Ross & Wilson texts are known for their clear, accessible explanations that provide comprehensive information without excessive detail - making them highly sought after by nurses, pharmacy students, students of allied health professions and paramedics. This new title applies the same approach to the discussion of drugs and their use in medicine. Readers will develop a sound scientific understanding about the mechanism of action of drugs and be able to relate this to their clinical uses, as well as appreciate their effects on the body’s physiological systems. Beautifully illustrated and written in a way that is easy to understand, Ross & Wilson Pharmacology is an ideal companion for practitioners, students and prescribers wanting a clear and practical understanding of the fast-changing field of clinical pharmacology.
Ross & Wilson texts are known for their clear, accessible explanations that provide comprehensive information without excessive detail - making them highly sought after by nurses, pharmacy students, students of allied health professions and paramedics. This new title applies the same approach to the discussion of drugs and their use in medicine. Readers will develop a sound scientific understanding about the mechanism of action of drugs and be able to relate this to their clinical uses, as well as appreciate their effects on the body’s physiological systems. Beautifully illustrated and written in a way that is easy to understand, Ross & Wilson Pharmacology is an ideal companion for practitioners, students and prescribers wanting a clear and practical understanding of the fast-changing field of clinical pharmacology.
Ross & Wilson texts are known for their clear, accessible explanations that provide comprehensive information without excessive detail - making them highly sought after by nurses, pharmacy students, students of allied health professions and paramedics. This new title applies the same approach to the discussion of drugs and their use in medicine. Readers will develop a sound scientific understanding about the mechanism of action of drugs and be able to relate this to their clinical uses, as well as appreciate their effects on the body’s physiological systems. Beautifully illustrated and written in a way that is easy to understand, Ross & Wilson Pharmacology is an ideal companion for practitioners, students and prescribers wanting a clear and practical understanding of the fast-changing field of clinical pharmacology.
Comment bien nourrir son enfant ?La réponse à cette question fondamentale est plus complexe et nuancée qu’il n’y paraît. Avec la diversité des opinions exprimées et l’évolution constante des recommandations en matière de nutrition infantile, les pédiatres et médecins traitants sont confrontés à une tâche ardue.Aussi, en fournissant des outils pratiques pour mieux comprendre les bases nutritionnelles et des documents utilisables dans la plupart des situations, qu’elles soient normales ou pathologiques, où des conseils alimentaires doivent être dispensés, ce livre réfute de nombreuses idées reçues en s’appuyant sur des arguments scientifiques solidement prouvés.Il s’articule en cinq grands chapitres :Allaitement maternelAlimentation au biberonDiversification alimentairePrincipales erreurs alimentairesPrise en charge diététique de certaines pathologies.Cette quatrième édition, entièrement mise à jour pour tenir compte des recommandations récentes et enrichie, propose des tableaux de synthèse sur les apports nutritionnels des aliments, des exemples de régimes adaptés selon l’âge, les intolérances ou allergies alimentaires. Pour faciliter leur consultation et leur utilisation, toutes ces annexes sont également disponibles en ligne.Alimentation de l’enfant de 0 à 3 ans s’adresse ainsi aux pédiatres, médecins généralistes, nutritionnistes, diététiciens, puéricultrices, infirmières, ainsi qu’à tous les parents désireux d’enrichir leurs connaissances sur l’alimentation de leur enfant.Patrick Tounian est pédiatre, professeur des universités, praticien hospitalier, chef du service de nutrition et gastroentérologie pédiatriques, hôpital Trousseau, Sorbonne Université, Paris.Manon Javalet est diététicienne pédiatrique, hôpital Trousseau, Paris.
