Now in full color for the first time, Workbook in Practical Neonatology, Seventh Edition, uses a highly effective, case-based approach to provide practical clinical guidance on evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of newborns. World-renowned neonatologist Dr. Richard Polin and new editor Dr. Thomas Hays lead a team of expert contributing authors who offer case studies followed by questions, answers, and explanations in every chapter. You’ll find authoritative guidance on the problems you’re most likely to see in practice, including issues regarding resuscitation, mechanical ventilation, anemia, fluid therapy, and bronchopulmonary dysplasia. The 7th Edition has been extensively revised, with new authors, new charts and graphs, and many new cases throughout.
Alles Wichtige auf einen Blick Die Checklisten Intensivpflege bieten Ihnen eine übersichtliche Zusammenfassung der häufigsten Krankheitsbilder, die eine intensivmedizinische Versorgung erfordern. Vom Abdominellen Aortenaneurysma über HELLP-Syndrom und Sepsis bis hin zur Zyanose erfahren Intensivpflegekräfte und Pflegende in der Weiterbildung, alphabetisch geordnet, alles überDefinition und gängige Synonyme des KrankheitsbildsUrsachen, Symptome, Diagnostik und TherapieHinweise zur Pflege, z.B. Patientenbeobachtung und spezielle PflegehandlungenWichtige Zusatzinformationen und HinweiseZusätzlich enthalten die Checklisten eigene Kapitel zu speziellen Pflegemaßnahmen in der Intensivpflege wie Bauchpositionierung und Weaning sowie zu wichtigen Arzneimittelgruppen.Die Checklisten Intensivpflege sind perfekt geeignet zum schnellen Nachschlagen in der Praxis und zur Wiederholung von Prüfungswissen!
Crash Course - your effective every-day study companion PLUS the perfect antidote for exam stress! Save time and be assured you have the essential information you need in one place to excel on your course and achieve exam success.Crash Course 1000 SBAs for Finals and the MLA – Clinical Specialties is one of two complementary SBA-style titles crafted to prepare medical students for their finals and the MLA exam. Each volume includes well over 1000 test questions and features mock exams that mimic the format of the MLA and medical final exams. This volume has been segmented into the clinical specialties, with particular emphasis on Paediatrics, Psychiatry, Obstetrics and Gynaecology. It includes new high-yield chapter of over 200 commonly tested images from ophthalmology, dermatology, radiology and other specialities to enhance your visual learning. Additionally, the content covers Ethics and Statistics and introduces brand new sections on Geriatrics and Palliative care. Its counterpart, Crash Course 1000 SBAs for Finals and the MLA – Medicine and Surgery, covers a broad spectrum of general medicine and surgical specialties.Questions are grouped by clinical specialty and categorised by their role in the curriculum (Essential/Important/Supplementary) as well as by difficulty (Easy/Moderate/Hard). Every question includes a clear answer and an extended explanation for each answer option to enable you to quickly understand your strengths and weaknesses and to learn effectively from any mistakes. Each printed volume also comes with BONUS access to the complete, enhanced eBook - this allows you to read as a 'regular', downloadable eBook, as well as to test yourself via the interactive-quiz function. Whether you need to get out of a fix or aim for a distinction Crash Course is for you!
Crash Course - your effective every-day study companion PLUS the perfect antidote for exam stress! Save time and be assured you have the essential information you need in one place to excel on your course and achieve exam success.Crash Course 1000 SBAs for Finals and the MLA – Clinical Specialties is one of two complementary SBA-style titles crafted to prepare medical students for their finals and the MLA exam. Each volume includes well over 1000 test questions and features mock exams that mimic the format of the MLA and medical final exams. This volume has been segmented into the clinical specialties, with particular emphasis on Paediatrics, Psychiatry, Obstetrics and Gynaecology. It includes new high-yield chapter of over 200 commonly tested images from ophthalmology, dermatology, radiology and other specialities to enhance your visual learning. Additionally, the content covers Ethics and Statistics and introduces brand new sections on Geriatrics and Palliative care. Its counterpart, Crash Course 1000 SBAs for Finals and the MLA – Medicine and Surgery, covers a broad spectrum of general medicine and surgical specialties.Questions are grouped by clinical specialty and categorised by their role in the curriculum (Essential/Important/Supplementary) as well as by difficulty (Easy/Moderate/Hard). Every question includes a clear answer and an extended explanation for each answer option to enable you to quickly understand your strengths and weaknesses and to learn effectively from any mistakes. Each printed volume also comes with BONUS access to the complete, enhanced eBook - this allows you to read as a 'regular', downloadable eBook, as well as to test yourself via the interactive-quiz function. Whether you need to get out of a fix or aim for a distinction Crash Course is for you!
Crash Course - your effective every-day study companion PLUS the perfect antidote for exam stress! Save time and be assured you have the essential information you need in one place to excel on your course and achieve exam success.Crash Course 1000 SBAs for Finals and the MLA – Clinical Specialties is one of two complementary SBA-style titles crafted to prepare medical students for their finals and the MLA exam. Each volume includes well over 1000 test questions and features mock exams that mimic the format of the MLA and medical final exams. This volume has been segmented into the clinical specialties, with particular emphasis on Paediatrics, Psychiatry, Obstetrics and Gynaecology. It includes new high-yield chapter of over 200 commonly tested images from ophthalmology, dermatology, radiology and other specialities to enhance your visual learning. Additionally, the content covers Ethics and Statistics and introduces brand new sections on Geriatrics and Palliative care. Its counterpart, Crash Course 1000 SBAs for Finals and the MLA – Medicine and Surgery, covers a broad spectrum of general medicine and surgical specialties.Questions are grouped by clinical specialty and categorised by their role in the curriculum (Essential/Important/Supplementary) as well as by difficulty (Easy/Moderate/Hard). Every question includes a clear answer and an extended explanation for each answer option to enable you to quickly understand your strengths and weaknesses and to learn effectively from any mistakes. Each printed volume also comes with BONUS access to the complete, enhanced eBook - this allows you to read as a 'regular', downloadable eBook, as well as to test yourself via the interactive-quiz function. Whether you need to get out of a fix or aim for a distinction Crash Course is for you!
Based on the popular review course from Harvard Medical School’s teaching affiliate, the Brigham and Women’s Hospital, The Brigham Intensive Review of Internal Medicine, Fourth Edition, provides in-depth coverage on all specialties of internal medicine, as well as palliative care, occupational medicine, psychiatry, and geriatric medicine. Ideal for preparing for certification or recertification, this highly regarded, authoritative review tool keeps you up to date with tremendous changes in the field, incorporating detailed discussions in every chapter, essential learning points, more than 600 review questions, numerous tables and figures, and more.
Based on the popular review course from Harvard Medical School’s teaching affiliate, the Brigham and Women’s Hospital, The Brigham Intensive Review of Internal Medicine, Fourth Edition, provides in-depth coverage on all specialties of internal medicine, as well as palliative care, occupational medicine, psychiatry, and geriatric medicine. Ideal for preparing for certification or recertification, this highly regarded, authoritative review tool keeps you up to date with tremendous changes in the field, incorporating detailed discussions in every chapter, essential learning points, more than 600 review questions, numerous tables and figures, and more.