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Journals in Life sciences

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Vibrational Spectroscopy

  • ISSN: 0924-2031
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.5
  • Impact factor: 2.7
Vibrational Spectroscopy provides a vehicle for the publication of original research which covers infrared, near-infrared and Raman spectroscopies. VIBSPEC publishes papers dealing with developments in applications, theory, techniques and instrumentation.The topics covered by the journal include: Sampling techniques,Vibrational spectroscopy coupled with separation techniques,Instrumentation (Fourier transform, conventional and laser based),Data manipulation,Spectra-structure correlation and group frequencies.The application areas covered include: Analytical chemistry,Bio-organic and bio-inorganic chemistry,Catalysis,Environmental science,Industrial chemistry,Materials science,Physical chemistry,Polymer science,Process control,Specialized problem solving.VIBSPEC provides its readership with a concise picture of the state of the art of vibrational spectroscopy on a regular basis. In order to achieve this goal, VIBSPEC publishes review articles, research papers and short communications.
Vibrational Spectroscopy


  • ISSN: 0042-6822
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.7
  • Impact factor: 2.8
Launched in 1955, Virology is a broad and inclusive journal that welcomes submissions on all aspects of virology including plant, animal, microbial and human viruses. The journal publishes basic research as well as pre-clinical and clinical studies of vaccines, anti-viral drugs and their development, anti-viral therapies, and computational studies of virus infections. Any submission that is of broad interest to the community of virologists/vaccinologists and reporting scientifically accurate and valuable research will be considered for publication, including negative findings and multidisciplinary work. Virology is open to reviews, research manuscripts, short communication as well as follow-up manuscripts.For more information on article types, please visit our guide for authors: Virology offers guaranteed peer review of Follow-Up as well as Research Articles, provided the Corresponding Author is the same and the new manuscript is submitted within 24 months of the previous paper getting accepted.

Vision Research

  • ISSN: 0042-6989
  • 5 Year impact factor: 1.7
  • Impact factor: 1.5
An International Journal for Functional Aspects of VisionVision Research is a journal devoted to the functional aspects of human, vertebrate and invertebrate vision and publishes experimental and observational studies, reviews, and theoretical and computational analyses. Vision Research also publishes clinical studies relevant to normal visual function and basic research relevant to visual dysfunction or its clinical investigation. Functional aspects of vision is interpreted broadly, ranging from molecular and cellular function, to perception and behavior. Detailed descriptions are encouraged but enough introductory background should be included for non-specialists. Theoretical and computational papers should give a sense of order to the facts or point to new verifiable observations. Papers dealing with questions in the history of vision science should stress the development of ideas in the field.Vision Research publishes both reviews and minireviews. A minireview is not intended to be a comprehensive overview, but rather a survey of recent developments in a fast-growing and active area of vision research. Reviews and minireviews are generally invited, but proposals for either may also be submitted to the Editor-in-Chief.Vision Research welcomes Letters to the Editor in response to articles published in the journal. A Letter considered for publication is sent out for review and at the same time forwarded to the author or authors of the published article. If the Letter is editorially accepted, the original authors are invited to write a prompt reply, which the reviewers of the Letter are also asked to review.Vision Research publishes thematic Special Issues covering well-defined and timely research topics. Special Issues are usually edited by Guest Editors with one or more members of the Editorial Board. Proposals for Special Issues should be submitted to the Editor-in-Chief or a member of the Board. Papers from special non-recurrent symposia may also be published in Vision Research and symposium organizers are encouraged to approach the Editor-in-Chief if interested.Vision Research does not routinely publish methods papers, however will consider submissions in which methods are tested and validated on real data, and the results give insight into visual function or its description.The obituary policy of Vision Research is restrictive. Obituaries should be submitted to the Editor-in-Chief and should not be more than one printed page in length (including a photograph).Vision Research participates in Elsevier's Open Archives publishing program and articles are automatically made open access, at no additional cost to the author, after an 18-month embargo. Authors wanting to fund immediate open access should consult the journal's Open Access page for more information.
Vision Research

World Patent Information

  • ISSN: 0172-2190
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.5
  • Impact factor: 2.2
The journal for intellectual property information and its retrieval, documentation, classification, search, analysis and IP managementWorld Patent Information aims to encompass the world of IP information; and focus the journal towards IPRs for industrially applicable innovations; and their management, analysis; big data analysis; policy; education. IPRs - patents, utility models; copyright, trademarks, registered design; design rights; trade secrets; database rights; traditional knowledge; indigenous knowledge; geographical indications may all be considered.World Patent Information publishes articles regarding best practice in legal and commercial patent search and analysis; articles which focus on particular types of search such as freedom to operate, FTO, clearance, state of the art, invalidity, validity, prior art, technical, landscaping, scouting, forecasting, patentability, decision searching, competitive intelligence using patent information. We are also interested in articles researching into meta data relating to IPRs such as legal status data for IPR; classifications and bibliographic data. We are interested in IP documentation, search, documentation, classification and IP information news from IP Offices.Always welcome are reviews of state of the art in a particular industry, reviews of patent, and other IP and scientific and technical databases, search and analysis for IP purposes.Research and review articles on information related to non- patent IPRs , trademarks, trade names, brands, designs, copyright, trade secrets, traditional knowledge, semiconductor rights, database rights, where these have impact for the technological innovation space. Best practice search and review articles, on sources of data. IP management information issues, inventions harvesting, IP services and intermediates and use of text mining and data mining for IP interests. Information retrieval (IR) relating to all aspects of IP published information not only text but also document specific, e.g. bibliographic, name, geographic; multi-lingual search, image search, tables, other non-text; text mining, Natural Language Processing (NLP); Information Extraction from patents e.g. – mathematical formulae, chemical, biological, plant, related data; Machine Translation, Machine learning, automated intelligence focused towards improving IP search and analysis; System Evaluation and Benchmarking, Data collections for IR experiments; Best practice for IP; IP management of Patents, Trademarks,. designs, know-how, copyright, trade secrets; organization of IP tasks in companies and research institutions; Innovation management -impact of patent and IP management; information management for IP best practice, TRIZ and its implementation for innovation processes; Technology management –characteristics and dynamics of technologies in IP perspective, IP portfolio benchmarking, valuation, geographic, expiries, technological, Advanced analysis –market, corporate, policy level, statistical analysis, Business methods patenting, Standards - standard essential patents – patent pools.
World Patent Information

Zoologischer Anzeiger

  • ISSN: 0044-5231
  • 5 Year impact factor: 1.3
  • Impact factor: 1.2
Zoologischer Anzeiger (A Journal of Comparative Zoology) is devoted to comparative zoology with a special emphasis on morphology, systematics, biogeography, and evolutionary biology targeting all metazoans, both modern and extinct. The journal also considers taxonomic submissions addressing a broader systematic and/or evolutionary context. The overall aim of the journal is to contribute to our understanding of the organismic world from an evolutionary perspective.
Zoologischer Anzeiger


  • ISSN: 0944-2006
  • 5 Year impact factor: 1.7
  • Impact factor: 1.6
Zoology is a journal devoted to experimental and comparative animal science. It presents a common forum for all scientists who take an explicitly organism oriented and integrative approach to the study of animal form, function, development and evolution. The journal invites papers that take a comparative or experimental approach to behavior and neurobiology, functional morphology, evolution and development, ecological physiology, and cell biology. Due to the increasing realization that animals exist only within a partnership with symbionts, Zoology encourages submissions of papers focused on the analysis of holobionts or metaorganisms as associations of the macroscopic host in synergistic interdependence with numerous microbial and eukaryotic species.