Animal Behaviour is published for the Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour in collaboration with the Animal Behavior Society.First published in 1953, Animal Behaviour is a leading international publication and has wide appeal, containing critical reviews, original papers, and research articles on all aspects of animal behaviour. Book Reviews and Books Received sections are also included.Growing interest in behavioural biology and the international reputation of Animal Behaviour prompted an expansion to monthly publication in 1989. Animal Behaviour continues to be the journal of choice for biologists, ethologists, psychologists, physiologists, and veterinarians with an interest in the subject.Research Areas include: • Behavioural ecology • Evolution of behaviour • Sociobiology • Ethology • Behavioural psychology • Behavioural physiology • Population biology • Sensory behaviour • Navigation and migration
Animal Reproduction Science publishes results from studies relating to reproduction and fertility in animals.Animal Reproduction Science aims to publish fundamental research and applied studies, including management practices that increase our understanding of the biology and manipulation of reproduction. It publishes articles on animals that are useful to humans including food and fibre-producing.Submissions on reproduction in aquatic animals are particularly welcomed. Manuscripts that include in vitro spermatozoa, oocyte, and embryo development are welcome, but the work must include research that goes beyond the general assessment of viability, quality, and in vitro development.The journal publishes topics including:companion/recreational; captive; and endangered species including zoo animalsreproductive physiology and endocrinologystudy of reproductive physiology and endocrinologyreproductive cyclesnatural and artificial control of reproductionpreservation and use of gametes and embryospregnancy and parturitioninfertility and sterility, diagnostic and therapeutic techniques.Animal Reproduction Science does not accept submissions on reproduction in insects or laboratory animals unless the results of the study provide new information that impacts the basic understanding of the biology or manipulation of reproduction. We do not accept manuscripts concluding that any improved performance of gametes embryos or gametes in an in vitro environment will improve pregnancy outcomes without providing in vivo data to support the conclusion.Authors with any concerns are encouraged to contact the Editor-in-Chief to enquire about the suitability of the content of their paper for submission. The Editorial Board of Animal Reproduction Science has decided not to publish papers in which there is an exclusive examination of the in vitro development of oocytes and embryos; however, there will be consideration of papers that include in vitro studies where the source of the oocytes and/or development of the embryos beyond the blastocyst stage is part of the experimental design.
An international journal reporting on the application of ethology to animals managed by humans. Official Journal of the International Society for Applied Ethology (ISAE)This journal publishes relevant information on the behaviour of domesticated and utilized animals.Topics covered include:Behaviour of farm, zoo and laboratory animals in relation to animal management and welfareBehaviour of companion animals in relation to behavioural problems, for example, in relation to the training of dogs for different purposes, in relation to behavioural problemsStudies of the behaviour of wild animals when these studies are relevant from an applied perspective, for example in relation to wildlife management, pest management or nature conservationMethodological studies within relevant fieldsThe principal subjects are farm, companion and laboratory animals, including, of course, poultry. The journal also deals with the following animal subjects:Those involved in any farming system, e.g. deer, rabbits and fur-bearing animalsThose in ANY form of confinement, e.g. zoos, safari parks and other forms of displayFeral animals, and any animal species which impinge on farming operations, e.g. as causes of loss or damageSpecies used for hunting, recreation etc. may also be considered as acceptable subjects in some instancesLaboratory animals, if the material relates to their behavioural requirements
At present, the article publishing charge (APC) of the journal is covered by the sponsors, so authors do not need to pay an APC for articles accepted for publication in Avian Research.The contents of Volumes 5-12 of Avian Research published with BMC can be found here. ( The journal was previously published under the title Chinese Birds (Volumes 1-4), and the contents can be found here. ( Research is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles covering all aspects of ornithology, including, but not limited to:Conservation biologyBehavioral ecologyEvolutionary ecologyPhylogenetics, systematics and genomicsBiogeographyPopulation and community ecologyMigration and movement ecologyBreeding and reproductive biologyPhysiological ecologyNew technology and methodologyTheoretical, applied and interdisciplinary papers are equally welcome. The journal prefers concise, well-written papers focusing on precisely framed questions or hypotheses. Purely observational or descriptive papers have a low chance of acceptance.Avian Research mainly publishes research articles and reviews. Although the journal publishes other types like correspondences and short notes at times, direct submission of such types of manuscript is not advised.The rigorous peer-review helps raise the academic level of the journal and has led the journal being indexed in such databases as SCIE (Science Citation Index Expanded), Scopus, DOAJ, Zoological Record, and CSCD (Chinese Science Citation Database).As an open access journal, Avian Research benefits authors from publishing high quality contents on ScienceDirect that will be internationally accessible at no cost, quality peer-review, easy online submission and fast publication upon acceptance.Editorial Board
