Enhanced Geothermal Systems for Sustainable Development presents EGS as an essential tool in securing abundant, clean, carbon-free energy to help meet growing global energy demands. This book lays a foundation with an overview of the thermal regime of the earth, addresses carbon dioxide sources, their effects on the climate and mitigation strategies using EGS, summarizes hydrothermal sources, EGS concepts, its historical background, EGS technology, economic and environmental considerations and culminates in global case studies. Authored by a recognized geothermal energy expert, Enhanced Geothermal Systems for Sustainable Development delivers a centralized text that emphasises fundamental principles, methodology, application, and economics of Enhanced Geothermal Systems, delivers a basic understanding of EGS concepts and applications in the lab and field, includes global case studies demonstrating the viability of geothermal energy, and supports sustainability. Packed with foundational and practical information on EGS, as well as case studies highlighting EGS applications worldwide, this book presents a much-needed overview for undergraduate and graduate students, energy industry professionals and researchers, and companies seeking a stake in the carbon-neutral business to reduce their carbon footprints. This essential volume covers EGS basics, technologies, applications, and benefits, along with case studies, examples, and economics. This accessible text on EGS is essential in the present context of global energy security – it paves a path to a carbon-free future that is within reach.
Eukaryotic Microorganisms as Sources of Bioproducts: From Microalgae and Yeast Cultivation to End-Products, Second Edition examines the cultivation and utilization of microalgae biomass for sustainable fuels and chemicals, bringing together the expertise of authors from different areas and backgrounds. In addition to extensive updates to the first edition, this new edition includes new chapters on yeast, addressing the many challenges with developing novel yeast technology cell factories and bioprocesses. With a strong focus in emerging industrial and large-scale applications, the book summarizes the new achievements in recent years.It includes information on microalgae and yeast cultivation, harvesting, and conversion processes for the production of liquid and gaseous biofuels, such as biogas, bioethanol, biodiesel and biohydrogen. Microalgae biorefinery and biotechnology applications, including in pharmaceuticals, as food and feed, and value added bioproducts are also covered. The comprehensive scope makes it an ideal textbook for graduate and post-graduate courses in algal/yeast biotechnology, while its invaluable insights and guidance on the design of photobioreactors for microalgae mass cultivation and optimization of process strategies for yeast bioproduction will serve as a reference manual professionals and engineers.
Automotive structural components are an important component that affects the performance of the entire vehicle. The light weight of automotive structural components is one of the sustainable solutions to energy and environmental issues, and the development technology of its core components and vehicle performance evaluation technology are its key development directions. To gradually replace traditional cars on a large scale, electric vehicles need to address the durability and reliability issues of the entire vehicle and key components. Prediction Methods and Evaluation of the Fatigue Life for Automotive Structural Components helps readers understand how they can do this
Boosting the Transition to Circular Economy in the Water Sector: Insights from EU Demonstration Case Studies, Current Developments in Biotechnology and Bioengineering provides a holistic overview of the current status of recent progress in resource recovery from wastewater treatment, including fundamental aspects and development of processes, as well as the needs of further research and industrialization. The book gives special emphasis and discussion on green technologies for resource recovery from wastewater and bottlenecks with regard to their applications. From a future green bioprocess standpoint, biogas production and waste minimization, opportunities, future perspectives, and research needs are also discussed.The book presents insights gained recent EU projects reporting solutions, technologies, tools and strategies to overcome the existing barriers hampering the circular economy transition process. The book combines practical and theoretical knowledge of circular economy of water sector thus being useful for both researchers, professionals and actors making local decisions.
Distribution System Modeling with Distributed Energy Resources: Local Energy Markets, Aggregators, Grid Services, and Flexibility utilizes a wide range of modeling approaches to support DER integration into the energy grid. The book opens by introducing basic principles and challenges of modern energy systems and the role of DERs in resolving issues, as well as regulatory considerations and frameworks across a variety of distributions. It goes on to demonstrate and evaluate mathematical modeling and optimizing methods, including robust and adaptive robust methods, the two-stage stochastic method, and bi-level optimization approaches.This theory is then applied to a range of test-cases which use the DER aggregator as either price-maker or price-taker, apply Karush-Kahn-Tucker condition, dual theory approaches, and bilateral contacts, TSO-DSO cooperation, and decision-making tools. With a practical, holistic approach, this book supports graduate students, researchers, and industry engineers in energy systems modeling to design sustainable power grids for the future.
