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Journals in Materials chemistry

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Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids

  • ISSN: 0022-3697
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.7
  • Impact factor: 4.3
The Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids is a well-established international medium for publication of archival research in condensed matter and materials sciences. Areas of interest broadly include experimental and theoretical research on electronic, magnetic, spectroscopic and structural properties as well as the statistical mechanics and thermodynamics of materials. The focus is on gaining physical and chemical insight into the properties and potential applications of condensed matter systems.Within the broad scope of the journal, beyond regular contributions, the editors have identified submissions in the following areas of physics and chemistry of solids to be of special current interest to the journal:Low-dimensional systemsExotic states of quantum electron matter including topological phasesEnergy conversion and storageInterfaces, nanoparticles and catalystsFrom time-to-time, the journal publishes Special Issues containing collections of invited articles focused on topical or rapidly developing fields.
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids

Journal of Solid State Chemistry

  • ISSN: 0022-4596
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3
  • Impact factor: 3.2
Covering major developments in the field of solid state chemistry and related areas such as ceramics and amorphous materials, the Journal of Solid State Chemistry features studies of chemical, structural, thermodynamic, electronic, magnetic, and optical properties and processes in solids.Research Areas include:• Bonding in solids • Crystal chemistry • Crystal growth mechanisms • Synthesis of new compounds • Materials Chemistry • High-pressure processes • Magnetic properties of materials • Optical characterization of materials • Order-disorder • Phase equilibria and transformation mechanisms • Reactions at surfaces • Statistical mechanics of defect interactions • Structural studies • Transport phenomenaFeatures: • Rapid Communications: Brief articles that contain unique, exciting, and novel results with a clear requirement for rapid publication.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Journal of Solid State Chemistry

Materials Letters

  • ISSN: 0167-577X
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.7
  • Impact factor: 2.7
Materials Letters is an interdisciplinary journal devoted to rapid communications on the science, applications, and processing of materials.Materials Letters is dedicated to publishing novel, cutting edge reports of broad interest to the materials community. The journal provides a forum for materials scientists and engineers, physicists, and chemists to rapidly communicate on the most important topics in the field of materials.Contributions include, but are not limited to, a variety of topics such as:Materials - Metals and alloys, amorphous solids, ceramics, composites, polymers, semiconductors, biomaterials and biological materials, advanced materials, metamaterials, high-entropy alloys, nitrides, and oxides.Applications - Structural, opto-electronic, magnetic, biomedical, MEMS, sensors, electronics, smart materials, additive manufacturing, membranes, materials for energy systems, batteries, photocatalysis.Characterization - Analytical, microscopy, scanning probes, nanoscopic, optical, electrical, magnetic, acoustic, spectroscopic, diffraction.Novel Materials - Micro and nanostructures (nanowires, nanotubes, nanoparticles), nanocomposites, thin films, superlattices, quantum dots.Processing - Crystal growth, thin film processing, sol-gel processing, solvo-hydrothermal processing, mechanical processing, assembly, nanocrystalline processing, sustainable/green processing routes.Properties - Mechanical, magnetic, optical, electrical, ferroelectric/piezoelectric, thermal, interfacial, transport, thermodynamic, photoelectrochemical, photocatalytic, thermoelectric, biological, electrochemical.Synthesis - Quenching, solid state, mechano-chemical, solidification, solution synthesis, vapor deposition, high pressure, explosive, MOVPE and LPE epitaxial processes, single crystal growth.Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence - Materials discovery, design of materials and digital materials science.
Materials Letters

