of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus specific T cells and LCMV viral titers, An in vitro model to monitor natural killer cell effector functions against primary breast cancer, and Standardized Protocol for the Evaluation of Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR)-modified Cell Immunological Synapse Quality using the Glass-supported Planar L.
Nanobiotechnology for the Livestock Industry: Animal Health and Nutrition delivers a multidisciplinary reference of nanobiotechnology applications in various sectors, including farming practices, healthcare and breeding practices, market and economic analysis/benefits, biosafety, regulation, and more. The book explores nanobiotechnology's role in livestock handling, including hygiene maintenance and feed/nutrient delivery. The book also examines nanobiotechnology's role in maintaining nutrient quality in food products, and covers healthcare practices utilizing nanobiotechnology, such as maintaining and monitoring livestock health, diagnosis and treatment of disease, monitoring drug delivery, optimizing breeding patterns, and cryopreservation of sperm and eggs.
Scattering Methods in Structural Biology, Part B, Volume 676 in the Methods in Enzymology serial, highlights advances in the field, presenting chapters on Quality controls, Refining biomolecular structures and ensembles by SAXS-driven molecular dynamics simulations, Data analysis and modelling of small-angle scattering data with contrast variation, Observing protein degradation in solution by the PAN-20S proteasome complex: state-of-the-art and future perspectives of TR-SANS as a complementary tool to NMR, crystallography and Cryo-EM, Extracting structural insights from chemically-specific soft X-ray scattering, Reconstruction of 3D density of biological macromolecules from solution scattering, ATSAS- present state and new developments in computational methods, and much more. Additional chapters cover Modeling Structure and Dynamics of Protein Complexes with SAXS Profiles (FoXSDock and MultiFoXS), Validation of macromolecular flexibility in solution by SAXS, Combining NMR, SAXS and SANS to characterize the structure and dynamics of protein complexes, Application of Molecular Simulation Methods to Analyze SAS Data, and more.
Metabolomics: A Path Towards Personalized Medicine integrates environmental factors of genomics, transcriptomics and proteomics, providing a bridge to resolve gaps between fundamental science and applications in clinical medicine and population health. The concept of personalized medicine or precision medicine is of great interest in biomedical research as it helps bring about new drug discovery and biomarker identification. In addition, it helps clinicians prescribe the right medicine to the right person with maximum efficacy and minimum toxicity, allowing clinicians to further predict the susceptibility to disease onset of vulnerable populations.The book is ideally suited for researchers and postgraduate students who are interested in clinical and non-clinical studies where metabolites are used for the identification of disease and therapeutic targets.
Advances in Clinical Chemistry, Volume 112 highlights new advances in the field, with this new volume presenting interesting chapters on a variety of timely topics, including Heterogeneity in Major Depressive Disorder: The need for Biomarker-based and Personalized Treatments, Advances in exosome analysis, Translational Proteomics and Phosphoproteomics: Tissue to Extracellular Vesicles, Immune Checkpoint Therapy, Tumor Immunology, and Biomarkers in Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer, Advances in Congestive Heart Failure Biomarkers, Fluid biomarkers in Alzheimer’s disease, and more.