The field of oral pathology is challenging for even the most highly trained pathologists. Comprehensive and richly illustrated, Oral Pathology, 3rd Edition, covers the full histologic range of presentation of oral disease, serving as a handy bench manual for the practicing pathologist signing out cases in the oral mucosa, salivary glands, and jawbones. Dr. Sook-Bin Woo, board certified in both oral pathology and oral medicine, draws on her extensive clinical experience to help you achieve diagnostic certainty for even the most complex lesions.
Comprehensive, concise, and superbly illustrated, Weedon’s Skin Pathology Essentials, 3rd Edition, provides expert, easy-to-read guidance on key diagnoses in dermatopathology for pathologists and dermatologists in practice and training. This clearly written, well-structured text/atlas is ideal for quickly looking up practical problems in the recognition and diagnosis of skin lesions both clinically and histologically. Cross-referenced to the encyclopedic and authoritative Weedon’s Skin Pathology, 5th Edition, it enables you to avoid pitfalls and make the most accurate diagnoses with confidence.
An essential resource to solve challenging cases and sign out with confidence! An all-new volume in the popular Foundations in Diagnostic Pathology series, Differential Diagnoses in Surgical Pathology: Tumors and Their Mimickers is a crucial foundation text for residents and pathologists. Packed with information that helps you quickly differentiate entities that have similar, overlapping histopathologic features, it guides you through the decision-making process, providing a road map to the main differential diagnostic considerations that must be addressed when formulating a diagnosis. Practical and affordable, this resource is ideal for study and review, as well as for everyday surgical pathology practice.
Part of the in-depth and practical Pattern Recognition series, Practical Pulmonary Pathology, 4th Edition, helps you arrive at an accurate diagnosis by using a pattern-based approach. Leading diagnosticians in pulmonary pathology offer practical assistance in identifying all major neoplastic and non-neoplastic diseases of the lungs, guiding you from a pathological pattern through the appropriate work-up, around the pitfalls, and to the best diagnosis. More than 1,000 high-quality illustrations capture key morphologic patterns for a full range of common and rare conditions and assist in the interpretation of complex diagnostic puzzles. A unique “visual index” at the beginning of the book directs you to the exact chapter and specific page you need for in-depth diagnostic guidance.
Unparalleled in scope and content, Surgical Pathology of the GI Tract, Liver, Biliary Tract and Pancreas provides the most relevant and up-to-date clinical, etiologic, molecular, and therapeutic management information for surgical pathologists in training and in practice. The fully revised 4th Edition of this award-winning title offers a wealth of information in this fast-changing field, including recent advances in molecular biology and immunohistochemistry, in a clearly written, well-structured manner that is easy to read and navigate. This one-stop reference for the entire gastrointestinal system enables you to improve turnaround time when diagnosing a specimen and to clearly report on the prognosis and therapeutic management options to surgical and medical colleagues.
Through five well-regarded editions, Dr. David Dabbs’ Diagnostic Immunohistochemistry has set the standard for concise, complete, guidance on the use and interpretation of immunohistochemical stains. The 6th Edition continues this tradition of excellence, bringing you fully up to date with all aspects of this dynamic field. Easy to use and understand, this practical resource distills the large body of information on immunohistochemistry into a single, convenient reference that is invaluable for today’s surgical pathologists.
Widely used by residents, fellows, and practicing pathologists around the world, Gattuso’s Differential Diagnosis in Surgical Pathology provides a user-friendly road map to the main criteria to consider in order to differentiate between a variety of potential diagnoses that all have a very similar appearance. This comprehensive guide helps you make informed decisions for even your most complex and challenging cases, presenting a comprehensive differential diagnosis list and comparisons for every entity discussed. The 4th Edition brings you fully up to date with updated diagnostic techniques, new classifications, and new content throughout—perfect for quick reference at every microscope in the sign-out room.
Se trata de un texto/atlas que cubre de forma exhaustiva los fundamentos de la histopatología abordando los mecanismos subyacentes en los principales procesos patológicos y como éstas afectan a los distintos órganos y sistemas del cuerpo humano. Es importante destacar la magnífica iconografía que de forma magistral ilustra cada una de las diferentes patologías, y que se acompaña de pies explicativos claros y a la vez exhaustivos.La obra es altamente didáctica ya que procura que todo el texto que se incluye esté en formato tabla, esquema explicativo o recuadro, de forma que sea fácilmente localizable y lo más conciso posible. Así mismo, la estructura de capítulo corto con resumen al final en formato tabla, resulta muy adecuado para el estudiante que dispone de poco tiempo para estudiar y necesita acceso rápido a la información.Cuenta con la garantía de la marca Wheater's con una gran trayectoria en el campo de la anatomía patológica, en el que tradicionalmente los autores están muy comprometidos en reflejar los avances más recientes en este campo.El texto se organiza en dos grandes secciones: anatomía patológica básica y -anatomía patológica por sistemas y se ha hecho especial hincapié en recoger toda la nueva información disponible en el campo de la patología tumoral y en patología molecular.La nueva ed tiene acceso a en el que puede accederse a un banco de 300 preguntas de autoevaluación ( contenido en inglés).
This expert volume in the Diagnostic Pathology series is an excellent point-of-care resource for practitioners at all levels of experience and training. Physicians should have the knowledge derived from morphological findings to identify the likelihood of a cancer patient having an additional underlying familial syndrome— and to decide if that patient should undergo molecular genetic evaluation. This volume is specifically designed to help pathologists, oncologists, and other physicians who diagnose and treat cancer to recognize syndromes and syndrome- associated neoplasms and advise patients and their families on the possibility of a familial syndrome and their risk of developing other tumors. Diagnostic Pathology: Familial Cancer Syndromes, second edition, is an easy-to-use, one-stop reference for information on hereditary cancer syndromes, including differential diagnosis and management, that offers a templated, highly formatted design; concise, bulleted text; and superior color images throughout.
This comprehensive reference addresses all aspects of fetal and neonatal pathology, including complicated pregnancies, multiple pregnancies, abortion, placental pathology, and disorders affecting the full-term neonate. A consistent organization allows for quick access to specific guidance, and nearly 2,500 illustrations - 2,350 in full color - depict conditions and abnormalities as they present in practice, facilitating diagnosis. An Image Bank on CD-ROM - new to this edition - features all of the illustrations from the 2-volume set, downloadable for presentations.