Revolutionizing Heat Transfer: Nanofluids, Turbulators, and Machine Learning for Sustainable Energy Efficiency bridges the knowledge gap between traditional heat transfer enhancement techniques and innovative approaches employing nanofluids and turbulators. Users will find this to be an all-inclusive resource on the latest advancements in nanofluids, turbulators, and machine learning techniques for heat transfer enhancement that also includes detailed guidance on the synthesis, characterization, design, and optimization of these technologies. Using an interdisciplinary approach, this book serves as a valuable reference for researchers and practitioners working on heat transfer in energy applications and students studying related areas.There is a growing need for this resource as it addresses both the limitations of current heat transfer techniques while also providing sustainable solutions for a wide range of engineering applications.
Electrochemical Sensors and Biosensors: Green Sustainable Process for Chemical and Environmental Engineering and Science (GSPCEES) provides the latest developments in electrochemical sensors and biosensors for compound identification. The book covers the principles, applications, and latest advancements in the field, and provides information on the design, development, and optimization of sensitive and selective electrochemical sensors and biosensors for compound identification. It includes detailed discussions on underlying principles, practical guidance on the selection of materials, fabrication techniques, and sensing and signal transduction strategies as well as key topics such as sensor integration, miniaturization, and commercialization.This is an indispensable resource for researchers, scientists, and students working in the field of electrochemical sensors and biosensors, as well as professionals in industry and government agencies involved in chemical and environmental monitoring.
Stochastic Modeling and Statistical Methods: Advances and Applications is the practical guide to the latest developments in data analysis and research methods. The book explores the significant research progress that has been seen in recent decades, offering vital tools for analyzing modern applications and real data. Topics covered include Dynamic Reliability, Stochastic Modeling, System Maintainability, and Parametric, Semi-Parametric, and Nonparametric Statistical Inference. Readers will find the latest advancements in these areas, making it an essential resource for researchers and practitioners who want to explore these evolving fields and stay updated on cutting-edge research.
High-Pressure Thermoelastic and Thermophysical properties of smart materials: EOSs at High Pressure and Thermal Properties describes how high-pressure research is instrumental in different sectors and how EOS plays an important role in high-pressure research; displays various EOS modelling techniques; explains thermoelastic and thermophysical properties of materials from EOSs, and provides a blueprint of size and shape dependence thermal properties of smart materials. This book opens with an introduction to high-pressure research, surveys experimental and theoretical tools for study at high pressure, covers the role of EOSs to describe thermoelastic properties and their limitations, looks at different modelling techniques of EOSs, considers how extreme-compression behaviour is different from low-compression behaviour, examines thermoelastic properties of smart materials at high pressure, addresses the search of universal EOSs, analyzes the effect of shape and size on thermal properties of smart materials and culminates in future research. This volume provides researchers and academicians working in the field of high-pressure research and shape / size dependent thermal properties a one-stop reference that summates correlations between different aspects of high-pressure thermoelastic and thermophysical properties of advanced materials. It serves as a thorough introduction for less-experienced readers, but also provides a summary of state-of-the-art in the field to physicists, materials scientists and engineers working to exploit high pressure techniques for possible materials development and application.
Artificial Intelligence Innovations for Biomedical Engineering and Healthcare bridges the evolving domains of artificial intelligence and biomedical engineering and healthcare. In an era where data-driven insights and precision medicine are essential in healthcare, this book explores emerging trends, and showcases AI's potential in transforming patient care, diagnosis, and the treatment of chronic diseases. The book goes on to examine how advanced technologies, including complex networks and AI-driven diagnostics, are reshaping the healthcare landscape. It simplifies the relationship between artificial intelligence and biomedical engineering, elucidating how these technologies are revolutionizing self-care. From decoding complex networks to revealing AI's role in treating chronic diseases, this book serves as a guide to understanding how innovation is reshaping the healthcare landscape.