Agriculture Toward Net Zero Emissions explores how agriculture has historically contributed to carbon emissions and then takes the reader forward, offering insights into an integrated approach to reducing those emissions toward the COP26 goal. The dual challenge of increasing production to meet population and nutrition food demands while reducing the traditional emissions generated by production practices is significant. It requires understanding the foundation of current practices and then revising those underlying principles to reflect the resources and greater insights of today.This book provides an overview of the current state of the science, explores the development of policies and plans to improve carbon management, and provides examples of technology and agroecosystem management practices. It includes the latest updates in carbon neutral farming, carbon and energy management, and addresses the knowledge gap between input management, livestock management and agroecosystem management.Advancing agroecosystem science through a roadmap for improving capacity, Agriculture Toward Net Zero Emissions is a valuable resource for those seeking to develop and apply new agricultural best practices.
Handbook of Plant-Based Meat Analogs: Innovation, Technology and Quality presents the growing opportunities and challenges of meat substitutes from plant-based resources. Addressing core topics from source ingredients to consumer acceptance, it provides a comprehensive starting point for those seeking to explore sustainable meat alternative products. To date, the full potential of plant-based meat products has been underexplored, underutilized, and underrepresented.This book provides the most up-to-date information on plant-based meat analogs, sources of ingredients, industrial processes, large-scale production, and health benefits, including safety and regulatory aspects and environmental implications.
Cellular Agriculture: Technology, Society, Sustainability and Science provides a state-of-the-art review of cellular agriculture technologies. From cell selection to scaffolding and everything in-between, this book contains chapters authored by leading cellular agriculture researchers and product developers across the world.Driven by consumer desire for sustainable food production, animal welfare improvements, and better human health, companies around the world are racing to engineer alternative protein products with the best flavour, appearance, and texture. A major challenge many of these early-stage companies struggle with is having the foundational science and technical knowledge to start their journey in this emerging industry. This text provides detailed information on the current state of the science and technology of cellular agriculture. It combines the social aspects that need to be considered to create a level playing field to give each emerging idea the best chance at realizing the ultimate vision of cellular agriculture: satisfying the demand for protein around the world in a way that is better for humans, animals, and the planet.This is the first resource of its kind to take a practical approach to review the design, feasibility, and implementation of cellular agriculture techniques. With additional chapters on life cycle analyses and ideal transition scenarios, this book provides a resource for aspiring technology developers and academics alike, seeking evidence-based assessments of the industry and its disruptive potential. 
Conservation Policies for Agricultural Biodiversity: A Comparative Study of Laws and Policies focuses on the challenge of securing the ecological future of the planet and its inhabitants by exploring the Convention of Biological Diversity and the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit Sharing and WTO laws, such as SPSS, TBT GATT. This book demonstrates how the urgent problem of biodiversity loss can be addressed by challenging notions of national self-interest and security for the purpose of implementing policies that will benefit humanity and, more importantly, ensure the future of our planet.
Policy Issues in Genetically Modified Crops: A Global Perspective contains both theoretical and empirical evidence of a broad range of aspects of GM crop policies throughout the world. Emphasizing world agriculture production and ethics of GM crops, the book balances insights into the various discussions around the use of GM crops including soil health, effects on animals, environmental sustainability impact, and ethical issues. The book presents aspects of GM crop policies and prevailing controversies throughout the world, in 5 sections containing 23 chapters. Beginning with the discussion of the policies related to GM crops, the book dives deep into issues related to food insecurity, agricultural sustainability, food safety, and environmental risks. Section 5 also captures the recent advances in agricultural biotechnology encompassing research trends, the nano-biotech approach to plant genetic engineering, and other transformation techniques in crop development. The contributors of the book represent different backgrounds, providing a holistic overview of diverse approaches and perspectives. Policy Issues in Genetically Modified Crops: A Global Perspective is a valuable resource for researchers in agricultural policy and economics, agricultural biotechnology, soil science, genetic engineering, ethics, environmental management, sustainable development, and NGOs.
