A Clinician’s Survival Guide to Acute Medical Emergencies, Fourth Edition is a primer in acute emergency care aimed at nursing staff, senior medical students, Foundation Year doctors and physician assistants. This textbook outlines the observations, clinical management and interventions in the critical first 24 hours of admission, based on an understanding of the underlying disease mechanisms.The new edition has been updated to cover the management of COVID, the most recent advances in the care of common medical emergencies and the latest iteration of the NEWS Guidance.With a unique focus on the overlap between medical and nursing management in the Acute Medical Unit, this book is an ideal source for the entire acute medical team.
A Clinician’s Survival Guide to Acute Medical Emergencies, Fourth Edition is a primer in acute emergency care aimed at nursing staff, senior medical students, Foundation Year doctors and physician assistants. This textbook outlines the observations, clinical management and interventions in the critical first 24 hours of admission, based on an understanding of the underlying disease mechanisms.The new edition has been updated to cover the management of COVID, the most recent advances in the care of common medical emergencies and the latest iteration of the NEWS Guidance.With a unique focus on the overlap between medical and nursing management in the Acute Medical Unit, this book is an ideal source for the entire acute medical team.
A Clinician’s Survival Guide to Acute Medical Emergencies, Fourth Edition is a primer in acute emergency care aimed at nursing staff, senior medical students, Foundation Year doctors and physician assistants. This textbook outlines the observations, clinical management and interventions in the critical first 24 hours of admission, based on an understanding of the underlying disease mechanisms.The new edition has been updated to cover the management of COVID, the most recent advances in the care of common medical emergencies and the latest iteration of the NEWS Guidance.With a unique focus on the overlap between medical and nursing management in the Acute Medical Unit, this book is an ideal source for the entire acute medical team.
Immer alle Werte parat! Der perfekte Begleiter für die Notaufnahme: Dieses Buch im Taschenformat gibt Ihnen Sicherheit. Hier sind die wichtigsten Parameter, Scores und Fakten stichpunktartig auf je 1-2 Seiten zusammengefasst. So haben Sie stets das Wichtigste auf einen Blick und schnell zur Hand. Das Fachwissen ist auf das Notwendigste reduziert und schnell auffindbar durch eine alphabetische Sortierung von Analgesie bis Zugänge. Besonders praktisch: Passt in jede Kitteltasche und ist aus abwischbarem Karton gemacht!Die 2. Auflage wurde vollständig überarbeitet und aktualisiert.
Das Taschenbuch Notaufnahme, ist das derzeit kompakteste Nachschlagewerk für die Notfallpflege, und überzeugt Sie durch:Scoring, Initialbeurteilung und Übergabe gehören zu den Grundlagen der Notfallpflege. Diese werden durch die Autorinnen in gebündelter Form beschrieben.Die Techniken sind übersichtlich und farbig nach dem internationalen ABCDE-Schema gegliedert.Systematisch werden spezielle Notfallsituationen, z.B. Verbrennungen, pädiatrische Notfälle, von Diagnostik bis Therapie vorgestellt.Neu in der 4. Auflage:Umfangreiche Ergänzungen zu chirurgischen und pädiatrischen NotfällenDiagnostik und Therapie bei psychiatrischen KrisenInhaltliche Aktualisierung entsprechend aktuellen Leitlinien, Standards und ERC-Guidelines zur ReanimationDieses Buch richtet sich an:Pflegefachpersonal und nicht-ärztliches Personal, das in einer Notaufnahme oder einer Poliklinik tätig istPflegefachpersonal in der Notfallpflege-FachweiterbildungAuszubildende im Praxiseinsatz in der NotaufnahmeLehrkräfte und Dozierende in der Notfallpflege-Fachweiterbildung
Prepare for certification as a flight and ground transport nurse! ASTNA: Patient Transport: Principles & Practice, 6th Edition addresses the scenarios and injuries commonly encountered in transport nursing, and provides a comprehensive, one-of-a-kind study tool for taking certification exams including the CFRN®, CTRN®, FP-C®, and CCP-C®. Coverage includes the role of air and ground transport personnel, along with topics such as transport physiology, communications, teamwork, safety, airway management, shock, and the different types of trauma. New to this edition is an Aviation for Medical Personnel chapter. Written by the Air & Surface Transport Nurses Association, this resource helps you gain the knowledge and skills you need to succeed on your exam and to transport patients safely.
Prepare for certification as a flight and ground transport nurse! ASTNA: Patient Transport: Principles & Practice, 6th Edition addresses the scenarios and injuries commonly encountered in transport nursing, and provides a comprehensive, one-of-a-kind study tool for taking certification exams including the CFRN®, CTRN®, FP-C®, and CCP-C®. Coverage includes the role of air and ground transport personnel, along with topics such as transport physiology, communications, teamwork, safety, airway management, shock, and the different types of trauma. New to this edition is an Aviation for Medical Personnel chapter. Written by the Air & Surface Transport Nurses Association, this resource helps you gain the knowledge and skills you need to succeed on your exam and to transport patients safely.
Prepare for certification as a flight and ground transport nurse! ASTNA: Patient Transport: Principles & Practice, 6th Edition addresses the scenarios and injuries commonly encountered in transport nursing, and provides a comprehensive, one-of-a-kind study tool for taking certification exams including the CFRN®, CTRN®, FP-C®, and CCP-C®. Coverage includes the role of air and ground transport personnel, along with topics such as transport physiology, communications, teamwork, safety, airway management, shock, and the different types of trauma. New to this edition is an Aviation for Medical Personnel chapter. Written by the Air & Surface Transport Nurses Association, this resource helps you gain the knowledge and skills you need to succeed on your exam and to transport patients safely.
Emergency and Trauma Care for nurses and paramedics is a highly respected emergency care text for nursing and paramedicine students and clinicians in Australia and New Zealand. Now in its fourth edition, it provides the most up-to-date and comprehensive coverage of the spectrum of emergency and trauma care.The text spans prehospital and hospital care, enabling students to understand the patient journey and equipping them for their role in a multidisciplinary team. Coverage includes assessment, triage and management of trauma, physiology of emergency care, and the recognition and management of specific body system emergencies, as well as the fundamentals of emergency care such as quality and safety, ethics, leadership, research and patient education.Fully revised to reflect the dynamic and evolving nature of emergency and trauma care, this book is ideal for students, prehospital care providers, rural, remote and urban emergency and trauma care nurses, and other disaster management clinicians.
Emergency and Trauma Care for nurses and paramedics is a highly respected emergency care text for nursing and paramedicine students and clinicians in Australia and New Zealand. Now in its fourth edition, it provides the most up-to-date and comprehensive coverage of the spectrum of emergency and trauma care.The text spans prehospital and hospital care, enabling students to understand the patient journey and equipping them for their role in a multidisciplinary team. Coverage includes assessment, triage and management of trauma, physiology of emergency care, and the recognition and management of specific body system emergencies, as well as the fundamentals of emergency care such as quality and safety, ethics, leadership, research and patient education.Fully revised to reflect the dynamic and evolving nature of emergency and trauma care, this book is ideal for students, prehospital care providers, rural, remote and urban emergency and trauma care nurses, and other disaster management clinicians.