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Journals in Computer systems organization

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Ad Hoc Networks

  • ISSN: 1570-8705
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4
  • Impact factor: 4.4
The Ad Hoc Networks is an international and archival journal providing a publication vehicle for complete coverage of all topics of interest to those involved in ad hoc and sensor networking areas. The Ad Hoc Networks considers original, high quality and unpublished contributions addressing all aspects of ad hoc and sensor networks. Specific areas of interest include, but are not limited to:Mobile and Wireless Ad Hoc NetworksSensor NetworksWireless Local and Personal Area NetworksHome NetworksAd Hoc Networks of Autonomous Intelligent SystemsNovel Architectures for Ad Hoc and Sensor NetworksSelf-organizing Network Architectures and ProtocolsTransport Layer ProtocolsRouting protocols (unicast, multicast, geocast, etc.)Media Access Control TechniquesError Control SchemesPower-Aware, Low-Power and Energy-Efficient DesignsSynchronization and Scheduling IssuesMobility ManagementMobility-Tolerant Communication ProtocolsLocation Tracking and Location-based ServicesResource and Information ManagementSecurity and Fault-Tolerance IssuesHardware and Software Platforms, Systems, and TestbedsExperimental and Prototype ResultsQuality-of-Service IssuesCross-Layer InteractionsScalability IssuesPerformance Analysis and Simulation of ProtocolsBenefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Ad Hoc Networks

Artificial Intelligence in Medicine

  • ISSN: 0933-3657
  • 5 Year impact factor: 7.1
  • Impact factor: 6.1
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine publishes original articles from a wide variety of interdisciplinary perspectives concerning the theory and practice of artificial intelligence (AI) in medicine, medically-oriented human biology, and health care.Artificial intelligence in medicine may be characterized as the scientific discipline pertaining to research studies, projects, and applications that aim at supporting decision-based medical tasks through knowledge- and/or data-intensive computer-based solutions that ultimately support and improve the performance of a human care provider.Artificial Intelligence in Medicine considers for publication manuscripts that have both:• Potential high impact in some medical or healthcare domain; • Strong novelty of method and theory related to AI and computer science techniques.Artificial Intelligence in Medicine papers must refer to real-world medical domains, considered and discussed at the proper depth, from both the technical and the medical points of view. The inclusion of a clinical assessment of the usefulness and potential impact of the submitted work is strongly recommended.Artificial Intelligence in Medicine is looking for novelty in the methodological and/or theoretical content of submitted papers. Such kind of novelty has to be mainly acknowledged in the area of AI and Computer Science. Methodological papers deal with the proposal of some strategy and related methods to solve some scientific issues in specific domains. They must show, usually through an experimental evaluation, how the proposed methodology can be applied to medicine, medically-oriented human biology, and health care, respectively. They have also to provide a comparison with other proposals, and explicitly discuss elements of novelty. Theoretical papers focus on more fundamental, general and formal topics of AI and must show the novel expected effects of the proposed solution in some medical or healthcare field.Following the information explosion brought by the diffusion of Internet, social networks, cloud computing, and big-data platforms, Artificial Intelligence in Medicine has broadened its perspective. Particular attention is given to novel research work pertaining to:AI-based clinical decision making;Medical knowledge engineering;Knowledge-based and agent-based systems;Computational intelligence in bio- and clinical medicine;Intelligent and process-aware information systems in healthcare and medicine;Natural language processing in medicine;Data analytics and mining for biomedical decision support;New computational platforms and models for biomedicine;Intelligent exploitation of heterogeneous data sources aimed at supporting decision-based and data-intensive clinical tasks;Intelligent devices and instruments;Automated reasoning and meta-reasoning in medicine;Machine learning in medicine, medically-oriented human biology, and healthcare;AI and data science in medicine, medically-oriented human biology, and healthcare;AI-based modeling and management of healthcare pathways and clinical guidelines;Models and systems for AI-based population health;AI in medical and healthcare education;Methodological, philosophical, ethical, and social issues of AI in healthcare, medically-oriented human biology, and medicine.If you are considering submitting to Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, make sure that your paper meets the quality requirements mentioned above. English exposition must also be clear and revised with due care. Authors are kindly requested to revise their manuscripts with the help of co-authors that are fluent in English or language editing services before submitting their contribution. Papers written in poor English are likely to be rejected.The mere application of well-known or already published algorithms and techniques to medical data is not regarded as original research work of interest for Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, but it may be suitable for other venues.Artificial Intelligence in Medicine features the following kinds of papers:Original research contributions: Theoretical and/or methodological papers about novel approaches;Methodological reviews/surveys: Papers that collect, classify, describe, and critically analyze research designs, methods and procedures;Position papers: Papers that gather, describe, and analyze the scientific challenges of a specific field, founding them on the related literature;Editorials: Editors will occasionally publish editorials;Guest editorials: Editors can invite guest editors of special issues to publish editorials. Unsolicited editorials will not be considered;Letters to the editor: Letters from readers shortly discussing and commenting on a topic of interest, for example based on recently published articles in the journal Artificial Intelligence in Medicine;Book reviews: A critical review of recently published books;Erratum: Some specific corrections to results previously published in the journal Artificial Intelligence in Medicine;Historical perspectives: Papers that describe and critically review some specific aspects in the history of scientific contributions and applications;In memoriam: Papers describing the life and the main scientific contributions of scientists passed away, having had an important role in the area of artificial intelligence in medicine;PhD projects: Early publications about more recent research trends, having the goal of allowing PhD candidates to explain their PhD research project and to share it with other scientists interested in the topic. Such type of papers should focus on the overall goals and approaches of PhD research projects, without considering in detail the specific scientific results obtained, which would be the focus of other research articles.Special Issues are regularly published and included among regular issues. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine special issues deal with current theoretical/methodological research or convincing applications related to AI in medicine. Special Issues are managed by one or more guest editors who are outstanding experts on the selected topic.Special Issues of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine are directly proposed to potential guest editors by the Editor in Chief, also according to suggestions from the editorial board members."External" proposals of Special Issues will no longer be considered.Artificial Intelligence in Medicine does not publish conference volumes or conference papers. However, selected and high-quality research results presented earlier at conferences may be published in Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, in the form of a thoroughly revised (rephrased) and extended (including new research results) original research paper.Information for authors and further details about the editorial process can be found in the Guide for Authors section of the Artificial Intelligence in Medicine web page.
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine

