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Journals in Microbial functional genomics

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Experimental Parasitology

  • ISSN: 0014-4894
  • 5 Year impact factor: 1.6
  • Impact factor: 1.4
Experimental Parasitology emphasizes modern approaches to parasitology, including molecular biology and immunology. The journal features original research papers on the physiological, metabolic, immunologic, biochemical, nutritional, and chemotherapeutic aspects of parasites and host-parasite relationships.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services .Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Experimental Parasitology

International Journal for Parasitology

  • ISSN: 0020-7519
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.5
  • Impact factor: 3.7
Sponsored by the Australian Society for ParasitologyThe International Journal for Parasitology publishes the results of original research in all aspects of basic and applied parasitology, including all the fields covered by its Specialist Editors, and ranging from parasites and host-parasite relationships of intrinsic biological interest to those of social and economic importance in human and veterinary medicine and agriculture. Original research includes the development of novel and innovative concepts and ideas, as well as experimental and observational science that raises new hypotheses.We do not publish new genome sequences and assemblies alone without new and significant insight into the biology of the parasite, the parasite-host relationship or mechanisms of pathogenesis. Because of its breadth of discipline coverage, the aims and significance of all contributions should be made clear to readers who are not expert in the particular subject of papers. In applied parasitology, it will tend to favour contributions of broader significance to the subject rather than narrow, highly specialised applications. The principal form of publication is the full length paper which contains substantial results from a major program of research. The Journal also provides a medium for the publication of shorter, but complete, papers reporting highly significant original findings, as Succinctus articles. It also publishes Thematic Issues incorporating papers on a topical theme and commissions papers with emphasis on shorter, focussed Reviews of topical issues and strategically important subjects. The Journal encourages critical comment and debate on matters of current controversy in parasitology via "Current Opinions".Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services .Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support CenterThe International Journal for Parasitology has also launched two specialist, open access titles you are welcome to submit to:International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and WildlifeInternational Journal for Parasitology: Drugs and Drug Resistance
International Journal for Parasitology

Journal of Microbiological Methods

  • ISSN: 0167-7012
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2
  • Impact factor: 1.7
The Journal of Microbiological Methods publishes scholarly and original articles, notes and review articles. These articles must include novel and/or state-of-the-art methods, or significant improvements to existing methods. Novel and innovative applications of current methods that are validated and useful will also be published. JMM strives for scholarship, innovation and excellence. This demands scientific rigour, the best available methods and technologies, correctly replicated experiments/tests, the inclusion of proper controls, calibrations, and the correct statistical analysis. The presentation of the data must support the interpretation of the method/approach.All aspects of microbiology are covered, except virology. These include agricultural microbiology, applied and environmental microbiology, bioassays, bioinformatics, biotechnology, biochemical microbiology, clinical microbiology, diagnostics, food monitoring and quality control microbiology, microbial genetics and genomics, geomicrobiology, microbiome methods regardless of habitat, high through-put sequencing methods and analysis, microbial pathogenesis and host responses, metabolomics, metagenomics, metaproteomics, microbial ecology and diversity, microbial physiology, microbial ultra-structure, microscopic and imaging methods, molecular microbiology, mycology, novel mathematical microbiology and modelling, parasitology, plant-microbe interactions, protein markers/profiles, proteomics, pyrosequencing, public health microbiology, radioisotopes applied to microbiology, robotics applied to microbiological methods,rumen microbiology, microbiological methods for space missions and extreme environments, sampling methods and samplers, soil and sediment microbiology, transcriptomics, veterinary microbiology, sero-diagnostics and typing/identification.The editors, editorial board members and scholarly reviewers are active scientists with an immense amount of collective experience that is used during the review and revision stages of articles. We encourage the submission of proposals for scholarly reviews and specials issues on emerging microbiological methods that are central to advancing microbiological knowledge. We look forward to receiving your proposals and articles.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Journal of Microbiological Methods

