Get quick access to the most up-to-date information on cleft palate speech therapy with The Clinician’s Guide to Treating Cleft Palate Speech, 2nd Edition. This textbook features an easy-to-use format — including many bulleted lists, tables, and illustrations — to give you instant access to the answers you need surrounding the effects of clefts and non-cleft velopharyngeal inadequacy (VPI) on communication development in children. Updated information includes new content on interprofessional team decision-making, along with the diagnosis and management of the resulting disorders.
Filled with Dr. Frank Netter’s world-class illustrations and all the essential information on anatomy and physiology relevant to SLH, Netter’s Atlas of Anatomy for Speech, Swallowing, and Hearing, 2nd Edition uses a unique "read-it, see-it" approach to help you easily connect anatomy and physiology concepts to detailed illustrations. This full-color SLH-specific atlas contains a basic overview of anatomical organization systems, expanded content on swallowing, and updated discussions on the anatomical and functional bases of normal speech, swallowing, and hearing to give you a solid foundation in learning how to diagnose and treat SLH disorders.
Get the extra practice you need to master your speech and hearing science classes and pass your credentialing exams. This helpful workbook features variety of interactive anatomic identification exercises, mathematical problem sets, and study questions covering the areas of basic acoustics, acoustics of speech production, respiration, phonation, articulation, and auditory mechanism. Workbook questions mirror the topics specified by ASHA in the Knowledge and Skills Acquisition (KASA) Summary Form for Certification in Speech-Language Pathology and information covered on the Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Praxis exams to help you stay on course in your study.
With expanded and updated information including current techniques, approaches, and case studies, the 3rd edition of this bestselling book continues its reputation as a dependable and outstanding evidence-based source on acquired motor speech disorders in adults. It covers the substrates of motor speech and its disorders, the disorders and their diagnoses, and management -- focusing on integrating what is known about the bases of motor speech disorders with the realities of clinical practice to ensure readers have the key content they need to be effective practitioners.