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Journals in Neuroscience

Elsevier's Neuroscience collection empowers educators, researchers, and students with actionable knowledge to drive collaborative research and advancements in the field. Content covers the nervous system's intricate workings, covering branches like Affective, Behavioral, and Cognitive neuroscience to investigate the neural basis of emotions, behavior, and cognitive functions. Spanning from Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience to Developmental Neuroscience, content provides insights into brain function in health and disease.

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Brain & Development

  • ISSN: 0387-7604
  • 5 Year impact factor: 1.5
  • Impact factor: 1.4
Official Journal of the Japanese Society of Child Neurology.Brain & Development (ISSN 0387-7604) is the Official Journal of the Japanese Society of Child Neurology and is aimed to promote clinical child neurology and developmental neuroscience. The journal is dedicated to the field of clinical child neurology and related neuroscience and covers topics such as physiological and pathological brain development, neurodevelopmental disorders, cerebral palsy, genetic and metabolic disorders of the nervous system, epilepsy and seizure disorders, movement disorders, fetal and neonatal neurology, infectious and inflammatory disorders of the nervous system, neuromuscular disorders, and other neurologic diseases of infants and children. The journal is devoted to publishing Review Articles, Full-Length Original Papers, Case Reports, and Letters to the Editor in the field of Child Neurology and related sciences. Proceedings of meetings, and professional announcements will be published at the Editor's discretion. Letters concerning articles published in Brain and Development and other relevant issues are also welcome.The author should choose from a list of scientific classifications, which will assist the editors in selecting reviewers with suitable expertise, as well as select an article type for their manuscript.
Brain & Development

Brain Research

  • ISSN: 0006-8993
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.9
  • Impact factor: 2.7
Brain Research is dedicated to publishing the highest quality and greatest impact articles within the ever-evolving field of Neuroscience. We recognize how technology has changed the way scientific breakthroughs are communicated and Brain Research is committed to serving as a dynamic journal meeting the needs of the neuroscience research community. We now offer multiple formats for scientists to share their work with the community. These include Short Reports, Technology Developments, and Commentaries, in addition to standard research articles and reviews that the journal has published in its storied 50-year history.Brain Research is a broad-format journal accepting manuscripts from across the international neuroscience community that range in scope from issues in fundamental neurobiology to translational and clinical neuroscience, there are contemporary themes within neuroscience that our Editorial Board has identified that are of particular innovation and interest because of their innovation and importance, highlighted below. The journal is further committed to studies that investigate sex-differences as a powerful cross-cutting variable within these high-interest areas. Consistent with our mission, however, Brain Research remains enthusiastic to publish any neuroscience-oriented work that advances the field in a meaningful way.Neurodegenerative Diseases and Dementia - molecular insights into the mechanism of disease and preclinical modelsPsychiatric diseases, autism spectrum disorders - preclinical models and insights into mechanisms underlying neuropsychiatric disordersNeuromodulation - optogenetics, DREADDs, deep brain stimulation, TMS, tDCS are all creating new levels of control and intervention in brain function in both the preclinical and clinical settingsfMRI, ERP and other "windows into the brain" - quantitative approaches to cognitive neuroscience and real-time measures are rapidly advancing our understanding of the brainStem cell biology/neurodevelopment - Emerging developments in stem cell biology are changing the way we view, and study, neurodevelopment, and represent an exciting interface of technology and biologyArticle Types:Research Article - Standard submission, graphical abstract requiredReview - Standard submission, graphical abstract requiredShort Report - High impact, 3 figure max, expedited review, one-round only, can be moved to Research Article if major revisions are requested and interest is strong, graphical abstract requiredNeurotech Report - A methods paper whose impact is based purely on a technical or methodological advance, does not need to be hypothesis-driven science, graphical abstract requiredPoint-Counterpoint - A pair of articles addressing a contemporary debate or controversy within a field - can be broad or very focused in nature, merged graphical abstract requiredRegistered ReportsThis journal supports Registered Reports as article type, allowing you to have your research reviewed and pre-registered prior to conducting your experiments. Publishing your research as a Registered Report will reduce the chances of publication bias, provide an opportunity for receiving early feedback on your study design, allow you to stake an early claim on your research hypothesis and align with the increasing demand for greater transparency and reproducibility.
Brain Research

Brain and Cognition

  • ISSN: 0278-2626
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.6
  • Impact factor: 2.2
Brain and Cognition is a forum for the integration of the neurosciences and cognitive sciences. B&C publishes peer-reviewed research articles, theoretical papers, case histories that address important theoretical issues, and historical articles into the interaction between cognitive function and brain processes. The focus is on rigorous studies of an empirical or theoretical nature and which make an original contribution to our knowledge about the involvement of the nervous system in cognition. Coverage includes, but is not limited to memory, learning, decision making, emotion, perception, movement, music or praxis in relationship to brain structure, function or development. Scholarly articles on environmental influences—social, physical, catastrophic—on aspects of brain and cognition are also welcome.Published articles will typically address issues relating some aspect of cognitive function to its neurological substrates with clear theoretical import, formulating new hypotheses or refuting previously established ones. Clinical papers are welcome if they raise issues of theoretical importance or concern and shed light on the interaction between brain function and cognitive function. We welcome review articles that clearly contribute a new perspective or integration, beyond summarizing the literature in the field; authors of review articles should make explicit where the contribution lies. We also welcome proposals for special issues on aspects of the relation between cognition and the structure and function of the nervous system. Such proposals can be made directly to the Editor-in-Chief from individuals interested in being guest editors for such collections.
Brain and Cognition

