Tabbner’s Nursing Care is the main resource for Diploma of Nursing students and instructors. This well-established and highly respected book provides the knowledge and skills learners need to qualify as Enrolled Nurses.Written by a highly qualified team of editors and contributors, the book equips the learner to provide safe, competent and person-centred care. It teaches and prepares learners to apply critical and reflective thinking to decision-making, use healthcare technology and work as part of a healthcare team in a variety of settings.Complete with an accompanying workbook and a host of features to support and facilitate teaching and learning, Tabbner’s Nursing Care is the ideal contemporary, evidenced-based resource to develop competent and safe Enrolled Nurses of the future.
Alexander’s Nursing Practice is the most comprehensive textbook available for undergraduate nursing students today.This resource will prepare students for their future role as healthcare professionals in a variety of settings. It covers all the basics of nursing, including care of patients with common disorders, core nursing issues like medicines management and infection prevention and control, and how to nurse specific patient groups. The sixth edition has been fully updated to incorporate the latest evidence, policies and registration requirements, and reflects the transformative changes currently occurring in healthcare policies, procedures and technologies.With a host of features to enhance the learning and teaching experience, this book will make a significant contribution to preparing compassionate nurses who will deliver patient-centred, high quality and holistic care.
**Selected for Doody’s Core Titles® 2024 with "Essential Purchase" designation in Perioperative**Learn to make sound clinical nursing judgments with the concept-based, case study approach in Harding & Snyder’s Clinical Reasoning Cases in Nursing, 8th Edition. Awarded second place in the 2019 AJN Book of the Year Awards in the Medical-Surgical category, this time-tested case study resource is highly regarded for its clinically relevant and thought-provoking cases. Approximately150 true-to-life case studies cover all four clinical practice areas — medical-surgical, pediatric, OB/maternity, and psychiatric-mental health nursing — all organized to facilitate a conceptual approach to teaching and learning. Each case covers a common patient problem drawn from actual clinical experiences and written by nurses who are clinical experts and includes a strong focus on interprofessional collaboration competencies. Cases include integrated content on pharmacology, nutrition, and diagnostic/laboratory tests to encourage you to think critically about all aspects of patient care. The 8th edition has been updated throughout to reflect the most current standards of clinical practice, including readiness for practice in the COVID-19 era. Also new to this edition, concepts and terminology related to the Next Generation NCLEX® Exam (NGN) are introduced in the Preface and integrated throughout to help you prepare for the new exam.
Perfekt für die Ausbildung und zur Prüfungsvorbereitung für Zwischen-, Abschluss- und Bachelorprüfung! Aufbauwissen Gesundheits- und Krankheitslehre unterstützt Sie dabei, gemäß dem Kompetenzbereich III.2 ärztliche Anordnungen im Pflegekontext eigenständig durchzuführen: Hier finden Sie alles rund um Ursachen, Symptome, Diagnostik und Therapie von Krankheiten sowie wertvolle Tipps für die Pflegepraxis. Zugeschnitten auf die generalistische Pflegeausbildung: Einführungskästen zu jedem Kapitel nennen die Lernziele in Anlehnung an die Kompetenzbereiche: Welche Inhalte werden im folgenden Kapitel behandelt und für welche Situation brauche ich dieses Wissen? Fallbeispiele aus unterschiedlichen Altersgruppen und verschiedenen Berufsfeldern – Klinik, Pflegeeinrichtung, ambulante Pflege - stellen authentisch den Bezug zum beruflichen Alltag her und zeigen die Anwendung im Berufsfeld auf. Inhalte werden aus unterschiedlichen Positionen dargestellt und ermöglichen somit, Dinge kritisch zu hinterfragen, zu reflektieren und auf andere Situationen zu übertragen. Viele hilfreiche und farbige Hervorhebungen von prüfungs- und praxisrelevanten Inhalten sowie Checklisten helfen beim Lernen. Das letzte Kapitel Lernsituationen dient zur konkreten Vorbereitung auf Prüfungen. Wiederholungsaufgaben am Ende jedes Kapitels dienen zur Überprüfung des Gelernten.
