Advances in Particulate Materials introduces the approaches and principles associated with basic powder production, and details the most critical, state-of-the-art advancements in the area of materials processing and particulate materials. As the demands of modern technology increase, particulate materials facilitates the production of numerous advanced materials that may be utilized in aerospace, automotive, defense, chemical, and medical industries.
This second edition of Nanocrystalline Materials provides updated information on the development and experimental work on the synthesis, properties, and applications of nanocrystalline materials. Nanocrystalline materials with new functionalities show great promise for use in industrial applications — such as reinforcing fillers in novel polymer composites — and substantial progress has been made in the past decade in their synthesis and processing. This book focuses primarily on 1D semiconducting oxides and carbon nanotubes, 2D graphene sheets and 0D nanoparticles (metals and inorganic semiconductors). These materials are synthesized under different compositions, shapes and structures, exhibiting different chemical, physical and mechanical properties from their bulk counterparts. This second edition presents new topics relevant to the fast-paced development of nanoscience and nanotechnology, including the synthesis and application of nanomaterials for drug delivery, energy, printed flash memory, and luminescent materials. With contributions from leading experts, this book describes the fundamental theories and concepts that illustrate the complexity of developing novel nanocrystalline materials, and reviews current knowledge in the synthesis, microstructural characterization, physical and mechanical behavior, and application of nanomaterials.
Nanotechnology is a new and emerging discipline that is multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary. The usage of nanosystems, nanomaterials, nano-devices, etc. permeates all aspects of society. Cancer targeting and curing nanosystems are being introduced into the biomedical and pharmaceutical industries; so are lightweight energy absorbing or blast-proof nanohybrid material in the aerospace, automotive and marine industries and high-efficiency energy harvesting nanomaterials, etc. Society has a vested interest in knowing how these new materials, devices and systems are changing the economy and similar landscapes. The book outlines the regulatory and environmental issues related to nanotechnology per industry, offers guidelines in assessing the risks and discusses the legal and socioeconomical issues involved. Case studies will be utilized to provide examples of the positive and negative impacts of nanotechnology.
The second edition of Nanochemistry covers the main studies of nanoparticle production, reactions, and compounds, and reviews the work of leading scientists from around the world. This book is the first monograph on nanochemistry, giving perspectives on the present status and future possibilities in this rapidly advancing discipline. It provides the solid fundamentals and theory of nanoscience, and progress through topics including synthesis and stabilization of nanoparticles, cryochemistry of metal atoms and nanoparticles, chemical nanoreactors, and more. Nanoparticles are capable of transformations that have already led to revolutionary applications, including reagents for self-cleaning glass surfaces and fabrics, different antiseptic coverings, sensors for monitoring the environment and catalysts mitigating pollution.
An Introduction to Dynamic Light Scattering by Macromolecules provides an introduction to the basic concepts of dynamic light scattering (DLS), with an emphasis on the interpretation of DLS data. It presents the appropriate equations used to interpret DLS data. The material is presented in order of increasing complexity of the systems under examination, ranging from dilute solutions of noninteracting particles to concentrated multicomponent solutions of strongly interacting particles and gels. Problems are presented at the end of each chapter to emphasize these concepts. Since a major emphasis of this textbook is the interpretation of DLS data obtained by polarized light scattering studies on macromolecular solutions, the results of complementary experimental techniques are also presented in order to gain insight into the dynamics of these systems. This textbook is intended for (1) advanced undergraduate students and graduate students in the chemical, physical, and biological sciences; (2) scientists who might wish to apply DLS methods to systems of interest to them but who have no formal training in the field of DLS; and (3) those who are simply curious as to the type of information that might be obtained from DLS techniques.
Handbook of Powder Technology, Volume 4: Dust Explosions presents the dust explosion problem in general terms and describes how and why dusts explode. This book discusses the various approaches used to deal with the dust explosion hazards. Organized into five chapters, this volume begins with an overview of the methods used to assess, remove, or minimize the hazard of dust explosions. This text then examines the factors that influence the initiation and severity of an explosion. Other chapters consider the explosion prevention and explosion protection techniques. This book discusses as well the characteristics of a dust explosion and the historical development of the problem. The final chapter deals with the significant concept of explosion protection to reduce the worst effects of an explosion to an acceptable level. This book is a valuable resource for managers, engineers, scientists, safety personnel, and others involved in the handling ad processing of materials in solid particulate form.
Methods and Phenomena, 4: Their Applications in Science and Technology: Microweighing in Vacuum and Controlled Environments focuses on the principles, methodologies, and approaches involved in micro mass measurements. The selection first elaborates on introduction and microbalance review, beam microbalance design, construction and operation, and sources of error in microweighing in controlled environments. Discussions focus on Brownian motion, Knudsen forces, gravitational forces, microbalance construction and operation, auxiliary equipment for operation of a vacuum microbalance, undesirable disturbances or forces, calibration techniques, and classification of various types of microbalances. The text then takes a look at physical adsorption studies and chemisorption studies with the vacuum microbalance, simultaneous microgravimetric and residual gas analyzer measurements, and simultaneous measurement of mass change and infrared spectra. Topics include chemisorption results obtained on other solids and silver powders, probing the surface phase, quantitative information from adsorption and desorption, measuring techniques, and examples of physisorption measurements and their evaluation. The manuscript examines unusual applications of the vacuum microbalance and high temperature reaction studies, as well as empirical and theoretical rate laws, permeation of water vapor through plastic membranes, and measurement of permittivity and dielectric loss factor. The selection is a valuable source of data for researchers wanting to explore microweighing in vacuum and controlled environments.
Since its introduction in 1971, the development and application of colloidal gold as a marker in electron microscopy has been phenomenal. This state-of-the art, multi-volume treatise provides researchers, technicians, teachers, and students with the most comprehensive coverage of the principles and methodology of colloidal gold microscopy available today. Colloidal gold allows high and low resolution studies, enzyme and nucleic acid labeling, study of dynamic cellular processes, and virus detection. This third volume completes Hayat's coverage of the principles and methodology of colloidal gold in microscopy. The three-volume set should become the standard reference in the field.
Since its introduction in 1971, the development and application of colloidal gold as a marker in electron microscopy has been phenomenal. Colloidal gold has become the method of choice in immunocytochemistry and many areas of cell biology. This universal method is applicable to most microscopical systems including optical microscopy; scanning, transmission, and high voltage electron microscopy; photoelectron, photon, fluorescent darkfield, and epipolarization microscopy. Colloidal gold allows high and low resolution studies, enzyme and nucleic acid labeling, study of dynamic cellular processes, and virus detection. This book is among the first available to cover the principles and methodology of colloidal gold in microscopy.
This book is a much-needed fluidization handbook for practising engineers. There are few plants which do not have a fluid bed process operating somewhere on the site, yet engineers rarely have any formal training in the subject. College courses often emphasize academic issues rather than industrial needs, and a study of the literature reveals an overwhelming abundance of correlations and experimental data.As this is a practical book, the author has minimized theoretical development of fundamental equations in favor of giving correlations which have been developed for large scale equipment. In some cases, where several correlations might apply, the author has chosen one or two which work best according to his own experience. Design procedures are described which should assist the designer and the operator of fluid beds to improve his process and to avoid some often-encountered pitfalls. The material will also be useful as a supplementary text to a course on fluidization, the emphasis on commercial design being a stimulating counterpoint to a strongly academic viewpoint.