Advances in Water Resources provides a forum for the presentation of fundamental scientific advances in the understanding of water resources systems. The scope of Advances in Water Resources includes any combination of theoretical, computational, and experimental approaches used to advance fundamental understanding of surface or subsurface water resources systems or the interaction of these systems with the atmosphere, geosphere, biosphere, and human societies. Manuscripts involving case studies that do not attempt to reach broader conclusions, research on engineering design, applied hydraulics, or water quality and treatment, as well as applications of existing knowledge that do not advance fundamental understanding of hydrological processes, are not appropriate for Advances in Water Resources.Examples of appropriate topical areas that will be considered include the following: • Surface and subsurface hydrology • Hydrometeorology • Environmental fluid dynamics • Ecohydrology and ecohydrodynamics • Multiphase transport phenomena in porous media • Fluid flow and species transport and reaction processesAdvances in Water Resources will be also be accepting Letters which are rapid communications providing short reports of significant fundamental research in all fields of hydrology. Contributions submitted as Letters should be not only fundamental and novel but also potentially transformative in impact by providing new observations, theories, or findings deserving of expedited review and publication. If a submission is deemed acceptable for consideration as a Letter contribution by the Editors, it will be reviewed by Editorial Advisory Board members for technical merits, impact, and broadness, with a review response expected to be within 15 days. Authors will be requested to respond to reviews within 10 days. Please see the Guide for Authors for more details.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Catena is an interdisciplinary journal of soil science and geomorphology with a focus on geoecology, landscape ecology, landscape evolution and hydrology. Original research papers, comments, and reviews linking field, laboratory, and/or modelling results, integrating different geospheres, and discussing soil and landscape processes on different spatial and temporal scales will be considered, provided they are sufficiently novel and of broad interest.Reviews are expected to critically discuss and synthesise findings and approaches on topics falling within the core aims of Catena. Short comments (no more than 2 journal pages i.e. ca. 2000 words) are considered for publication only if they bring important scientific new elements and/or corrections/improvements on substantial aspects of previously published articles. Manuscripts that will not be considered include papers on the following topics:Research papers summarising literature results, and bibliometric analyses (meta-analyses are not included). Studies without explicit relation to landscape patterns or processes, such as:Purely geological or groundwater studies.Runoff studies that have no relation to soil or geomorphic change.Chemical laboratory experiments with no relation to ‘real’ field conditions.Microbiological studies with no relation to soil formation or landscape processes.Geotechnical and environmental engineering studies.Geobotanical, ecological and vegetation studies with no (or limited) relation to soil, hydrology, geomorphology or landscape evolution.Agricultural/crop production experiments without a solid relation to landscape.Studies on ecosystem services and land use planning.Comparisons of the performance and robustness of models and statistical methods (e.g. process-based, or machine learning) with no or only a minimal landscape-learning effect.Regionally oriented studies which cannot be applied to other landscapes (or lack novelty in approach or methodology).The Chairs of the Editors-in-Chief do not accept pre-submission enquiries to determine if a manuscript is likely to be of interest to the journal.
The Journal of Ecosystem RestorationEcological engineering has been defined as the design of ecosystems for the mutual benefit of humans and nature. The journal is for those involved in designing, monitoring, or restoring ecosystems, and serves as a bridge between the fields of ecology and engineeringSpecific topics covered in the journal include: habitat reconstruction; ecotechnology; synthetic ecology; bioengineering; restoration ecology; ecology conservation; ecosystem rehabilitation; stream and river restoration; reclamation ecology; non-renewable resource conservation. Descriptions of specific applications of ecological engineering are acceptable only when situated within context of adding novelty to current research and emphasizing ecosystem restoration. We do not accept purely descriptive reports on ecosystem structures (such as vegetation surveys), purely physical assessment of materials that can be used for ecological restoration, small-model studies carried out in the laboratory or greenhouse with artificial (waste)water or crop studies, or case studies on conventional wastewater treatment and eutrophication that do not offer an ecosystem restoration approach within the paper.The journal welcomes full papers, short communications, reviews, and letters to the editor. We are pleased to publish papers from multidisciplinary approaches that are pertinent to a wide range of scholars, managers, practitioners, and policymakers across ecological sciences.All papers will be subject to peer review and they will be dealt with as speedily as is compatible with a high standard of presentation.
