Patient safety is now a very strong focus of pharmacy degrees. Competency-based evaluations of pharmacy students using simulated assessments including Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCEs) and Criterion Referenced Assessments (CRAs) are increasingly commonplace. These are designed to simulate aspects of real-life pharmacy practice in order to train students to integrate their knowledge of medicinal chemistry, pharmaceutics, therapeutics, legislation, clinical skills, numeracy, communication and empathy, and to test a student’s ability to provide safe and effective patient care. This book provides a unique resource to support students and trainers in developing and practising these essential skills. It is designed as a useful resource for undergraduate students, clinical tutors and those involved in teaching students on pharmacy degree courses. Format OSCE outline Format (written/interactive) Level of difficulty Time limit Props supplied (e.g. BNF) Competencies tested Station task Model Answers and sample marking schemes Tips
If you work as a health professional, this is the drug handbook you need! Mosby's Drug Reference for Health Professions, 5th Edition makes it easy to look up the drugs your patients and clients are taking and understand how those drugs may affect treatment. Over 900 concise drug monographs are organized alphabetically by generic name for quick access to the most important information on administering drugs and keeping your patients safe. This edition includes coverage of 49 new drugs plus an enhanced companion website which not only has new features on EMS drugs and the top 200 drugs, but is packed with practical resources for everyday use. No health professional should be without this portable drug guide!
Prepare for NAPLEX® success on your first attempt! In this guide to the North American Pharmacy Licensure Examination, an outline format lets you review important test topics quickly and efficiently. Review questions cover areas such as the evaluation of patient conditions, communicating with the patient or healthcare professional, and preparing and dispensing medications safely and effectively. A companion CD lets you practice with two 185-question exams that mirror the NAPLEX®. Protect your investment in the NAPLEX® by using this unique review!
This encyclopedic reference work on pharmacognosy covers the study of those natural substances, principally plants, that find a use in medicine. Its popularity and longevity stem from the book's balance between classical (crude and powdered drugs' characterization and examination) and modern (phytochemistry and pharmacology) aspects of this branch of science, as well as the editor's recognition in recent years of the growing importance of complementary medicines, including herbal, homeopathic and aromatherapy.