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Journals in Environmental chemistry substances and processes

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Advances in Water Resources

  • ISSN: 0309-1708
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4.5
  • Impact factor: 4
Advances in Water Resources provides a forum for the presentation of fundamental scientific advances in the understanding of water resources systems. The scope of Advances in Water Resources includes any combination of theoretical, computational, and experimental approaches used to advance fundamental understanding of surface or subsurface water resources systems or the interaction of these systems with the atmosphere, geosphere, biosphere, and human societies. Manuscripts involving case studies that do not attempt to reach broader conclusions, research on engineering design, applied hydraulics, or water quality and treatment, as well as applications of existing knowledge that do not advance fundamental understanding of hydrological processes, are not appropriate for Advances in Water Resources.Examples of appropriate topical areas that will be considered include the following: • Surface and subsurface hydrology • Hydrometeorology • Environmental fluid dynamics • Ecohydrology and ecohydrodynamics • Multiphase transport phenomena in porous media • Fluid flow and species transport and reaction processesAdvances in Water Resources will be also be accepting Letters which are rapid communications providing short reports of significant fundamental research in all fields of hydrology. Contributions submitted as Letters should be not only fundamental and novel but also potentially transformative in impact by providing new observations, theories, or findings deserving of expedited review and publication. If a submission is deemed acceptable for consideration as a Letter contribution by the Editors, it will be reviewed by Editorial Advisory Board members for technical merits, impact, and broadness, with a review response expected to be within 15 days. Authors will be requested to respond to reviews within 10 days. Please see the Guide for Authors for more details.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Advances in Water Resources

Applied Catalysis B: Environment and Energy

  • ISSN: 0926-3373
  • 5 Year impact factor: 18.9
  • Impact factor: 20.2
Applied Catalysis B: Environment and Energy warmly welcomes original, innovative, and high-impact contributions within the realm encompassing thermo-, electro-, and photocatalysis to advance clean energy and provide sustainable environmental solutions. We encourage submissions that explore:Fundamental and applied catalysis research, advancing clean energy and sustainable environmental solutions.Catalysis-driven insights fostering the development of sustainable industrial processes, elevating our collective knowledge base.Every facet of catalyst synthesis, characterization, catalytic mechanisms, and strategies for catalyst activation and regeneration, all tailored for environmental and energy applications.Catalytic strategies aimed at abating environmental pollutants, addressing a wide array including nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, sulfur compounds, chlorinated organics, and soot, emitted from both stationary and mobile sources.Pioneering catalytic routes and processes facilitating the efficient production and conversion of clean energy, marking a paradigm shift in the landscape energy sourcing.Catalytic reactions adeptly transforming waste materials into valuable and useful products, amplifying the concept of sustainability through resource recycling.The journal welcomes submissions of original Research Papers, Reviews, Perspectives, and Letters to the Editor. Reviews and Perspectives are by invitation only.
Applied Catalysis B: Environment and Energy