Learning and Motivation is committed to publishing articles concerned with learning, cognition, and motivation, based on laboratory or field studies of either humans or animals. Manuscripts are invited that report on applied behavior analysis, and on behavioral, neural, and evolutionary influences on learning and motivation. A variety of formats will be considered, including integrated series of experiments, shorter reports, review and theoretical papers, and commentary on specific issues.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Livestock Science promotes the sound development of the livestock sector by publishing original, peer-reviewed research and review articles covering all aspects of the broad field of animal production and animal science. The journal welcomes submissions on the avant-garde areas of animal genetics, breeding, growth, reproduction, nutrition, physiology, and behaviour in addition to genetic resources, welfare, ethics, health, management and production systems. The high-quality content of this journal reflects the truly international nature of this broad area of research. Submissions focusing on diagnosis, disease treatments and epidemiology are not welcomed and works entirely based on either laboratory work or laboratory animals are only rarely considered. Papers presenting reviews and meta-analyses must ensure that they provide new insights to our readers. When the novelty of the research presented (including meta-analyses) is due to the methods used, authors are encouraged to classify their works as either Short Communications or Technical Notes.  Although the use of commercial compounds is allowed, they must not be the basis of the research presented. Our board does not consider papers based on the use of drugs in experiments, such as antibiotics in animal nutrition or behaviour modifiers in animal breeding.
Mammalian Biology is an international scientific journal edited by the Gesellschaft für Säugetierkunde (German Society for Mammalian Biology)and is now published by Springer-Nature; further information can be found The journal is devoted to the publication of research on mammals, including anatomy, morphology, paleontology, taxonomy, systematics, and more.
Formerly know as Advances in Animal Biosciences .animal-science proceedings is one of the official journals of the animal Consortium, a collaboration between the British Society of Animal Science, the Institut National de la Recherche pour l'Agriculture, l'Alimentation et l'Environnement (INRAE) and the European Federation for Animal Science (EAAP). animal-science proceedings is part of a family of journals including animal - science proceedings and animal - open space , a new publishing initiative of the animal Consortium.animal - science proceedings now published as an open access journal by Elsevier.The journal will publish high-quality conference, symposium and workshop proceedings on aspects of the life sciences with emphasis on farmed, other managed animals, leisure and companion animals, aquaculture and the use of insects for animal feed and human food. These can be in the form of a book of abstracts or one to two-page summaries or short papers. The format will highlight the title of the meeting and organisations involved but the publications will have the added advantage of being gold open access and forming a series under animal-science proceedings . This gives conferences wide exposure and conference proceedings a wide circulation. The conferences can be international or regional/national. Languages other than English are acceptable provided a means of wider dissemination is agreed. Subject areas can include aspects of Breeding and Genetics, Nutrition, Physiology and Functional Biology of Systems, Behaviour, Health and Welfare, Livestock Farming Systems and Product Quality. Due to the integrative nature of biological systems, animal-science proceedings will welcome contributions on the translation of basic and strategic science into whole animal and whole system Productivity, on Product Quality and the relationship between products and human health, Food Security, the Environment including ecosystem services and agroecology, and Climate Change. Proceedings can involve research, extension studies, training and education as well as policy development.Conference organisers: The animal family provides a package enabling conference organisers to publish main/ invited papers in animal with abstracts in animal - science proceedings.For further information and a guide for conference organisers please contact [email protected]*****Please note that publication in animal is subject to peer review and that the scope of animal - science proceedings is wider than that of animal.