Computer Communications

  • ISSN: 0140-3664
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4.2
  • Impact factor: 4.5
The International Journal for the Computer and Telecommunications IndustryComputer and Communications networks are key infrastructures of the information society with high socio-economic value as they contribute to the correct operations of many critical services (from healthcare to finance and transportation). Internet is the core of today's computer-communication infrastructures. This has transformed the Internet, from a robust network for data transfer between computers, to a global, content-rich, communication and information system where contents are increasingly generated by the users, and distributed according to human social relations. Next-generation network technologies, architectures and protocols are therefore required to overcome the limitations of the legacy Internet and add new capabilities and services. The future Internet should be ubiquitous, secure, resilient, and closer to human communication paradigms.Computer Communications is a peer-reviewed international journal that publishes high-quality scientific articles (both theory and practice) and survey papers covering all aspects of future computer communication networks (on all layers, except the physical layer), with a special attention to the evolution of the Internet architecture, protocols, services, and applications. Topics include, but are not limited to:Internet of ThingsEdge/cloud computingGreen networkingMobile and ubiquitous networksTerrestrial and Non-terrestrial networksMobile network services and applicationsExperimental test-beds and research platformsAlgorithmic aspects of communication networksEmerging technologies for next generation networkFuture Internet architecture, protocols and servicesModeling, measurement, and simulation of computer communication networks
Computer Communications