Applied Geochemistry

  • ISSN: 0883-2927
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.4
  • Impact factor: 3.1
Journal of the International Association of GeoChemistryEstablished in 1986, Applied Geochemistry is an impactful international journal aims to offer a dynamic venue for the global geochemical community to present and share original research, critical reviews, perspective and viewpoints, which have some practical applications or implications to human endeavour and wellbeing. The journal strives to publish rigorous and robust papers for a multidisciplinary and diverse audience of scientists, practitioners, policy makers in the broad environmental geoscience community. Applied Geochemistry facilitated the diffusion of numerous scientifically-novel, policy-changing and thought-leading knowledges in the field. Applied Geochemistry is the official journal of the International Association of GeoChemistry (IAGC). Applied Geochemistry embrace the global community of geochemical researchers who play the roles as our authors, reviewers, editors and readers. More information about the International Association of GeoChemistry can be found at the society website:http://www.iagc-society.orgAG has been at the forefront of the human endeavours in resource exploration and the (subsequent) environmental protection in the last several decades, serving the geochemical community with a reliable and dynamic source of research and knowledge about the earth systems. Papers on applications of inorganic, organic and isotope geochemistry and geochemical processes are therefore welcome provided they meet the main criterion. Spatial and temporal monitoring case studies are only of interest to our international readership if they present new ideas of broad application. Theoretical and fundamental studies applying geochemical methodologies are also welcome provided they have a well-justified application aspect.Themes covered include:Environmental Geochemistry and Biogeochemical CyclingHydrogeochemistry and HydrogeologyContaminants Processes, Impacts and RemediationGeochemical Dynamics across Air-Water-Soil InterfacesMedical Geochemistry and HealthGeochemistry in Environmental Disasters and SustainabilityMineral and Energy Resources Exploration and RecoveryThis journal welcomes contributions that support and advance the UN's sustainable development goals, in particular SDG 3 (Good health and well - being), SDG 6 (Clear water and sanitation) and SDG 13, (Climate Action)
Applied Geochemistry

Applied Radiation and Isotopes

  • ISSN: 0969-8043
  • 5 Year impact factor: 1.5
  • Impact factor: 1.6
A journal of nuclear and radiation techniques and their applications in the physical, chemical, biological, medical, earth, planetary, environmental, security and engineering science.Applied Radiation and Isotopes provides a high quality medium for the publication of substantial, original and scientific and technological papers on the development and peaceful application of nuclear, radiation and radionuclide techniques in chemistry, physics, biochemistry, biology, medicine, security, engineering and in the earth, planetary and environmental sciences, all including dosimetry. Nuclear techniques are defined in the broadest sense and both experimental and theoretical papers are welcome. They include the development and use of α- and β-particles, X-rays and γ-rays, neutrons and other nuclear particles and radiations from all sources, including radionuclides, synchrotron sources, cyclotrons and reactors and from the natural environment.The journal aims to publish papers with significance to an international audience, containing substantial novelty and scientific impact. The Editors reserve the rights to reject, with or without external review, papers that do not meet these criteria.Papers dealing with radiation processing, i.e., where radiation is used to bring about a biological, chemical or physical change in a material, should be directed to our sister journal Radiation Physics and Chemistry.Manuscripts describing the results of measurements of radioactive or other substances in any medium that have been obtained using well-established analytical methods will not be accepted unless they also describe substantial innovations or improvements in the analytical methodology. Relevant topics for Applied Radiation and Isotopes include the following, however, authors are encouraged to suggest other topics which might also be published in the journal:Radiation Sources: design, construction, production, characteristics.Radionuclides: production, activation cross-sections, target design, processing, quality control procedures.Synthesis of Labelled Compounds: synthesis, purification, quality control, in vitro testing of radionuclide-labelled compounds/ radiopharmaceuticals.Measurement of Radiation and Radioactivity: measurement of X-rays, γ-rays, α- and β-particles and other forms of radiation; nuclear instrumentation, including radiation spectrometry, dosimetry, novel counting systems and whole-body counters, novel radiation detector systems.Radioanalytical Methods: activation analysis, isotope dilution analysis, radioimmunoassay, radionuclide tomography, radiation spectrometry.Nuclear Physics and Chemistry topics including data compilations, directly relevant to practical applications.Nuclear Magnetic Resonance/Electron Spin Resonance: dosimetry, dating, imaging, biomedical applications and radiation accidents.Medical Radiation: the development of applications of ionising radiation and radioisotopes in radiation therapy, imaging and nuclear medicine.Accelerator Mass Spectrometry: methodology, biomedical, environmental and other applications.Nuclear Geophysics: studies of the earth's crust, the hydrosphere, the atmosphere and planetary bodies; nuclear methods for exploration, extraction, transport and use of water, oil, gas, coal and other minerals.Radiochemistry: chemical behaviour and speciation of radionuclides.Environment: chemical behaviour and speciation of radionuclides and labelled compounds other than those of direct clinical interest, in geological, environmental, human, animal or plant systems; factors which modify this behaviour.Manuscripts, which will be subject to peer review, should take one of the following forms:Full length articles, which should be definitive and describe a reasonably complete investigation.Short Communications, which may describe new, unpublished information, including preliminary communications and work in progress.Correspondence, containing comments related to articles previously published in the journal. This type of communication should not exceed two printed pages in order to expedite their publication.Review articles and conference proceedings may also be accepted for publication, following discussion with an editor of the journal.
Applied Radiation and Isotopes

