The latest edition of this popular volume offers a wide selection of appealing, interactive and engaging exercises specifically tailored for different learning styles. Fully updated in response to student feedback, Myles Midwifery Anatomy and Physiology Workbook, Second Edition presents a wide variety of activities ranging from colouring and labelling exercises and ‘match and connect’ to ‘true false’ and ‘identify the correct response’. Perfect for readers who find A&P challenging, or for anyone who just needs to recap and consolidate, the book also offers: • An engaging approach to afford a stimulating way to learn A&P • Straightforward language and a user-friendly style to help simplify challenging areas of study • Information based on the latest RCOG and NICE Guidelines • Content that is suitable for use internationally, for example, by including different approaches to manoeuvres or named movements used in obstetric emergencies Ideal for all students of midwifery, Myles Midwifery Anatomy and Physiology Workbook is perfect for preregistration readers and anyone on ‘return to practice’ programs. Although designed for use with Myles Textbook for Midwives and Physiology in Childbearing with Anatomy and Related Biosciences, this resource is suitable for use with any midwifery textbook.
Baillière's Midwives' Dictionary remains the dictionary of choice for midwives throughout the world! The 13th edition of this established and well-respected pocket dictionary has been thoroughly revised and updated to meet the needs of midwives in a variety of clinical settings throughout the world. Woman friendly in approach with a variety of helpful illustrations, the dictionary also contains helpful appendices - post-partum haemorrhage, maternal basic life support, neonatal resuscitation, management of shoulder dystocia, and cord prolapse - together with a useful glossary.
This title is now available under ISBN 9780702052149. CTG Made Easy 4th edition continues the successful format of previous editions, offering a practical guide to all health professionals involved in monitoring the fetal heart rate during labour, and specifically in the interpretation of CTG traces. The workbook approach remains, with many new and updated case histories and CTGs, all using current terminology and a recommended proforma for interpretation. The book will aid health professionals to acquire competence and confidence in all aspects of fetal heart rate monitoring during labour, improving the care offered to women and babies.
This title is now available under ISBN 9780702051654. Printed book plus Pageburstâ„¢ access. You will receive a printed book and access to the complete book content electronically. Pageburstâ„¢ enhances learning not only by bringing world class content to your fingertips but also by letting you add to it, annotate it, and categorize it in a way that suits you. Pageburstâ„¢ frees you to spend more time learning and less time searching. Struggling to understand the language of research? Need to understand the basic principles and processes of research? Do you find it difficult to know how to apply research to clinical practice? This third edition of Introduction to Research for Midwives is the answer! In simple language, it explains the world of research both for those who must use it as part of evidence-based practice and those undertaking research. The content is particularly student-friendly and provides clear guidelines on critiquing research articles and producing successful reviews of the literature, with many tips on producing assignments that really work. All midwives and other health professionals will find this book invaluable in applying research to their own practice.
Midwifery: Preparation for Practice focuses on placing the woman and midwife at the center of care, in line with the philosophy, education and practice standards set by the Australian College of Midwives and the New Zealand College of Midwives. It reflects the socio-political contexts in which students in the two countries practice.
Basics is the first title in the Midwifery Essentials series and prepares the reader to understand and master a range of clinical skills safely and with confidence. The jigsaw model of midwifery care is introduced and explained, providing a framework to explore the application of each of the clinical skills described in subsequent chapters. Central to undertaking each of the skills discussed is the need to communicate effectively with women and their families.
'Labour' is the third title in the Midwifery Essentials series and is about the provision of safe and effective care during labour and birth. This book prepares the reader to provide safe, evidence-based, woman-centred intrapartum care.
Midwives and other healthcare providers are grappling with the issue of rising intervention rates in childbirth and trying to identify ways to reverse the trend. It is increasingly accepted that intervention in childbirth has long-term consequences for women and their children. Birth Territory provides practical, evidence-based ideas for restructuring the birth territory to facilitate normal birth.
This title is directed primarily towards health care professionals outside of the United States. The aim of this book is to provide information that a midwife can use with confidence, knowing that the law is there to protect her and her clients. All information and case law has been thoroughly revised and updated and takes into account sensitive areas that midwives may face in practice including female genital mutilation, domestic violence, infertility treatment and issues surrounding the treatment of human tissue.