Bio-Economy and Agri-Production: Concepts and Evidence bridges the knowledge gap between sustainability and bio-economy aspects of agri-production. It complements traditional perspectives of agri-production with advanced engineering, information and communication technologies recently applied in agri-business. Including knowledgebased agriculture and reflecting sustainability and circular economy principles, the book presents a holistic view of sustainable bio-economy, contributing to the development of integrated agricultural systems. As technology advances, agricultural production management practices are now being called upon to address the need for sustainability in the bio-economy. Bio-Economy and Agri-Production: Concepts and Evidence presents information to broaden the awareness and promotion of practices and technology to reduce the use of inputs, protect health and environment and improve resource-use efficiency. Topics that are addressed include circular economy in agri-business, lifecycle thinking, lean management, agri-chains, green production, and waste management. Bio-Economy and Agri-Production: Concepts and Evidence is a valuable reference for professionals, consultants, and policy making stakeholders in biosystems engineering and agricultural industries
Agricultural Extension Reforms in South Asia: Status, Challenges, and Policy Options is based on agricultural extension reforms across five South Asian countries, reflecting past experiences, case studies and experiments. Beginning with an overview of historical trends and recent developments, the book then delves into country-wise reform trajectories and presents several cases testing the effectiveness of different types (public and private) and forms (nutrition extension, livestock extension) of extension systems. Further, the book provides a comprehensive overview of challenges and constraints faced in formulating and implementing reforms, tying the results into a concrete set of lessons and highlighting areas that require further research. In addition, the book discusses how a major aspect of agricultural development is the productivity increase from the knowledge base of farmers, and how translating research results into a knowledge base for farmers requires designing and implementing well-functioning extension programs.
Agricultural Law in Sub-Saharan Africa: Cases and Comments introduces the subject of agricultural law and economics to researchers, practitioners, and students in common law countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, and presents information from the legal system in Botswana, Gambia, Ghana, Lesotho, Malawi, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. The law and economics approach entails the use of quantitative methods in research. This is consistent with the expectations in an applied economics field such as agricultural economics. Covering the general traditional law topics in contracts, torts, and property, the book goes further to introduce cutting-edge and region-relevant topics, including contracts with illiterate parties, contract farming, climate change, and transboundary water issues. The book is supported by an extensive list of reference materials, as well as study and enrichment exercises, to deepen readers’ understanding of the principles discussed in the book. It is a learning tool, first and foremost, and can be used as a stand-alone resource to teach the subject matter of agricultural law and economics to professionals new to the subject area as well as to students in law school, agricultural economics, economics, and inter-disciplinary classes.
The Economics and Organization of Brazilian Agriculture: Recent Evolution and Productivity Gains presents insights on Brazilian agriculture and its impressive gains in productivity and international competitiveness, also providing insightful examples for global policymakers. In Brazil, as in many countries, many economists and policymakers believe that agriculture is a traditional, low-tech sector that crowds out the development of other economic sectors and the country. This book shows that this anti-agriculture bias is ill-informed, and with population growth, rising incomes, urbanization and diet changes – especially in developing countries like China and India – on the rise, the demand for food is expected to double in the next 40 years. Brazil has the natural resources, technology and management systems in place to benefit from this expected growth in food consumption and trade. Through real-world examples, the book shows how other low-latitude countries with tropical climate and soils like Brazil – especially in sub-Saharan Africa – can benefit from the agricultural technology, production, and management systems developed in Brazil. Case studies in each of three key categories, including technology, resource management, and effective government programs provide valuable insights into effective decision-making to maximize the effect of each.
This book, which deals comprehensively with agricultural insurance, is the second edition of a book that was published in 1967. The book first deals with the nature of agricultural risks and their insurability. The second part describes the principles and practices of the main types of insurance currently applied to agriculture in different countries. The third and last part is a critical examination of the applicability of the techniques of crop and livestock insurance so far evolved in developed countries to developing countries, and also the possibilities of international reinsurance of national crop insurance systems.