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Books in Community and home care

41-50 of 172 results in All results

The Stigma of Mental Illness

  • 1st Edition
  • July 5, 2022
  • Nicolas Ruesch
  • English
  • Hardback
    9 7 8 - 0 - 3 2 3 - 8 3 4 2 9 - 2
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 0 - 3 2 3 - 8 3 4 3 0 - 8
People with mental illness are often painfully familiar with overt prejudice or more subtle forms of mistreatment. The stigma and discrimination associated with their disorders can have effects in several areas of life: in social interactions, in work and healthcare settings, in the legal system and the media. Many withdraw due to shame and do not seek help. In turn, stigma can prove to be a more serious problem than the disorder itself. Yet too little is done to reduce stigma and its impact. The Stigma of Mental Illness: Strategies Against Discrimination and Social Exclusion offers up the knowledge necessary to understand and fight against stigma and discrimination. It will be invaluable to all health professionals, social workers, healthcare managers and policy makers with an involvement or interest in mental illness.

Study Guide for Kinn's The Administrative Medical Assistant

  • 14th Edition
  • June 24, 2022
  • Brigitte Niedzwiecki + 2 more
  • English
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 0 - 3 2 3 - 6 1 3 6 9 - 9
Designed to support the trusted content in Kinn’s The Administrative Medical Assistant, 14th Edition, this study guide and procedure checklist manual is the essential review and practice companion to reinforce key concepts, encourage critical thinking, and ensure you master and apply administrative medical assisting content. This robust companion guide offers a wide range of exercises to reinforce your understanding of common administrative skills — including new certification preparation questions that offer additional practice for certification exams, a review of medical terminology and anatomy, and need-to-know workplace applications. Trusted for more than 60 years as a key part of the student journey from classroom to career, it also features competency checklists to clearly assess your performance and progression from day one until you land your first job as a Medical Assistant.

Study Guide and Procedure Checklist Manual for Kinn's The Clinical Medical Assistant

  • 14th Edition
  • June 23, 2022
  • Brigitte Niedzwiecki + 1 more
  • English
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 0 - 3 2 3 - 6 1 3 6 2 - 0
Designed to support the trusted content in Kinn’s The Clinical Medical Assistant, 14th Edition, this study guide and procedure checklist manual is the essential review and practice companion to reinforce key concepts, encourage critical thinking, and ensure your mastery of clinical medical assisting content. This robust companion guide offers a wide range of exercises to reinforce your understanding of common clinical skills — including new certification preparation questions that offer additional practice for certification exams, a new chapter review of medical terminology and anatomy, and need-to-know workplace applications. Trusted for more than 60 years Kinn’s Clinical Study Guide and Procedure Checklist Manual also features competency checklists to clearly assess your performance and progression from day one until you land your first job as a Medical Assistant.

Vocabulaire Anglais AS/AP

  • 1st Edition
  • June 21, 2022
  • Alain Ramé + 1 more
  • French
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 2 - 2 9 4 - 7 7 9 7 8 - 7
À la suite des dernières remontées de terrain, l’anglais a été ajouté à la formation des élèves AS/AP dans le cadre de la réforme (arrêté du 10 juin 2021). L’anglais étant la langue la plus parlée dans le monde, cet ouvrage est un outil indispensable à la communication avec les patients étrangers hospitalisés.Afin de prendre en soin un patient anglophone dans les meilleures conditions, l’AS ou l’AP doit pouvoir le comprendre, le rassurer et communiquer avec lui.Très pratique, cet ouvrage répond aux besoins de communication du terrain et regroupe, sous forme de fiches, les besoins fondamentaux de Virginia Henderson : • Le besoin de respirer • Le besoin de boire et de manger • Le besoin d’éliminer • Le besoin de se mouvoir et de maintenir une bonne posture • Le besoin de dormir et de se reposer• Le besoin de se vêtir et de se dévêtir• Le besoin de maintenir la température du corps dans les limites de la normale • Le besoin d’être propre et de protéger ses téguments • Le besoin d’éviter les dangers • Le besoin de communiquer avec ses semblables • Le besoin d’agir selon ses valeurs et ses croyances • Le besoin de s’occuper en vue de se réaliser • Le besoin de se récréer • Le besoin d’apprendreL’accès aux traductions est facilité par : • un lexique professionnel classé par besoin • des phrases types utiles au quotidien • un lexique récapitulatif classé par ordre alphabétique en fin d’ouvrage.Cet ouvrage, par son aspect pratique, sera donc le compagnon idéal de l’AS ou AP en situation de communication avec un patient anglophone, mais aussi un outil adapté pour les professionnels de terrain qui prennent en charge ces personnes. 

Study Guide and Procedure Checklist Manual for Kinn's The Medical Assistant

  • 14th Edition
  • June 18, 2022
  • Brigitte Niedzwiecki + 2 more
  • English
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 0 - 3 2 3 - 7 5 8 3 1 - 4
Designed to support the trusted content in Kinn’s The Medical Assistant, 14th Edition, this study guide is the essential review and practice companion to reinforce key concepts, encourage critical thinking, and ensure that you learn to master and apply key medical assisting content. This robust companion guide offers a wide range of exercises to reinforce your understanding of common administrative and clinical skills — including new certification preparation questions that offer additional practice for certification exams, a review of medical terminology and anatomy, and need-to-know workplace applications. Trusted for more than 60 years as a key part of the student journey from classroom to career, it also features competency checklists to clearly assess your performance and progression from day one until you land your first job as a Medical Assistant.

