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Journals in Physics

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Organic Electronics

  • ISSN: 1566-1199
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.5
  • Impact factor: 2.7
Materials, Physics, Chemistry and ApplicationsOrganic Electronics is a journal whose primary interdisciplinary focus is on materials and phenomena related to organic and hybrid organic-inorganic devices such as light emitting diodes, thin film transistors, photovoltaic cells, sensors, memories, etc.Papers suitable for publication in this journal cover such topics as photoconductive and electronic properties of organic and hybrid organic-inorganic semiconductors, thin film structures and characterization in the context of materials processing, charge and exciton transport, and electronic and optoelectronic devices.Organic Electronics provides the forum for applied, fundamental and interdisciplinary contributions spanning the wide range of electronic properties and applications of organic and hybrid organic-inorganic materials. A Letters section is included for rapid publication of short articles announcing significant and highly original results.Keywords: organic electronics, light-emitting diodes, solar cells, thin film transistors, sensors, memories, organic semiconductors, hybrid organic-inorganic semiconductors, halide perovskites, colloidal quantum dots, optoelectronics, charge transport.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Organic Electronics

Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications

  • ISSN: 1569-4410
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.6
  • Impact factor: 2.5
The Journal features mainly original research work in experiment, theory and applications related to nanophotonic structures. Papers suitable for publication significantly advance our understanding of nanophotonic materials and structures and cover topics such as:• Metamaterials and metasurfaces; • Photonic crystals and related micro- and nanophotonic materials; • Investigation and characterization of photonic crystal properties such as optical nonlinearities, photonic band gap effects, spontaneous emission; • Fabrication of nanophotonic structures and devices using various methods, including lithography, self-assembly, holography, etc.; • Subwavelength optics of structured materials; • Metallic and metallo-dielectric nanophotonic structures; • Subwavelength structures for terahertz optics; • Plasmonics; • Chiral and bianisotropic media; • Structured photonic topological insulators and optics of PT-symmetric nanostructures; • Optics of nanostructured 2D materials; • Random and complex structured optical media; • Frequency selective surfaces; • High-impedance surfaces; • Metamaterials for antenna and circuit technology; • Metamaterial-based devices; • Acoustic and elastic metamaterials; • Photonic crystal fibers and "holey" fibers; • Integration of photonic crystals; • Micro-optical-electro-mechanical-systems (MOEMS); • Nanostructured optical microcavities and photonic "dots"; • Inverse design and machine-learning-driven design of nanophotonic structures; • Novel approaches to micro- and nanophotonics; • Critical assessment of new application fields (light sources, lasers, biophotonics, detectors, optical components, atom and molecule confinement).
Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications

Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

  • ISSN: 0378-4371
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.6
  • Impact factor: 2.8
Recognized by the European Physical SocietyPhysica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications publishes research in the field of statistical mechanics and its applications. Statistical mechanics sets out to explain the behaviour of macroscopic systems, or the large scale, by studying the statistical properties of the microscopic or nanoscopic constituents. Applications of the concepts and techniques of statistical mechanics include: applications to physical and physiochemical systems such as solids, liquids and gases, interfaces, glasses, colloids, complex fluids, polymers, complex networks, applications to economic and social systems (e.g. socio-economic networks, financial time series, agent based models, systemic risk, market dynamics, computational social science, science of science, evolutionary game theory, cultural and political complexity), and traffic and transportation (e.g. vehicular traffic, pedestrian and evacuation dynamics, network traffic, swarms and other forms of collective transport in biology, models of intracellular transport, self-driven particles), as well as biological systems (biological signalling and noise, biological fluctuations, cellular systems and biophysics); and other interdisciplinary applications such as artificial intelligence (e.g. deep learning, genetic algorithms or links between theory of information and thermodynamics/statistical physics.).Physica A does not publish research on mathematics (e.g. statistics) or mathematical methods (e.g. solving differential equations) unless an original application to a statistical physics problem is included. Also research on fluid mechanics intended for an engineering readership as well as ordinary economic/econometrical studies falls outside the scope of Physica A .Specific subfields covered by the journal are statistical mechanics applications to:Soft matterBiological systems and systems biologyChemical systemsEconophysics and sociophysicsTraffic and transportationPhase transitionsComplex systemsDeep learning, genetic algorithms and other methods of AIBenefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