Materials Research Bulletin

  • ISSN: 0025-5408
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4.5
  • Impact factor: 5.3
An international journal reporting research on the synthesis, structure, and properties of materialsPlease note that we have moved submission system to Editorial Manager. If you plan to submit to Materials Research Bulletin, please click on the Submit your Paper link to be taken to the correct submission system. Please do not use saved/bookmarked links.Materials Research Bulletin is an international journal reporting high-impact research on processing-structure-property relationships in functional materials and nanomaterials with interesting electronic, magnetic, optical, thermal, mechanical or catalytic properties. Papers purely on thermodynamics or theoretical calculations (e.g., density functional theory) do not fall within the scope of the journal unless they also demonstrate a clear link to physical properties. Topics covered include functional materials (e.g., dielectrics, pyroelectrics, piezoelectrics, ferroelectrics, relaxors, thermoelectrics, etc.); electrochemistry and solid-state ionics (e.g., photovoltaics, batteries, sensors, and fuel cells); nanomaterials, graphene, and nanocomposites; luminescence and photocatalysis; crystal-structure and defect-structure analysis; novel electronics; non-crystalline solids; flexible electronics; protein-material interactions; and polymeric ion-exchange membranes.
Materials Research Bulletin

Materials Science and Engineering: A

  • ISSN: 0921-5093
  • 5 Year impact factor: 6.2
  • Impact factor: 6.1
Structural Materials: Properties, Microstructure and ProcessingMaterials Science and Engineering A provides an international medium for the publication of theoretical and experimental studies related to the load-bearing capacity of materials as influenced by their basic properties, processing history, microstructure and operating environment. Appropriate submissions to Materials Science and Engineering A should include scientific and/or engineering factors which affect the microstructure - strength relationships of materials and report the changes to mechanical behavior.Please be advised that the Aims and Scope for the journal has recently been updated. The journal will no longer consider or publish papers on concrete and cement-based systems nor on polymeric and polymer-based materials. In addition, papers with an emphasis on corrosion or wear are discouraged, unless they specifically address novel mechanical behavior or related phenomena.
Materials Science and Engineering: A

Materials Science and Engineering: R: Reports

  • ISSN: 0927-796X
  • 5 Year impact factor: 34.3
  • Impact factor: 31.6
Materials Science &Engineering R: Reports publishes the full spectrum of materials science and engineering. The journal aims to provide a high level of novelty and quality publishing both experimental and theoretical, providing general background information as well as a critical assessment on topics in a state of flux, providing a critical overview of the current issues in a well-defined area of immediate interest to materials scientists.The journal publishes original research papers and reviews. The journal will be launching a number of Special Issues on key themes in the Materials Sciences field: such as Energy Materials; Materials for Health; Materials Discovery; Innovation for High Value Manufacturing; and Sustainable Materials development. Please note that in keeping with the very high standard of papers in the Journal, suggested manuscripts need to display a high level of novelty and quality to be considered for submission.
Materials Science and Engineering: R: Reports

Materials Today

  • ISSN: 1369-7021
  • 5 Year impact factor: 25.4
  • Impact factor: 21.1
Materials Today is the flagship journal of the Materials Today family and is dedicated to covering the most innovative, cutting edge and influential work of broad interest to the materials science community.Having established the journal as one of the most highly respected sources of news and reviews in materials science over the last two decades, Materials Today has expanded its scope to cover ground breaking original research in materials science, and aims to become a leading forum in the field.The editors welcome comprehensive articles and short communications reporting breakthrough discoveries and major technical achievements as well as review articles from established leaders in engaging and rapidly developing fields within materials science and related disciplines.Materials Today offers authors rigorous peer review, rapid publication, and maximum visibility. The journal expects to accept only the most significant submitted manuscripts, but will provide very rapid evaluation to prevent publication delays.The growing Materials Today family provides authors and readers with comprehensive coverage across materials science, spanning ground breaking discoveries to highly specialized research; including such journals as Applied Materials Today, Materials Today Energy, and Materials Today Chemistry - in addition to the dedicated proceedings journal Materials Today: Proceedings, and sound science publication Materials Today Communications.For more information on the wider Materials Today family visit
Materials Today

Minerals Engineering

  • ISSN: 0892-6875
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4.9
  • Impact factor: 4.9
An International Journal devoted to innovation and developments in mineral processing and extractive metallurgyThe purpose of the journal is to provide for the rapid publication of topical papers featuring the latest developments in the allied fields of mineral processing and extractive metallurgy. Its wide ranging coverage of research and practical (operating) topics includes physical separation methods, such as comminution, flotation concentration and dewatering, chemical methods such as bio-, hydro-, and electro-metallurgy, analytical techniques, process control, simulation and instrumentation, and mineralogical aspects of processing. Environmental issues, particularly those pertaining to sustainable development, will also be strongly covered.For more information on Minerals Engineering Conferences, visit the website:
Minerals Engineering

