Winner of a Silver American Journal of Nursing Book of the Year award for its 9th edition!Prepare for the challenges of today’s progressive and critical care nursing environments! Critical Care Nursing: Diagnosis and Management, Tenth Edition is a comprehensive guide to critical care nursing concepts as they apply to clinical assessment, diagnostic procedures, and therapeutic management. Using a logical, body systems organization, this award-winning text uses an evidence-based approach to address the care of patients with critical physiological alterations. This new edition features an emphasis on diversity, equity, and inclusion to reflect the 2021 AACN Essentials and the 2020-2030 Future of Nursing Report. It also features new disorder summary figures, Social Determinants of Health boxes, Supporting the Well-Being of Nurses boxes, Informatics boxes, and expanded resources for the Next-Generation NCLEX® Examination. Ideal for CCRN® and PCCN® exam preparation, Urden’s Critical Care Nursing helps you develop the critical thinking and clinical judgment skills required for success in progressive and critical care nursing settings.
Winner of a Silver American Journal of Nursing Book of the Year award for its 9th edition!Prepare for the challenges of today’s progressive and critical care nursing environments! Critical Care Nursing: Diagnosis and Management, Tenth Edition is a comprehensive guide to critical care nursing concepts as they apply to clinical assessment, diagnostic procedures, and therapeutic management. Using a logical, body systems organization, this award-winning text uses an evidence-based approach to address the care of patients with critical physiological alterations. This new edition features an emphasis on diversity, equity, and inclusion to reflect the 2021 AACN Essentials and the 2020-2030 Future of Nursing Report. It also features new disorder summary figures, Social Determinants of Health boxes, Supporting the Well-Being of Nurses boxes, Informatics boxes, and expanded resources for the Next-Generation NCLEX® Examination. Ideal for CCRN® and PCCN® exam preparation, Urden’s Critical Care Nursing helps you develop the critical thinking and clinical judgment skills required for success in progressive and critical care nursing settings.
Winner of a Silver American Journal of Nursing Book of the Year award for its 9th edition!Prepare for the challenges of today’s progressive and critical care nursing environments! Critical Care Nursing: Diagnosis and Management, Tenth Edition is a comprehensive guide to critical care nursing concepts as they apply to clinical assessment, diagnostic procedures, and therapeutic management. Using a logical, body systems organization, this award-winning text uses an evidence-based approach to address the care of patients with critical physiological alterations. This new edition features an emphasis on diversity, equity, and inclusion to reflect the 2021 AACN Essentials and the 2020-2030 Future of Nursing Report. It also features new disorder summary figures, Social Determinants of Health boxes, Supporting the Well-Being of Nurses boxes, Informatics boxes, and expanded resources for the Next-Generation NCLEX® Examination. Ideal for CCRN® and PCCN® exam preparation, Urden’s Critical Care Nursing helps you develop the critical thinking and clinical judgment skills required for success in progressive and critical care nursing settings.
Winner of a Silver American Journal of Nursing Book of the Year award for its 9th edition!Prepare for the challenges of today’s progressive and critical care nursing environments! Critical Care Nursing: Diagnosis and Management, Tenth Edition is a comprehensive guide to critical care nursing concepts as they apply to clinical assessment, diagnostic procedures, and therapeutic management. Using a logical, body systems organization, this award-winning text uses an evidence-based approach to address the care of patients with critical physiological alterations. This new edition features an emphasis on diversity, equity, and inclusion to reflect the 2021 AACN Essentials and the 2020-2030 Future of Nursing Report. It also features new disorder summary figures, Social Determinants of Health boxes, Supporting the Well-Being of Nurses boxes, Informatics boxes, and expanded resources for the Next-Generation NCLEX® Examination. Ideal for CCRN® and PCCN® exam preparation, Urden’s Critical Care Nursing helps you develop the critical thinking and clinical judgment skills required for success in progressive and critical care nursing settings.
Winner of a Silver American Journal of Nursing Book of the Year award for its 9th edition!Prepare for the challenges of today’s progressive and critical care nursing environments! Critical Care Nursing: Diagnosis and Management, Tenth Edition is a comprehensive guide to critical care nursing concepts as they apply to clinical assessment, diagnostic procedures, and therapeutic management. Using a logical, body systems organization, this award-winning text uses an evidence-based approach to address the care of patients with critical physiological alterations. This new edition features an emphasis on diversity, equity, and inclusion to reflect the 2021 AACN Essentials and the 2020-2030 Future of Nursing Report. It also features new disorder summary figures, Social Determinants of Health boxes, Supporting the Well-Being of Nurses boxes, Informatics boxes, and expanded resources for the Next-Generation NCLEX® Examination. Ideal for CCRN® and PCCN® exam preparation, Urden’s Critical Care Nursing helps you develop the critical thinking and clinical judgment skills required for success in progressive and critical care nursing settings.
Winner of a Silver American Journal of Nursing Book of the Year award for its 9th edition!Prepare for the challenges of today’s progressive and critical care nursing environments! Critical Care Nursing: Diagnosis and Management, Tenth Edition is a comprehensive guide to critical care nursing concepts as they apply to clinical assessment, diagnostic procedures, and therapeutic management. Using a logical, body systems organization, this award-winning text uses an evidence-based approach to address the care of patients with critical physiological alterations. This new edition features an emphasis on diversity, equity, and inclusion to reflect the 2021 AACN Essentials and the 2020-2030 Future of Nursing Report. It also features new disorder summary figures, Social Determinants of Health boxes, Supporting the Well-Being of Nurses boxes, Informatics boxes, and expanded resources for the Next-Generation NCLEX® Examination. Ideal for CCRN® and PCCN® exam preparation, Urden’s Critical Care Nursing helps you develop the critical thinking and clinical judgment skills required for success in progressive and critical care nursing settings.
Ein Nachschlagewerk für alle geschrieben, die Patienten in der Kardiologie und Kardiochirurgie adäquat versorgen wollen.Von der speziellen Pflege über Diagnostik, Herzerkrankungen, internistischen und chirurgischen Interventionen, Intensivpflege, Bridgingsystemen, Notfällen, Medikamenten und Laborwerten werden alle wichtigen Themen abgedeckt. Behandelt werden auch Spezialthemen wie Herz-Lungen-Maschine, IABP, Kunstherzen - auch in der Langzeitbetreuung, Medikamente (mit Verabreichungshinweisen) und Laborwerten im Kontext der Erkrankungen. Umfassend und detailliert - ein Muss für alle Herzspezialisten in der Pflege und solche, die es werden wollen. Neu in der 2., vollständig überarbeiteten und aktualisierten Auflage:Aufnahme, Antrittskontrolle und Safety CheckPsychokardiologieRechtliche GrundlagenCOVID-19 und HerzerkrankungenStrukturen der Notfallversorgung und Crisis Resource ManagementPostreanimationsbehandlungDas Buch eignet sich für:Examinierte Pflegende