Laboratory Statistics: Methods in Chemistry and Health Science, Second Edition, presents common strategies for comparing and evaluating numerical laboratory data. In particular, the text deals with the type of data and problems that laboratory scientists and students in analytical chemistry, clinical chemistry, epidemiology, and clinical research face on a daily basis. This book takes the mystery out of statistics and provides simple, hands-on instructions in the format of everyday formulas. Spreadsheet shortcuts and functions are included, along with many simple worked examples. This book is a must-have guide to applied statistics in the lab that will result in improved experimental design and analysis. This thoroughly revised second edition includes several new sections, more examples, and all formulas in Excel code.
Underground Sensing: Monitoring and Hazard Detection for Environment and Infrastructure brings the target audience the technical and practical knowledge of existing technologies of subsurface sensing and monitoring based on a classification of their functionality. In addition, the book introduces emerging technologies and applications of sensing for environmental and geo-hazards in subsurface – focusing on sensing platforms that can enable fully distributed global measurements. Finally, users will find a comprehensive exploration of the future of underground sensing that can meet demands for preemptive and sustainable response to underground hazards. New concepts and paradigms based on passively powered and/or on-demand activated, embeddable sensor platforms are presented to bridge the gap between real-time monitoring and global measurements.
Oil Spill Environmental Forensics Case Studies includes 34 chapters that serve to present various aspects of environmental forensics in relation to “real-world” oil spill case studies from around the globe. Authors representing academic, government, and private researcher groups from 14 countries bring a diverse and global perspective to this volume. Oil Spill Environmental Forensics Case Studies addresses releases of natural gas/methane, automotive gasoline and other petroleum fuels, lubricants, vegetable oils, paraffin waxes, bitumen, manufactured gas plant residues, urban runoff, and, of course, crude oil, the latter ranging from light Bakken shale oil to heavy Canadian oil sands oil. New challenges surrounding forensic investigations of stray gas in the shallow subsurface, volatiles in air, dissolved chemicals in water (including passive samplers), and biological tissues associated with oil spills are included, as are the effects and long-term oil weathering, long-term monitoring in urbanized and non-urbanized environments, fate and transport, forensic historical research, new analytical and chemical data processing and interpretation methods.
The Planning Guide to Piping Design, Second Edition, covers the entire process of managing and executing project piping designs, from conceptual to mechanical completion, also explaining what roles and responsibilities are required of the piping lead during the process. The book explains proven piping design methods in step-by-step processes that cover the increasing use of new technologies and software. Extended coverage is provided for the piping lead to manage piping design activities, which include supervising, planning, scheduling, evaluating manpower, monitoring progress and communicating the piping design. With newly revised chapters and the addition of a chapter on CAD software, the book provides the mentorship for piping leads, engineers and designers to grasp the requirements of piping supervision in the modern age.
Energy from Waste is a concise, up-to-date and accessible guide on how to create power from both urban and industrial waste. The book explores the types of waste that, instead of going to landfill, can be converted to energy, also discussing the most up-to-date technologies for doing so. The book contains a strong emphasis on the related environmental impacts and economic factors involved in the various methods of generating electricity, making this a valuable and insightful read for those involved in the management and conversion of waste, including energy engineers, managers and technicians.
Infrared and Raman Spectroscopies of Clay Minerals, Volume 8 in the Developments in Clay Science series, is an up-to-date overview of spectroscopic techniques used in the study of clay minerals. The methods include infrared spectroscopy, covering near-IR (NIR), mid-IR (MIR), far-IR (FIR) and IR emission spectroscopy (IES), as well as FT-Raman spectroscopy and Raman microscopy. This book complements the succinct introductions to these methods described in the original Handbook of Clay Science (Volumes 1, 1st Edition and 5B, 2nd Edition), offering greater depth and featuring the most important literature since the development and application of these techniques in clay science. No other book covers such a wide variety of vibrational spectroscopic techniques in a single volume for clay and soil scientists.
Morphing Wings Technologies: Large Commercial Aircraft and Civil Helicopters offers a fresh look at current research on morphing aircraft, including industry design, real manufactured prototypes and certification. This is an invaluable reference for students in the aeronautics and aerospace fields who need an introduction to the morphing discipline, as well as senior professionals seeking exposure to morphing potentialities. Practical applications of morphing devices are presented—from the challenge of conceptual design incorporating both structural and aerodynamic studies, to the most promising and potentially flyable solutions aimed at improving the performance of commercial aircraft and UAVs. Morphing aircraft are multi-role aircraft that change their external shape substantially to adapt to a changing mission environment during flight. The book consists of eight sections as well as an appendix which contains both updates on main systems evolution (skin, structure, actuator, sensor, and control systems) and a survey on the most significant achievements of integrated systems for large commercial aircraft.
Applied Statistical Modeling and Data Analytics: A Practical Guide for the Petroleum Geosciences provides a practical guide to many of the classical and modern statistical techniques that have become established for oil and gas professionals in recent years. It serves as a "how to" reference volume for the practicing petroleum engineer or geoscientist interested in applying statistical methods in formation evaluation, reservoir characterization, reservoir modeling and management, and uncertainty quantification. Beginning with a foundational discussion of exploratory data analysis, probability distributions and linear regression modeling, the book focuses on fundamentals and practical examples of such key topics as multivariate analysis, uncertainty quantification, data-driven modeling, and experimental design and response surface analysis. Data sets from the petroleum geosciences are extensively used to demonstrate the applicability of these techniques. The book will also be useful for professionals dealing with subsurface flow problems in hydrogeology, geologic carbon sequestration, and nuclear waste disposal.
Maximum Principles for the Hill's Equation focuses on the application of these methods to nonlinear equations with singularities (e.g. Brillouin-bem focusing equation, Ermakov-Pinney,…) and for problems with parametric dependence. The authors discuss the properties of the related Green’s functions coupled with different boundary value conditions. In addition, they establish the equations’ relationship with the spectral theory developed for the homogeneous case, and discuss stability and constant sign solutions. Finally, reviews of present classical and recent results made by the authors and by other key authors are included.
Rockburst: Mechanisms, Monitoring, Warning and Mitigation invites the most relevant researchers and practitioners worldwide to discuss the rock mechanics phenomenon related to increased stress and energy levels in intact rock introduced by drilling, explosion, blasting and other activities. When critical energy levels are reached, rockbursts can occur causing human and material losses in mining and tunneling environments. This book is the most comprehensive information source in English to cover rockbursts. Comprised of four main parts, the book covers in detail the theoretical concepts related to rockbursts, and introduces the current computational modeling techniques and laboratory tests available. The second part is devoted to case studies in mining (coal and metal) and tunneling environments worldwide. The third part covers the most recent advances in measurement and monitoring. Special focus is given to the interpretation of signals and reliability of systems. The following part addresses warning and risk mitigation through the proposition of a single risk assessment index and a comprehensive warning index to portray the stress status of the rock and a successful case study. The final part of the book discusses mitigation including best practices for distressing and efficiently supporting rock. Designed to provide the most comprehensive coverage, the book will provide practicing mining and tunneling engineers the theoretical background needed to better cope with the phenomenon, practical advice from case studies and practical mitigation actions and techniques. Academics in rock mechanics will appreciate this complete reference to rockburst, which features how to analyze stress signals and use computational modeling more efficiently.