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Journals in Marine science and technology

Advances in Water Resources

  • ISSN: 0309-1708
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4.5
  • Impact factor: 4
Advances in Water Resources provides a forum for the presentation of fundamental scientific advances in the understanding of water resources systems. The scope of Advances in Water Resources includes any combination of theoretical, computational, and experimental approaches used to advance fundamental understanding of surface or subsurface water resources systems or the interaction of these systems with the atmosphere, geosphere, biosphere, and human societies. Manuscripts involving case studies that do not attempt to reach broader conclusions, research on engineering design, applied hydraulics, or water quality and treatment, as well as applications of existing knowledge that do not advance fundamental understanding of hydrological processes, are not appropriate for Advances in Water Resources.Examples of appropriate topical areas that will be considered include the following: • Surface and subsurface hydrology • Hydrometeorology • Environmental fluid dynamics • Ecohydrology and ecohydrodynamics • Multiphase transport phenomena in porous media • Fluid flow and species transport and reaction processesAdvances in Water Resources will be also be accepting Letters which are rapid communications providing short reports of significant fundamental research in all fields of hydrology. Contributions submitted as Letters should be not only fundamental and novel but also potentially transformative in impact by providing new observations, theories, or findings deserving of expedited review and publication. If a submission is deemed acceptable for consideration as a Letter contribution by the Editors, it will be reviewed by Editorial Advisory Board members for technical merits, impact, and broadness, with a review response expected to be within 15 days. Authors will be requested to respond to reviews within 10 days. Please see the Guide for Authors for more details.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center

Agricultural and Forest Meteorology

  • ISSN: 0168-1923
  • 5 Year impact factor: 6.3
  • Impact factor: 5.6
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology is an international journal for the publication of original articles and reviews on the inter-relationship between meteorology, agriculture, forestry, and natural ecosystems. Emphasis is on basic and applied scientific research relevant to practical problems in the field of plant and soil sciences, ecology and biogeochemistry as affected by weather as well as climate variability and change. Theoretical models should be tested against experimental data. Articles must appeal to an international audience. Special issues devoted to single topics are also published.Typical topics include canopy micrometeorology (e.g. canopy radiation transfer, turbulence near the ground, evapotranspiration, energy balance, fluxes of trace gases), micrometeorological instrumentation (e.g., sensors for trace gases, flux measurement instruments, radiation measurement techniques), aerobiology (e.g. the dispersion of pollen, spores, insects and pesticides), biometeorology (e.g. the effect of weather and climate on plant distribution, crop yield, water-use efficiency, and plant phenology), forest-fire/weather interactions, and feedbacks from vegetation to weather and the climate system.Keyword index available on

Aquatic Botany

  • ISSN: 0304-3770
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2
  • Impact factor: 1.9
An International Scientific Journal dealing with Applied and Fundamental Research on Macroscopic Submerged, Floating and Emergent Plants in Marine and Freshwater EcosystemsAquatic Botany offers a platform for papers relevant to a broad international readership on fundamental and applied aspects of marine and freshwater macroscopic plants in a context of ecology or environmental biology. This includes molecular, biochemical and physiological aspects of macroscopic aquatic plants as well as the classification, structure, function, dynamics and ecological interactions in plant-dominated aquatic communities and ecosystems. It is an outlet for papers dealing with research on the consequences of disturbance and stressors (e.g. environmental fluctuations and climate change, pollution, grazing and pathogens), use and management of aquatic plants (plant production and decomposition, commercial harvest, plant control) and the conservation of aquatic plant communities (breeding, transplantation and restoration). Specialized publications on certain rare taxa or papers on aquatic macroscopic plants from under-represented regions in the world can also find their place, subject to editor evaluation. Studies on fungi or microalgae will remain outside the scope of Aquatic Botany.Interesting for further reading:Editorial: What is a plant? and what is aquatic botany?Elisabeth M. Gross, Thomas Wernberg, Jorge Terrados Aquatic botany since 1975: Have our views changed?Jan E. Vermaat, Elisabeth M. Gross

Atmospheric Research

  • ISSN: 0169-8095
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4.8
  • Impact factor: 4.5
Clouds - Precipitation - Aerosols - Radiation - Climatology, Weather ModificationThe journal publishes scientific papers (research papers, review articles, letters and notes) dealing with the part of the atmosphere where meteorological events occur. Attention is given to all processes extending from the earth surface to the tropopause, but special emphasis continues to be devoted to the physics of clouds, mesoscale meteorology and air pollution, i.e. atmospheric aerosols; microphysical processes; cloud dynamics and thermodynamics; numerical simulation, climatology, climate change and weather modification.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support CenterThis journal welcomes contributions that support and advance the UN's sustainable development goals, in particular SDG 7 (Affordable and clean energy) and SDG 13 (Climate Action)

Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters

  • ISSN: 1674-2834
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2
  • Impact factor: 2.3
Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters (AOSL) is an international journal for the publication of original communications-length articles related to all aspects of the atmospheric sciences, oceanography, and closely related sciences. Limited manuscript size expedites the review and publication process. AOSL also includes a Progress and Views section, featuring invited research highlights, and project reports. The journal provides a rigorous peer-review process and rapid publication speeds (final decision within a maximum of three months; minimum turnaround of two weeks). The editorial board welcomes the submissions of multi-disciplinary work and contributions that utilize ideas and techniques from parallel areas.AOSL covers the following fields:Climatology;Extreme Events;Numerical Models and Modeling;Meso- and Micro-Scale Meteorology;Physical Oceanography;Ocean Chemistry;Biogeochemistry;Atmospheric Chemistry;Atmospheric Environment;Cloud Physics;Atmospheric Radiation and Remote Sensing;Boundary Layer Processes;Applied Meteorology;Observations and Techniques.Editorial Board

Coastal Engineering

  • ISSN: 0378-3839
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4.4
  • Impact factor: 4.2
An International Journal for Coastal, Harbour and Offshore EngineersCoastal Engineering is an international medium for coastal engineers and scientists. Combining practical applications with modern technological and scientific approaches, such as mathematical and numerical modelling, laboratory and field observations and experiments, it publishes fundamental studies as well as case studies on the following aspects of coastal, harbour and offshore engineering: waves, currents and sediment transport; coastal, estuarine and offshore morphology; technical and functional design of coastal and harbour structures; morphological and environmental impact of coastal, harbour and offshore structures.

Continental Shelf Research

  • ISSN: 0278-4343
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.4
  • Impact factor: 2.1
Continental Shelf Research publishes articles dealing with the biological, chemical, geological and physical oceanography of the shallow marine environment, from coastal and estuarine waters out to the shelf break. The continental shelf is a critical environment within the land-ocean continuum, and many processes, functions and problems in the continental shelf are driven by terrestrial inputs transported through the rivers and estuaries to the coastal and continental shelf areas. Manuscripts that deal with these topics must make a clear link to the continental shelf. Examples of research areas include: Physical sedimentology and geomorphologyGeochemistry of the coastal ocean (inorganic and organic)Marine environment and anthropogenic effectsInteraction of physical dynamics with natural and manmade shoreline featuresBenthic, phytoplankton and zooplankton ecologyCoastal water and sediment quality, and ecosystem healthBenthic-pelagic coupling (physical and biogeochemical)Interactions between physical dynamics (waves, currents, mixing, etc.) and biogeochemical cyclesEstuarine, coastal and shelf sea modelling and process studiesEmphasis is placed on interdisciplinary process-oriented contributions, and encouragement is given to the publication of the results of innovative experimental studies with the potential for upscaling and a broad contribution. Regional descriptions and data summaries are discouraged.Continental Shelf Research publishes research papers, occasional review articles and short communications and technical notes (instruments and methods).Continental Shelf Research also publishes Special Issues dedicated to results of large interdisciplinary studies or topical issues on specific subjects. Contact one of our Editors for more information on Special Issue proposals.Note to Authors: When considering submission of a manuscript to CSR, bear in mind that recent analyses show that published papers are downloaded by scientists from over 90 countries world-wide. This level of usage emphasizes the need for authors to present their research results in a broad context, to be of interest to this international community. Likewise, when suggesting the four reviewers for a manuscript, an international perspective of individual scientists (not necessarily affiliated with CSR) should be considered.

Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability

  • ISSN: 1877-3435
  • 5 Year impact factor: 8.7
  • Impact factor: 6.6
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability (COSUST) builds on Elsevier's reputation for excellence in scientific publishing and long-standing commitment to communicating high quality reproducible research. Established in 2010 as part of the Current Opinion and Research (CO+RE) suite of journals, COSUST focuses on peer reviewed polished, concise and timely short reviews of recent literature and synthesis of emerging topics, innovations and perspectives. Since 2019, COSUST has a new companion Gold Open Access journal, Current Research in Environmental Sustainability, which focuses on empirically-based research articles. All CO+RE journals leverage the Current Opinion legacy - of editorial excellence, high-impact, and global reach - to ensure they are a widely read resource that is integral to scientists' workflow.Expertise - Editors and Editorial Board bring depth and breadth of expertise and experience to the journal.Discoverability - Articles get high visibility and maximum exposure on an industry-leading scientific publishing platform that reaches a vast global audience.Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability aims to define the new innovative sustainability science discipline by integrating perspectives from the natural and the social sciences on human-environment interactions and management challenges across regional and global systems. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability thus emphasizes interdisciplinary sustainability research approaches, the solutions it provides and their dissemination and application.Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability aims to stimulate scientifically grounded, interdisciplinary, multi-faceted debate, synthesis and exchange of ideas. Additionally, Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability will continue to publish papers on strategic research plans and key findings of leading global-change research networks, it thus serves as an invaluable source of current peer-reviewed and synthesized information for researchers, lecturers, teachers, practitioners, policy makers and students.Most of the issues published by the journal are invited Special Issues addressing current themes around major global-change systems and problems, the emerging new transdisciplinary sustainability science, sustainability governance and transformation, environmental change assessments, international initiatives, as well as more philosophical reflection on approaches to sustainability challenges. Once a year, we publish an Open Issue, which offers an opportunity for authors working on diverse topics to submit an abstract for consideration. In collaboration with the International Science Council (ISC), COSUST also includes a section dedicated to the 'State of Knowledge on Social Transformations to Sustainability', which consist of original or existing peer-reviewed papers, reviewing knowledge on various dimensions of social transformations to sustainability and drawing out implications for research, practice or policy ( of Special Issues and Guest Editors: We welcome proposals for Special Issues consisting of (1) an overview of the theme, and a motivation why it is timely and innovative, and justifies publication in the journal; (2) a list of proposed topics and names of selected authors. As the journal is international, we aim to commission a mixture of nationalities and disciplines with consideration to gender and regions less covered, but obviously the quality of authors and their review is paramount. Proposals that where possible have the first and second choices of authors (with contact details where possible); (3) a short, two-line, description of the intended scope of each review.Working with the Editors of the journal, Guest Editors, who are major authorities in the field, are responsible for inviting authors, reviewing and organizing themes within a special issue.Please contact your Editorial Manager by email if you have any questions, Ms. Alison Langestraat [email protected] articles: Authors write short review and/or synthesis articles supported by recent literature in which they present recent developments in their subject and emerging topics, emphasizing the aspects that, in their opinion, are most important. In addition, they provide short annotations to the papers that they consider to be most interesting from all those published in their topic over the previous year.

