Nuclear Wastewater Treatment by Adsorption Process provides a comprehensive introduction to nuclear waste treatment from both theoretical and practical perspectives. Sections explores research and development of adsorption processes in the field, illustrates various adsorbents and their applications for wastewater treatment, specifically for nuclear wastewater treatment, and provides guidance for the selection and use of the adsorption kinetics and isotherm models, as well as for future studies. Intended for students, researchers, and engineers working in nuclear waste treatment, adsorption/separation, water/wastewater treatment, and related industries, this book is sure to be a welcomed resource.
Nuclear Decommissioning Case Studies: Accidental Impacts on Workers, the Environment and the Public, Volume One presents a collection of international case studies that show impacts on workers, the public and the environment. Author Michele Laraia describes typical stages of decommissioning, such as categorization, hazard and risk analysis, and the risks and impacts involved at each stage. Each case is introduced before discussing its impacts, solutions, analysis, and lessons learned. This book uniquely collects, categorizes and compares radiological and non-radiological accidents, incidents and near misses which will be of great value to practitioners in industry and authorities developing nuclear programs. Finally, this book instructs readers on important prevention, mitigation and control measures to create sustainable, safe nuclear facilities.
Beyond Decommissioning: The Reuse and Redevelopment of Nuclear Installations presents the most up-to-date research and guidance on the reuse and redevelopment of nuclear plants and sites. Consultant Michele Laraia extensively builds upon experience from the redevelopment of non-nuclear industrial sites, a technical field that has considerably predated nuclear applications, to help the reader gain a very thorough and practical understanding of the redevelopment opportunities for decommissioned nuclear sites. Laraia emphasizes the socioeconomic and financial benefits from very early planning for site reuse, including how to manage the decommissioning transition, anticipate financial issues, and effectively utilize available resources. With an increasing number of decommissioning projects being conducted worldwide, it is critical that knowledge gained by experts with hands-on experience is passed on to the younger generation of nuclear professionals. Besides, this book describes the experiences of non-nuclear organizations that have reutilized the human, financial, and physical site assets, with adaptations, for a new productive mission, making it a key reference for all parties associated with nuclear operation and decommissioning. Those responsible for nuclear operation and decommissioning are encouraged to incorporate site reuse within an integrated, beginning-to-end view of their projects. The book also appeals to nuclear regulators as it highlights more opportunities to complete nuclear decommissioning safely, speedily, and in the best interests of all concerned parties.
Nuclear Energy is one of the most popular texts ever published on basic nuclear physics, systems, and applications of nuclear energy. This newest edition continues the tradition of offering a holistic treatment of everything the undergraduate engineering student needs to know in a clear and accessible way. The book presents a comprehensive overview of radioactivity, radiation protection, nuclear reactors, waste disposal, and nuclear medicine. The seventh edition is restructured into three parts: Basic Concepts, Nuclear Power (including new chapters on nuclear power plants and introduction to reactor theory), and Radiation and Its Uses. Part Two in particular has been updated with current developments, including a new section on Reactor Safety and Security (with a discussion of the Fukushima Diiachi accident); updated information on naval and space propulsion; and revised and updated information on radioactive waste storage, transportation, and disposal. Part Three features new content on biological effects of radiation, radiation standards, and radiation detection.
Social and Ethical Aspects of Radiation Risk Management provides a comprehensive treatment of the major ethical and social issues resulting from the use of ionizing radiation. It covers topics such as nuclear fuel cycles, radioactive waste treatment, nuclear bomb testing, nuclear safety management, stakeholder engagement, cleanup after nuclear accidents, ecological risks from radiation, environmental justice, health and safety for radiation workers, radiation dose standards, the ethics of clinical radiology, and the principles of radiation protection and their ethical underpinnings. With authors ranging from philosophers to radiation protection officials and practitioners, the book spans from theoretical to practical implications of this important area of radiation risk assessment and management.
Fukushima Accident presents up-to-date information on radioactivity released to the atmosphere and the ocean after the accident on the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant, on the distribution of radionuclides in the world atmosphere and oceans, and their impact on the total environment (man, fauna, and flora). The book will evaluate and discuss the post-Fukushima situation, emphasizing radionuclide impacts on the terrestrial and marine environments, and compare it with the pre-Fukushima sources of radionuclides in the environment. The authors’ results, as well as knowledge gathered from the literature, will provide up-to-date information on the present status of the topics. Fukushima Accident is based on the environmental and nuclear research; however, the presentation will be suitable for university-level readers.
Understanding radionuclide behaviour in the natural environment is essential to the sustainable development of the nuclear industry and key to assessing potential environmental risks reliably. Minimising those risks is essential to enhancing public confidence in nuclear technology. Scientific knowledge in this field has developed greatly over the last decade.Radionuclide behaviour in the natural environment provides a comprehensive overview of the key processes and parameters affecting radionuclide mobility and migration.After an introductory chapter, part one explores radionuclide chemistry in the natural environment, including aquatic chemistry and the impact of natural organic matter and microorganisms. Part two discusses the migration and radioecological behavior of radionuclides. Topics include hydrogeology, sorption and colloidal reactions as well as in-situ investigations. Principles of modelling coupled geochemical, transport and radioecological properties are also discussed. Part three covers application issues: assessment of radionuclide behaviour in contaminated sites, taking Chernobyl as an example, estimation of radiological exposure to the population, performance assessment considerations related to deep geological repositories, and remediation concepts for contaminated sites.With its distinguished editors and international team of expert contributors, Radionuclide behaviour in the natural environment is an essential tool for all those interested or involved in nuclear energy, from researchers, designers and industrial operators to environmental scientists. It also provides a comprehensive guide for academics of all levels in this field.