Modeling of Post-Myocardial Infarction: ODE/PDE Analysis with R presents mathematical models for the dynamics of a post-myocardial (post-MI), aka, a heart attack. The mathematical models discussed consist of six ordinary differential equations (ODEs) with dependent variables Mun; M1; M2; IL10; Tα; IL1. The system variables are explained as follows: dependent variable Mun = cell density of unactivated macrophage; dependent variable M1 = cell density of M1 macrophage; dependent variable M2 = cell density of M2 macrophage; dependent variable IL10 = concentration of IL10, (interleuken-10); dependent variable Tα = concentration of TNF-α (tumor necrosis factor-α); dependent variable IL1 = concentration of IL1 (interleuken-1). The system of six ODEs does not include a spatial aspect of an MI in the cardiac tissue. Therefore, the ODE model is extended to include a spatial effect by the addition of diffusion terms. The resulting system of six diffusion PDEs, with x (space) and t (time) as independent variables, is integrated (solved) by the numerical method of lines (MOL), a general numerical algorithm for PDEs.
Volume Five in the Handbook of Stress series offers comprehensive cover of the interactions between stress, the immune system, immune responses, and Inflammation. The volume provides easy and in-depth access to these themes, both for research and clinical practice.There have been significant advances in our understanding of the interaction of stress, inflammation and the immune response to viral, bacterial and other challenges. Integrated closely with new behavioral findings and relevant to human conditions, this volume offers readers cutting-edge information of prime interest for neuroscientists, psychiatrists, neurologists, neuroendocrinologists, endocrinologists immunologists and general physicians, and researchers, and students, in similar and related themes.The Handbook of Stress series, comprised of self-contained volumes that each focus on a specific stress area, covers the significant advances made since the publication of Elsevier’s Encyclopedia of Stress (2000 and 2007). Volume 5 is ideal for graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, faculty, and clinicians interested in the interactions between stress, the immune system and inflammation.
Quantitative Perfusion MRI: Techniques, Applications, and Practical Considerations, Volume 11 clearly and carefully explains the basic theory and MRI techniques for quantifying perfusion non-invasively in deep tissue, covering all aspects of perfusion imaging, from acquisition requirements to selection of contrast agents and appropriate pharmacokinetic models and for reliable quantification in different diseases and tissue types. Specifically, this book enables the reader to understand what microvascular functional parameters can be measured with perfusion MRI, learn the basic techniques to measure perfusion in different organs, apply the appropriate perfusion MRI technique to the organ of interest, and much more. This complete reference on quantitative perfusion MRI is highly suitable for both early and experienced researchers, graduate students and clinicians wishing to understand how quantitative perfusion MRI can apply to their application area of interest.
Motor System Disorders, Volume 196, Part Two, Spinal Cord, Neurodegenerative, and Cerebral Disorders and Treatment provides a comprehensive review of research and best practice clinical management of spinal cord, neurodegenerative, and cerebral disorders. Encompassing hereditary and acquired disorders from disease and accident, the book explores motor control disorders associated with stroke, dementia, seizure, encephalitis, and more. Covering disorders of both children and adults, the book discusses the latest advances in treatments related to neuroplasticity, neural tissue transplantation, and immunotherapy.
Modern Intervention Tools for Rehabilitation addresses current advancements in rehabilitation to better equip clinicians and researchers in the field. This resource will equip professionals for better patient outcomes and improve future rehabilitation research quality. An interdisciplinary understanding of the rehabilitation field is crucial for improved patient care and outcomes, with relevance to patient care in other disciplines as well. With chapters dedicated to diagnostics, choosing appropriate techniques, managing medical treatment, and proper equipment care, readers will be well-equipped to decide on protocols, increase patient outcomes, and improve quality of life.
Deprescribing and Polypharmacy in an Aging Population supports healthcare professionals across global healthcare institutions in reducing polypharmacy-related drug replated problems (DRPs) by working with patients, families, interprofessional healthcare professionals, and educational institutions to develop, implement, test, improve upon, and educate on strategies for deprescribing and optimizing patient safety. Polypharmacy, the use of multiple medications at the same time by one person, is very common in various patient populations, including those who lack primary physicians, patients with mental health conditions, patients with multiple chronic conditions, and in the aging population.
Celiac Disease, Volume 179 in the Methods in Cell Biology series is composed of extensive protocols about novel and widely used techniques for celiac disease research. Topics covered in this volume include Pepsin trypsin digested gliadin treatment of intestinal cells in vitro, Ex vivo Gliadin Stimulation of Intestinal Cells, Measuring intestinal permeability in celiac disease ex vivo using Ussing chambers, Intestinal permeability assessment using lactulose and mannitol, In vivo sensitization to gliadin by oral administration, Separation of epithelial and immune cells from intestinal biopsy samples, Isolation and study of dendritic cells and macrophages from human intestinal samples, Gnobiotic mouse models to study gluten sensitivity, and more. Other sections in this new release include In vitro differentiation of macrophages from peripheral blood cells of celiac patients, Assessment of activated gut-homing CD8+ T cells in blood by flow cytometry during a three-day gluten challenge, Isolation, cryopreservation and thawing of peripheral blood mononuclear cells for downstream applications, and more.
Advances in Agronomy, Volume 182, the latest release in this leading reference on agronomy, contains a variety of updates and highlights new advances in the field, each written by an international board of authors.
Nucleic Acids: A Natural Target for Newly Designed Metal Chelate Based Drugs discusses how human diseases are becoming more costly to treat, along with updates on the resistance offered by disease-causing agents. The abundance of drugs in the market has provided great relief to patients, but side effects can destroy the immune system of the body. Patients need to boost their immune system, and at the same time cover expenses incurred to cure disease. Thus, a paradigm shift is needed to design a drug molecule with low cost and easy availability. Metal complexes can be a great example of such a shift, as metal ions are components of biological molecules and can achieve good binding capability to specific targets while not allowing them to damage healthy cell system. Therefore, in this book, a comprehensive compilation of recent data is provided, including the structural elucidation of metal complexes by advanced techniques and the binding pattern of metal complexes with specific targets.
Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning in Precision Medicine and Liver Diseases: Concept, Technology, Application, and Perspectives combines four major applications of artificial intelligence (AI) within the field of clinical medicine specific to liver diseases: radiology imaging, electronic health records, pathology, and multiomics. The book provides a state-of-the-art summary of AI in precision medicine in hepatology, clarifying the concept and technology of AI and pointing to the current and future applications of AI within the field of hepatology. Coverage includes data preparation, methodology and application within disease-specific cases in fibrosis, viral and steatohepatitis, cirrhosis, hepatocellular carcinoma, acute liver failure, liver transplantation, and more. The ethical and legal issues of AI and future challenges and perspectives are also discussed. By highlighting many new AI applications which can further research, diagnosis, and treatment, this reference is the perfect resource for both practicing hepatologists and researchers focused on AI applications in medicine.