Melatonin in Horticultural Plants: A Multifunctional Molecule for Abiotic Stress Tolerance brings together insights from leading experts on the morphological, physiological, and biochemical processes produced by the application of melatonin, which ultimately result in an increase in crop abiotic stress tolerance. Providing an in-depth exploration of various abiotic stressors affecting horticultural crops, including salinity, sodic alkaline, drought, temperature extremes, and metal exposure. Readers will gain a thorough understanding of how these stressors impact different stages of plant growth and development, from seedling establishment to senescence, and how they influence the yield and quality of horticultural crops. The book focuses on the multifunctional phytoprotective properties of melatonin and its emerging role as an eco-friendly solution to enhance crop resistance to abiotic stress. Readers will gain insights into the chemical regulation provided by melatonin, its effects on plant growth, development, and environmental response. The exploration of melatonin's coordination of signal transduction pathways and its involvement in physiological, biochemical, and molecular mechanisms will be highlighted, providing a holistic understanding of its potential applications in agriculture. Melatonin in Horticultural Plants not only delves into the theoretical aspects of melatonin's role but also offers practical applications and strategies for utilizing melatonin to enhance abiotic stress tolerance in horticultural crops. Readers will find valuable information on how melatonin can be applied in real-world agricultural settings, including the use of bio-stimulant chemicals, hormones, novel chemicals, and microorganisms. The book provides actionable insights for researchers, plant biologists, horticulturists, and farmers to implement melatonin-based approaches for improved crop productivity in the face of changing climatic conditions and anthropogenic activities.
Role of Antioxidants in Abiotic Stress Management covers the antioxidant defense system in plants, providing key insights on how to generate tolerant varieties that can adapt to harsh environmental conditions without adverse impacts on crop productivity. The book covers a broad range of antioxidant responses, describing how global climate changes and the overexploitation of natural or anthropogenic resources creates abiotic stressors. The potential impacts of factors such as heavy metals/metalloids, drought/water deficit, salinity, extreme temperatures, anoxia, and high light intensity are covered, along with discussions on how to improve crop growth and development at different stages.Written by a team of international experts, this book provides an important reference on morphological, physiological, biochemical, metabolic, anatomical and molecular responses of plants under stress factors.
Microbial Biostimulants for Plant Growth and Abiotic Stress Amelioration, the latest release in the Biostimulants and Protective Biochemical Agents series, provides readers with insights into the major role of biostimulants in plant growth and development while under abiotic stress. The term biostimulants is broadly used to reference a group of diverse substances and microorganisms that stimulate life or that promote favorable plant responses. They stimulate natural processes to enhance/benefit nutrient uptake, nutrient efficiency, tolerance to abiotic stress, and crop quality.Many biostimulants improve nutrition and they do so regardless of their own nutrient contents. Further, recently microbe-based biostimulants have emerged as important plant protectors under a range of adverse conditions.
Biostimulants in Plant Protection and Performance provides the latest research on biostimulants, a diverse class of compounds that includes substances or microorganisms that are helpful in sustainable plant growth and development. These substances accelerate plant growth, yield, and chemical composition even under unfavorable conditions, and include nitrogen-containing compounds, humic materials, some specific compounds released by microbes, plants, and animals, various seaweed extracts, bio-based nanomaterials, phosphite, silicon, and more. Additionally, the book discusses new generation products and bioproducts that are being developed for sustainable plant growth and protection, including research updates in biotechnology, nanobiotechnology, and the protective role of biostimulants. As the use of new generation biostimulants can enhance plant production systems through a significant reduction of synthetic chemicals, such as pesticides and fertilizers, and even elicit plant tolerance to various climate change-related stresses, this book is a welcomed edition to many fields of study.
Nanotechnology for Abiotic Stress Tolerance and Management in Crop Plants reviews the most recent literature on the role of nanomaterials in achieving sustainability in crop production in stressful environments. The book explores the adverse conditions caused by abiotic stress to crop plants and the methods by which these conditions can be potentially overcome through developments in nanoscience and nanotechnology. Abiotic stresses such as drought, salinity, temperature stress, excessive water, heavy metal stress, and UV stress are major factors which may adversely affect the growth, development, and yield of crops.While recent research for ways of overcoming the physiological and biochemical changes brought on by these stresses has focused on genetic engineering of plants, additional research continues into alternative strategies to develop stress tolerant crops, including the use of nanoscience and nanotechnology.
