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Books in Herbal medicine

Manual de fitoterapia

  • 3rd Edition
  • May 25, 2021
  • Encarna Castillo García + 1 more
  • Spanish
La tercera edición del Manual de Fitoterapia constituye un compendio para la utilización de remedios naturales, principalmente plantas medicinales, de forma racional y basada en el conocimiento. Presenta la fitoterapia y su relación con las diferentes partes del cuerpo y sus dolencias, el protocolo de actuación, así como los nombres científicos y vulgares de cada una de las plantas. Este exhaustivo tratado de fitoterapia describe las características botánicas de las plantas, así como la actividad farmacológica, indicaciones, dosis, y seguridad de las mismas, haciendo hincapié en las contraindicaciones y los efectos adversos. La tercera edición del Manual de Fitoterapia se convierte en un texto con carácter formativo, eminentemente práctico y supone una herramienta útil para la docencia en fitoterapia que se imparte tanto en centros universitarios como en otros no universitarios. La obra va dirigida tanto a todos los profesionales en activo del área de fitoterapia, como a estudiantes de ciencias de la salud, principalmente a aquellos del Grado de Farmacia. Algunos de los profesionales de ciencias de la salud interesados en esta materia son los médicos, farmacéuticos o enfermeros, entre otros. Sin olvidar al público general interesado en la fitoterapia.  

The Western Herbal Tradition

  • 1st Edition
  • November 12, 2010
  • Graeme Tobyn + 2 more
  • English
The Western Herbal Tradition provides a comprehensive and critical exploration of the use of plant medicines through 2000 years of history from Dioscorides to the present day. It follows each of the 27 herbs through a wide range of key sources from European, Arabic and American traditions including Greek, Roman and Renaissance texts. A rich discussion of the historical texts is balanced with current application and research. The herbs have been selected on the basis of common use by practising herbalists. Each illustrated monograph contains: Species, identification and botanical description A study of the characterisation and medicinal use of the plants consistently drawn from featured herbals which includes the authors’ own translations from the Latin Assessment of past and current texts in the transmission of herbal knowledge Consideration of traditional therapeutics, including humoral and physiomedical approaches Suggestions towards a modern experiential approach through Goethean methodology Current evidence on pharmacological constituents Review of evidence on safety Recommendations for internal and external uses, prescribing and dosage

The Consultation in Phytotherapy

  • 1st Edition
  • September 20, 2010
  • Peter Conway
  • English
The Consultation in Phytotherapy considers the means by which the herbal practitioner can seek to appreciate the patient's predicament. Written for both herbal medicine students and practitioners, the book takes a radical approach, challenging readers to reflect on the nature, scope and methods of the consultation in herbal practice. The author asserts that the effective consultation represents a therapeutic act in and of itself, and proposes strategies for maximising and realising this therapeutic potential. The book provides both a complement to, and a critique of, mainstream texts on clinical diagnosis and case management. It contrasts the herbal consultation with that occurring in conventional medicine and offers rationales, arguments and tools aimed at developing an enhanced capacity to achieve profound results in the herbal clinical encounter. About the Author Peter Conway is a practising medical herbalist and has been involved in developing and teaching on several BSc and MSc courses in herbal medicine. He is the President of the College of Practitioners of Phytotherapy and a Director of the European Herbal and Traditional medicine Practitioners Association. Peter helped draft the National Professional Standards for Herbal Medicine and sat on the Department of Health Steering Group on the Statutory Regulation of Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine.

Chinesische Arzneipflanzen

  • 1st Edition
  • September 4, 2009
  • Andreas Kalg
  • German
Das Buch leistet Pionierarbeit, in dem es die Zusammenhänge zwischen der Erscheinungsform der Kräuter und ihrer Wirkung aufzeigt. Statt trockenem Lehrbuchwissen sind alle Informationen praxisnah und leicht verständlich aufbereitet. Ausgewählte Legenden mit direktem Bezug zur medizinischen Anwendung vertiefen das Wissen. Farbige Abbildungen der Arzneidrogen unterstützen das Verständnis und sorgen dafür, dass Sie sich das Gelernte dauerhaft einprägen. Der Code im Buch schaltet zusätzliche Inhalte im Internet frei: • Farbige Abbildungen der Arzneipflanzen zum Download • Fortlaufender Ausbau des Arzneipflanzen-Foto-Katalogs


  • 1st Edition
  • September 6, 2006
  • Todd Caldecott
  • English
This unique one-of-a-kind book is a comprehensive introduction to the theory and practice of Ayurveda, and discusses the practical use of therapies such as diet, exercise, yoga, meditation, massage, and herbal remedies. The book also includes detailed information on Ayurvedic pharmacology and pharmacy, clinical methods and examinations, and general treatment protocols. Plus, a helpful section provides a comprehensive materia medica of 50 Indian herbs that include botanical descriptions, traditional Ayurvedic knowledge, constituent data and the latest medical research, as well as clinical indications, formulations, and dosages.

Ayurvedic Medicine

  • 1st Edition
  • August 1, 2006
  • Sebastian Pole
  • English
This book aims to bring the unique theories and traditions of Ayurveda alive so that they are accessible to the complementary health practitioner of today. This book offers a clear, accessible and yet detailed guide to ayurvedic herbalism. It encompasses a brief history of herbalism in India, a discussion of principles, treatment strategies as well as traditional Ayurvedic pharmacy and pharmacology. The “theoretical” chapters complement the core of the book that includes over 100 plant profiles of Ayurvedic herbs and 50 traditional formulas.It is a clinical manual as well as a reference book which relates classical ayurvedic teachings to modern phytotherapy as well as specific bio-medical conditions.

The Essential Guide to Herbal Safety

  • 1st Edition
  • December 23, 2004
  • Simon Y Mills + 1 more
  • English
Winner of American Botanical Council's 2005 James A. Duke Botanical Literature Award, the Essential Guide to Herbal Safety offers a balanced and objective perspective on the principles of herbal medicine safety as well as the complex challenges relating to self-prescribed or professionally prescribed herbal medications and supplements. With contributions from leading international practitioners and authorities, it contains comprehensive reviews, in monograph format, of the published safety data for 125 common herbs. You'll also find coverage of issues of quality, interactions, adverse reactions, toxicity, allergy, contact sensitivity, and idiosyncratic reactions.