Microscope Image Processing, Second Edition, introduces the basic fundamentals of image formation in microscopy including the importance of image digitization and display, which are key to quality visualization. Image processing and analysis are discussed in detail to provide readers with the tools necessary to improve the visual quality of images, and to extract quantitative information. Basic techniques such as image enhancement, filtering, segmentation, object measurement, and pattern recognition cover concepts integral to image processing. In addition, chapters on specific modern microscopy techniques such as fluorescence imaging, multispectral imaging, three-dimensional imaging and time-lapse imaging, introduce these key areas with emphasis on the differences among the various techniques.The new edition discusses recent developments in microscopy such as light sheet microscopy, digital microscopy, whole slide imaging, and the use of deep learning techniques for image segmentation and analysis with big data image informatics and management.Microscope Image Processing, Second Edition, is suitable for engineers, scientists, clinicians, post-graduate fellows and graduate students working in bioengineering, biomedical engineering, biology, medicine, chemistry, pharmacology and related fields, who use microscopes in their work and would like to understand the methodologies and capabilities of the latest digital image processing techniques or desire to develop their own image processing algorithms and software for specific applications.
N-Sulfonated-N-Heterocycles covers the synthesis, chemistry and biological applications of these compounds, focusing on pioneering synthetic approaches, mechanistic insights and their limitations, as well as recent advances in this field. The synthesis of some of N-sulfonated N-heterocycles and their transformation to other useful cyclic and acyclic compounds are discussed, as well as their uses as useful intermediates in the preparation of polymeric and medicinal materials. This book includes detailed methods and protocols, and the focus on applications makes this resource an essential guide for all researchers in the area of organic, medicinal and polymeric synthetic study.
Contemporary Chemical Approaches for Green and Sustainable Drugs provides readers with the knowledge they need to integrate sustainable approaches into their work. Sections cover different aspects of green and sustainable drug development from design to disposal, including computer-aided drug design, green resourcing of drugs and drug candidates, an overview of the health concerns of pharmaceutical pollution, and a survey of potential chemical methods for its reduction. Drawing together the knowledge of a global team of experts, this book provides an inclusive overview of the chemical tools and approaches available for minimizing the negative environmental impact of current and newly developed drugs. This will be a useful guide for all academic and industrial researchers across green and sustainable chemistry, medicinal chemistry, environmental chemistry and pharmaceutical science.
Advances in Metal Oxides and their Composites for Emerging Applications reviews key properties of metal-oxide based composites, including their structural, physicochemical, optical, electrical components and resulting performance in a wide range of diverse applications. Synthetic protocols used to create metal oxides with desirable morphologies, properties and performance for applications in solar energy harvesting, energy storage and environmental remediation are emphasized. Emerging technologies that address important global challenges such as energy shortage, the hazardous effects of non-renewable energy sources, unaffordable energy technologies, and the contaminants present in air and water are also covered. This book is an ideal resource for materials scientists and engineers working in academia and R&D. In addition, it's appropriate for those who either need an introduction to potential research directions or for experienced researchers and practitioners looking for a key reference on the latest advances.
Sustainable Treatment Technologies for Pre- and Poly-flourakyl Substances provides comprehensive details about per- and poly-fluroalkyls substances (PFASs), which are highly toxic and bio-accumulative substances that do not biodegrade easily or cannot be neutralized under normal environmental conditions. It discusses their occurrence in water, wastewater, and aquatic environment, their bioaccumulation in plants, environmental impacts and various remedial technologies for their treatment and management. All the chapters provide state-of-art information about PFASs, describing their identification methods, characterization and present critical analysis of the treatment methods such as physical, chemical, biological, hybrid and advanced systems. This book is a ready reference for the environmental engineers, municipal engineers, environmental practitioners, policy makers, and planners; it is also a practical guide for industrial engineers, government bodies and ecologists as well as for researchers.
Coir Fiber and its Composites: Processing, Properties and Applications presents unified knowledge on eco-friendly coir fiber composites, covering their characterization, design, manufacture and applications. The properties of coir fiber and its extraction and processing are explored in-depth, thus helping researchers, scientists and those working in various industries understand the need of coir fiber composites in the development of green, biodegradable and sustainable components that have potential in real-world applications. The book elaborates on the basic characterization of coir fibers and its composite properties such, including its physical, mechanical, morphological, thermal, structural and chemical properties. Users will find sound knowledge on coir fiber and its composites, including modern design and manufacture engineering with numerous example illustrations, methods and results that will be valuable for graduate students, researchers and industrialists working in the development of plant-based composite materials.
Science and Technology of Liquid Metal Coolants in Nuclear Engineering is a comprehensive consolidation of the latest research and knowledge on liquid metal coolants. Over the last decades, various new technologies have been developed for the liquid metal coolants of fast breeder and fusion reactors and accelerator driven systems. Details of pumps and instrumentation used in these coolants and their operating principles are included to provide the reader with a well-rounded understanding of the topic and to guide on the operation of different liquid metal coolant systems. Methods for the safe handling and control of impurity levels in these coolants are clearly discussed, along with alkali metal fires and their management, including methods for safe disposal of sodium waste.
Brillouin Scattering, Part Two, Volume 110 in the Semiconductors and Semimetal series, marks the centenary of Leon Brillouin’s seminal 1922 paper which provided a detailed theory on the effect that now bears his name. Sections in this new release include Optical Fiber Sensors Based on Stimulated Brillouin scattering, Brillouin-based RF frequency sources, SBS for Microwave Photonics (MWP), Engineerable Brillouin processes for integrated photonics, SBS in optical communication systems - the good, the bad and the ugly, Slow light, dynamic gratings and light storage, Non-reciprocity in Brillouin scattering, Electromechanical Brillouin Scattering, and Brillouin light scattering for studying mechanics of biological systems. Stimulated Brillouin Scattering (SBS) is the strongest third order nonlinearity and plays an important role in contemporary science and applications, particularly lasers, communications, fiber optics and basic physics. This volume provides different perspectives on current technological contexts of SBS in a range of different application areas, including sensing, communications, radar, imaging and information storage.
Quantum Materials, Devices, and Applications covers the advances made in quantum technologies, both in research and mass production for applications in electronics, photonics, sensing, biomedical, environmental and agricultural applications. The book includes new materials, new device structures that are commercially available, and many more at the advanced research stage. It reviews the most relevant, current and emerging materials and device structures, organized by key applications and covers existing devices, technologies and future possibilities within a common framework of high-performance quantum devices. This book will be ideal for researchers and practitioners in academia, industry and those in materials science and engineering, electrical engineering and physics disciplines.
Deep Network Design for Medical Image Computing: Principles and Applications covers a range of MIC tasks and discusses design principles of these tasks for deep learning approaches in medicine. These include skin disease classification, vertebrae identification and localization, cardiac ultrasound image segmentation, 2D/3D medical image registration for intervention, metal artifact reduction, sparse-view artifact reduction, etc. For each topic, the book provides a deep learning-based solution that takes into account the medical or biological aspect of the problem and how the solution addresses a variety of important questions surrounding architecture, the design of deep learning techniques, when to introduce adversarial learning, and more. This book will help graduate students and researchers develop a better understanding of the deep learning design principles for MIC and to apply them to their medical problems.