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Journals in Environmental sciences

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Progress in Planning

  • ISSN: 0305-9006
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4.9
  • Impact factor: 5
Progress in Planning is a multidisciplinary journal of research monographs with a global readership. It offers an outlet for extended papers in the field of planning. Each issue comprises a single monograph of between 20,000 and 35,000 words. The journal website also offers the opportunity to upload additional material including videos and graphical illustrations. We welcome papers on any aspect of spatial and environmental planning that make a contribution to planning scholarship. The journal is fully peer reviewed. We aim to keep the time between submission and publication as short as possible given the requirements of rigorous peer review.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Progress in Planning


  • ISSN: 1434-4610
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.1
  • Impact factor: 1.9
Protist is the international forum for reporting substantial and novel findings in any area of research on protists. The criteria for acceptance of manuscripts are scientific excellence, significance, and interest for a broad readership. Suitable subject areas include: molecular, cell and developmental biology, biochemistry, systematics and phylogeny, and ecology of protists. Both autotrophic and heterotrophic protists as well as parasites are covered. The journal publishes original papers, review/mini-review articles and short historical perspectives.Protist was formerly known as Archiv fur Protistenkunde.

Radiation Measurements

  • ISSN: 1350-4487
  • 5 Year impact factor: 1.5
  • Impact factor: 1.6
Radiation Measurements provides a forum for the presentation of the latest developments in the broad field of ionizing radiation detection and measurement. The journal publishes original papers on both fundamental and applied research.The journal seeks to publish papers that present advances in the following areas: spontaneous and stimulated luminescence (including scintillating materials, thermoluminescence, and optically stimulated luminescence); electron spin resonance of natural and synthetic materials; the physics, design and performance of radiation measurements (including computational modelling such as electronic transport simulations); the novel basic aspects of radiation measurement in medical physics. Studies of energy-transfer phenomena, track physics and microdosimetry are also of interest to the journal.Applications relevant to the journal, particularly where they present novel detection techniques, novel analytical approaches or novel materials, include: personal dosimetry (including dosimetric quantities, active/electronic and passive monitoring techniques for photon, neutron and charged-particle exposures); environmental dosimetry (including methodological advances and predictive models related to radon); cosmic and high-energy radiation measurements (including dosimetry, space radiation effects, and single event upsets); dosimetry-based archaeological and Quaternary dating; dosimetry-based approaches to thermochronometry; accident and retrospective dosimetry (including activation detectors), and dosimetry and measurements related to medical applications. Generally excluded are topics related to dosimetry and environmental radioactivity for risk assessment, particularly using standard and well-established techniques, where the emphasis is on the results of the measurements rather than on the measurement techniques.Review articles are periodically solicited by the Editors.The journal aims to publish papers containing substantial novelty and scientific impact. The Editors reserve the rights to reject, with or without external review, papers that do not meet these criteria. Please note that rejected papers will not be considered when resubmitted in any form, or to an alternative Editor.
Radiation Measurements

Rangeland Ecology & Management

  • ISSN: 1550-7424
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.4
  • Impact factor: 2.4
Rangeland Ecology & Management publishes all topics-including ecology, management, socioeconomic and policy-pertaining to global rangelands. The journal's mission is to inform academics, ecosystem managers and policy makers of science-based information to promote sound rangeland stewardship. Author submissions are published in five manuscript categories: original research papers, high-profile forum topics, concept syntheses, as well as research and technical notes.Rangelands represent approximately 50% of the Earth's land area and provision multiple ecosystem services for large human populations. This expansive and diverse land area functions as coupled human-ecological systems. Knowledge of both social and biophysical system components and their interactions represent the foundation for informed rangeland stewardship. Rangeland Ecology & Management uniquely integrates information from multiple system components to address current and pending challenges confronting global rangelands.If you are a member of the Society for Range Management, please read here for more information about how to access the journals.
Rangeland Ecology & Management


  • ISSN: 0190-0528
Rangelands publishes articles on the current state of the science and art of rangeland management. As a publication of the Society for Range Management, Rangelands provides readers relevant information founded in the current rangeland science and management knowledge base in an approachable format. Rangeland management occurs at the nexus of ecology, soil science, hydrology, animal science, economics, social science, policy, and culture, and each peer-reviewed issue of Rangelands synthesizes these diverse fields for a wide community of land owners, rangeland managers, researchers, educators, and policymakers. Rangelands articles are more accessible and contextualized than typical of a traditional research journal while maintaining a high level of scientific merit and quality.If you are a member of the Society for Range Management, please read here for more information about how to access the journals.

Regional Science and Urban Economics

  • ISSN: 0166-0462
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.1
  • Impact factor: 3.5
Regional Science and Urban Economics facilitates and encourages high-quality scholarship on important issues in regional and urban economics. It publishes significant contributions that are theoretical or empirical, positive or normative. It solicits original papers with a spatial dimension that can be of interest to economists. Empirical papers studying causal mechanisms are expected to propose a convincing identification strategy.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Regional Science and Urban Economics

