For fast, accurate, and efficient coding, pick this practical HCPCS reference! Buck’s 2025 HCPCS Level II provides an easy-to-use guide to the latest HCPCS codes. It helps you locate specific codes, comply with coding regulations, manage reimbursement for medical supplies, report patient data, code Medicare cases, and more. Spiral bound, this full-color reference simplifies coding with anatomy plates (including Netter’s Anatomy illustrations) and ASC (Ambulatory Surgical Center) payment and status indicators. In addition, it includes a companion website with the latest coding updates.
For fast, accurate, and efficient coding, pick this practical HCPCS reference! Buck’s 2025 HCPCS Level II provides an easy-to-use guide to the latest HCPCS codes. It helps you locate specific codes, comply with coding regulations, manage reimbursement for medical supplies, report patient data, code Medicare cases, and more. Spiral bound, this full-color reference simplifies coding with anatomy plates (including Netter’s Anatomy illustrations) and ASC (Ambulatory Surgical Center) payment and status indicators. In addition, it includes a companion website with the latest coding updates.
For fast, accurate, and efficient coding, pick this practical HCPCS reference! Buck’s 2025 HCPCS Level II provides an easy-to-use guide to the latest HCPCS codes. It helps you locate specific codes, comply with coding regulations, manage reimbursement for medical supplies, report patient data, code Medicare cases, and more. Spiral bound, this full-color reference simplifies coding with anatomy plates (including Netter’s Anatomy illustrations) and ASC (Ambulatory Surgical Center) payment and status indicators. In addition, it includes a companion website with the latest coding updates.
Nach langer Heilpraktikerausbildung endlich selbstständig sein und das viele Wissen in der Behandlung von Menschen anwenden: Der Traum von der eigenen Praxis wird greifbar! Nun ist Know-how auch in betriebswirtschaftlichen, (steuer-)rechtlichen und Marketingfragen gefordert. Fragen, welche die Autorin, selbst erfolgreiche Praxis- und Institutsinhaberin, Dozentin sowie Gründungscoach, für Sie durchspielt:Welches Alleinstellungsmerkmal („USP“) kennzeichnet meine Praxis?Wie wähle ich Standort und Einrichtungsstil meiner Praxis?Was ist bei der Praxisgründung und -führung sowie beim Marketing zu beachten?Was muss ich im Alltag berücksichtigen, z.B. zu Hygiene, Dokumentation oder Abrechnung?Mit diesem Buch erhalten Sie absolut praxisnahes Wissen, eine Schritt-für-Schritt-Begleitung durch alle wichtigen Entscheidungen, Tipps und zuverlässige Informationsquellen, Checklisten, Überblicksgrafiken und Mindmaps - einfach alles für Ihre erfolgreiche Selbstständigkeit.Für Ihren persönlichen Praxisbedarf finden Sie zum Download:die relevante Checkliste "Praxismarketing"individualisierbare Dokumente wie den Hygieneplan und weitere wichtige Formulare.Das Buch richtet sich an zugelassene Heilpraktiker und Heilpraktikerinnen. Hiermit gelingt Ihnen eine erfolgreiche Praxisgründung!
Offering a compassionate, humanistic approach in this critical area, Swartz Textbook of Physical Diagnosis, Nineth Edition, helps you master each aspect of the art and science of interviewing and physical examination. This highly regarded text clearly teaches how your interpersonal awareness is just as crucial during the patient interview and physical exam as your level of skill—and why clinical competence in this area is essential for physicians, osteopathic physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, nurses, and all other members of the healthcare profession. From cover to cover, you’ll learn fundamental skills and concepts that result in more accurate diagnoses, more effective patient management, and better patient outcomes.
Offering a compassionate, humanistic approach in this critical area, Swartz Textbook of Physical Diagnosis, Nineth Edition, helps you master each aspect of the art and science of interviewing and physical examination. This highly regarded text clearly teaches how your interpersonal awareness is just as crucial during the patient interview and physical exam as your level of skill—and why clinical competence in this area is essential for physicians, osteopathic physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, nurses, and all other members of the healthcare profession. From cover to cover, you’ll learn fundamental skills and concepts that result in more accurate diagnoses, more effective patient management, and better patient outcomes.
Offering a compassionate, humanistic approach in this critical area, Swartz Textbook of Physical Diagnosis, Nineth Edition, helps you master each aspect of the art and science of interviewing and physical examination. This highly regarded text clearly teaches how your interpersonal awareness is just as crucial during the patient interview and physical exam as your level of skill—and why clinical competence in this area is essential for physicians, osteopathic physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, nurses, and all other members of the healthcare profession. From cover to cover, you’ll learn fundamental skills and concepts that result in more accurate diagnoses, more effective patient management, and better patient outcomes.
Tidy’s Physiotherapy: South Asia Edition is a comprehensive book for physiotherapy students as well as physiotherapy professionals. It covers fundamentals of physiotherapy, Physiotherapy in musculoskeletal conditions, Sports injuries, Cardiopulmonary conditions, Intensive care units,Neurological conditions, Women’s health and Geriatric conditions.
Ideal for use at the bedside or in outpatient clinics, Braddom’s Rehabilitation Care by Drs. David X. Cifu and Henry L. Lew provides dependable, up-to-date content in a portable, concise handbook format. The fully updated Second Edition covers the everyday topics you need — pain management, pediatric, adult, and geriatric care, spasticity, assistive devices, orthoses, outcome measures, and much more — all derived from the most trusted name in the field of PM&R.
Ideal for use at the bedside or in outpatient clinics, Braddom’s Rehabilitation Care by Drs. David X. Cifu and Henry L. Lew provides dependable, up-to-date content in a portable, concise handbook format. The fully updated Second Edition covers the everyday topics you need — pain management, pediatric, adult, and geriatric care, spasticity, assistive devices, orthoses, outcome measures, and much more — all derived from the most trusted name in the field of PM&R.