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Books in Nursing emergency

Sheehy. Enfermería de Urgencias

  • 7th Edition
  • August 12, 2020
  • Spanish
Esta obra, con un planteamiento global y basado en la evidencia, cubre todos los temas y las técnicas específicas del servicio de enfermería de urgencias. Aborda los temas más actuales, como las consideraciones éticas, la violencia en el lugar de trabajo o los traumatismos en la población geriátrica. Proporciona directrices actualizadas sobre el abordaje del dolor, incluyendo los tratamientos del dolor sin administración de opiáceos. Incorpora un nuevo capítulo sobre diversidad que aborda la atención a pacientes transgénero. Incluye un apéndice con detalladas ilustraciones anatómicas en color que facilitan la comprensión del contenido.

Minor Injuries

  • 3rd Edition
  • August 13, 2016
  • Dennis Purcell
  • English
A highly successful volume which explores the nurse-led management of minor injuries complete with online training videos. The latest edition reflects the difference in approach between midline injuries and limb injuries, explores the differences between the management of children and adults, and presents key information on X-ray interpretation.

Examination Emergency Medicine

  • 1st Edition
  • November 5, 2009
  • Garry Wilkes + 3 more
  • English
Examination Emergency Medicine  is a detailed fellowship exam guide to assist emergency medicine trainees; it is intended as a guide to supplement material available from ACEM and covers the preferred nature and format of question types that has evolved – for example a shift towards using photos that show clinical problems, rather than equipment or therapies in the VAQ section.

Emergency Nursing Procedures

  • 4th Edition
  • January 24, 2008
  • Jean A. Proehl
  • English
Written by expert emergency nurses across the country, EMERGENCY NURSING PROCEDURES, 4th Edition includes 193 step-by-step emergency procedures, including four new procedures — umbilical vessel cannulation, pelvic splinting, peripheral nerve stimulator (twitch monitoring), and methotrexate for ectopic pregnancy. Detailed illustrations visually reinforce techniques and clearly show steps to procedures — making this handbook an essential and comprehensive resource for any emergency professional.