Marine Genomics

  • ISSN: 1874-7787
  • 5 Year impact factor: 1.4
  • Impact factor: 1.3
The journal publishes papers on all functional and evolutionary aspects of genes, chromatin, chromosomes and (meta)genomes of marine (and freshwater) organisms. It deals with new genome-enabled insights into the broader framework of environmental science. Topics within the scope of this journal include: • Population genomics and ecology • Evolutionary and developmental genomics • Comparative genomics • Metagenomics • Environmental genomics • Systems biologyMore specific topics include: geographic and phylogenomic characterization of aquatic organisms, metabolic capacities and pathways of organisms and communities, biogeochemical cycles, genomics and integrative approaches applied to microbial ecology including (meta)transcriptomics and (meta)proteomics, tracking of infectious diseases, environmental stress, global climate change and ecosystem modelling.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Marine Genomics

Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology

  • ISSN: 0166-6851
  • 5 Year impact factor: 1.6
  • Impact factor: 1.4
Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology provides a medium for rapid publication of investigations of the molecular biology and biochemistry of parasitic protozoa and helminths and their molecular interactions with their definitive and intermediate hosts and their vectors.The main subject areas covered are:the structure, biosynthesis, degradation, properties and function of parasite biomolecules - DNA, RNA, proteins, lipids, carbohydrates and small molecular-weight substanceshost-parasite relationships particularly as related to specific parasite molecules and to the response of host cells to infectionvector-parasite relationships at the molecular levelintermediary metabolism and bioenergeticsdrug target characterization and the mode of action of antiparasitic drugsanalysis of gene function, expression, and of genome structure and stabilityanalysis of variation in parasite populations relevant to genetic exchange, pathogenesis, drug and vaccine target characterization, and drug resistance; please note that genetic variation data must be supported by phenotypic/experimental data showing the effect of the variation, and that papers reporting solely on allele frequencies in specific regions will not be accepted.parasite protein trafficking, organelle biogenesis, and cellular structure especially with reference to the roles of specific moleculesmolecular and biochemical aspects of membrane structure and functionparasite programmed cell death, development, and cell division at the molecular levelmethods reports - descriptions of novel or newly-optimized methods with broad applicability to molecular and biochemical parasitologyPapers will only be accepted for publication if they fall within these areas, if they contain original and complete work of high scientific quality, and if they are well presented. Papers solely confirming the conserved functions of genes previously studied in other organisms will not be considered. We welcome short communications documenting a succinct but clear and important advance.1. Original research articles should report highly significant innovative results not previously published elsewhere. Original articles are limited to 7,000 words per article (all text excluding tables and figure legends).2. Short Communications need not be formally structured as full papers but should describe significant new findings and observations. The manuscript should ideally contain no more than 4Figures/Tables and 3000 words. The abstract should be limited to 200 words.3. Methods Reports should contain descriptions of novel or newly-optimised methods with broad applicability to molecular parasitologists. The manuscript should ideally contain no more than 4 Figures/Tables and 3000 words. Results and Discussion are usually combined. The abstract should be limited to 200 words. Methods Reports must include a detailed step-by-step protocol and/or analysis code in the supplementary material.4. Review articles should cover subjects falling within the scope of the journal which are of active current interest. They may be submitted or invited by the Editors. Review articles should include insightful recommendations for future directions needed for achieving public health impacts. Review articles are limited to 15,000 words per article (all text excluding tables and figure legends). If you have a suggestion for a Review article topic please email Special Content Editor, Geoff Gobert: [email protected]. Perspective articles should include scientifically backed points of view regarding currently relevant, controversial or future-oriented topics pertinent to the scope of MBP. Note that only outlining recent advances in a given field is not acceptable for a Perspective article. Besides stimulating scientific discussion or future research, perspective articles should provide a novel conceptual framework for an old or timely issue. The authors should outline which research directions should be prioritized and highlight specific points explaining why they should be prioritized in future research. Perspective articles are limited to 6,000 words per article (all text excluding tables and figure legends).6. Letters to the Editor offering comment or useful critique on material published in the journal are welcome. Letters on "hot topics" are also welcome. Note that Letters to the Editors will also be externally reviewed but the decision to publish submitted letters rests with the Editors in Chief. A goal is to publish constructive letters that will permit an exchange of views which will be of benefit to both the journal and its readers. Letters to the Editor are limited to 2,000 words per article (all text excluding tables and figure legends).Most downloaded papersBenefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services .Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology