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Journals in Ecology

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Acta Oecologica

  • ISSN: 1146-609X
  • 5 Year impact factor: 1.6
  • Impact factor: 1.3
Acta Oecologica is venue for the publication of original research articles in ecology. We encourage studies in all areas of ecology, including ecosystem ecology, community ecology, population ecology, conservation ecology and evolutionary ecology. There is no bias with respect to taxon, biome or geographic area. Both theoretical and empirical papers are welcome, but combinations are particularly sought. Priority is given to papers based on explicitly stated hypotheses. Acta Oecologica also accepts review papers.The forum section is reserved for short papers with critical discussion of current issues in ecology, as well as comments and viewpoints on previously published papers. Acta Oecologica does not publish book reviews, but comments on new books are welcome in the forum section.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Acta Oecologica

Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment

  • ISSN: 0167-8809
  • 5 Year impact factor: 6.4
  • Impact factor: 6
An interdisciplinary journal on the interactions between agroecosystems and the environmentAgriculture, Ecosystems & Environment is a leading interdisciplinary forum that publishes research investigating all aspects of agroecological science. Our objective is to advance understanding of the patterns and processes governing agroecosystem functions, interactions with the environment and provision of ecosystem services. A central theme is how agriculture influences the environment and how changes in that environment impact agroecosystems.Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment publishes novel, high impact research conducted at various spatial scales - from experimental plots and field trials to farm-, agroecosystem- and landscape-level investigations - with preference given to hypothesis-based and/or data-rich investigations. We particularly encourage broadly significant studies of agroecosystems that deal with cross-scale interactions, bridge scientific disciplines or integrate new knowledge and perspectives relevant to agroecosystem management or agri-environmental policies. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment rarely publishes papers focused on the management of a specific agricultural system in a particular environmental setting unless the research produces new and compelling findings; therefore, submissions should be placed in an international and/or widely comparative context.All manuscripts are initially screened on their topic suitability. AGEE's core subject-matter fields/topics include (but are not limited to): • Mechanisms governing bio-physical features and functioning of agroecosystems (e.g., the biogeochemistry, ecology, and sustainability of agricultural systems) • The interplay between agroecosystems and the environment (soil, air, and water) and the role of ecological processes in provision of ecosystem services • Agroecosystems and their role in catalyzing/mitigating global change (climate change, greenhouse gases and biodiversity loss) • Ecological consequences of land use intensification and other human impacts (soil degradation and erosion, water and waste management, and associated mitigation approaches) • Environmental implications of agricultural land use and land use change (biodiversity conservation and land management, and ecological restoration and stewardship)The following topics are discouraged unless they provide new information that complements AGEE's core subject-matter areas: • Inventory and survey analysis (including life cycle and energy analysis) • Impact assessment and environmental/compliance monitoring investigations • Exclusively greenhouse- or laboratory-based studies • Studies on the development of models or methodologies and pure model applications • Studies that are purely agronomic, socio-economic, or political
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment

Applied Soil Ecology

  • ISSN: 0929-1393
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4.9
  • Impact factor: 4.8
Applied Soil Ecology addresses the role of soil organisms and their interactions in relation to: agricultural productivity, nutrient cycling and other soil processes, the maintenance of soil structure, sustainability and fertility, the impact of human activities and xenobiotics on soil biota and bio(techno)logical control of soil-inhabiting pests and diseases. Overall, the journal considers studies dealing with the involvement of soil organisms in soil health, soil fertility and sustainability, both in human-managed (i.e. agricultural, forestry systems) and (semi)natural environments. Studies focused predominantly on plant responses without sufficient focus in soil organisms, as mentioned above, are usually not considered in Applied Soil Ecology.   The disciplines covered include the following, and preference will be given to articles which are interdisciplinary and integrate two or more of these disciplines: • soil microbiology and microbial ecology • soil invertebrate zoology and ecology • root and rhizosphere ecology • soil science • soil biotechnology • ecotoxicology • nematology • entomology • plant pathology • agronomy and sustainable agriculture • nutrient cycling • ecosystem modelling and food webs
Applied Soil Ecology

