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Journals in Social sciences and humanities

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Aggression and Violent Behavior

  • ISSN: 1359-1789
  • 5 Year impact factor: 5
  • Impact factor: 3.4
Aggression and Violent Behavior is a multidisciplinary journal that publishes high-quality research syntheses, as well as quantitative empirical studies focused on a wide range of topics related to the field of aggression and violent behavior. Papers encompass a large variety of issues, populations, and domains, including child and youth violence (e.g., bullying, gang violence, juvenile offending), family violence (e.g., intimate partner violence, child abuse), violence in different settings (e.g., workplace, school, prisons), digital violence (e.g., cyberbullying, cyberhate), and different types of violent victimization (e.g., child, adult).Regarding research methodologies, research syntheses are preferably systematic reviews, including scoping reviews, evidence-based gap maps and meta-analyses. Narrative reviews and theory-building manuscripts are considered if they demonstrate exceptional value in terms of novelty and depth, and in instances where a systematic review is not feasible or appropriate. In the case of empirical studies, the logical connection between the theoretical framework, conducted analyzes and empirically based argumentation is emphasised. Longitudinal designs and representative or large convenience (e.g., resembling the population, collected in several institutions) samples are appreciated. Cross-sectional studies using cutting-edge methodology can also be considered.Manuscripts that articulate disparate orientations will be welcomed, given that this journal is cross-disciplinary and cross-theoretical. Papers will emanate from numerous disciplines including criminology, psychology, psychiatry, education, law, sociology, anthropology, genetics, social work, ethology, and physiology. Papers describing the study of aggression in mainstream, criminal, and psychopathological populations are acceptable. Reviews of analog investigations of aggression and animal models will be considered if the contribution is likely to lead to significant movement in the field. The emphasis, however, will be on innovativeness of presentation and clarity of thinking.
Aggression and Violent Behavior

Agricultural Economics

  • ISSN: 0169-5150
As of 2005, no longer published by Elsevier. Please contact Blackwell PublishingAIMS AND SCOPEThis journal publishes articles covering the range of work done on agricultural economics, divided into three categories. (1) Disciplinary work: improvement of theories, techniques and descriptive knowledge of economics and its contributing disciplines such as statistics, mathematics and philosophy. (2) Multi-disciplinary subject matter areas: energy, technical change, institutional change, natural resources, farm management, rural communities, marketing, human development and the environment - areas which are important to fairly well-defined groups of public and private decision-makers facing well-defined sets of problems. (3) Problem solving: the definition, solution and management of specific practical problems. Work in each of these three categories may deal with teaching, extension and out-reach, consulting, advising, entrepreneurship and administration, as well as research. All of these may require knowledge of values, non-monetary as well as monetary. The Editor and Editorial Board, under the general direction of the IAAE's President, Executive Committee and Council, are charged with implementing Journal policy to serve members of the IAAE around the world.Listing of Published an Forthcoming ArticlesTo search on published and forthcoming articles of Agricultural Economics access ECONBASE at
Agricultural Economics

Alcoholism and Drug Addiction

  • ISSN: 0867-4361
A quarterly journal aimed at scientists engaged in studies in psychoactive substances, at clinicians and all those interested in problems connected with alcohol and drug addiction. The journal is interdisciplinary in its character - the papers accepted for publication address problems associated with alcohol and other psychoactive substances and take the form of studies in basic, clinical, epidemiological and social research topics. The issues discussed in the journal include alcohol and drug policy, social and cultural determinants in substance use, social history of alcohol and drug use, behavioural addictions, the influence of psychoactive substances on mechanisms in the brain and its neuroplasticity, biological factors associated with alcohol and psychoactive substance abuse in youth and adults, impact of addictions on health, nervous system, liver, life expectancy, addiction therapy schemes, pharmacological strategies.The goal of the journal is to share the results of Polish and international research work and studies, expand and integrate research groups, and also to build bridges between science and (clinical) practice.The Editorial Board accepts for publication original research papers, review articles, case studies and monographs, conference papers, conference reviews, book reviews, letters and announcements. All the research articles, reviews, case studies and monographs are peer reviewed. Authors and reviewers remain anonymous to each other. We accept articles in Polish and English.Alcoholism and Drug Addiction is an official journal of the of Psychiatry and Neurology in Warsaw in Warsaw.The paper version of the journal is distributed by The State Agency for the Prevention of Alcohol Related Problems, which also provides co-financing.
Alcoholism and Drug Addiction

Algal Research

  • ISSN: 2211-9264
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4.8
  • Impact factor: 4.6
Biomass, Biofuels and BioproductsAlgal Research is an international phycology journal covering all areas of emerging technologies in algae biology, biomass production, cultivation, harvesting, extraction, bioproducts, biorefinery, engineering, and econometrics. Algae is defined to include cyanobacteria, microalgae, macroalgae, and protists and symbionts of interest in biotechnology. The journal publishes original research and reviews for the following scope: algal biology, including but not exclusive to: phylogeny, biodiversity, molecular traits, metabolic regulation, and genetic engineering, algal cultivation, e.g. phototrophic systems, heterotrophic systems, and mixotrophic systems, algal harvesting and extraction systems, biotechnology to convert algal biomass and components into biofuels and bioproducts, e.g., nutraceuticals, pharmaceuticals, animal feed, plastics, etc. algal products and their economic assessment.Papers in the latter topics should include characterization and analysis in support of such processes and technologies, for example: approaches to biorefinery and biomass characterization, sustainability assessments and analyses, such as techno-economic, life cycle, and resource assessments of systems and processes using algae as a main source of biomass.The journal will not consider manuscripts where the core concept is the experimental design (RSM, CCD or other) in the optimization of a process, or the biological activity of algae extracts without full characterization and identification of the compounds responsible for the bioactivity.Review articles, book reviews and commentaries should only be submitted after consultation with the editors.
Algal Research


  • ISSN: 2215-0390
Ampersand: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Language Sciences and Bilingualism is an international, multidisciplinary peer-reviewed journal which offers a highly visible, open access home for original research on bi/multilingual issues. While encouraging interdisciplinary work, the focus of Ampersand is on language use and communication among bi/multilingual individuals and groups. We welcome submissions on the following research topics and their intersection with second languages and/or bilingualism:Bilingualism/multilingualismCorpus- or computational approaches to second+ language acquisitionComputer/technology-mediated language learningDiscourse analysis in bi/multilingual settingsHeritage and minority language learningLanguage maintenance and attritionLanguage planning and policy in bi/multilingual education and/or communitiesPragmatics and language use among bi/multilinguals and language learnersPsycholinguistic approaches to bi/multilingualism and second+ language acquisitionSecond+ language acquisitionSecond+ language reading, writing, and/or literacy developmentSecond+ language teaching and learningSociolinguistic approaches to bi/multilingualism and second+ language acquisitionAmpersand caters to a comprehensive audience, ranging from language researchers, applied linguists, psycholinguists, educators, practitioners, policymakers, to those with a general interest in language sciences. The journal aims to encourage the free exchange of information between researchers by being a forum for the constructive discussion and debate of issues in language sciences.The journal welcomes all types of submissions: traditional 'full' research articles based on empirical work, methodological reports, meta-analyses, short communications, case studies, and literature reviews. Proposals for special issues that reflect current or emerging research trends in any of the coverage areas are also welcome and should be discussed with the Editor-in-Chief ([email protected]).Ampersand is an Open Access (OA) journal. Authors may be eligible for free or discounted OA as part of the Research4Life initiative and Elsevier's OA agreements with institutions around the world. Please visit to find out more about Ampersand's OA policy.

Anales de Antropología

  • ISSN: 0185-1225
Anales de Antropología es una de las publicaciones antropológicas contemporáneas más importantes en el ámbito académico hispanohablante. Su objetivo principal es la difusión del conocimiento antropológico en sus diversas áreas. Sus metas son: 1) dar a conocer los resultados y los productos de las investigaciones de los académicos del Instituto, y de autores especializados en el campo de la antropología no adscritos al instituto; 2) aprovechar la tecnología digital como un recurso para compartir el conocimiento en forma instantánea y con una audiencia en todo el mundo, y 3) incrementar la visibilidad y el impacto del trabajo de los autores de la revista, de tal manera que sea más fácil localizar los artículos para aumentar el número de lectores y de citas.
Anales de Antropología

Analytic Methods in Accident Research

  • ISSN: 2213-6657
  • 5 Year impact factor: 12.3
  • Impact factor: 12.5
Analytic Methods in Accident Research publishes manuscripts that deal with the development and/or application of innovative statistical and econometric methods to the study of vehicle crashes and other transportation and non-transportation-related accidents. The intent of the journal is to demonstrate how such innovative methodological approaches can be used to provide new insights and quantification of the factors that affect the frequency and severity of accidents - thus providing new guidance for the implementation of appropriate countermeasures. While the focus of the journal is on the underlying analytic approach, acceptable application areas include all elements of transportation safety (road, pedestrian, air, rail, and water safety), construction safety, and any area of study where the unintended consequences of human behavior, machine failures or system failures result in property damage and/or bodily injury.
Analytic Methods in Accident Research