Deep-Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers

  • ISSN: 0967-0637
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.6
  • Impact factor: 2.3
The journal is concerned with fundamental oceanography of the deep sea in the broadest sense. This includes, ocean physics including circulation, waves, turbulence, thermodynamics, optics, acoustics, mixing, or other process studies, atmosphere ocean coupling, primary production, organic carbon fluxes, chemistry, palaeoceanography, geophysics, sedimentology, all aspects of biology from microbes to marine mammals, physiology, ecology, biogeography, evolution, behaviour and anthropological impacts.The deep sea is interpreted to be the ocean beyond the continental shelf. Papers dealing exclusively with areas inshore of the shelf break are in general more appropriate to our companion journal Continental Shelf Research.Instruments and Methods papers can describe novel hardware, vehicles, research vessels, instrumentation, sensors (physical, chemical or biological), survey methods, analysis and calibration methods as well as software and novel data-analysis techniques but with the caveat of evidence of successful use in oceanography. We do not accept applied science/technology papers on deep-sea mining, drilling, bio-prospecting or management of fish stocks in which the aim is not oceanographic research. In biological papers, we welcome descriptions of new species but these should be in the context of advancing knowledge of ecology, evolution and biogeography in the deep sea; purely taxonomic papers should be submitted to a specialist journal.Deep-Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, considers four types of paper: Research Papers: These should report results of original scientific research, including theoretical work of evident oceanographic applicability. To encourage full reporting of complex studies there is no formal length limit on research papers but editors and reviewers will discourage excessive verbosity and repetition.Instruments and Methods: These should report novel solutions of instrumental or methodological problems with evidence of successful use. There is no length limit.Short Communication: These can be reports of novel research or instruments and methods and should not contain more than 4,000 words and no more than 3 figures and 1 table.Reviews: The journal welcomes suggestions for reviews synthesising knowledge of any aspect of the deep sea. These reviews should be approximately 12,000 words in length and suggestions should be discussed with the Editors-in-Chief.Special Collections of papers: Proposals for special topic issues should be directed to our sister journal: Deep-Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography. However, this journal can publish collections of up to 5 papers that address a special topic that are insufficient to fill a whole journal volume. Proposals for special collections should be discussed with an Editor-in-Chief. The proponent of a special collection may be appointed as a Special Section Guest Editor. Papers can be submitted in any order and at any time and will be handled in the normal way by the guest editor or established editors. Each paper will be published on-line as soon as it is accepted. When the final paper in the collection is accepted then the entire collection will be assigned to a volume and authors may suggest a cover image. Papers in a collection should be numbered consecutively with a short main title and more extensive subtitle. E.g. Ocean carbon fluxes 1: xxxxxxx, Ocean fluxes 2: yyyyyyyyyy. Each paper in the collection should be a self-standing and can be a Research Paper, Instruments and methods paper, Short Communication or Review. Guest editors may add an editorial introducing the section.For all papers, supplemental matter, such as extensive data tables or graphs and multimedia content, may be published as electronic appendices. Deposition of data, gene sequences and type specimens:This journal encourages sharing of data (see section on research data below) and recommends that data be placed in appropriate repositories or included in the supplemental matter submitted with the paper. New gene sequences should be deposited in the DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank database. Type specimens should be deposited in the appropriate national or international public museum or collection. Accession numbers of gene sequences and type specimens must be included in the final version of the manuscript and cannot be added at the proof stage.

Deep-Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography

  • ISSN: 0967-0645
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.7
  • Impact factor: 2.3
Deep-Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography publishes topical issues from the many international and interdisciplinary projects which are undertaken in oceanography. Besides these special issues from projects, the journal publishes collections of papers presented at conferences. The special issues regularly have electronic annexes of non-text material (numerical data, images, images, video, etc.) which are published with the special issues in ScienceDirect. Deep-Sea Research Part II was split off as a separate journal devoted to topical issues in 1993. Its companion journal Deep-Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, publishes the regular research papers in this area.AUTHORS PLEASE NOTE: the Editors cannot accept submissions that are not linked to a thematic issue. Please do not submit unsolicited papers. For information on how to submit a publication proposal for a special/thematic issue, you are cordially invited to contact the Chief Editors, Kenneth Drinkwater or Javier Aristegui.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center