Computer Law & Security Review

  • ISSN: 0267-3649
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.4
  • Impact factor: 3.3
The International Journal of Technology Law and PracticeThe Computer Law and Security Review (CLSR) is an international journal of technology law and practice providing a major platform for publication of high quality research, policy and legal analysis within the field of IT law and computer security. It has been published six times a year since 1985 under its founding Editor, Emeritus Professor Steve Saxby, who retired in 2018 after handing editorship over to Professor Sophie Stalla-Bourdillon. It is the leading journal of its kind in Europe and provides a robust peer reviewed medium and policy forum for dissemination of knowledge and discussion, supported by powerful Editorial and Professional Boards.CLSR is accessible to a wide range of academics, researchers, research institutes, companies, libraries and governmental and non-governmental organisations in both the public and private sectors as well as professionals in the legal, IT and related business sectors in more than 100 countries. It is available on ScienceDirect, the world's foremost provider of electronic scientific information to more than 16 million subscribers.CLSR authors come from leading academics, international specialists, legal professionals and early career researchers from many of the most renowned research centres and universities in the world. Contributors are also located in the major international law firms, specializing in technology law, who provide essential comment and analysis built upon widespread experience of applying IT law in practice. CLSR further welcomes policy analysis from legal specialists, the judiciary, professional and business organisations operating in IT and from those with regulatory responsibilities for information and communications technology from both the public and private sectors as it regularly contributes to consultations undertaken by the EU, Council of Europe and other bodies. Papers that reflect the outcomes of funded research e.g. from Research Councils or EU projects are welcomed. Submissions are welcomed from any part of the world. CLSR is looking for papers within the subject area that display good quality legal analysis, new lines of legal thought or policy development that go beyond mere description of Law or policy, however accurate that may be.CLSR publishes refereed academic and practitioner papers on a wide range of legal topics such as Internet law, telecoms regulation, intellectual property, cyber-crime, surveillance and security, e-commerce, outsourcing, data protection, ePrivacy, EU and public sector ICT policy, and many others. In addition it provides a regular update on European Union developments, and national news from more than 20 jurisdictions in both Europe and the Pacific Rim.All papers are then peer reviewed by relevant experts and feedback is given whether or not a paper is accepted or returned for further work. Submissions will normally be between 6,000-15,000 words although papers of a higher word length may also be submitted subject to negotiation with the Editor. The Editor's policy is to try and accommodate contributions of all sizes above the minimum threshold where length is dictated by the needs of the subject matter.Opinion pieces concerning policy, legislation or case law of a minimum of 2000 words and upwards will also be considered but these will appear as comment and not as feature articles.Please note that CLSR strongly encourages PhD students, who have not yet obtained their degree, not to submit papers unless accompanied by confirmation that the supervisor has seen the manuscript and is recommending it for publication. If the supervisor's approval can be provided, asserting that the draft manuscript has been reworked and developed with the journal's aims and expectations in mind, then it will be accepted for review.
Computer Law & Security Review

Computer Networks

  • ISSN: 1389-1286
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4.4
  • Impact factor: 4.4
The International Journal of Computer and Telecommunications NetworkingComputer Networks is an international, archival journal providing a publication vehicle for complete coverage of all topics of interest to those involved in the computer communications networking area. The audience includes researchers, managers and operators of networks as well as designers and implementors. The Editorial Board will consider any material for publication that is of interest to those groups.SUBJECT COVERAGEThe topics covered by the journal but not limited to these are:1. Communication Network Architectures: New design contributions on Local Area Networks (LANs), Metropolitan Area Networks (MANs), Wide Area Networks (WANs) including Wired, Wireless, Mobile, Cellular, Sensor, Optical, IP, ATM, and other related network technologies, as well as new switching technologies and the integration of various networking paradigms.2. Communication Network Protocols: New design contributions on all protocol layers except the Physical Layer, considering all types of networks mentioned above and their performance evaluation; novel protocols, methods and algorithms related to, e.g., medium access control, error control, routing, resource discovery, multicasting, congestion and flow control, scheduling, multimedia quality of service, as well as protocol specification, testing and verification.3. Network Services and Applications: Web, Web caching, Web performance, Middleware and operating system support for all types of networking, electronic commerce, quality of service, new adaptive applications, and multimedia services.4. Network Security and Privacy: Security protocols, authentication, denial of service, anonymity, smartcards, intrusion detection, key management, viruses and other malicious codes, information flow, data integrity, mobile code and agent security.5. Network Operation and Management: Including network pricing, network system software, quality of service, signaling protocols, mobility management, power management and power control algorithms, network planning, network dimensioning, network reliability, network performance measurements, network modeling and analysis, and overall system management.6. Discrete Algorithms and Discrete Modeling Algorithmic and discrete aspects in the context of computer networking as well as mobile and wireless computing and communications. Fostering cooperation among practitioners and theoreticians in this field.TYPES OF CONTRIBUTIONS CONSIDEREDThe primary purpose of the journal is to publish original and complete papers covering a specific topic or project in the above mentioned areas in sufficient detail and depth to be of practical use to interested readers. The readers should benefit from the novel solutions and analyses presented in the papers. Enhanced, extended versions of quality papers presented at conferences or workshops can be submitted to our journal for review. Note that papers which were already published with the same contents or simultaneous submission of the same paper to other journals or conferences will not be considered for publication in our journal and will be immediately rejected.Dataset Articles. Computer Networks also publishes micro-articles that describe open datasets available in a redacted and organized way. The purpose is for researchers to easily share and reuse each other's datasets by publishing data articles that:(i) Describe collected data in detail, facilitating reproducibility of experiments and improvements over proposed techniques, thus promoting rigorous experimentation and data analysis. (ii) Describe tools developed to collect, analyze, and visualize data.Open-Source Software Articles. Computer Networks additionally publishes micro-articles that describe open source software that has been used to obtain scholarly results in the area of computer networks. This may include articles describing discrete-event or other simulators, emulation tools, software implementations of networking and communication functionalities and protocols, standard implementations, monitoring tools, among others.
Computer Networks