Brain and Language

  • ISSN: 0093-934X
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.3
  • Impact factor: 2.1
Aims and Scope An interdisciplinary journal, Brain and Language publishes articles that elucidate the complex relationships among language, brain, and behavior. The journal covers the large variety of modern techniques in cognitive neuroscience, including functional and structural brain imaging, electrophysiology, cellular and molecular neurobiology, genetics, lesion-based approaches, and computational modeling. All articles must relate to human language and be relevant to the understanding of its neurobiological and neurocognitive bases. Published articles in the journal are expected to have significant theoretical novelty and/or practical implications, and use perspectives and methods from psychology, linguistics, and neuroscience along with brain data and brain measures.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Brain and Language

Brain, Behavior, and Immunity

  • ISSN: 0889-1591
  • 5 Year impact factor: 9.8
  • Impact factor: 8.8
Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, founded in 1987, is the official journal of the Psychoneuroimmunology Research Society (PNIRS). This innovative journal publishes peer-reviewed basic, experimental, and clinical studies dealing with behavioral, neural, endocrine, and immune system interactions in humans and animals. It is an international, interdisciplinary journal devoted to original research in neuroscience, immunology, integrative physiology, behavioral biology, psychiatry, psychology, and clinical medicine and is inclusive of research at the molecular, cellular, social, and whole organism level. The journal features online submission and review. Manuscripts are typically peer-reviewed and returned to authors within 30 days of submission, leading to timely publication of experimental results. There are no submission fees or page charges for Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, which is published eight times a year. Detailed instructions for authors can be found at areas include:Physiological mechanisms that convey messages between the immune and nervous systems and regulate their functionsStress and immunity, including the role of stress-related hormones and neurotransmitters on the immune system.Actions of cytokines, growth factors and PAMP activation on neuronal and glial cells that regulate behavior, learning, memory and neurogenesisRole of hormones, growth factors and cytokines in the immune and central or peripheral nervous systemsInteractions between the immune system and brain that are involved in development of neurological, psychiatric, and mental health disordersRole of immunological processes in neurodegenerative disordersThe effects of psychotropic medications on immunological mechanisms and their potential relevance to therapeutic interventionsNeuroimaging studies examining how immunological mechanisms affect brain structure and functionClinical trials and experimental studies testing the effects on both immune stimulation and immune suppression on brain and behaviorThe role of microglia in pain, psychological processes and in psychiatric disordersImmunological mechanisms involved in traumatic brain injury and its resolutionImmunologic disorders, infection and behaviorRole of the immune system in development and maintenance of inflammatory and chronic painImmune mechanisms that regulate the blood-brain-interface (BBI)Immune factors that affect health psychologySleep, exercise, immunity and healthImmune system interactions that affect behavior following use of psychotropic drugs, alcohol and other drugs of abuseHealthy aging of the immune system and brainRole of inflammation and stress during perinatal developmentCancer and its treatment, stem cells and their effects on brain behavior and immunityReciprocal communication between the microbiome, immune and nervous systemsRegulation of nerve injury and repair by the immune systemPsychosocial, behavioral, and neuroendocrine influences on immunity and on the development and progression of immunologically-mediated diseasesNutrition, inflammation, obesity and behaviorGenomics of behavior and immunityManuscripts exploring translational relevance in these research areas can be submitted to the journal?s open access companion title, Brain, Behavior, and Immunity - Health
Brain, Behavior, and Immunity


  • ISSN: 0092-8674
  • 5 Year impact factor: 49
  • Impact factor: 45.5
Cell publishes findings of unusual significance in any area of experimental biology, including but not limited to cell biology, molecular biology, neuroscience, immunology, virology and microbiology, cancer, human genetics, systems biology, signaling, and disease mechanisms and therapeutics. The basic criterion for considering papers is whether the results provide significant conceptual advances into, or raise provocative questions and hypotheses regarding, an interesting and important biological question. In addition to primary research articles in four formats, Cell features review and opinion articles on recent research advances and issues of interest to its broad readership in the leading edge section.Visit the Cell Press website for more information about Cell -