Aquatic Botany

  • ISSN: 0304-3770
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2
  • Impact factor: 1.9
An International Scientific Journal dealing with Applied and Fundamental Research on Macroscopic Submerged, Floating and Emergent Plants in Marine and Freshwater EcosystemsAquatic Botany offers a platform for papers relevant to a broad international readership on fundamental and applied aspects of marine and freshwater macroscopic plants in a context of ecology or environmental biology. This includes molecular, biochemical and physiological aspects of macroscopic aquatic plants as well as the classification, structure, function, dynamics and ecological interactions in plant-dominated aquatic communities and ecosystems. It is an outlet for papers dealing with research on the consequences of disturbance and stressors (e.g. environmental fluctuations and climate change, pollution, grazing and pathogens), use and management of aquatic plants (plant production and decomposition, commercial harvest, plant control) and the conservation of aquatic plant communities (breeding, transplantation and restoration). Specialized publications on certain rare taxa or papers on aquatic macroscopic plants from under-represented regions in the world can also find their place, subject to editor evaluation. Studies on fungi or microalgae will remain outside the scope of Aquatic Botany.Interesting for further reading:Editorial: What is a plant? and what is aquatic botany?Elisabeth M. Gross, Thomas Wernberg, Jorge Terrados Aquatic botany since 1975: Have our views changed?Jan E. Vermaat, Elisabeth M. Gross
Aquatic Botany

Aquatic Toxicology

  • ISSN: 0166-445X
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4.4
  • Impact factor: 4.1
Aquatic Toxicology publishes significant contributions that increase the understanding of the impact of harmful substances (including natural and synthetic chemicals) on aquatic organisms and ecosystems. Aquatic Toxicology considers both laboratory and field studies with a focus on freshwater/marine environments. The journal strives to attract high quality original scientific papers, critical reviews and expert opinion papers in the following areas: Effects of harmful substances on molecular, cellular, sub-organismal, organismal, population, community, and ecosystem level; Mechanisms of toxicity; Genetic disturbances, transgenerational effects, behavioral and adaptive responses; Impacts of harmful substances on structure, function of and services provided by aquatic ecosystems; Mixture and multiple toxicity assessment; Acute and chronic exposure; Environmental realistic scenarios; Impact of emerging substances and environmental pollutants of high actuality; Statistical approaches to predict exposure to and hazards of contaminants. The journal also considers manuscripts in other areas, such as the development of innovative concepts, approaches, and methodologies, which promote the wider application of toxicological datasets to the protection of aquatic environments and inform ecological risk assessments and decision making by relevant authorities. Aquatic Toxicology does not publish articles that focus on the health of aquaculture organisms associated with aquaculture practices, unless these studies enhance our understanding of the potential effects of chemical stressors associated with aquaculture (e.g. pesticides use, water quality degradation) on aquatic organisms and/or ecosystems. Aquatic Toxicology does not consider articles that focus on monitoring the presence of chemicals in the environment unless these studies further investigate the impacts of the chemicals on aquatic organisms and/or ecological systems. Furthermore, studies that characterize the potential risks of contaminated fish or other aquatic food products on humans or livestock are outside of the scope of the journal.
Aquatic Toxicology