Annals of Tourism Research

  • ISSN: 0160-7383
  • 5 Year impact factor: 11.2
  • Impact factor: 10.4
A Social Sciences JournalAnnals of Tourism Research is a social sciences journal focusing upon academic perspectives on tourism. For the purposes of determining areas of interest, tourism is defined as a global economic activity comprising travel behaviour, the management and marketing activities of service industries that arise to meet consumer demand, the effects of tourism activities on communities and policy and governance at local, national and international levels. While striving for a balance of theory and application, Annals is ultimately dedicated to developing theoretical constructs that span business and the social and behavioural sciences. Disciplinary areas include, but are not limited to: service industries management, marketing science, consumer marketing, decision-making and behaviour, business ethics, economics and forecasting, environment, geography and development, education and knowledge development, political science and administration, consumer-focused psychology, and anthropology and sociology. Its strategies are to invite and encourage offerings from various disciplines; to serve as a forum through which these may interact; and thus to expand frontiers of knowledge in and contribute to the literature on tourism social science from a multidisciplinary perspective.Annals of Tourism Research is the companion journal to Annals of Tourism Research Empirical InsightsBenefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center.Check if you are eligible for free gold open access here:
Annals of Tourism Research

Annals of Tourism Research Empirical Insights

  • ISSN: 2666-9579
  • Impact factor: 4
Annals of Tourism Research Empirical Insights is a gold open access social sciences journal focusing upon applied research in tourism. It is a companion title to the highly-regarded Annals of Tourism Research and publishes empirically-based full research articles and research notes where findings have implications beyond the study context, and are relevant to a broader audience of academy, policy and/or industry practitioners. Work published in Annals of Tourism Research Empirical Insights must be implemented using rigorous research designs to ensure the integrity of conclusions drawn. Annals of Tourism Research Empirical Insights accommodates the open access requirements by some countries, funding bodies and research institutions.ESSENTIAL CRITERIA FOR PUBLICATION Is the research question relevant? Is the research design / methodology clearly explained? Does the research design / methodology ensure valid conclusions? Is the simplest possible correct research design / methodology used? Are empirical insights clearly explained, analysed and discussed? Are empirical insights relevant beyond the study context? Is the connection of prior work / theory discussed? Is the article readable and well illustrated?DESIRABLE FEATURES FOR PUBLICATION Does the paper present explicit recommendations to tourism businesses, tourism organisations, or policy makers regulating the tourism industry? Does the paper present a methodological innovation? Does the paper present a theoretical innovation?Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center.Check if you are eligible for free gold open access here:
Annals of Tourism Research Empirical Insights

Anuario Mexicano de Derecho Internacional

  • ISSN: 1870-4654
The Mexican Yearbook of International Law (Anuario Mexicano de Derecho Internacional, AMDI) appeared in the year 2000 as the academic publication of the Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas (IIJ) of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). The goal is to create a suitable forum to discuss the most important topics of International Law. This goal is achieved by collecting and focusing the active participation of academics and professionals dedicated to the study of International Law to obtain new answers to both classical or current topics in the field. In addition, the journal seeks to create a breeding ground for latinoamerican academics to analyse the regional problematics as well as to offer perspective about the existent relations between the regional legal systems, not only the Mexican one, and the international law. Withing its pages, you can also find reviews of the most up-to-date publications in the field of international law.The Yearbook receive novel academic contributions and original research results that deal with international law in its different branches. It is important to mention that the Yearbook seeks to keep its characteristic quality. For this reason it relies on double blind peer review of high standards, performed by an international and external portfolio of experts from all over the world.AMDI is indexed in Scopus, LATINDEX, DIALNET, CLASE, DOAJ, SCIELO, ULRICHS, VLEX and CONACYT.El Anuario Mexicano de Derecho Internacional (AMDI) surgió en el año 2000 como publicación académica del Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas (IIJ) de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). El objetivo del anuario es crear un foro adecuado para tratar los temas más importantes del derecho internacional. Este objetivo se logra buscando y concentrando la participación activa de académicos y profesionales dedicados al estudio del derecho internacional que ofrezcan respuestas novedosas tanto a las cuestiones clásicas como a los desarrollos actuales del mismo. De la misma manera, se busca formar un semillero de estudiosos latinoamericanos que analicen las problemáticas regionales, así como ofrecer perspectivas sobre las relaciones existentes entre los sistemas jurídicos domésticos, no limitándose al mexicano, y el derecho internacional. Además, dentro de sus páginas pueden encontrarse también recensiones de las publicaciones más actuales en materia de derecho internacional.El Anuario recibe contribuciones inéditas de tipo académico, resultados de investigación original, que versen sobre temas de derecho internacional en sus distintas ramas. Resulta importante mencionar que el anuario busca mantener la calidad que siempre le ha caracterizado. Para ello, cuenta con una política de dobles dictámenes anónimos de alto rigor académico, realizados por la cartera de expertos externos provenientes de todo el mundo.AMDI está indexado en Scopus, LATINDEX, DIALNET, CLASE, DOAJ, SCIELO, ULRICHS, VLEX y CONACYT.
Anuario Mexicano de Derecho Internacional