Cells & Development

  • ISSN: 2667-2901
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.1
  • Impact factor: 2.1
Cell and Developmental Biology and their Quantitative approaches The Official Journal of The International Society of Developmental BiologistsCells & Development is an international journal covering the areas of cell biology and developmental biology. In addition to publishing work at the interphase of these two disciplines, we also publish work that is purely cell biology as well as classical developmental biology.C&D is the official journal of The International Society of Developmental Biologists (ISDB) which supports the world-wide community of developmental biologists.Cells & Development will consider papers in any area of cell biology or developmental biology, in any model system like animals and plants, using a variety of approaches, such as cellular, biomechanical, molecular, quantitative, computational and theoretical biology.Areas of particular interest include:Cell and tissue morphogenesisCell adhesion and migrationCell shape and polarityBiomechanicsTheoretical modelling of cell and developmental biologyQuantitative biologyStem cell biologyCell differentiationCell proliferation and cell deathEvo-DevoMembrane trafficMetabolic regulationOrgan and organoid developmentRegenerationPublications at the interface of physics and biology often include theoretical work which is summarised in a short form in a Supplementary Text or Supplementary Theory. Authors may want to further describe, extend and give higher visibility to the theoretical work that they have published in this way. We are therefore pleased to announce that Cells & Development will now consider submissions of extended and more detailed versions of Supplementary Theory material published in other biological or generalist journals. To be considered, these articles must introduce significant additional material and discussion of previously published results. They must explicitly refer to the article where the Supplementary Theory text was originally published. Reproduction of the previously published figures or text materials should be minimal and appropriately referenced, in accordance with copyright requirements of the other journal.With this initiative, Cells & Development is aiming at promoting quantitative approaches to biology by giving the opportunity to theorists to better explain and highlight their contribution to multidisciplinary studies.Cells & Development does not publish descriptive studies of gene expression patterns and molecular screens; for submission of such studies see Gene Expression Patterns .
Cells & Development

Cellular Signalling

  • ISSN: 0898-6568
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4.4
  • Impact factor: 4.4
Cellular Signalling publishes original research describing fundamental and clinical findings on the mechanisms, actions and structural components of cellular signalling systems in vitro and in vivo.Cellular Signalling aims at full length research papers defining signalling systems ranging from microorganisms to cells, tissues and higher organisms.Cellular Signalling strives to offer a fair and fast peer-review process with a single round of revisions. Reviews are by invitation-only. Short Reports are not accepted.
Cellular Signalling

Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery

  • ISSN: 0303-8467
  • 5 Year impact factor: 1.8
  • Impact factor: 1.8
Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery is devoted to publishing papers and reports on the clinical aspects of neurology and neurosurgery. It is an international forum for papers of high scientific standard that are of interest to Neurologists and Neurosurgeons world-wide.Professor Florian Roser, Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi Neurological Institute, P.O. Box 11 24 12, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates is the Editor-in-Chief. The journal has a broad international perspective.Types of Papers: • Reviews • Neurological progress, concerning new developments in the field of clinical neurology and neurosurgery • Special articles, written by invited authors • Original articles, full-length papers devoted to the scope and purpose of the journal • Case histories, reporting unusual clinical syndromes or diseases. These papers should be no less than 3 pages print, not including illustrations and tables • Letters to the Editor, comments on articles in Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery • Book reviews • Announcements are carried at the Editor's and Publisher's discretion.
Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery

Clinical Neurophysiology

  • ISSN: 1388-2457
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.9
  • Impact factor: 3.7
Official Organ of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology, the Brazilian Society of Clinical Neurophysiology, the Czech Society of Clinical Neurophysiology, and the International Society of Intraoperative Neurophysiology.SCOPE OF THE JOURNAL: Clinical Neurophysiology is dedicated to publishing scholarly reports on the pathophysiology underlying diseases of the peripheral and central nervous system of humans. Reports on clinical trials that use neurophysiological measures as endpoints are encouraged, as are manuscripts on integrated neuroimaging of peripheral and central nervous function including, but not limited to, functional MRI, brain mapping, MEG, EEG, PET, ultrasound, and other neuroimaging modalities. Studies on normal human neurophysiology are welcome, if they are relevant to disease or clinical applications. Studies on animals and technical reports must have clear applicability to human disease. Case reports may be considered (exclusively as Letters-to-the-Editor), if implying substantial advancement of knowledge.Clinical Neurophysiology covers epilepsy, developmental clinical neurophysiology, psychophysiology and psychopathology, motor control and movement disorders, somatosensory disorders including pain, motor neuron diseases, neuromuscular diseases, neuropathies, sleep and disorders of consciousness, auditory and vestibular disorders, aging, Alzheimer's disease, other dementias, other psychiatric disorders, autonomic disorders, neural plasticity and recovery, intraoperative and ICU monitoring, and therapeutic clinical neurophysiology including non-invasive and invasive brain stimulation.All studies published in Clinical Neurophysiology must stand on their own and make a substantial contribution to the literature. The journal does not afford a high priority to 'pilot' or 'preliminary' studies or to negative studies that do not advance knowledge.Reports with a focus on education or clinical practice, case reports, methodological and technical reports and studies reporting normative data on healthy subjects are preferentially being considered in Clinical Neurophysiology Practice, a companion journal of Clinical Neurophysiology.AUDIENCE:Neurologists, Clinical Neurophysiologists, Neuroscientists, Neuroimagers, Psychiatrists, Neuropsychologists, NeurosurgeonsSee also the BRAND NEW Companion Journal Clinical Neurophysiology Practice
Clinical Neurophysiology