Computer Standards & Interfaces

  • ISSN: 0920-5489
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.2
  • Impact factor: 4.1
Researchers interested in submitting a special issue proposal should adhere to the Special Content Submission Guidelines.The International Journal on the Development and Application of Standards for Computers, Software Quality, Data Communications, Interfaces and MeasurementThe quality of software, well-defined interfaces (hardware and software), the process of digitalisation, and accepted standards in these fields are essential for building and exploiting complex computing, communication, multimedia and measuring systems. Standards can simplify the design and construction of individual hardware and software components and help to ensure satisfactory interworking.Computer Standards & Interfaces is an international journal dealing specifically with these topics.The journal • Provides information about activities and progress on the definition of computer standards, software quality, interfaces and methods, at national, European and international levels • Publishes critical comments on standards and standards activities • Disseminates user's experiences and case studies in the application and exploitation of established or emerging standards, interfaces and methods • Offers a forum for discussion on actual projects, standards, interfaces and methods by recognised experts • Stimulates relevant research by providing a specialised refereed medium.Computer Standards & Interfaces is concerned with the specification, development and application of standards and with high-level publications of developments and methods in the following areas: • Standards, Information Management, Formal Methods - Computers, Processors, Storage, Operating systems, Languages, Databases, Graphics, User interface, Multimedia, Information security, Office automation, Development of standards and instruments, Applications • Software Quality, Software Process - Languages, Operating systems, Programming, Requirements specification, Design & implementation, Inspection & test, Maintenance, Product and process evaluation, Performance, Tools, Metrics, Embedded systems, Software in measurement and technical systems including real-time aspects, Development of International Standards in Software Engineering • Distributed Systems, Open Systems, E-Topics - Digital interfaces, System and device buses, Fieldbuses, Data communication, Distributed computing, Protocols, Open systems interconnection, Local and wide area networks, Internet, Worldwide Web, Network security, Cryptology, E-services, E-business, E-commerce • Data Acquisition - Analog-to-digital conversion, Specification, Modelling, Industrial electronics, Real-time systems, Laboratory automation, Automatic measurement, Process control, Electromagnetic compatibility • Digital Instruments Standardisation - Forum of EUPAS, European Project for ADC-based devices, Standardisation (IMEKO TC-4 Working Group on A/D and D/A Converter Metrology), IEEE TC-10, IEC TC-42-WG8, IEC TC-85-WG16; Standardi-sation of specifications, modelling, testing, and analog and digital processing for digital instrumentsThe last issue of a volume includes an author index and a subject index.CS&I also covers general topics concerning the standardisation process, such as technical, political and commercial aspects of standards, their impact on the marketplace, cost/benefit analyses, legislative issues, and relationships among national and international standards bodies.
Computer Standards & Interfaces

Computers & Security

  • ISSN: 0167-4048
  • 5 Year impact factor: 5.2
  • Impact factor: 4.8
The International Source of Innovation for the Information Security and IT Audit ProfessionalComputers & Security is one of the most respected journals in IT security, being recognized worldwide as THE primary source of reference for IT security research and applications expertise.Computers & Security provides the IT security community with a unique blend of leading edge research and sound practical management advice. It is aimed at the professional involved with computer security, audit, control and data integrity in all sectors - industry, commerce and academia - helping the community build and operate fully secure systems and organisations.With its high-profile editorial board and informative regular features and columns, the journal is essential reading for IT security professionals around the world.Our cutting edge research will help you secure and maintain your systemsWe accept only the highest quality of papers ensuring that you receive the relevant and practical advice you needWe don't only highlight the threats, we give you the solutions
Computers & Security