Physica B: Condensed Matter

  • ISSN: 0921-4526
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.4
  • Impact factor: 2.8
Physica B: Condensed Matter comprises all condensed matter physics, including theoretical, computational, and experimental research. These contributions must be accompanied by a thorough discussion of relevant phenomena in condensed matter and materials physics. The journal is welcoming submissions exploring the following areas: • Ordered phenomena: magnetism, ferroelectricity and multiferroics; charge and orbital orderings; spin waves; superconductivity and superfluidity; nematic phases; other ordered phases in condensed matter • Disordered phenomena: amorphous materials and glasses; spin glasses and random field systems; Anderson localization; other disordered phases in condensed matter • Optics: nonlinear optical and Kerr effects; photoluminescence; other optical effects in condensed matter • Strongly correlated systems: heavy fermions; Mott insulators; Hubbard model systems; perovskites, ruthenates; superconductors; transition metal dichalcogenides; and other systems and materials with strong electron correlations • Materials physics: exploration of materials’ properties, such as electrical conductivity, optical, mechanical, thermal, and magnetic properties beyond simple characterization, underlying the material behavior. Metals, oxides, metal-organics, polymers, ceramics, semiconductors, alloys, high entropy alloys, composites, and related materials • Nanostructures and nanomaterials: theoretical and experimental exploration of nanoscale systems, including nanoparticles; nanotubes; nanowires; quantum dots, wires, wells; thin films, and other related nanomaterials • Quantum materials: quantum Hall effect, spintronics, topological insulators, spin-liquid, spin-orbit coupling materials; other materials ruled by quantum mechanical effects • Surfaces and interfaces: theoretical and experimental analyses of surface structure, surface chemistry, and interfaces in materials; applications • Computational materials: exploration of simulation methods (including molecular dynamics, Monte Carlo, and density functional theory) and modeling techniques (such as first-principles calculations, tight-binding models, and uses of machine learning) to understand materials properties or workflow developments in materials design. Investigation of materials design strategies, like high-throughput screening and other computational tools, tailored for condensed matter research Along the submission process, authors are requested to choose one of the following sections for their contribution: • Applied Physics • Computational Materials • Materials Physics • Nanostructures and Quantum Materials • Optics and Photonics • Ordered Phenomena • Strongly Correlated Systems Guide for Authors Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center.
Physica B: Condensed Matter

Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications

  • ISSN: 0921-4534
  • 5 Year impact factor: 1.1
  • Impact factor: 1.3
Physica C (Superconductivity and its Applications) publishes peer-reviewed papers on novel developments in the field of superconductivity, superfluidity and Bose-Einstein condensation. Topics include novel materials, theoretical models, emergent phenomena, devices and applications.The main goal of the journal is to publish:1. Papers that through experimental methods including synthesis, crystal growth and thin film growth, substantially increase the knowledge about superconductivity, superfluidity, Bose-Einstein condensation and the associated properties and phenomena.2. Papers that through theoretical and computational methods substantially deepen the understanding of the occurrence and phenomenology of superconductivity, superfluidity, Bose-Einstein condensation and associated properties and phenomena.3. Papers presenting novel superconducting devices, applications and methods leading to improvements in device performance.The editors of the journal will select papers that are well written and based on thorough research that provide truly novel insights.Regular Papers present original research according to the criteria described above.Reviews provide an authoritative review of the literature on a given subject, and are normally on invitation by the Editors. It can be written by a single author or by multiple authors, where at least one of the authors is a well-established expert on the subject of the review.Comments provide a critical analysis of previous publications by other authors. The text should focus on the scientific aspects and avoid polemics. This applies also to a Reply to a Comment. Where Physica C considers a Comment for publication it will invite the authors being commented on to submit a Reply.Keywords: BCS theory, bipolarons, Bose-Einstein condensate, flux creep, Ginzburg-Landau theory, Josephson coupling, order parameter, pairing mechanism, pairing symmetry, penetration depth, superconducting cable, superconducting gap, superconductivity phase diagram, superflow, superfluiditiy, transition temperature, vortices
Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications

Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena

  • ISSN: 0167-2789
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.1
  • Impact factor: 2.7
Physica D (Nonlinear Phenomena) publishes research and review articles reporting on theoretical and experimental work, techniques, and ideas that advance the understanding of nonlinear phenomena. The scope of the journal encompasses mathematical methods for nonlinear systems including: wave motion, pattern formation and collective phenomena in physical, chemical and biological systems; hydrodynamics and turbulence; integrable and Hamiltonian systems; and data-driven dynamical systems. The journal encourages submissions in established and emerging application domains, for example applications of nonlinear science to artificial intelligence, robotics, control theory, complex networks, and social and economic dynamics.
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena

Physica E: Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures

  • ISSN: 1386-9477
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.7
  • Impact factor: 2.9
Physica E: Low-dimensional systems and Nanostructures contains papers and invited review articles on the fundamental and applied aspects of physics in low-dimensional electron systems, in semiconductor heterostructures, oxide interfaces, quantum wells and superlattices, quantum wires and dots, novel quantum states of matter such as topological insulators, and Weyl semimetals.Both theoretical and experimental contributions are invited. The journal publishes articles on spin related phenomena, optical and transport properties, many-body effects, integer and fractional quantum Hall effects, quantum spin Hall effect, single electron effects and devices, Majorana fermions, and other novel phenomena.The journal publishes topics including: topological insulators/superconductors, majorana fermions, Wyel semimetals;quantum and neuromorphic computing/quantum information physics and devices based on low dimensional systems;layered superconductivity, low dimensional systems with superconducting proximity effect;2D materials such as transition metal dichalcogenides;oxide heterostructures including ZnO, SrTiO3 etc;carbon nanostructures (graphene, carbon nanotubes, diamond NV center, etc.)quantum wells and superlattices;quantum Hall effect, quantum spin Hall effect, quantum anomalous Hall effect;optical- and phonons-related phenomena;magnetic-semiconductor structures;charge/spin-, magnon-, skyrmion-, Cooper pair- and majorana fermion- transport and tunneling;ultra-fast nonlinear optical phenomena;novel devices and applications (such as high performance sensor, solar cell, etc);novel growth and fabrication techniques for nanostructuresNote Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center.
Physica E: Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures

Physics Letters A

  • ISSN: 0375-9601
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.1
  • Impact factor: 2.3
The journal Physics Letters A offers a rapid review and publication outlet for novel theoretical and experimental frontier physics.The journal covers the following topics:Condensed matter physics,Quantum information (including artificial intelligence and machine learning),Nonlinear science,Statistical physics,Mathematical and computational physics,AMO and physics of complex systems,Plasma and fluid physics,Optical physics,General and cross-disciplinary physics,Biological physics and nanoscience,Astrophysics, Particle physics and Cosmology.Physics Letters A also publishes Invited Perspective Articles focusing on break-through research in physics.Note to authors: If you wish to be considered for an Invited Perspective Article please contact the Editors. Physics Letters A does not publish articles on High Energy and Nuclear Physics. Plagiarism, or copying text or results from other sources, is unethical behavior and is not tolerated at Physics Letters A. All manuscripts submitted to Physics Letters A will be checked for originality using the CrossCheck database. For more information on CrossCheck please visit
Physics Letters A

Physics Reports

  • ISSN: 0370-1573
  • 5 Year impact factor: 25.7
  • Impact factor: 23.9
A Review Section of Physics LettersThe journal Physics Reports publishes timely reviews which are more extensive than just literature surveys but normally less than a full monograph. Each report deals with one specific subject and is generally published in a separate volume. These reviews are specialist in nature but contain enough introductory material to make the main points intelligible to a non-specialist. The reader will not only be able to distinguish important developments and trends in physics but will also find a sufficient number of references to the original literature.The topics covered by the journal include but are not limited to:Astrophysics and Cosmology,Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics,Biological Physics,Condensed Matter Physics,High Energy Physics,Nanoscience,Non-Linear Dynamics and Complex Systems,Nuclear Physics and Hadronic Physics,Plasma Physics,Statistical Physics.Submission of articles to Physics Reports is by invitation only; unsolicited submissions cannot be accepted. Should you feel that you have a topic suitable for publication in one of the sections in this journal, please contact our Editorial Office, , with a proposal of no more than 1000 words. You must specify which Editor should review your proposal (see Editorial Board).
Physics Reports

Physics of Life Reviews

  • ISSN: 1571-0645
  • 5 Year impact factor: 11.3
  • Impact factor: 13.7
Physics of Life Reviews is an international journal appearing quarterly, that publishes review articles on physics of living systems, complex phenomena in biological systems, and related fields of artificial life, robotics, mathematical bio-semiotics, and artificial intelligent systems. This journal is a unifying force, going across the barriers between disciplines, addressing all living systems from molecules to populations and from genetics to mind and artificial systems modeling these phenomena. The journal invites reviews from actively working researchers, which are broad in scope, critical, accessible to our wide readership and addresses sometimes controversial accounts of recent progress and problems.Physics of Life Reviews intends to keep the active researcher abreast of developments on a wide range of topics by publishing timely reviews, which are more than mere literature surveys but normally less than a full monograph. Although most of the reviews will be of a specialist nature, each review should contain enough introductory material to make the main points intelligible to a non-specialist and to inspire and facilitate interdisciplinary research. "Physics" in the journal name refers to the methodology unifying all areas of physics: (1) elucidating fundamental principles, (2) developing a mathematical model, (3) making experimentally verifiable predictions. We seek reviews aspiring to this universal paradigm. The reviews should address in a clear way the most important conceptual issues in a field, review existing theories and methods with their achievements and drawbacks or difficulties versus the issues, unsolved problems addressed by a new theory, method, or approach, and why a significant progress is achieved or expected. Future research directions, remaining unsolved problems, and experimental confirmations or controversies should also be addressed.
Physics of Life Reviews