Future Healthcare Journal (FHJ) is a peer-reviewed academic journal with a multidisciplinary editorial board stimulating debate about all aspects of future healthcare. Each issue has a theme featuring commissioned articles from national and international experts providing authoritative overviews as well as submitted papers. Themed issues are published online when collated but all accepted articles are available immediately for rapidity of referencing and citation. Articles feature digital health and artificial intelligence, illness prevention, multidisciplinary workforce planning, system re-engineering, population health, lifestyle medicine and therapeutic advances. The emphasis is on providing practical solutions to current healthcare challenges. It has strong involvement of trainees and encourages submissions on QI and audit rarely found in other journals. FHJ tackles contentious issues and aims to provide readers with the tools to facilitate transformational change at an individual and organisational level. Articles should be of interest and understandable to a broad audience of healthcare professionals and leaders who may be involved in making system changes in their own organisation.  While the journal is affiliated with the Royal College of Physicians (RCP), it has full editorial independence.From January 1, 2024, Future Healthcare Journal becomes a full gold open access journal freely available for everyone to access and read. All articles submitted after January 1, 2024, are subject to an article publishing charge (APC) after peer review and acceptance. We are pleased to inform you that Future Healthcare Journal waives the APC (Article Publishing Charge) for all submissions received before 31 December 2025, which are accepted for publication after peer review. Learn more about hybrid journals moving to open access.