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Journals in Social sciences and humanities

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Ecological Modelling

  • ISSN: 0304-3800
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.9
  • Impact factor: 2.6
International Journal on Ecological Modelling and Systems EcologyEcological Modelling publishes new mathematical models and systems analysis for describing ecological processes, and novel applications of models for environmental management. We welcome research on process-based models embedded in theory with explicit causative agents and innovative applications of existing models. And because applications can help refine models and propose new directions for research, the journal publishes both to help foster reproducibility and utility.Human activity and well-being are dependent on and integrated with the functioning of ecosystems and the services they provide. We aim to understand these basic ecosystem functions using mathematical and conceptual modelling, systems analysis, thermodynamics, computer simulations, and ecological theory, and look to a wide spectrum of applications ranging from basic ecology to human ecology to socio-ecological systems. The journal welcomes original research articles, review articles, viewpoint articles and short communications.The journal also supports the activities of the International Society of Ecological Modelling (ISEM).Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Ecological Modelling

Economic Modelling

  • ISSN: 0264-9993
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4.2
  • Impact factor: 4.2
The International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Papers on Economic ModellingEconomic Modelling - a scholarly journal which came into being in 1984 - fills a major gap in the economics literature, providing a single source of both theoretical and applied papers on economic modelling. The journal's prime objective is to provide an international review of the state-of-the-art in economic modelling.Economic Modelling has historically published the complete versions of many large-scale macroeconomic models (for advanced and less developed countries and both closed and open economies) which have been developed for policy analysis. Examples are the Bank of England Model and the US Federal Reserve Board Model. As these models are updated and new models are developed, the journal continues to publish papers dealing with these revisions or new models, including structural macro-modeling in a VAR framework or in the latest DSGE settings.The journal currently publishes policy-relevant theoretical and applied papers in macroeconomics and other fields of economics, such as development economics, energy economics, environmental economics, financial economics, health economics, industrial economics, international economics, labor economics, microeconomics, public economics, and urban economics. The journal also welcomes cutting-edge empirical papers in heterodox economics.
Economic Modelling

Economic Systems

  • ISSN: 0939-3625
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.4
  • Impact factor: 2.8
Published on behalf of the Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies in collaboration with EACESEconomic Systems is a refereed journal for the analysis of causes and consequences of the significant institutional variety prevailing among all developed, developing, emerging, and transition economies, as well as attempts at and proposals for their reform. The journal is open to micro and macro contributions, theoretical as well as empirical, the latter to analyze related topics against the background of country or region-specific experiences. We are particularly interested in empirical papers with significant policy implications.
Economic Systems

Economics & Human Biology

  • ISSN: 1570-677X
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.3
  • Impact factor: 2.2
Economics and Human Biology is devoted to the exploration of the effect of socio-economic processes on human beings as biological organisms. Research covered in this (quarterly) interdisciplinary journal is not bound by temporal or geographic limitations.Themes include:The impact of socio-economic processes, such as industrialization, urbanization, agricultural policy, technological change and commercialization and the degree of penetration of the world food system on biological welfare and health outcomes.The effects of government intervention programs, as well as macroeconomic and public health policy on the human organism at either the individual or the population level.Feedback effects from human biological outcomes to economic growth at the national, regional and local levels insofar as healthier individuals invariably lead longer more creative and more productive lives, influencing thereby the course of economic development.The complex symbiotic relationship between such anthropometric indicators as weight, birth-weight, physical stature and the body-mass-index, as well as morbidity and mortality, on the one hand and socio-economic processes or events on the other.The conceptualization of health and health models in economic theory.The measurement of poverty, malnutrition and psychological deprivation and the role of health and income inequality in the persistence of poverty traps.The biological components of the quality of life: how well does the human organism itself thrive in its socio-economic and epidemiological environment.Health and economic systems; environment and health; health in the transition economies.Statistical, econometric, methodological and philosophical issues associated with the measurement and modeling of these relationships.Contributions in auxology, anthropometry, biocultural anthropology, demography, development economics, economic history, epidemiology, health economics, human biology, human nutrition, health sciences, medicine, physical anthropology, public health and sociology are welcomed.
Economics & Human Biology

