Power Electronics for Solar and Wind Energy Conversion Systems is a comprehensive compilation of important developments from a holistic viewpoint that considers power electronics, machines, control and mechanical systems. The study of power electronics and its integration in different applications is covered through tutorials, exercises and simulation examples that help identify real-time, solution-based models on the proposed converter and controller designs for renewable energy sources. A comprehensive chapter is devoted to explaining controller design for power electronics systems and power converters design, providing engineers and researchers in all areas of power and renewable engineering the most advanced knowledge needed.
Fundamental Coordination Ability of s-Block Metal Ions: New Aspects and Its Role in Solution Reactions delves into the intricate reaction chemistry and coordination chemistry of s-block metal ions in various solutions. This book explores the crystallization and subsequent re-dissolution of s-block metal compounds from solutions, as well as their structures and the biochemistry of these ions in living organisms. By examining the complex formation of s-block metal ions with crown ethers, the book highlights the significant advancements in host-guest chemistry involving s-block metal ions. Additionally, it discusses recent synthesization of lighter metal coordination polymers, and more.The complex formation of s-block metal ions with crown ethers was discovered by C. J. Pedersen in 1967, and since then, host-guest chemistry of s-block metal ions have been highly developed. In recent years, many lighter metal coordination polymers have been synthesized actively. In this book, some “salt effects” or abnormal phenomena are accounted for in terms of coordination interaction with s-block metal ions in solution. The mechanism of enhanced oxidation ability of dilute nitric acid is discussed and the dissolution of pure gold in seawater with nitric acid is demonstrated. This important reference book will be useful to inorganic chemists, specifically those working in solution chemistry, main group metal chemistry and supramolecular chemistry, both in industry and academia.
New Aspects of Desalination and Multigeneration Technologies: Energy Analysis, Hybrid Desalination, Multigeneration explores energy modeling and analysis of desalination systems in both standalone and hybrid states. Fundamentals of renewable desalination technologies for developing solar and other renewable desalination plants are covered, along with comprehensive information on freshwater systems powered from renewable and non-renewable energy. In addition, hybridization of desalination plants, power generation systems and various energy resources are featured as well as thermodynamic modeling of integrated power plants and desalination systems.Other topics covered include the application of freshwater production methods from an energy point of view; cogeneration technologies; economic and thermoeconomic analysis; and integration of fresh water and power production plants. This reference is useful for energy and mechanical engineers as well as all those working in renewable, environmental and water engineering research.
Full-Stack Development from the Ground Up: Principles, Practices, and Technologies addresses the growing need for a comprehensive upper-division computer science textbook that provides in-depth treatment of full-stack web development using the modern web development technologies that students are likely to encounter in industry. Professional full-stack web developers who are capable of developing both the front-end user interfaces and back-end databases and services for dynamic websites are in high demand. The book begins by laying a foundation in HTML, CSS and JavaScript—the building blocks of client-side web development.It then explores one particular web development stack in detail: MERN, which stands for MongoDB, Express.js, React.js and Node.js. Together, these four technologies provide powerful support for full-stack web development in a single programming language—JavaScript. The crucial final step in the web development process is deploying apps to a server, so users can interact with them. This book simplifies deployment by focusing on just one web deployment environment: Amazon Web Services (AWS), and only those AWS tools that are absolutely necessary to deploy MERN applications.
Handbook of Power Electronics in Smart Grids and Intelligent Energy is an expert guide to smart grids, intelligent energy, artificial intelligence, and machine learning applications increasingly enabled by modern grid-aware power electronics converters. The work is designed to provide clear technical presentation with a focus on commercial viability, and it supports any or all aspects of a project requiring specialist design, analysis, installation, commissioning, and maintenance services. With this book in hand, engineers will be able to execute design, analysis, and evaluation of assigned projects using sound engineering principles and adhering to the business policies and product/program requirements.It supports power electronics engineers and researchers interested in new approaches to advance smart grid security, resiliency, energy management, energy efficiency, diagnostics and control systems and power electronics interfaces.
Managing the Consequences of Weather, Climate, and Ocean Extremes in Our Warming World examines the impacts of weather and climate extremes and evaluates the steps that might be done to mitigate the negative effects of these extremes. The information is targeted and given in a cohesive and complete manner due to the author's broad and in-depth subject area expertise. The book complements the previously published volume Science of Weather, Climate and Ocean Extremes and will help professionals gain an authoritative, evidence-based, and practice-relevant understanding of the significant risks to the future performance of the human and natural systems they are managing.
Cable-Network Structures: A New Approach to Form Finding, Optimal Design, and Shape Control provides a framework for form finding, optimal design, and shape control of cable-network structures in various engineering applications. Summarizing the latest research on these structures, the book outlines cutting-edge methods for form finding, modeling, pseudo-geodesic design of surface geometries, minimum residual nodal displacements for optimal shape adjustment, and more. These methods are applied to various large-scale structures, and they are compared with other methods in numerical simulations.Self-contained and easy-to-understand, this book serves as a useful resource on modeling, analysis, design, and control of cable-network structures for professionals, researchers, and students in aerospace, mechanical, and civil engineering.
Modern Energy Storage: The Key to Energy System Transformation is a unique reference designed to give students and researchers the most advanced information on technologies in energy storage systems. Compiled by global experts and considering latest advances related to full recyclable process, second use, pollution reduction, and low-carbon industry & economy, this book addresses the current challenges of energy storage technologies and potential solutions. It includes comprehensive information on algorithms, methods, and programs as a technical-encyclopedia for energy-storage-related areas such as Electric vehicles, Intelligent Transportation, Environment, and smart cities.Designed to inform, advise, and create discussion about the energy transition, climate, low carbon power and economy, the book's contributors provide abundant and valuable materials and references for students, researchers, engineers, and professors in energy, engineering, and environmental areas.
Integrated Systems Analysis of Ecosystems: The Land, Water, Food, and Climate Nexus focuses on the interface between soil sciences, hydrology, economy, ecology, agronomy, and environmental sciences. The book cuts across disciplinary boundaries and addresses broad issues impacting soil, water, food, and energy security, as well as the operation of agricultural and ecological processes. It will summarize important advances in cutting-edge models in ecology and agro-ecology, including biophysical process-oriented models and land use integrated models, along with their implications at various spatiotemporal scales.
Urban Energy Transition: Renewable Strategies for Cities and Regions, Third Edition is the definitive scientific and practice-based reference on energy transformations in the global urban system. This fully revised compendium provides a structured approach to the four integral areas of finance, governance, technology, and design related to current progress and innovation in urban energy transition. Dedicated to essential strategies for abundant and ubiquitous energy for all, global statistics of decoupling of economic growth from carbon emissions, the role of cities in the global transition to renewable energy, and principles, models, and tools of policy and planning for renewable energy-based communities are covered.This book will be extremely relevant and of interest to the global community, energy and sustainability practitioners and researchers, scholars, teachers and students in sustainability and urban energy managers.