Crash Course – your effective every-day study companion PLUS the perfect antidote for exam stress! Save time and be assured you have the essential information you need in one place to excel on your course and achieve exam success.A winning formula now for over 25 years, having sold over 1 million copies and translated in over 8 languages, each series volume has been fine-tuned and fully updated to make your life easier. Especially written by senior students or junior doctors/residents – those who understand what is essential for exam success – with all information thoroughly checked and quality assured by expert Faculty Advisers, the result is books that exactly meet your needs and you know you can trust.Each chapter guides you succinctly through the full range of curriculum topics in the MLA syllabus, integrating clinical considerations with the relevant basic science and avoiding unnecessary or confusing detail. Text boxes help you get to the hints, tips and key points you need fast! A fully revised self-assessment section matching the latest exam formats is included to check your understanding and aid exam preparation. The accompanying enhanced, downloadable eBook completes this invaluable learning package.Series volumes have been honed to meet the requirements of today’s medical students, although the range of other health students and professionals who need rapid access to the essentials of pharmacology will also love the unique approach of Crash Course. Whether you need to get out of a fix or aim for a distinction Crash Course is for you!This updated edition provides comprehensive coverage of the latest updated guideline therapies across the full spectrum of clinical management. Featuring the latest treatment guidelines and drug developments, it offers in-depth insights into the basic sciences of pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and therapeutic applications.
Este manual recoge más de 100 pruebas y procedimientos que hacen referencia a algunas de las intervenciones que más se utilizan en los servicios de Medicina Interna. Se trata de un manual elaborado mayoritariamente por profesionales de Medicina Interna o de áreas adyacentes, como farmacólogos clÃnicos y especialistas de Atención Primaria. Cada descripción relativa a un test o procedimiento ha sido realizado por al menos un especialista del área de Medicina Interna y un farmacólogo clÃnico. Por ejemplo, la sección sobre electrocardiogramas se lleva a cabo por un cardiólogo y un farmacólogo clÃnico especializado en CardiologÃa.  Esta obra tiene como objetivo principal el ahorro de tiempo a especialistas con una enorme carga de trabajo asistencial, asà como la reducción de errores vinculados a la medicación: efectos adversos, dosificación, interacciones, etc. Siguiendo un esquema sencillo, que consiste básicamente en una información contextual del procedimiento o prueba a realizar seguida de la explicación pertinente sobre cómo llevarla a cabo, este tÃtulo se presenta como una guÃa práctica para especialistas de Medicina Interna y Atención Primaria, asà como a los residentes.
  The fifth edition of this book is completely revised in four-colour format according to competency based medical education (CBME) curriculum of Pharmacology. The book provides factual, conceptual and applied aspects of the subject and clearly states the subject competencies following recent developments and advances in pharmacology. It is designed to meet the needs of students pursuing undergraduate courses in medicine and also for the practicing doctors.
Das Buch bietet Ihnen detaillierte Arzneimittelmonografien und praxisorientierte, konkrete Handlungsanweisungen mit exakten Dosierungsangaben und zahlreichen Tipps für die tägliche Praxis. Es liefert Ihnen präzise Informationen zu Sonderfällen wie z.B. Anwendungen außerhalb der Zulassung (''Off-Label Use''), alternative Applikationsformen sowie Dosierungsanpassung bei Organinsuffizienz und stellt alternative oder begleitende Medikation vor. Das ideale Buch zur kompetenten und sicheren Behandlung von Patienten in der Palliativmedizin. Die deutsche Fassung basiert auf dem renommierten englischen Werk ''Palliative Care Formulary'', wurde aber auf die Erfordernisse im deutschen Sprachraum angepasst. Die 4. Auflage ist nach dem neuesten Wissensstand aus dem PCF7 (Palliative Care Formulary 7) aktualisiert um zahlreiche Arzneimittel ergänzt Das Buch eignet sich für: Palliativmediziner*innen Fachärzt*innen und Weiterbildungsassistent*innen Innere Medizin Apotheker*innen Â
This book strengthens the scientific knowledge base and promotes rational thinking among students The Medical Council of India (MCI) has introduced a competency-based curriculum in 2019, which not only lays emphasis on integration with clinical and pre-clinical subjects but also clearly states subject competencies and defines domains and levels to be achieved for each of them. In addition, it is clinically oriented and gives due importance to the self-directed learning. The duration of teaching for the subject of Pharmacology in the new curriculum has been reduced to one year with additional dedicated time to revisit it in the subsequent years. This 26th edition of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics has been revised considerably to match the demands of the new curriculum. Right from its conception, this book has used an integrated approach intertwining current knowledge of pathophysiology of the disease, pharmacology of available drugs and strategies for medical management of diseases. We have made every attempt to provide up-to-date information about the drugs while focussing on the aspects relevant to their use in clinical practice.
Completely revised and updated throughout, this new edition of the best-selling title in community pharmacy continues to provide an essential reference for all non-medical prescribers but especially for undergraduate and pre-registration pharmacy trainees.
Organized in conjunction with Rang and Dale’s Pharmacology 9th edition, Rang & Dale's Pharmacology Flashcards helps you review what you learn in class and reinforce essential information. One side of each flashcard features a diagram of the pathophysiological processes including the drug class at the top of the card. The back of the card details essential information for that drug class including actions, mechanism of action, pharmacokinetic aspects, adverse effects, the names of related drugs and important aspects of clinical use.
This issue of Clinics in Chest Medicine, edited by Dr. Denis O’Donnell and Dr. Alberto Neder, focuses on Clinical Respiratory Physiology. Articles include: The Pathophysiology of Obstructive Sleep Apnea; The Physiology of Mechanical Ventilation; Exercise Pathophysiology in Congestive Heart Failure; Control of Breathing; Breathing at Extremes; Exercise Pathophysiology in Interstitial Lung Disease; Importance of Physiology in Clinical Decision-Making in the ICU; Pulmonary Hypertension and Exercise; Physiologic Effects of Oxygen Supplementation During Exercise in COPD; Benefits and Pitfalls of DLCO measurements in Clinical Practice; Cardio-pulmonary Interactions in COPD-CHF; Exercise Physiology in COPD; Dyspnea of Unknown Origin: The Role of Exercise Testing; Assessment of Ventilatory Limitation During Exercise; Respiratory Muscle Assessment in Clinical Practice; Exertional Periodic Breathing in Heart Failure; and Strategies to Increase Physical Activity in Chronic Respiratory Diseases.
Mehr als 80 % aller chronischen Erkrankungen sind vermeidbar, wenn der Patient hinreichend darauf hingewiesen und an die Hand genommen wird, dagegen auch selber etwas zu unternehmen. Zellulären Organellen, die Mitochondrien, werden durch Umweltgifte und chemische Zusatzstoffe in Nahrungsmitteln beeinträchtigt und können durch präventive Maßnahmen und Strategien Erkrankungen wie Krebs, Diabetes, Depression, Bluthochdruck, Alzheimer, Parkinson und viele weitere neurodegenerativen Krankheitsformen verhindern helfen. Der ursächlich gestörte Stickoxid-Peroxynitrit-Zyklus (NO/ONOO-) und die daraus entstehenden Effekte auf die mitochondriale Energieproduktion werden im Detail dargestellt und evidenzbasierte Ergebnisse erläutert. Ziel ist, die Bedeutung dieser veränderten Vorgänge in den Mitochondrien bewusst zu machen, das Augenmerk auf die Ursache einer Erkrankung zu richten, sowie das Verständnis für alle Mitochondriopathie-bedingten Erkrankungen dem Arzt und seinem Patienten näher zu bringen.