Morphological Mouse Phenotyping: Anatomy, Histology and Imaging is an atlas of explanatory diagrams and text that guides the reader through normal mouse anatomy, histology, and imaging. The book is targeted for mouse researchers and veterinarian and human pathologists, and presents a complete, integrative description of normal mouse morphology. Disease animal models are fundamental in research to improve human health. The success of using genetically engineered mice to evaluate molecular disease hypotheses has encouraged the development of massive global projects, making the mouse the most used animal disease model. Laboratory mouse populations are straining the housing capacity of pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, as well as public research institutions. However, the scientific community lacks sufficient expertise in morphological phenotyping to effectively characterize and validate these animal models. The mouse displays fundamental morphological similarities to humans; however, a mouse is not a man.
Bridging the gap between basic and clinical science concepts, the Textbook of Veterinary Physiological Chemistry, Third Edition offers broad coverage of biochemical principles for students and practitioners of veterinary medicine. The only recent biochemistry book written specifically for the veterinary field, this text covers cellular-level concepts related to whole-body physiologic processes in a reader-friendly, approachable manner. Each chapter is written in a succinct and concise style that includes an overview summary section, numerous illustrations for best comprehension of the subject matter, targeted learning objectives, and end of the chapter study questions to assess understanding. With new illustrations and an instructor website with updated PowerPoint images, the Textbook of Veterinary Physiological Chemistry, Third Edition, proves useful to students and lecturers from diverse educational backgrounds. Sectional exams and case studies, new to this edition, extend the breadth and depth of learning resources.
Written in a succinct style with each chapter including an overview summary section, numerous illustrations for best comprehension, and end of the chapter questions to assess understanding, The Textbook of Veterinary Physiological Chemistry offers broad coverage of biochemical principles for students studying veterinary medicine. Since first year students come into programs with different scientific backgrounds, this text offers students foundational concepts in physiological chemistry and offers numerous opportunities for practice. Bridging the gap between science and clinical application of concepts, this textbook covers cellular level concepts related to the biochemical processes in the entire animal in a student-friendly, approachable manner. KEY FEATURES Updated four color interior design Coverage of cellular level concepts related to biochemical processes in entire animal Written in a succint manner for quick comprehension
Anesthesia and Analgesia in Laboratory Animals focuses on the special anesthetic, analgesic, and postoperative care requirements associated with experimental surgery. Fully revised and updated this new edition provides the reader with agents, methods, and techniques for anesthesia and analgesia that ensure humane and successful procedural outcomes.
The rumen is an object of study for many types of biological scientist, from anatomists to microbiologists, and more recently even mathematicians. The developments and use of various experimental techniques have enabled much progress to be made in rumen studies. Several chapters of this book concentrate on these techniques and concepts that stem from their application. Biochemical and microbial interrelationships are dealt with fully, with an emphasis on the integrated nature of the rumen's contents. The book concludes by considering the most fruitful approaches that might lead to a more complete understanding of this complex and efficient organ. Each chapter is a complete unit that can be read and understood without reference to other chapters. A general reading list at the end of each chapter, together with more detailed references, will help to launch the student into any specific area of rumen studies.