Applied Mathematical Modelling focuses on significant and novel scientific developments for mathematical modelling and computational methods and tools for engineering, industrial and environmental systems and processes leading to future innovations and novel technologies.The topics considered are: heat transfer, fluid mechanics, computational fluid dynamics and electromagnetics, and transport phenomena; solid mechanics and mechanics of metals; electromagnets and magnetohydrodynamics; reliability modelling and system optimization; modelling of inventory, industrial, manufacturing and logistics systems with managerial insights; engineering systems and structures; mineral and energy resources; software engineering developments; digital twins; materials; unmanned vehicles; robotics; network traffic control; energy sustainability models; optimization; population dynamics with realistic scenarios; high-performance methods for data-driven engineering applications; numerical procedures; computational intelligence in complex engineering problems.Applied Mathematical Modelling is primarily interested in: Papers developing increased insights into real-world problems through novel analytical or semi-analytical mathematical and computational modelling.Papers with multi- and interdisciplinary topics, including linking with data driven models and applications.Papers on novel applications or a combination with the above.Papers employing existing methods must demonstrate significant novelty in the solution of practical problems. Model validation, verification and reproducibility is a fundamental principle for published papers.Papers based on fuzzy logic in decision-making, financial mathematics, heuristic algorithms, neural networks, data modelling, game-theoretical, fractional differential equations, bifurcation and numerical methods papers are not considered unless they solve practical problems, supported by reasonable empirical evidence. Submissions with no real-world application will not be considered.This journal has an Open Archive. All published items, including research articles, have unrestricted access and will remain permanently free to read and download 48 months after publication. All papers in the Archive are subject to Elsevier's user license.If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
An IMACS JournalApplied Numerical Mathematics provides a forum for the publication of high quality research and tutorial papers in computational mathematics.The journal publishes: • traditional issues and problems in numerical analysis • relevant applications in such fields as physics, fluid dynamics, engineering • other branches of applied science with a computational mathematics componentThe journal strives to be flexible in the type of papers it publishes and their format. Equally desirable are: Full papers, which should be complete and relatively self-contained original contributions with an introduction that can be understood by the broad computational mathematics community. Both rigorous and heuristic styles are acceptable. Of particular interest are papers about new areas of research, in which other than strictly mathematical arguments may be important in establishing a basis for further developments.Tutorial review papers, covering some of the important issues in Numerical Mathematics, Scientific Computing and their Applications. The journal will occasionally publish contributions which are larger than the usual format for regular papers.Short notes, which present specific new results and techniques in a brief communication.The journal strives to provide authors with a refereed outlet for their work which is subject to the least possible publication delay.Fractional calculus: Due to the number of submissions and the limited number of Editors and Reviewers in this area, the journal is limiting the number of submissions to 5 per month. Please be advised that your paper may be desk rejected due to this new restriction.