Remote Sensing of Environment

  • ISSN: 0034-4257
  • 5 Year impact factor: 12.7
  • Impact factor: 11.1
Remote Sensing of Environment (RSE) serves the Earth observation community with the publication of results on the theory, science, applications, and technology of studies contributing to advance the science of remote sensing. Thoroughly interdisciplinary, RSE publishes on terrestrial, oceanic and atmospheric sensing. The emphasis of the journal is on biophysical and quantitative approaches to remote sensing at local to global scales and covers a wide range of applications and techniques:ApplicationsLand cover mapping, vegetation species identification and mappingLand surface energy and water balanceDisturbance (fire, insect, harvest)Agriculture (crop mapping, yield prediction, phenology, soil properties, management practices)Forest and rangeland productivity and inventoriesEcological applications & Ecosystem services (wetland, biodiversity, habitat, animal population, etc.)Urban applications (mapping, energy consumption, population, etc.)Terrestrial ecosystem productivity and carbon cyclesSoil properties (moisture, organic matter, texture, structure, etc.)Geological Applications (minerals, landslide, subsidence, geomorphology, earth quake, etc.)Hydrology and water resourcesInland and coastal watersOceanography and marine scienceCryosphere, mapping and modellingAtmospheric science and meteorologySnow, ice and glaciersTechniques & MethodsFeature extraction from RS images: segmentation and classification, surface structural, biochemical or physiological traits estimation from RS dataRadiative transfer modellingMachine and deep learning for RS data analysisRS Data assimilationSatellite time series analysis & change detectionSatellite data fusion (spectral, spatial and temporal)Satellite sensor systems characterization including radiometric and geometric calibrationNew remote sensing missions and systems
Remote Sensing of Environment

Resource and Energy Economics

  • ISSN: 0928-7655
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3
  • Impact factor: 2.6
A Journal of Resource, Energy and Environmental EconomicsResource and Energy Economics publishes theoretical and empirical papers, firmly grounded in economic theory, that advance our understanding of and provide novel insights into environmental and natural resource problems and policies broadly defined, as well as analyses of energy use and markets that link resource and environmental issues to energy. Contributions may address any problem involving economic and environmental linkages, including, but not limited to, utilization and development of the earth's natural resources (renewable and non-renewable); international trade and global environmental problems; non-market valuation methodology and novel applications of valuation techniques; experimental economics pertaining to environmental and natural resources; and choice and impact of environmental policy instruments. Also of interest are energy-related papers addressing regional or global pollution as well as the relationships between renewable and non-renewable energy sources and markets.Resource and Energy Economics is an economics journal. Hence, economic analysis is central to all papers that we publish. We are most interested in research that advances theoretical and/or empirical understanding of natural resource and environmental economics. We do not publish studies that are limited to engineering or cost analyses, panel data analyses that document relationships between variables without identifying the underlying mechanism(s) giving rise to these relationships, or localized studies without broader relevance. Papers limited to the study of energy prices and markets are not within the scope of the journal unless the topic is linked to natural resource and environmental issues (such as energy efficiency, consumption, externalities, renewables, environmental policy, resource extraction, climate, etc.). Papers that are determined by the editors to not be a good fit with the above aims and scope or are deemed to not meet the scientific standards of the journal will be returned without review.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Resource and Energy Economics

Resources, Conservation & Recycling

  • ISSN: 0921-3449
  • 5 Year impact factor: 12.1
  • Impact factor: 11.2
The journal Resources, Conservation & Recycling welcomes contributions from research, which consider sustainable management and conservation of resources. The journal emphasizes the transformation processes involved in a transition toward more sustainable production and consumption systems. Emphasis is upon technological, economic, institutional and policy aspects of specific resource management practices, such as conservation, recycling and resource substitution, and of "systems-wide" strategies, such as resource productivity improvement, the restructuring of production and consumption profiles and the transformation of industry.Contributions may have relevance at regional, national or international scales and may focus at any level of research from individual resources or technologies to whole sectors or systems of interest. Contributors may emphasise any of the aforementioned aspects as well as scientific and methodological issues. However, manuscripts that consider only laboratory experiments, without a discussion of the practical, environmental and economic implications of the presented research, are excluded from publication in the journal.The journal publishes papers, reviews, analyses and case studies on topics, which include:Transformation of the industrial and societal system towards more sustainable production and consumption patterns, including management, instruments, methods and processes of change.Information and management systems involving resource status, use and material flows in society.Innovation processes, tools and methods relating to resource productivity improvement.Technical, societal, economic, business and policy aspects of strategies to improve the sustainability and productivity of resource use, including strategies for managing resource supply and demand, valorizing waste, lowering energy and material intensities and increasing the serviceability of products.Substitution of primary resources by renewable or regenerative alternatives, including agricultural and forest resources and wastes.Material flow analysis and the understanding of resource use and flows in society and the impact on the environment, including resource extraction and waste generation.Life cycle assessment and management of resources, materials and products to improve resource efficiency and productivity, conserve resources and reduce pollution.Societal, economic and technological change for improved recovery and reuse of materials and energy from domestic, commercial or industrial waste streams.Efficient management and use of all resources, including air and water, with regard to the qualitative as well as quantitative aspects of resource use.Resources, Conservation & Recycling has a Golden Open Access companion journal Resources, Conservation & Recycling Advances which features an independent editorial board and a separate peer-review process. To submit to Resources, Conservation & Recycling Advances, please visit
Resources, Conservation & Recycling

Safety Science

  • ISSN: 0925-7535
  • 5 Year impact factor: 5.3
  • Impact factor: 4.7
Safety Science serves as an international medium for research in the science and technology of human and industrial safety. It extends from safety of people at work to other spheres, such as transport, energy or infrastructures, as well as every other field of man's hazardous activities.Safety Science is multidisciplinary. Its contributors and its audience range from social scientists to engineers. The journal covers the physics and engineering of safety; its social, policy and organizational aspects; the assessment, management and communication of risks; the effectiveness of control and management techniques for safety; standardization, legislation, inspection, insurance, costing aspects, human behavior and safety and the like.Papers addressing the interfaces between technology, people and organizations are especially welcome.Safety Science will enable academic researchers, engineers and decision-makers in companies, government agencies and international bodies, to augment their information level on the latest trends in the field, from policy-makers and management scientists to engineers.The journal focuses primarily on original research papers across its whole scope, but also welcomes state-of-the-art review papers and first-hand case histories on accidents and disasters of special significance and discussion papers on hot topics.
Safety Science