Nano Plating (II): A Metallurgical Approach to Electrochemical Theory and Its Applications to Technology is the result of the author’s 50 years of research. The author reviews the vast experimental results of electrochemical phenomena in light of metallurgical knowledge and proposes theories that can give new insights in electrochemical thermodynamics and predict many phenomena in this field. The book complements Tohru Watanabe’s previous book on nano-plating published by Elsevier in 2004.
Nanoalloys, Second Edition, provides a self-contained reference on the physics and chemistry of nanoscale alloys, dealing with all important aspects that range from the theoretical concepts and the practical synthesis methods to the characterization tools. The book also covers modern applications of nanoalloys in materials science, catalysis or nanomedicine and discusses their possible toxicity.
Mechanics of Materials in Modern Manufacturing Methods and Processing Techniques provides a detailed overview of the latest developments in the mechanics of modern metal forming manufacturing. Focused on mechanics as opposed to process, it looks at the mechanical behavior of materials exposed to loading and environmental conditions related to modern manufacturing processes, covering deformation as well as damage and fracture processes. The book progresses from forming to machining and surface-treatment processes, and concludes with a series of chapters looking at recent and emerging technologies. Other topics covered include simulations in autofrettage processes, modeling strategies related to cutting simulations, residual stress caused by high thermomechanical gradients and pultrusion, as well as the mechanics of the curing process, forging, and cold spraying, among others. Some non-metallic materials, such as ceramics and composites, are covered as well.
Uncertainty Quantification in Multiscale Materials Modeling provides a complete overview of uncertainty quantification (UQ) in computational materials science. It provides practical tools and methods along with examples of their application to problems in materials modeling. UQ methods are applied to various multiscale models ranging from the nanoscale to macroscale. This book presents a thorough synthesis of the state-of-the-art in UQ methods for materials modeling, including Bayesian inference, surrogate modeling, random fields, interval analysis, and sensitivity analysis, providing insight into the unique characteristics of models framed at each scale, as well as common issues in modeling across scales.
Heterocyclic Organic Corrosion Inhibitors: Principles and Applications aims to comprehend the synthesis and application of organic heterocyclic compounds as corrosion inhibitors in various corrosive environments. Considering the high importance of corrosion inhibitor development for different industries, the book provides the fundamentals and most recent advancements in this field. The book is an indispensable reference tool for industrialists and academicians working in the field of corrosion protection.
Materials for Supercapacitor Applications provides a snapshot of the present status of this rapidly growing field. It covers motivations, innovations, ongoing breakthroughs in research and development, innovative materials, impacts, and perspectives, as well as the challenges and technical barriers to identifying an ideal material for practical applications. This comprehensive reference by electro-chemists explains concepts in materials selection and their unique applications based on their electro-chemical properties. Chemists, chemical and electrical engineers, material scientists, and research scholars and students interested in energy will benefit from this overview of many important reference points in understanding the materials used in supercapacitors.
Materials for Potential EMI Shielding Applications: Processing, Properties and Current Trends extensively and comprehensively reviews materials for EMI shielding applications, ranging from the principles to possible applications and various types of shielding materials. The book provides a thorough introduction to electromagnetic interference, its effect on both the environment and other electronic items, various materials that are used for electromagnetic interference shielding applications, and its properties. It explains the mechanism behind EMI shielding, the methods by which EMI SE of a given material is estimated, and the different fabrication methods currently employed for fabricating EMI shielding materials. Final sections focus on the theoretical background of EMI shielding and shielding mechanisms. This theoretical background is extended to the physics of EMI shielding, wherein the physics behind mechanism of shielding is explained.
Applied Analysis of Composite Media: Analytical and Computational Approaches presents formulas and techniques that can used to study 2D and 3D problems in composites and random porous media. The main strength of this book is its broad range of applications that illustrate how these techniques can be applied to investigate elasticity, viscous flow and bacterial motion in composite materials. In addition to paying attention to constructive computations, the authors have also included information on codes via a designated webpage. This book will be extremely useful for postgraduate students, academic researchers, mathematicians and industry professionals who are working in structured media.
Cerium Oxide (CeO2): Synthesis, Properties and Applications provides an updated and comprehensive account of the research in the field of cerium oxide based materials. The book is divided into three main blocks that deal with its properties, synthesis and applications. Special attention is devoted to the growing number of applications of ceria based materials, including their usage in industrial and environmental catalysis and photocatalysis, energy production and storage, sensors, cosmetics, radioprotection, glass technology, pigments, stainless steel and toxicology. A brief historical introduction gives users background, and a final chapter addresses future perspectives and outlooks to stimulate future research. The book is intended for a wide audience, including students, academics and industrial researchers working in materials science, chemistry and physics.
Bone Repair Biomaterials: Regeneration and Clinical Applications, Second Edition, provides comprehensive reviews on materials science, engineering principles and recent advances. Sections review the fundamentals of bone repair and regeneration, discuss the science and properties of biomaterials used for bone repair, including metals, ceramics, polymers and composites, and discuss clinical applications and considerations, with chapters on such topics as orthopedic surgery, tissue engineering, implant retrieval, and ethics of bone repair biomaterials. This second edition includes more chapters on relevant biomaterials and a greatly expanded section on clinical applications, including bone repair applications in dental surgery, spinal surgery, and maxilo-facial and skull surgery. In addition, the book features coverage of long-term performance and failure of orthopedic devices. It will be an invaluable resource for researchers, scientists and clinicians concerned with the repair and restoration of bone.