Aufbauwissen Pflege Gesundheits- und Krankheitslehre

  • 1st Edition
  • June 15, 2022
  • Marianne Schoppmeyer + 1 more
  • German
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 3 - 4 3 7 - 0 6 3 8 8 - 6
Perfekt für die Ausbildung und zur Prüfungsvorbereitung für Zwischen-, Abschluss- und Bachelorprüfung! Aufbauwissen Gesundheits- und Krankheitslehre unterstützt Sie dabei, gemäß dem Kompetenzbereich III.2 ärztliche Anordnungen im Pflegekontext eigenständig durchzuführen: Hier finden Sie alles rund um Ursachen, Symptome, Diagnostik und Therapie von Krankheiten sowie wertvolle Tipps für die Pflegepraxis. Zugeschnitten auf die generalistische Pflegeausbildung: Einführungskästen zu jedem Kapitel nennen die Lernziele in Anlehnung an die Kompetenzbereiche: Welche Inhalte werden im folgenden Kapitel behandelt und für welche Situation brauche ich dieses Wissen? Fallbeispiele aus unterschiedlichen Altersgruppen und verschiedenen Berufsfeldern – Klinik, Pflegeeinrichtung, ambulante Pflege - stellen authentisch den Bezug zum beruflichen Alltag her und zeigen die Anwendung im Berufsfeld auf. Inhalte werden aus unterschiedlichen Positionen dargestellt und ermöglichen somit, Dinge kritisch zu hinterfragen, zu reflektieren und auf andere Situationen zu übertragen. Viele hilfreiche und farbige Hervorhebungen von prüfungs- und praxisrelevanten Inhalten sowie Checklisten helfen beim Lernen. Das letzte Kapitel Lernsituationen dient zur konkreten Vorbereitung auf Prüfungen. Wiederholungsaufgaben am Ende jedes Kapitels dienen zur Überprüfung des Gelernten.

Health Visiting

  • 3rd Edition
  • March 10, 2022
  • Patricia Burrows + 1 more
  • English
  • Paperback
    9 7 8 - 0 - 7 0 2 0 - 8 0 0 7 - 4
This popular book encompasses contemporary theory and practice relevant to effective health visiting across all four nations of the United Kingdom, now and into the future. Now in its third edition, the text has been completely rewritten and updated by new editors Patricia Burrows and Jean Cowie to reflect the many changes that have occurred as health visiting practice evolves. These include a strong focus on parental and child emotional and mental health wellbeing; speech, language and communication development for children; the impact of trauma and adverse childhood experiences; and the relevance of technology to health visiting practice. The book is strongly grounded in evidence and is suitable both for student health visitors as well as qualified practitioners wishing to further their practice and academic development.

Workbook for Mosby's Textbook for Medication Assistants

  • 2nd Edition
  • February 19, 2022
  • Karen Anderson
  • English
  • Paperback
    9 7 8 - 0 - 3 2 3 - 7 9 0 5 4 - 3
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 0 - 3 2 3 - 7 9 0 5 5 - 0
Reinforce your understanding of drug administration with this practical workbook! Corresponding to the chapters in Mosby's Textbook for Medication Assistants, 2nd Edition, this workbook helps you review concepts and practice the procedures performed by medication assistants. A wide variety of exercises and activities allow you to apply your knowledge to healthcare settings. Not only will you get more out of the textbook, but you will also prepare for certification exams by building on your strengths and improving any areas of weakness.

Preparing Nurses for Disaster Management

  • 1st Edition
  • February 15, 2022
  • Joanne Langan
  • English
  • Paperback
    9 7 8 - 0 - 3 2 3 - 7 7 6 7 6 - 9
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 0 - 3 2 3 - 7 7 6 7 7 - 6
Learn how to plan for and respond to disasters! Preparing Nurses for Disaster Management: A Global Perspective helps you build the skills you need to prepare for, respond to, and recover from emergency situations efficiently and effectively. It includes the personal stories of nurses who have experienced disasters, describing the specific incident, the response, what worked or didn’t work, and the lessons learned. Case studies show how to apply international response guidelines in providing care for those in need. Written by Joanne Langan, an internationally known expert in disaster preparedness, this reference will help you feel more confident in handling the aftermath of both natural and man-made disasters.

Gut leben mit Typ-1-Diabetes

  • 10th Edition
  • February 2, 2022
  • Renate Schrader + 1 more
  • German
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 3 - 4 3 7 - 0 5 9 2 1 - 6
„Gut leben mit Typ-1-Diabetes" zeigt Ihnen, was Sie tun können, um sich das Leben mit Diabetes leichter zu machen und gleichzeitig Ihre Selbsttherapie gut im Griff zu haben. Sie erhalten Antworten auf wichtige Fragen zur Insulintherapie, zum Diabetes in Partnerschaft und Familie, im Beruf und in der Freizeit. Zu vielen Problemen finden Sie mehrere Lösungsmöglichkeiten, die Sie für sich selbst gestalten können und sollen. Das Autorenteam möchte Ihnen Mut machen zu einem erfüllten Leben, in dem der Diabetes zu einer wichtigen Nebensache wird. Dieses Buch ist deshalb ein zuverlässiger Begleiter für alle, die ihr Leben mit Insulin normal gestalten wollen! Neu in der 10. Auflage: neue Fotos von alltäglich eingesetzten CGM-Systemen und Insulin-Pens Aktuelle Informationen zu den 2019 zugelassenen Hybrid-Closed-Loop-Systemen und zu Funktionen der Insulinpumpen wurden ergänzt