The only textbook of its kind, Clinical Herbalism: Plant Wisdom from East and West is an ideal resource for anyone interested in herbal therapy. With comprehensive, clearly written coverage of Western and Chinese herbs for each body system, this brand-new text offers case histories, along with easy-to-understand instructions for preparing tinctures, percolations, dual extractions, and much more.
The only textbook of its kind, Clinical Herbalism: Plant Wisdom from East and West is an ideal resource for anyone interested in herbal therapy. With comprehensive, clearly written coverage of Western and Chinese herbs for each body system, this brand-new text offers case histories, along with easy-to-understand instructions for preparing tinctures, percolations, dual extractions, and much more.
The only textbook of its kind, Clinical Herbalism: Plant Wisdom from East and West is an ideal resource for anyone interested in herbal therapy. With comprehensive, clearly written coverage of Western and Chinese herbs for each body system, this brand-new text offers case histories, along with easy-to-understand instructions for preparing tinctures, percolations, dual extractions, and much more.
Use Traditional Chinese Medicine in diagnosing and treating disease! Maciocia’s The Practice of Chinese Medicine, 3rd Edition describes how to apply TCM theory to the diagnosis and treatment of disorders and conditions frequently encountered in practice. Covering common, chronic, and acute conditions, Maciocia’s provides guidelines to treatment with both acupuncture and Chinese herbs. Case studies offer real-world insights into determining effective treatment care. From an expert team of editors who were close to the late Giovanni Maciocia and who practice "the Maciocia way," this practical, illustrated text makes it easier to apply TCM in Western medical practice.
Use Traditional Chinese Medicine in diagnosing and treating disease! Maciocia’s The Practice of Chinese Medicine, 3rd Edition describes how to apply TCM theory to the diagnosis and treatment of disorders and conditions frequently encountered in practice. Covering common, chronic, and acute conditions, Maciocia’s provides guidelines to treatment with both acupuncture and Chinese herbs. Case studies offer real-world insights into determining effective treatment care. From an expert team of editors who were close to the late Giovanni Maciocia and who practice "the Maciocia way," this practical, illustrated text makes it easier to apply TCM in Western medical practice.
Use Traditional Chinese Medicine in diagnosing and treating disease! Maciocia’s The Practice of Chinese Medicine, 3rd Edition describes how to apply TCM theory to the diagnosis and treatment of disorders and conditions frequently encountered in practice. Covering common, chronic, and acute conditions, Maciocia’s provides guidelines to treatment with both acupuncture and Chinese herbs. Case studies offer real-world insights into determining effective treatment care. From an expert team of editors who were close to the late Giovanni Maciocia and who practice "the Maciocia way," this practical, illustrated text makes it easier to apply TCM in Western medical practice.
Dieses allumfassende Nachschlagewerk sollte in keiner ärztlichen Praxis, Naturheilpraxis oder Apotheke fehlen. Es bietet Ihnen: Beschreibung von 225 Arzneipflanzen von A-Z nach den Kategorien: Inhaltsstoffe, Wirkungen, Wirkmechanismen, Indikation, Kontraindikationen, Dosierung, Darreichungsform / 135 Krankheitsbilder nach Organsystemen – jeweils mit differenzialdiagnostischer Phytotherapie, priorisierter Präparate-Empfehlung und Studien zu einzelnen Präparaten. Neu in der 5. Auflage: Grundlagen: an neue arzneimittelrechtliche Bestimmungen angepasst / Pflanzenprofile: um die Indikationen der HMPC-Monographien erweitert, die Indikationen der WHO- und ESCOP-Monographien jetzt ins Deutsche übersetzt, Präparate und Studien aktualisiert / Tabelle mit allen Drogen und Übersicht, welche Monografie es von welcher Kommission gibt / neues Kapitel „Phytotherapie in der Geriatrie“! Der Käufer des Buches hat zeitlich begrenzten kostenfreien Zugang* zur Online-Version des Titels auf „Elsevier-Medizinwelten“. Die Vorteile auf einen Blick: - Optimal für unterwegs oder zum schnellen Nachschlagen - Mit Suchfunktion zum schnellen Finden der richtigen Textstellen - Mit zahlreichen zeitsparenden Features und Zusatzinhalten wie z.B. ?????????????????????? *Angebot freibleibend