P. Baudhuin, P. Van der Smissen, S. Beauvois, and P.J. Courtoy, Molecular Interactions between Colloidal Gold, Proteins, and Living Cells. A.D. Hyatt, Protein A*b1Gold: Nonspecific Binding and Cross-Contamination. G.R. Newman and J.A. Hobot, Role of Tissue Processing in Colloidal Gold Methods. G.R. Newman, LR White Embedding Medium for Colloidal Gold Methods. J.A. Hobot, Lowicryls and Low Temperature Embedding for Colloidal Gold Methods. M. Bendayan, The Enzyme*b1Gold Cytochemical Approach: A Review. D.A. Handley and C.M. Arbeeny, Preparation and Application of Lipoprotein*b1Gold Complex. S. Villaschi, Preparation and Application of Albumin-Gold Complex. F.W.K. Kan and P. Pinto da Silva, Label-Fracture Cytochemistry. D. Men,try and A.I. Basbaum, Colloidal Gold Conjugates for Retrograde Neuronal Tracing. J.A. Traas, Colloidal Gold Labeling of Microtubules in Cleaved Whole Mounts of Cells. J.E. Beesley, Colloidal Gold: Immunonegative Staining Method. S.M. Pietschmann, E.H.S. Hausmann, and H.R. Gelderblom, Immunogold Labeling of Viruses In Situ. P. Buma, Study of Exocytosis with Colloidal Gold and Other Methods. E.M. Herman, Colloidal Gold Labeling of Acrylic Resin-Embedded Plant Tissues. C. Ferrari, G. De Panfilis, and G.C. Manara, Preembedding Immunogold Staining of Cell Surface-Associated Antigens Performed on Suspended Cells and Tissue Sections. K. Takata, ColloidalGold*b1Lectin*b1Ruthenium Red Method for High Voltage Electron Microscopy. H. Mar and T.N. Wight, Correlative Light and Electron Microscopic Immunocytochemistry in Pre-embedded Resin Sections with Colloidal Gold. R.A. Wolber and T.F. Beals, Streptavidin-Gold Labeling for Ultrastructural In-Situ Nucleic Acid Hybridization. R. Rohringer, Detection of Proteins with Colloidal Gold. J.F. Hainfeld, Undecagold*b1Antibody Method. M.D. Waele, Silver-Enhanced Colloidal Gold for the Detection of Leukocyte Cell Surface Antigens in Darkfield and Epipolarization Microscopy. Each chapter includes references. Index.