The Journal of Contaminant Hydrology is an international journal publishing scientific articles contributing to a broad understanding of contamination of water resources. Emphasis is placed on investigations of the physical, chemical, and biological processes influencing the behaviour and fate of organic and inorganic contaminants in the aqueous environment including ecological impacts. Water-based science, technology and management approaches that monitor, assess, control and mitigate contamination and its eco-environmental impacts at multiple scales are invited. Broad latitude is allowed in identifying contaminants of interest, and includes legacy and emerging pollutants, nutrients, nanoparticles, microorganisms (e.g., bacteria, viruses, and protozoa), microplastics, and various constituents associated with energy production (e.g., methane, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen sulfide).The journal's scope embraces a wide range of topics that include: surface and subsurface hydrology as it relates to contamination; experimental and computational investigations of contaminant sorption, diffusion, biological and chemical transformation, volatilization and transport in the surface and subsurface; characterization of soil and sediment properties only as they influence contaminant behaviour; development and testing of mathematical models of contaminant behaviour; innovative techniques for restoration of contaminated sites; development of new tools or techniques for monitoring the extent of soil, sediment, and water contamination; development of mathematical models and system analysis techniques for understanding and managing surface and subsurface water resources systems including hyporheic zone processes; analyses of interactions between water-use activities and the environment; carbon sequestration and turnover; and water contamination issues associated with energy production.Types of paper There are some types of papers that are not suitable for publication in the journal, namely: Environmental monitoring. We are pleased to see field data, but we do not publish reports of, for example, unusual observations in the field unless they are interpreted at a process level. Similarly, we do not act as a public repository for datasets unless they are interpreted. Case studies. We will not publish case studies unless they provide insight into processes relevant to other sites or conditions. Thus, a paper based on a particular site must draw out principles, prove a conceptual model, or develop and test a method; these principles, models, or methods must have broader applicability than to a site of study. Methods. We are keen to see new methods of analysis, experimentation, field investigation, or interpretation developed and published. However the journal will not publish papers that present only method development, nor methods that have no major advance over existing approaches. Manuscripts that demonstrate how new or existing methods lead to new insights, or that extend the scope or demonstrate the practical use of existing methods will be welcome. Normally, measured data or observations will be used to validate the method.The last comments on Methods apply particularly to the development of new analytical and numerical solutions to flow, transport and reaction equations. A new mathematical solution must be a significant and useful advance over present methods. The new solution should also lead to new understanding of contaminant behavior. When possible, new analytical or numerical solutions should be compared with existing methods and/or with real data/observations. The inverse of these comments on new models applies to papers that focus on experimental and field investigations. It is not sufficient to present data, no matter how elegant the experiment or interesting the field site! Data must be interpreted with a conceptual model of processes so that the results are potentially valuable to other sites and experiments.Despite these comments, the editors are not trying to set up a rigid or bureaucratic system. If you believe your paper should be an exception, explain this simply in your cover letter at submission. We are all active researchers, and we do not want to discourage our peers from submitting any manuscript that they feel is significant and important for the journal. Rather, we hope you will join us in our wish to ensure that all the papers in the journal have real value to the community.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Journal of Hydrology publishes original research papers and comprehensive reviews in all the subfields of the hydrological sciences, including water based management and policy issues that impact on economics and society. These comprise, but are not limited to the physical, chemical, biogeochemical, stochastic and systems aspects of surface and groundwater hydrology, hydrometeorology, hydrogeology and hydrogeophysics. Relevant topics incorporating the insights and methodologies of disciplines such as climatology, water resource systems, ecohydrology, geomorphology, soil science, instrumentation and remote sensing, data and information sciences, civil and environmental engineering are within scope. Multi- and inter-disciplinary analyses of hydrological problems are invited, specifically ones that broaden the understanding of hydrologic science through integration with social, economic, or behavioural sciences. The science published in the Journal of Hydrology is relevant to catchment scales rather than exclusively to a local scale or site. Studies focused on urban hydrological issues are included. Submissions focusing on region-specific problems, past and future conditions, analysis, review and solutions, can be submitted to the journal's companion title, Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies.Journal of Hydrology is part of the Journal of Hydrology family of journals, alongside Journal of Hydrology X and Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies .Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center.
Journal of Hydrology X is a gold open access journal publishing letters on high quality, original, and timely research in all facets of hydrology, covering natural sciences, engineering and the society that are of global interest. These include, but are not limited to hydrological disasters in the making, water based management and policy issues that impact on economics and society pertaining to the present and plausible future climates, and new technologies of using (or re-using) water that contribute towards global sustainable development goals.In addition to research articles, the journal also publishes editorials, perspectives, comments, and news pieces. For guidance on the different article types please also see the relevant section in the Guide for Authors.Journal of Hydrology X publishes manuscripts that have broad and immediate societal implications, and provides fast decisions and high visibility.*** Journal of Hydrology X is part of the Journal of Hydrology family of journals, alongside Journal of Hydrology and Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies .
Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, a companion title to the highly-respected Journal of Hydrology, publishes original research papers enhancing the science of hydrology and aiming at region-specific problems, past and future conditions, analysis, review and solutions. The journal particularly welcomes research papers that deliver new insights into region-specific hydrological processes and responses to changing conditions, as well as contributions that incorporate interdisciplinarity and translational science.The journal topics covered include:surface and subsurface catchment hydrology;impacts of climatic and land use change on natural hydrologic processes and water resources;hydrologic process observations, modeling and prediction;innovative solution strategies for water management issues in transboundary basins and groundwater;economic hydrology;hydrology and livelihoods;cultural and social water allocation;social impacts of water infrastructure.
Peer review under responsibility of Hohai University. Collaboration with International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR)Water Science and Engineering is an international, peer-reviewed research publication covering new concepts, theories, methods, and techniques related to water issues. The journal aims to publish research that helps advance the theoretical and practical understanding of water resources, aquatic environment, aquatic ecology, and water engineering, with emphases placed on the innovation and applicability of science and technology in large-scale hydropower project construction, large river and lake regulation, inter-basin water transfer, hydroelectric energy development, ecological restoration, the development of new materials, and sustainable utilization of water resources.Water Science and Engineering is a peer reviewed, subsidized open access journal. Hohai University pays the open access publication fee. Authors do not have to pay any open access publication fee. All articles published open access will be immediately and permanently free for everyone to read, download, copy, and distribute. Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center.