Nano Energy

  • ISSN: 2211-2855
  • 5 Year impact factor: 16.3
  • Impact factor: 16.8
Nano Energy is a multidisciplinary, rapid-publication forum of original peer-reviewed contributions on the science and engineering of nanomaterials and nanodevices used in all forms of energy harvesting, conversion, storage, utilization and policy. Through its mixture of articles, reviews, communications, research news, and information on key developments, Nano Energy provides a comprehensive coverage of this exciting and dynamic field which joins nanoscience and nanotechnology with energy science. The journal is relevant to all those who are interested in nanomaterials solutions to the energy problem.Description: Nano Energy publishes original experimental and theoretical research on all aspects of energy-related research which utilizes nanomaterials and nanotechnology. Manuscripts of four types are considered: review articles which inform readers of the latest research and advances in energy science; rapid communications which feature exciting research breakthroughs in the field; full-length articles which report comprehensive research developments; and news and opinions which comment on topical issues or express views on the developments in related fields.The editors welcome contributions on a variety of topics such as: • Batteries • Fuel Cells • Hydrogen generation and storage • Light emitting diodes • Optoelectronic devices for efficient energy usage • Photovoltaics • Piezoelectric nanogenerators • Policy and perspectives in energy • Recycling of energy materials • Self-powered nanodevices/nanosystems • Supercapacitors • Thermoelectrics
Nano Energy

Physica B: Condensed Matter

  • ISSN: 0921-4526
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.4
  • Impact factor: 2.8
Physica B: Condensed Matter comprises all condensed matter physics, including theoretical, computational, and experimental research. These contributions must be accompanied by a thorough discussion of relevant phenomena in condensed matter and materials physics. The journal is welcoming submissions exploring the following areas: • Ordered phenomena: magnetism, ferroelectricity and multiferroics; charge and orbital orderings; spin waves; superconductivity and superfluidity; nematic phases; other ordered phases in condensed matter • Disordered phenomena: amorphous materials and glasses; spin glasses and random field systems; Anderson localization; other disordered phases in condensed matter • Optics: nonlinear optical and Kerr effects; photoluminescence; other optical effects in condensed matter • Strongly correlated systems: heavy fermions; Mott insulators; Hubbard model systems; perovskites, ruthenates; superconductors; transition metal dichalcogenides; and other systems and materials with strong electron correlations • Materials physics: exploration of materials’ properties, such as electrical conductivity, optical, mechanical, thermal, and magnetic properties beyond simple characterization, underlying the material behavior. Metals, oxides, metal-organics, polymers, ceramics, semiconductors, alloys, high entropy alloys, composites, and related materials • Nanostructures and nanomaterials: theoretical and experimental exploration of nanoscale systems, including nanoparticles; nanotubes; nanowires; quantum dots, wires, wells; thin films, and other related nanomaterials • Quantum materials: quantum Hall effect, spintronics, topological insulators, spin-liquid, spin-orbit coupling materials; other materials ruled by quantum mechanical effects • Surfaces and interfaces: theoretical and experimental analyses of surface structure, surface chemistry, and interfaces in materials; applications • Computational materials: exploration of simulation methods (including molecular dynamics, Monte Carlo, and density functional theory) and modeling techniques (such as first-principles calculations, tight-binding models, and uses of machine learning) to understand materials properties or workflow developments in materials design. Investigation of materials design strategies, like high-throughput screening and other computational tools, tailored for condensed matter research Along the submission process, authors are requested to choose one of the following sections for their contribution: • Applied Physics • Computational Materials • Materials Physics • Nanostructures and Quantum Materials • Optics and Photonics • Ordered Phenomena • Strongly Correlated Systems Guide for Authors Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center.
Physica B: Condensed Matter