Atmospheric Environment

  • ISSN: 1352-2310
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4.4
  • Impact factor: 4.2
Atmospheric composition and its impactsAtmospheric Environment has an open access journal, Atmospheric Environment: X, which covers emissions science and reductions strategies: If you have a paper related to those themes, please submit your paper here. Alternatively, if your paper is related to the scope of Atmospheric Environment (see below) please submit your paper using the link on the left of this page - "submit your paper".Atmospheric Environment is the international journal for scientists in different disciplines related to atmospheric composition and its impacts. The journal publishes scientific articles with atmospheric relevance of emissions and depositions of gaseous and particulate compounds, chemical processes and physical effects in the atmosphere, as well as impacts of the changing atmospheric composition on human health, air quality, climate change, and ecosystems.The overarching aim of Atmospheric Environment is to publish original research, reviews, and perspectives that advance the international scientific community's understanding of the composition of the atmosphere. Atmospheric Environment has adopted a broad perspective of the atmosphere to include the background locations in the troposphere and stratosphere, continental and urban locations, as well as indoor environments and microenvironments that expose humans to atmospheric components.The scope of the journal includes natural and anthropogenic sources, transformations, and transport of atmospheric components, as well as the impacts of atmospheric components on global and regional climate, sensitive ecosystems, visibility, and human health. Atmospheric Environment specifically focuses on policy-relevant science that will influence regulations, management and protection of atmospheric resources, protection of ecosystems and human health, and will drive future scientific research efforts that investigate the atmosphere. Additional information about the evolving and expanding scope of Atmospheric Environment is presented below.The editors of Atmospheric Environment will manage the journal to best advance its goals, whilst serving the atmospheric science community through delivery of the most recent high-quality research.Atmospheric Environment encourages submissions describing novel experimental and modeling studies that advance understanding of the composition of the atmosphere and that elucidate sources, transport and transformations, and impacts from atmospheric components.To be considered for publication in Atmospheric Environment, manuscripts should clearly show that the research directly advances the understanding of the composition of the atmosphere.The following manuscripts will NOT be considered for publication:studies of new experimental methods that are neither applied or do not advance the understanding of the composition of the atmosphere,studies that examine emissions from novel atmospheric sources but do not demonstrate how these emissions impact the composition of the atmosphere,studies that examine atmospheric transport but do not directly show how the investigated transport process impact the composition of the atmosphere,computational studies that do not demonstrate the atmospheric relevancy of the computed chemical pathways or intermediate products, andstudies that focus on well-established or routine monitoring and modeling methods to investigate air pollution issues of local interest.As research tools continue to advance and broaden the understanding of the impacts of atmospheric components, Atmospheric Environment is currently encouraging additional manuscript submissions in these developing areas:indoor air quality,satellites and remote sensing,human health,the use of real-time or semi-continuous experimental observations of the composition of the atmosphere, andthe use of data science to understand sources, transformation, transport, and the impacts of atmospheric components. Please note that studies that utilize novel data science tools that focus on forecasting and do not provide insight into atmospheric sources, processes, and impacts are not suitable for publication in Atmospheric Environment.Atmospheric Environment is open to policy, economic, and environmental justice studies that focus on changes in the composition of the atmosphere but will only consider manuscripts that are appropriately targeted for the readership of Atmospheric Environment.This journal welcomes contributions that support and advance the UN's sustainable development goals, in particular SDG 7 (Affordable and clean energy) and SDG 13 (Climate Action)
Atmospheric Environment

Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology

  • ISSN: 1642-3593
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.8
  • Impact factor: 2.7
The journal of the European Regional Centre for Ecohydrology of the Polish Academy of SciencesEcohydrology & Hydrobiology is an international journal that aims to advance ecohydrology as the study of the interplay between ecological and hydrological processes from molecular to river basin scales, and to promote its implementation as an integrative management tool to harmonize societal needs with biosphere potential.An essential component of ecohydrology is a rigorous understanding of hydrobiology, from ecosystem properties, dynamics and functions to modelling of abiotic and biotic interactions in relation to their hydrological determinants at the basin scale.The journal will publish high-quality science aimed at increasing the understanding of water–biota interplay and exploring how this knowledge can be used to regulate hydrological and biogeochemical processes to enhance the carrying capacity, especially of anthropogenically modified ecosystems. Research addressing one or several of the following issues will be of prime interest to the journal if it:Leads to new insights into the interactions of water, nutrient and pollutant cycles with biotic components of ecosystems;Employs this understanding for developing ecosystem biotechnologies and system solutions;Identifies possibilities to integrate engineering infrastructure with ecohydrological biotechnologies into system solutions at the catchment scale;Translates transdisciplinary knowledge into decision-support tools;Targets biodiversity, quality and quantity of water resources, ecosystem processes and functioning (including environmental flows), ecosystem services and/or ecosystem resilience as necessary components for enhanced carrying capacity;Is policy-oriented and, within the scope of the journal, addresses the priorities and objectives of international initiatives such as the Millennium Development Goals and UNESCO's International Hydrological Programme.This peer-reviewed journal publishes original research articles, reviews and short communications.The Editors of Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology welcome proposals for special issues on topics that fall within the scope of the journal.
Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology

Ecological Abstracts

  • ISSN: 0305-196X
Ecological Abstracts is a topical, comprehensive reference source for literature in the fields of marine, freshwater and terrestrial ecology. It provides a specialist overview of the increasing number of papers being published in the field.Papers are divided into twelve main sections: global & general ecology; marine ecology; tidal & estuarine ecology; freshwater ecology; terrestrial ecology; general microbial ecology; weeds pests & diseases; pollution; nature conservation; economic ecology; evolution & palaeoecology; general theory & methods. The headings are further sub-divided by process and papers grouped according to taxonomic convention. Additional referencing is provided by assigning subject and organism index terms to each entry. Each issue contains a subject, organism and regional index. A consolidated index including subject, regional, organism, author indexes and a journal source listing is provided annually free of charge.Features • Abstracts taken from over 2,000 science journals • Monthly publication • Full bibliographic details of original publication • Author abstracts • Title translation and abstract for non-English papers • International coverage • FREE annual subject/regional/author index included in subscription priceAvailable online as part of GEOBASE through DIALOG.A CD-ROM version is available through SilverPlatter on GEOBASE CD-ROM.Also of interest: Geographical Abstracts: Physical Geography, and Fluid Abstracts: Civil Engineering
Ecological Abstracts