Economics Letters

  • ISSN: 0165-1765
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.1
  • Impact factor: 2.1
The journal ECOLET charges a non-refundable fee of EUR 50 (reduced 30) USD 65 (40) Yen 6000 (4000) for new submissions. Please note that for authors from European countries, the relevant VAT amount will be added to the submission fee. Submission fees will be used to support journal activities. Please enter the title of your submitted paper, which will enable us to match it to your submission. SubmissionStart link: Email Journal: [email protected] Letters aims to be a valuable addition to the specialist literature, offering quick dissemination and easy accessibility of new results, models and methods in all fields of economic research. All researchers are welcome to submit their articles to Economics Letters, and especially young researchers and advanced graduate students are encouraged to submit their articles.The "letter" format consists of concise communications, which are a vehicle to quickly communicate important pieces of new research. For instance, a theorist could submit to Economics Letters a thought-provoking example before the analysis is extended to a general theorem in a fully fledged paper that will go elsewhere. Similarly, an experimentalist or an empirical researcher could submit to Economics Letters some important preliminary results, where perhaps the threshold for robustness, thoroughness or completeness of the analysis is not as high as it would be for a complete paper. Comments or pedagogical notes are not suitable for transmission in this form.The following are important features of the "letter" format:Concise: Contributions are usually limited to 2,000 words (12 manuscript pages), allowing readers to determine their potential interest in a letter very quickly, and to digest a large amount of material in a usable form.Rapid: The fast review process and immediate online publication ensure a brief manuscript turnover time.Efficient: A quick way to stay up-to-date with developments in all areas of economics.All submissions that pass the desk-rejection phase will be subject to a careful peer-review process. With few exceptions, in which submissions are sent back for small editorial revisions before acceptance, each paper will be either accepted as is or rejected. Detailed reports will not be provided; the reasons for the decision will be explained in a brief cover letter from the editor. Economics Letters aims to have a quick turnover time of up to two months between the submission and final decision.
Economics Letters

Economics of Education Review

  • ISSN: 0272-7757
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.6
  • Impact factor: 1.8
Economics of Education Review publishes research on education policy and finance, human capital production and acquisition, and the returns to human capital. We accept empirical, methodological and theoretical contributions, but the main focus of Economics of Education Review is on applied studies that employ micro data and clear identification strategies. Our goal is to publish innovative, cutting-edge research on the economics of education that is of interest to academics, policymakers and the public.
Economics of Education Review

Economics of Transportation

  • ISSN: 2212-0122
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.6
  • Impact factor: 2.2
The official journal of the International Transportation Economics AssociationEconomics of Transportation publishes scholarly papers that make important contributions to transportation economics. The journal also publishes papers that research the interaction between transportation and other economic activities; papers that seek to promote cross fertilization with other fields of economics including labor, trade, urban economics, and industrial organization; and substantive papers on timely policy issues relating to transportation. The journal welcomes both theoretical and applied papers. Papers are welcome regardless of the originating discipline provided they contribute to the goals of the journal. Economics of Transportation aims to uphold the highest standards of scientific originality and quality.
Economics of Transportation

Educational Research Review

  • ISSN: 1747-938X
  • 5 Year impact factor: 13.7
  • Impact factor: 9.6
The Journal of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI)Educational Research Review is an international journal addressed to researchers and various agencies interested in the review of studies and theoretical papers in education at any level. The journal accepts high quality articles that are solving educational research problems by using a review approach. This may include thematic or methodological reviews, or meta-analyses. The journal does not limit its scope to any age range. The journal invites articles on the broad range of settings in which people learn and are educated (school settings, corporate training, formal or informal settings, etc.).Empirical studies or theoretical contributions that do not include a critical review analysis are not accepted.
Educational Research Review

Electoral Studies

  • ISSN: 0261-3794
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.7
  • Impact factor: 2.9
An International Journal on Voting and Electoral Systems and StrategyElectoral Studies is an international journal dedicated to the study of elections and voting in different parts of the world. With a reputation established over more than 35 years of publication, Electoral Studies is widely recognised as a major journal in the field. It publishes theoretically informed and empirically robust research on all aspects of elections, and provides a forum for the analysis of topics such as turnout, voting behaviour, campaigns, political parties and electoral systems, amongst many others. The recent emergence of new democracies in many parts of the world provides a wealth of new information, and scope for testing hypotheses. On specific topics of particular interest to the community, the Journal accepts collections of 4-6 short articles that form special issues. Electoral Studies permits the publishing of short notes and papers extending or replicating previous empirical findings. All articles are subject to "double anonymized" peer review.
Electoral Studies

Emerging Markets Review

  • ISSN: 1566-0141
  • 5 Year impact factor: 5.2
  • Impact factor: 5.6
The intent of the editors is to consolidate Emerging Markets Review as the premier vehicle for publishing high impact empirical and theoretical studies in emerging markets finance. Preference will be given to comparative studies that take global and regional perspectives, detailed single country studies that address critical policy issues and have significant global and regional implications, and papers that address the interactions of national and international financial architecture. We especially welcome papers that take institutional as well as financial perspectives.Published papers are expected to include a discussion of next steps and possible extensions for further research in the conclusion section.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Emerging Markets Review