Hormonal Cross-Talk, Plant Defense and Development: Plant Biology, Sustainability and Climate Change focuses specifically on plants and their interaction to auxins, gibberellins, cytokinins, ethylene, abscisic acid, jasmonates, brassinosteroids, strigolactones, and the potential those interactions offer for improved plant health and production. Plant hormones (auxins, gibberellins, cytokinins, ethylene, abscisic acid, jasmonates, brassinosteroids, salicylic acid, strigolactones etc.) regulate numerous aspects of plant growth and developmental processes. Each hormone initiates a specific molecular pathway, with each pathway integrated in a complex network of synergistic, antagonistic and additive interactions. This is a valuable reference for those seeking to understand and improve plant health using natural processes. The cross-talks of auxins - abscisic acid, auxins - brassinosteroids, brassinosteroids- abscisic acid, ethylene - abscisic acid, brassinosteroids - ethylene, cytokinins - abscisic acid, brassinosteroids - jasmonates, brassinosteroids - salicylic acid, and gibberellins - jasmonates - strigolactones have been shown to regulate a number of biological processes in plant system. The cross-talk provides robustness to the plant immune system but also drives specificity of induced defense responses against the plethora of biotic and abiotic interactions.
Development and Commercialization of Biopesticides: Costs and Benefits provides a uniquely comprehensive view of the commercial production of biopesticides, from research to application, featuring case studies in various developed and developing countries of the world. The book offers guidance for future strategies to researchers, along with considerations for the industry’s economic concerns, i.e., costs and benefits compared to conventional pesticides, future perspectives for application strategies, bioavailability and environmental safety, and impacts on intellectual property issues during commercialization. Finally, the book covers why the development of this industry must be strategic, comprehensive and forward-looking in order to be an accepted, safe and sustainable. There is no doubt that biopesticides are now in large-scale use, and a variety of novel techniques have been used to improve or modify existing biopesticides, which will further accelerate their development.
Hazardous and Trace Materials in Soil and Plants: Sources, Effects and Management explores the latest advancements in reducing, avoiding and eliminating soil contaminants that challenge the health and safety of agricultural plants. With a focus on minimizing the production of those hazardous substances, controlling their distribution and ensuring safe utilization, the book explores each contributing area and provides insights toward improved, sustainable and secure production. This is an excellent reference resource on both current research and future directions from laboratory research to field applications. The combined impacts of climate change and industrialization have led to increased and diversified threats to the health of the soil in which our food crops are grown, as well as in the plants themselves. This dual-hazard scenario is increasingly recognized as a threat to not just the environment, but to global food security as agricultural soils contaminated with pollutants alter plant metabolism, thus resulting in reduced crop quality and production quantity.
Plant Nematode Biopesticides presents the most current knowledge on various categories of biopesticides used in the management of nematode pests of crops or those that have significant potential as biological control agents. This book presents an exploratory and investigatory compilation and explanation of the actions and potentials of predatory nematodes, microbial agents, plant and other organic products, nanobiopesticides, and predatory invertebrates as biopesticides of nematode pests of agricultural crops. It is of unique importance and value as the only currently available single-volume resource focusing on plant parasitic nematodes as the pests and biopesticides. In addition, the book addresses common reservations in using biopesticides, either alone or in integrated pest management programs, providing advanced insights on various biopesticidal agents and products. Biopesticides may be microbial (nematodes, bacteria, fungi, virus, herbs etc.), plant-incorporated protectants (PIPs), plant products (citronella oil, neem oil, capsaicin, pyrethrin etc.), synthetic biochemical molecules, pheromones, semio-chemicals, plant extracts, or nanobiopesticides. Â
Nano-Enabled Agrochemicals in Agriculture presents a targeted overview of the safe implementation of nanotechnologies within agricultural and horticultural settings, with the purpose of achieving enhanced production while maintaining ecological integrity. The growing global request for agricultural crops and products requires high standards of quality and safety, which has stimulated the search for new technologies that preserve their quality and delay their decomposition. Nanotechnology may boost plant production by improving nutrient uptake/use efficiency with nanoformulations of fertilizers and agrochemicals for plant enhancement, detection and treatment of diseases, and host-parasite interactions at the molecular level using nanosensors. It also may improve plant disease diagnostics, removal of contaminants from soil and water, postharvest management of vegetables and flowers, and reclamation of salt-affected soils.  Although the markets for nanoproducts and nanoformulations continue to increase, there are also growing concerns regarding the fate and behavior of nanomaterials in environmental systems. Exploring important topics related to nanotechnology and nanomaterials, the book includes the use of nanochemicals in insect pest management, as nanofungicides, nanoherbicides, micronutrient supply, and nanosensors to monitor crop and soil health conditions, from detection of agrochemicals to their slow release of agrochemicals, and their impact on related environs.  This book will serve as an excellent resource for a wide range of plant scientists who have concerns about nanomaterial interactions with terrestrial and aquatic plants.Â