Environmental Pollution

  • ISSN: 0269-7491
  • 5 Year impact factor: 8.3
  • Impact factor: 7.6
Environmental Pollution is an international peer-reviewed journal that publishes high quality research papers and review articles about all aspects of environmental pollution and its effects on ecosystems and human health. The journal welcomes high-quality process-oriented and hypothesis-based submissions that report results from original and novel research and contribute new knowledge to help address problems related to environmental pollution at a regional or global scale.Subject areas include, but are not limited to: • Sources and occurrences of pollutants that are clearly defined and measured in environmental compartments, food and food-related items, and human bodies; • Interlinks between contaminant exposure and biological, ecological, and human health effects, including those of climate change; • Contaminants of emerging concerns (including but not limited to antibiotic resistant microorganisms or genes, microplastics/nanoplastics, electronic wastes, light, and noise) and/or their biological, ecological, or human health effects; • Laboratory and field studies on the remediation/mitigation of environmental pollution via new techniques and with clear links to biological, ecological, or human health effects; • Modeling of pollution processes, patterns, or trends that is of clear environmental and/or human health interest; • New techniques that measure and examine environmental occurrences, transport, behavior, and effects of pollutants within the environment or the laboratory, provided that they can be clearly used to address problems within regional or global environmental compartments.Papers focusing on the following areas are likely to be returned to the authors without review: • Routine surveys or monitoring programs primarily of local or regional interest; • Descriptions of well-known contaminants, such as legacy pollutants, in yet another location; • Studies relating to waste treatment that do not have specific relevance to pollution within the environment; • Synthesis/fabrication of new materials solely for remediation and/or mitigation of pollution without any direct environmental relevance; • Nitrogen or phosphorus deposition or biogeochemical processes with little or no relation to environmental consequences and/or climate change; • Studies on eutrophication and secondary pollution by eutrophication without illuminating their governing mechanisms and factors; • Studies within which the concentrations of toxicants used are higher than those that are typically found in an environmental pollution context. Authors of toxicology studies must justify the concentrations that they are using by reference to environmentally relevant concentrations that have been reported in the literature.Please DO NOT ask the Editors-in-Chief for permission before submitting a manuscript. Kindly check the guidelines to determine whether your manuscript is within the scope of the journal; if yes, please go ahead and submit it.
Environmental Pollution

Environmental Research

  • ISSN: 0013-9351
  • 5 Year impact factor: 7.5
  • Impact factor: 7.7
A Multidisciplinary Journal of Environmental Sciences and EngineeringEnvironmental Research is a multi-disciplinary journal publishing high quality and novel information about anthropogenic issues of global relevance and applicability in a wide range of environmental disciplines, and demonstrating environmental application in the real-world context. Coverage includes, but is not limited to, the following research topics and areas:Air, soil, water and biota chemical pollutants and healthAnalytical and bioanalytical chemistryBioconcentration, bioaccumulation and biomagnificationBiotransformation and environmental fateContaminant behaviour and environmental processesBiomarkersBiomonitoring and adverse/toxic health effectsChemical stressorsEcological chemistryEcotoxicologyEndocrine disruptionEnvironmental and occupational medicineEnvironmental biotechnologyEnvironmental chemistryEnvironmental epidemiologyEnvironmental functional materials for pollution controlEnvironmental risks assessment and managementEnvironmental toxicologyEnvironment-related "omics"Food web interactionsGlobal warming/Climate changeIndoor and outdoor air pollution controlMarine, freshwater and terrestrial ecosystemsPollution detection and monitoringResource-Energy recovery during pollution controlRisks and public healthSolid-Waste managementSoil and site pollution remediationWaste treatment and disposalWastewater and sewage contaminantsWater pollution control and Water securityWildlife and biotaPlease DO NOT ask the Editors-in-Chief for permission before submitting a manuscript. Kindly check the guidelines above to determine whether your manuscript is within the scope of the journal; if yes, please go ahead and submit it. We request you to contact the journal inbox [email protected] for the status queries and for any schedule extension request once the article has been submitted.
Environmental Research

Focus on Catalysts

  • ISSN: 1351-4180
An International Newsletter Monitoring Technical and Commercial Developments in the Manufacture and use of CatalystsFocus on Catalysts reports on business and technical developments across the catalysis field - heterogeneous, homogeneous and enzymatic - across all applications. Published monthly, each issue starts with a brief editorial and then provides a series of concise summaries on business, market and technical developments from a global perspective. The newsletter covers: • market trends • company news, including information on new plants worldwide • technological innovations • environmental issues and applications • new patents • conferences and book reviews.
Focus on Catalysts