Biochemical Systematics and Ecology

  • ISSN: 0305-1978
  • 5 Year impact factor: 1.4
  • Impact factor: 1.4
Biochemical Systematics and Ecology is devoted to the publication of original papers and reviews, both submitted and invited, in two subject areas: I) the application of biochemistry to problems relating to systematic biology of organisms (biochemical systematics); II) the role of biochemistry in interactions between organisms or between an organism and its environment (biochemical ecology).In the Biochemical Systematics subject area, comparative studies of the distribution of (secondary) metabolites within a wider taxon (e.g. genus or family) are welcome. Comparative studies, encompassing multiple accessions of each of the taxa within their distribution are particularly encouraged. Welcome are also studies combining classical chemosystematic studies (such as comparative HPLC-MS or GC-MS investigations) with (macro-) molecular phylogenetic studies. Studies that involve the comparative use of compounds to help differentiate among species such as adulterants or substitutes that illustrate the applied use of chemosystematics are welcome. In contrast, studies solely employing macromolecular phylogenetic techniques (gene sequences, RAPD studies etc.) will be considered out of scope. Discouraged are manuscripts that report known or new compounds from a single source taxon without addressing a systematic hypothesis. Also considered out of scope are studies using outdated and hard to reproduce macromolecular techniques such as RAPDs in combination with standard chemosystematic techniques such as GC-FID and GC-MS.In the Biochemical Ecology subject area, studies addressing the role compounds play in the ecology of the organisms producing them are invited. Moreover, manuscripts that address hypothesis associated with the influence of factors such as altitude, geography, and seasonal variation on the expression of primary and secondary metabolites are encouraged.Research papers should generally represent a complete investigation and not preliminary data. Preliminary reports will only be considered where findings are of sufficient interest to justify rapid publication. New Source Reports will only be considered in cases where a significant chemosystematic or ecological finding is reported. New Source Reports have to be written in a standard format (Example).
Biochemical Systematics and Ecology

Biological Conservation

  • ISSN: 0006-3207
  • 5 Year impact factor: 6
  • Impact factor: 4.9
Biological Conservation is a leading international journal in the discipline of conservation science. The journal publishes articles spanning a diverse range of fields that contribute to the biological, sociological, ethical and economic dimensions of conservation. The primary aim of Biological Conservation is the publication of high-quality papers that advance the science and practice of conservation, or which demonstrate the application of conservation principles and policy. Biological Conservation invites the submission of research articles, reviews (including systematic reviews and perspectives), short communications, policy perspectives, and letters to the editor dealing with all aspects of conservation science, including theoretical and empirical investigations into the consequences of human actions for the diversity, structure and function of terrestrial, aquatic or marine ecosystems. Such papers may include quantitative assessments of extinction risk, fragmentation effects, spread of invasive organisms, conservation genetics, conservation management, global change effects on biodiversity, landscape or reserve design and management, restoration ecology, or resource economics. We also welcome papers coming from social sciences including those reporting on advances in conservation politics, ethics, policy, human social structure and biodiversity, and political culture among other subjects. Biological Conservation covers interdisciplinary topics within conservation biology and also provides practical applications of conservation research for land/resource managers and policy makers. We publish articles and thematic special issues that have a global relevance in terms of the topics or issues addressed, and thus demonstrate applications of conservation science and management beyond the specific system or species studied. Biological Conservation is an affiliate publication of the Society for Conservation Biology (SCB). SCB members can obtain a personal subscription to this journal through the Society. Authors are also welcome to submit to the Journal's open access companion title, Global Ecology and Conservation, which covers all sub-disciplines of ecological and conservation science.
Biological Conservation

Ecological Abstracts

  • ISSN: 0305-196X
Ecological Abstracts is a topical, comprehensive reference source for literature in the fields of marine, freshwater and terrestrial ecology. It provides a specialist overview of the increasing number of papers being published in the field.Papers are divided into twelve main sections: global & general ecology; marine ecology; tidal & estuarine ecology; freshwater ecology; terrestrial ecology; general microbial ecology; weeds pests & diseases; pollution; nature conservation; economic ecology; evolution & palaeoecology; general theory & methods. The headings are further sub-divided by process and papers grouped according to taxonomic convention. Additional referencing is provided by assigning subject and organism index terms to each entry. Each issue contains a subject, organism and regional index. A consolidated index including subject, regional, organism, author indexes and a journal source listing is provided annually free of charge.Features • Abstracts taken from over 2,000 science journals • Monthly publication • Full bibliographic details of original publication • Author abstracts • Title translation and abstract for non-English papers • International coverage • FREE annual subject/regional/author index included in subscription priceAvailable online as part of GEOBASE through DIALOG.A CD-ROM version is available through SilverPlatter on GEOBASE CD-ROM.Also of interest: Geographical Abstracts: Physical Geography, and Fluid Abstracts: Civil Engineering
Ecological Abstracts

