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Journals in Logics and meanings of programs

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Information Processing Letters

  • ISSN: 0020-0190
  • 5 Year impact factor: 0.7
  • Impact factor: 0.7
Devoted to the Rapid Publication of Short Contributions to Information ProcessingInformation Processing Letters invites submission of original research articles that focus on fundamental aspects of information processing and computing. This naturally includes work in the broadly understood field of theoretical computer science; although papers in all areas of scientific inquiry will be given consideration, provided that they describe research contributions credibly motivated by applications to computing and involve rigorous methodology. High quality experimental papers that address topics of sufficiently broad interest may also be considered.Since its inception in 1971, Information Processing Letters has served as a forum for timely dissemination of short, concise and focused research contributions. Continuing with this tradition, and to expedite the reviewing process, manuscripts are generally limited in length to nine pages when they appear in print.More detailed information about the topics of interest and submission format can be found in the Guide for Authors.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Information Processing Letters

Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming

  • ISSN: 2352-2208
  • 5 Year impact factor: 0.7
  • Impact factor: 0.7
The Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming is an international journal whose aim is to publish high quality, original research papers, survey and review articles, tutorial expositions, and historical studies in the areas of logical and algebraic methods and techniques for guaranteeing correctness and performability of programs and in general of computing systems. All aspects will be covered, especially theory and foundations, implementation issues, and applications involving novel ideas.Topics of interest to the journal include: • Applications of algebras, co-algebra and categories to programming • Applications of proof theory and model theory to programming • Constraint programming • Foundations of Programming Paradigms • Logic programming • Logical Foundations of Program Security • Models and Analytical Models for Cyber-Physical Systems • Process Calculi • Programming Models • Quantitative Methods for System Analysis • Specification and verification of systemsResearchers interested in acting as a guest editor should review the guest editor/proposal guidelines.The Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming complements Elsevier's Science of Computer Programming and Theoretical Computer Science by its focus on the foundations and the application of logical, algebraic and categorical methods to programming and to the development of trustworthy computing systems.
Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming

Theoretical Computer Science

  • ISSN: 0304-3975
  • 5 Year impact factor: 0.9
  • Impact factor: 0.9
Theoretical Computer Science is mathematical and abstract in spirit, but it derives its motivation from practical and everyday computation. Its aim is to understand the nature of computation and, as a consequence of this understanding, provide more efficient methodologies. All papers introducing or studying mathematical, logic and formal concepts and methods are welcome, provided that their motivation is clearly drawn from the field of computing.Any queries about submissions and peer review should be addressed to the TCS editorial office: [email protected] published in Theoretical Computer Science are grouped in three sections according to their nature. The first section `Algorithms, automata, complexity and games' is devoted to the study of algorithms and their complexity using analytical, combinatorial or probabilistic methods. It includes the whole field of abstract complexity (i.e. all the results about the hierarchies that can be defined using Turing machines), the whole field of automata and language theory (including automata on infinite words and infinitary languages), the whole field of geometrical (graphic) applications and the whole field of measurement of system performance using statistical methods.The second section,`Logic, semantics and theory of programming', is devoted to formal methods to check properties of programs or implement formally described languages; it contains all papers dealing with semantics of sequential and parallel programming languages. All formal methods treating these problems are published in this section, including rewriting techniques, abstract data types, automatic theorem proving, calculi such as SCP or CCS, Petri nets, new logic calculi and developments in categorical methods.The third section, 'Natural Computing', is devoted to the study of computing occurring in nature and computing inspired by nature. In the rapidly evolving field of computer science, natural computing plays an important role as the catalyst for the synergy of human designed computing with the computing going on in nature. This synergy leads to a deeper and broader understanding of the nature of computation. Although natural computing is concerned also with experiments and applications, this section of Theoretical Computer Science is focused on the theoretical aspects of natural computing with clear relevance to computing. Among others, it will contain papers dealing with the theoretical issues in evolutionary computing, neural networks, molecular computing, and quantum computing.Theoretical Computer Science will now publish high-quality advanced introductions. Advanced introductions, which are by invitation only, should cover a focused topic within the scope of TCS at a level that would be appropriate for a scientist who is new to the topic and wishes to gain an up-to-date understanding. Articles should be self-contained, including motivation and basic definitions, and proceed to advanced material and/or open problems which may - but need not - include new results. Sufficient references should be given to provide the reader with entry points to the research literature on the topic as well as the origins of the main ideas. Submissions will go through the standard review process of TCS.
Theoretical Computer Science