Le Mini DSM-5-TR est la version poche du DSM-5-TR Manuel diagnostique et statistique des troubles mentaux, la référence incontournable en psychiatrie.Il reprend l’intégralité de la classification des troubles mentaux du DSM-5-TR en se concentrant sur les critères diagnostiques (liste et définitions des troubles, sous-types, spécifications et codes diagnostiques). Les modifications de structure et de critères de cette 5e édition - texte révisé sont indispensables pour tout professionnel concerné par la santé mentale.Cet ouvrage de référence, au format réduit et très maniable, permet un accès rapide à l’ensemble de la classification. En offrant une information diagnostique essentielle et des plus actualisées, il permet de disposer d’une ressource incontournable pour diagnostiquer efficacement l’ensemble des troubles mentaux.
This expert volume in the Diagnostic Pathology series is an excellent point-of-care resource for practitioners at all levels of experience and training. Covering all aspects of placental pathology and the critical role the placenta plays in the unique interface between mother and fetus, this volume incorporates the most up-to-date scientific and technical knowledge to provide a comprehensive overview of all key issues relevant to today’s practice. Richly illustrated and easy to use, the third edition of Diagnostic Pathology: Placenta is a visually stunning, one-stop resource for every practicing pathologist, fellow, resident, or student as an ideal day-to-day reference or as a reliable training resource, and is useful to even the most experienced placental pathologist for diagnostic criteria, grading, and relevance of placental tissue samples.
This expert volume in the Diagnostic Pathology series is an excellent point-of-care resource for practitioners at all levels of experience and training. Covering all aspects of placental pathology and the critical role the placenta plays in the unique interface between mother and fetus, this volume incorporates the most up-to-date scientific and technical knowledge to provide a comprehensive overview of all key issues relevant to today’s practice. Richly illustrated and easy to use, the third edition of Diagnostic Pathology: Placenta is a visually stunning, one-stop resource for every practicing pathologist, fellow, resident, or student as an ideal day-to-day reference or as a reliable training resource, and is useful to even the most experienced placental pathologist for diagnostic criteria, grading, and relevance of placental tissue samples.
This expert volume in the Diagnostic Pathology series is an excellent point-of-care resource for practitioners at all levels of experience and training. Covering all aspects of placental pathology and the critical role the placenta plays in the unique interface between mother and fetus, this volume incorporates the most up-to-date scientific and technical knowledge to provide a comprehensive overview of all key issues relevant to today’s practice. Richly illustrated and easy to use, the third edition of Diagnostic Pathology: Placenta is a visually stunning, one-stop resource for every practicing pathologist, fellow, resident, or student as an ideal day-to-day reference or as a reliable training resource, and is useful to even the most experienced placental pathologist for diagnostic criteria, grading, and relevance of placental tissue samples.
The North American Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology (NASPAG), a leader in the field of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology (PAG) education, outlines specific learning objectives in its “Short and Long Curriculum” that are central to PAG education in all specialties. Written and edited by experienced leaders in the field, NASPAG's Principles & Practice of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology is based on this curricula and provides core knowledge essential for clinicians treating pediatric and adolescent patients with gynecologic disorders or concerns. An ideal resource for residents and non-OB/GYN clinicians, as well as those specializing in PAG, this modern resource provides authoritative, up-to-date information you can trust from the experts who know it best.
Learn how to think beyond the theoretical in any environment. Ethics & Issues in Contemporary Nursing, 2nd Edition examines the latest trends, principles, theories, and models in patient care to help you learn how to make ethically sound decisions in complex and often controversial situations. Written from a global perspective, examples throughout the text reflect current national and international issues inviting you to explore cases considering socio-cultural influences, personal values, and professional ethics. Historical examples demonstrate how to think critically while upholding moral and professional standards, as well as the law. Key topics throughout explore advocacy and rights, diversity, nurse burnout, mass casualty events, effects of the COVID pandemic, health equity, social media, violence in the workplace, medication error prevention, opioid and other substance use, HIPAA, and healthcare reform. In addition, this title contains supplemental case studies and review questions to further challenge and prepare you to make morally sound decisions in any healthcare setting.