Ecological Complexity

  • ISSN: 1476-945X
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.7
  • Impact factor: 3.1
An International Journal on Biocomplexity in the Environment and Theoretical EcologyEcological Complexity is an international journal devoted to publishing high-quality, peer-reviewed articles on the complex nature of ecological systems, observed and theoretical and special issues on related and emerging topics. In addition to ecological questions, the journal welcomes papers that ask ecological questions by linking natural and social processes at various spatio-temporal scales.Ecological Complexity will publish research into the following areas: • Ecosystems and the biosphere as complex adaptive systems • Self-organization of spatially extended ecosystems • Emergent properties and structures of complex ecosystems • Ecological pattern formation in space and time • The role of biophysical constraints and evolutionary attractors on species assemblages • Ecological scaling (scale invariance, scale covariance and dynamics across scales), allometry, and hierarchy theory • Ecological topology and networks • Studies towards an ecology of complex systems • Approaches to complex systems for the study of dynamic human-environment interactions • Using knowledge of nonlinear phenomena to better guide policy development for adaptation strategies and mitigation to environmental change • New tools and methods for studying ecological complexityThe papers that should appear in this journal are characterized by: • Biocomplexity related to the environment and vice versa • Inter disciplinarity (e.g. biology, ecology, environmental science, mathematics, modelling) • Integration of natural and social processes (esp. over time)
Ecological Complexity

Ecological Economics

  • ISSN: 0921-8009
  • 5 Year impact factor: 6.9
  • Impact factor: 6.6
The Transdisciplinary Journal of the International Society for Ecological Economics (ISEE)The journal is concerned with extending and integrating the understanding of the interfaces and interplay between "nature's household" (ecosystems) and "humanity's household" (the economy). Ecological economics is an interdisciplinary field defined by a set of concrete problems or challenges related to governing economic activity in a way that promotes human well-being, sustainability, and justice. The journal thus emphasizes critical work that draws on and integrates elements of ecological science, economics, and the analysis of values, behaviors, cultural practices, institutional structures, and societal dynamics. The journal is transdisciplinary in spirit and methodologically open, drawing on the insights offered by a variety of intellectual traditions, and appealing to a diverse readership.Specific research areas covered include: valuation of natural resources, sustainable agriculture and development, ecologically integrated technology, integrated ecologic-economic modelling at scales from local to regional to global, implications of thermodynamics for economics and ecology, renewable resource management and conservation, critical assessments of the basic assumptions underlying current economic and ecological paradigms and the implications of alternative assumptions, economic and ecological consequences of genetically engineered organisms, and gene pool inventory and management, alternative principles for valuing natural wealth, integrating natural resources and environmental services into national income and wealth accounts, methods of implementing efficient environmental policies, case studies of economic-ecologic conflict or harmony, etc. New issues in this area are rapidly emerging and will find a ready forum in Ecological Economics.Ecological Economics Sections All submissions to Ecological Economics are reviewed using the general criteria of quality, creativity, originality, accuracy, and contribution to the field. There are several categories of articles to allow for a full range of constructive dialogue.News and Views Topical and timely short pieces reviewed by the editor and/or one outside reviewer at the editor's discretion. May include editorials, letters to the editor, news items, and policy discussions. Maximum 1500 words (600 words for letters).Commentary Essays discussing critical issues. Reviewed by two outside reviewers with the criteria weighted toward quality of the exposition and importance of the issue. Maximum 5000 words.Surveys Examination and review of important general subject areas. Reviewed by two outside reviewers with the criteria weighted toward importance of the subject and clarity of exposition. Maximum 8000 words.Methodological and Ideological Options Research articles devoted to developing new methodologies or investigating the implications of various ideological assumptions. Reviewed by two outside reviewers with criteria weighted toward originality and potential usefulness of the methodology or ideological option. Maximum 8000 words.Analysis Research articles devoted to analysis of important questions in the field. Reviewed by two outside reviewers with the criteria weighted toward originality, quality, and accuracy of the analysis, andimportance of the question. Maximum 8000 words.Book Reviews Reviews of recent books in the field. Reviewed by one outside reviewer with criteria weighted toward clarity and accuracy of the review, and importance of the book to the field. Maximum 1200 words.
Ecological Economics