The Roadmap of Research: A Guide to Understanding and Writing a Medical Study helps readers easily grasp the context, methodologies, findings, and implications of research studies, build on previous work, avoid redundancies, and identify areas where new studies can contribute significantly. The book enables researchers to innovate, propose new ideas, and design studies that contribute novel perspectives or methodologies to the field. Each step in this roadmap plays a pivotal role in the research process, from building a foundation of knowledge through reading and understanding, to generating new ideas through critical thinking, and finally, disseminating findings through clear and effective writing.
Pathology of the Laboratory Rabbit serves as a “go to” text for all pathologists working on laboratory rabbits in safety assessment studies. The book helps diagnostic veterinary pathologists rule out spontaneous non-clinical disease pathology when assigning cause of death to these animals which are also kept as domestic pets. The book provides a comprehensive text on the spontaneous pathology seen in common laboratory rabbit strains. This is the first book collating information on all organ systems in these strains.
An Introduction to Ethics, Pathology, and Laboratory Medicine offers an organized and practical approach to examining dilemmas that occur frequently in pathology and laboratory medicine in a systematic way. This is a unique and novel resource to enable readers to confidently reach potential solutions with strong ethical reasoning that not only furthers quality patient care but honors the good intentions of their care givers. This book is for healthcare providers, instructors, students of allied health services, researchers, laboratory technologists, and members of the healthcare delivery team who utilize pathology and laboratory services. Each chapter is written in a case-based format followed by a discussion section further exploring the ethical dilemmas demonstrated by the cases. The cases are as suitable for practicing pathologists as well as medical school and PhD students and resident and fellows in all stages of clinical and research training.
Clinical research is the tip of the spear for innovation and central in the development of improving safety and efficacy for patient centric care. Unfortunately, clinical research in academic practices is bogged down by inefficiency and infrequent regulatory oversight, thus leaving physicians unable to meet the clinical and research needs for driving innovation. Private practice is a valid practice cohort that can effectively, reliably, and reproducibly perform study related activities, for both FDA and non-FDA regulated studies, both industry-sponsored or investigator-initiated.Clinical Research in Private Practice fills a gap and provides a playbook for how to incorporate clinical research in a validated, safe, and compliant manner, allowing a needed meaningful contribution to the medical space, while concurrently maintaining fiduciary responsibility. Written for physicians by physicians.
Sleep and Health, Second Edition provides an accessible yet comprehensive overview of the relationship between sleep and health at the individual, community, and population levels, along with a discussion of the implications for public health, public policy, and interventions. Based on a firm foundation in many areas of sleep health research, this text further provides introductions to each sub-area of the field and a summary of the current research for each area. This book serves as a resource for those interested in learning about the growing field of sleep health research, including sections on social determinants, cardiovascular disease, cognitive functioning, health behavior theory, smoking, and more.
A History of Angiogenesis: Discoveries, Research and the Therapeutic Potential presents a recent history of discoveries in the angiogenic field that contribute to the development of the anatomical knowledge of the process, experimental models, and new pharmacological approaches in different angiogenesis-related diseases. This multifaceted book is enriched with deep scientific contents, and each chapter clearly defines historical steps, the emerging role during the years of new morphological findings, molecular pathways, and targets. Focus is also directed on key challenges associated and future directions.The history of angiogenesis research is an intriguing tool for discovering answers to a wide array of queries arising in the biological and medical world. This comprehensive resource skillfully integrates all the key aspects related to angiogenesis, and will be of immense help to students, researchers, and industry experts who want to explore the last two decades of angiogenesis discoveries and research.
Aging in Ophthalmology examines the aging process of the eye and how this affects the future of ophthalmology. With a strong focus on therapeutic options, the book shows the latest improvements in medical and surgical possibilities. It describes both the risks of the aging of the eye, the aging of different parts of the eye (like the retina, lens, and iris), therapeutic approaches to limit the aging processes of the eye, along with a glance into the future. This book is a valuable resource for ophthalmologists of all subspecialties and researchers interested in the aging process in the human eye.
Hardware Security: A Hands On Learning Approach, Second Edition provides a broad, comprehensive and practical overview of hardware security that encompasses all levels of the electronic hardware infrastructure. It covers basic concepts like advanced attack techniques and countermeasures that are illustrated through theory, case studies and well designed, hands on laboratory exercises for each key concept. The book is ideal as a textbook for upper level undergraduate students studying computer engineering, computer science, electrical engineering, and biomedical engineering, but is also a handy reference for graduate students, researchers and industry professionals. For academic courses, the book contains a robust suite of teaching ancillaries.Users of the book can access schematic, layout and design files for a printed circuit board for hardware hacking (i.e. the HaHa board), a suite of videos that demonstrate different hardware vulnerabilities, hardware attacks and countermeasures, and a detailed description and user manual for companion materials.
The World’s Health Care Crisis: Geopolitical and Climate Change Challenges focuses on the global health care crisis, providing information on new challenges the world is experiencing, such as COVID-19, massive world migration, overpopulation, threats of global famine, nuclear war, the emergence of new infectious diseases around the planet, climate change, and their effects on health care. The book's target audience includes professionals of health systems, biomedical innovation, and global health supply chains investors and Directors in Chief, decision-makers in public health, multilateral institutions in regulatory, legislative, and executive areas, researchers, health sciences students, health economists, economist associations, pharmaco-economists, historians, and more.
A Quick Reference to Obstetric Anesthesia is a comprehensive resource on the latest in anesthetic care for the pregnant patient. It covers the newest evidence on various critical topics in obstetric anesthesia, helping scientists identify opportunities for translational research. The inclusion of recommended perioperative protocols provides definitive references for optimal care. This book serves as an "in the moment" tool for solving challenging clinical problems, while functioning as a reference for both experienced clinicians and trainees. It also includes relevant patient management protocols, plus numerous emerging topics which are lacking in presently available texts.A Quick Reference to Obstetric Anesthesia is meant for anyone seeking immediately accessible research for real-time care of pregnant patients. Its approachable yet deep knowledge base will be appreciated by obstetric professionals at every level.