This popular book encompasses contemporary theory and practice relevant to effective health visiting across all four nations of the United Kingdom, now and into the future. Now in its third edition, the text has been completely rewritten and updated by new editors Patricia Burrows and Jean Cowie to reflect the many changes that have occurred as health visiting practice evolves. These include a strong focus on parental and child emotional and mental health wellbeing; speech, language and communication development for children; the impact of trauma and adverse childhood experiences; and the relevance of technology to health visiting practice. The book is strongly grounded in evidence and is suitable both for student health visitors as well as qualified practitioners wishing to further their practice and academic development.
„Gut leben mit Typ-1-Diabetes" zeigt Ihnen, was Sie tun können, um sich das Leben mit Diabetes leichter zu machen und gleichzeitig Ihre Selbsttherapie gut im Griff zu haben. Sie erhalten Antworten auf wichtige Fragen zur Insulintherapie, zum Diabetes in Partnerschaft und Familie, im Beruf und in der Freizeit. Zu vielen Problemen finden Sie mehrere Lösungsmöglichkeiten, die Sie für sich selbst gestalten können und sollen. Das Autorenteam möchte Ihnen Mut machen zu einem erfüllten Leben, in dem der Diabetes zu einer wichtigen Nebensache wird. Dieses Buch ist deshalb ein zuverlässiger Begleiter für alle, die ihr Leben mit Insulin normal gestalten wollen! Neu in der 10. Auflage: neue Fotos von alltäglich eingesetzten CGM-Systemen und Insulin-Pens Aktuelle Informationen zu den 2019 zugelassenen Hybrid-Closed-Loop-Systemen und zu Funktionen der Insulinpumpen wurden ergänzt
This brand-new title Practical General Practice Nursing has been developed to support the professional development of the General Practice Nurse, in particular the ‘early career’ practitioner. This book provides a contemporary and practical approach to understanding the breadth and depth of this unique community nursing role. With the content developed by expert practitioners and nurse educators from across the UK this truly comprehensive book covers a wide range of clinical and professional topics. Presented in an easy to read format, which is illustrated in full colour, this book represents an excellent resource to support the practice nurse in the delivery of evidence-based care. Marion Welsh and Sue Brooks, both of whom have wealth of experience in working as General Practice Nurses, have edited this first edition, whose key features include:
Mini Karten – maxi Wissen! Sie unterstützen Pflegefachpersonen in der ambulanten Pflege oder im stationären Bereich? Sie kümmern sich eigenständig um Pflegebedürftige in stabilen Pflegesituationen? Dann ist dieses Buch genau richtig für Sie - egal, ob Sie neu in der Pflege sind oder bereits praktische Erfahrung haben: Schnelle Antworten und konkrete Tipps helfen Ihnen, wenn Fragen auftauchen. Von A bis Z gegliedert finden Sie im Taschenwissen Pflegeassistenz die wichtigsten Pflegethemen im Kurzformat, z.B. Bewegung, Demenz, Ernährung, Notfall und Vitalzeichen. Schnell – sicher – praxisnah!
General practice nurses are faced with the daily challenge of keeping up-to-date with a vast range of conditions and their management. They also need to be familiar with evidence-based practice to inform high-level decision making. This Survival Guide will prove a valuable resource to nursing students experiencing general practice for the first time. Many universities across England now deliver ‘Fundamentals of General Practice’ programmes. This book will complement those programmes and provide essential information to assist nurses new to general practice. For experienced nurses working in general practice there are essential chapters covering the latest developments such as leadership, quality improvement, PCN developments and essential clinical knowledge that highlight the changes in clinical care in recent years, plus an acknowledgement of the impact the COVID 19 pandemic has had on management of care. This is an indispensable handbook for: Defining the essential knowledge for meeting continuing professional development requirements Understanding fundamental clinical skills to ensure best practice Exploring new ways of working to consult and communicate with patients Investigating ways to improve care delivery