Computers in Industry

  • ISSN: 0166-3615
  • 5 Year impact factor: 9.3
  • Impact factor: 8.2
An International, Application Oriented Research JournalThe aim of Computers in Industry is to publish original, high-quality, application-oriented research papers that:• Show new trends in and options for the use of Information and Communication Technology in industry; • Link or integrate different technology fields in the broad area of computer applications for industry; • Link or integrate different application areas of ICT in industry.General topics covered include the following areas:• The unique application of ICT in business processes such as design, engineering, manufacturing, purchasing, physical distribution, production management and supply chain management. This is the main thrust of the journal. It includes research in integration of business process support, such as in enterprise modelling, ERP, EDM. • The industrial use of ICT in knowledge intensive fields such as quality control, logistics, engineering data management, and product documentation will certainly be considered. • Demonstration of enabling capabilities of new or existing technologies such as hard real time systems, knowledge engineering, applied fuzzy logic, collaborative work systems, and intelligence agents are also welcomed. • Papers solely focusing on ICT or manufacturing processes may be considered out of scope.A continuous quality policy, based on strict peer reviewing shall ensure that published articles are:- Technologically outstanding and front-end - Application-oriented with a generalised message - Representative for research at an international levelBenefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Computers in Industry

Digital Signal Processing

  • ISSN: 1051-2004
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.9
  • Impact factor: 2.9
Digital Signal Processing: A Review Journal is one of the oldest and most established journals in the field of signal processing yet it aims to be the most innovative. The Journal invites top quality research articles at the frontiers of research in all aspects of signal processing. Our objective is to provide a platform for the publication of ground-breaking research in signal processing with both academic and industrial appeal.The journal has a special emphasis on statistical signal processing methodology such as Bayesian signal processing, and encourages articles on emerging applications of signal processing such as:big datamachine learninginternet of thingsinformation securitysystems biology and computational biologyfinancial time series analysisautonomous vehiclesquantum computingneuromorphic engineeringhuman-computer interaction and intelligent user interfacesenvironmental signal processinggeophysical signal processing including seismic signal processingchemioinformatics and bioinformaticsaudio, visual and performance artsdisaster management and preventionrenewable energyWe welcome also submissions in the fundamental areas such as information theory and on mathematical topics with potential applications in signal processing such as functional analysis, stochastic calculus, game theory and group theory. Papers in the classical application areas of signal processing such as telecommunications, speech, image and video processing are welcome only if they contain novel research into methodology. Purely application oriented articles in these areas should be submitted to the relevant dedicated journals.Digital Signal Processing: A Review Journal also aims to publish quality review articles in addition to occasional focus issues with special emphasis on emerging topics. Discussion articles in which several leading researchers discuss the future of a specific research area are also welcome.For details of the journal's speeds and other metrics, please visit our Journal Insights pages.Software PublicationWe invite Digital Signal Processing authors to convert their open source software into an additional journal publication in Software Impacts, a multi-disciplinary open access journal. Software Impacts provides a scholarly reference to software that has been used to address a research challenge. The journal disseminates impactful and re-usable scientific software through Original Software Publications which describe the application of the software to research and the published outputs.For more information contact us at: [email protected]
Digital Signal Processing

Electronic Commerce Research and Applications

  • ISSN: 1567-4223
  • 5 Year impact factor: 6.9
  • Impact factor: 5.9
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications aims to create and disseminate enduring knowledge for the fast-changing e-commerce environment. A major dilemma in e-commerce research is how to achieve a balance between the currency and the life span of knowledge.Electronic Commerce Research and Applications will contribute to the establishment of a research community to create the knowledge, technology, theory, and applications for the development of electronic commerce. This is targeted at the intersection of technological potential and business aims.E-commerce is a multi-disciplinary area, which should be developed in co-operation with existing fields such as Information Systems and Technology; Computing and Informatics; Marketing, Finance and Supply Chain Management; Business Strategy and Management; Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning; Data Science and Business Data Analytics; Public Policy; and Legal Studies. We will solicit papers on current technologies from these areas, as well as publish papers on completely new topics. We also seek proposals for special issues on new topics in e-commerce that will create new directions for research.Electronic Commerce Research and Applications is inviting submission of articles, including but not limited to the following topics:Agent-based commerce; electronic auctions; e-business models; B2C and B2B EC; consumer behavior; customer relationship management and data mining; recommender systems; Internet search engines and Web mining; big data analytics; social media and commerce analytics; responsible and trustworthy artificial intelligence; pricing and marketing; digital economy and digital transformation; e-government, public policy and digital divide issues; electronic payment systems; sharing economy; (IT and e-services; exchanges and electronic marketplaces;) e-commerce in supply chain and inventory management; legal issues in e-commerce; (industry studies and case analysis;) economic and management science modeling; organizational and theory-building research; empirical studies of e-commerce problems; behavioral studies of e-commerce issues; protocols, technology and process standards for e-commerce; (transformation of industries;) security and trust; credit card and smart card applications; mobile-commerce and ubiquitous computing; inter-organizational systems in e-commerce; emerging technologies and technological innovation.
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications