Clinical Plasma Medicine is discontinued as of 2021. We would like to express our sincere thanks to the authors, referees, and editors who contributed to the journal over past years. Published papers will remain available on ScienceDirect.Clinical Plasma Medicine understands plasma medicine as the clinical use of physical plasma for therapeutic purposes.Plasma medicine is an innovative and emerging research field combining plasma physics life science and clinical medicine .After the recent start of clinical applications of cold atmospheric plasma based on significant efforts and success in basic research, the clinical relevance of plasma medicine is becoming increasingly clear. To support the understanding of the huge potential of plasma medicine and to strengthen interdisciplinary cooperation in this field is the major aim of this journal. Clinical Plasma Medicine will provide a platform for therapeutic, experimental and technical aspects of plasma application in medicine. It will connect principle researchers, medical researchers and clinicians as well as members of other medical professions and health care organisations, who seek objective and critical information on plasma medicine in order to deepen their understanding of therapeutic options, medical application fields, requirements concerning plasma-based medical devices as well as aspects of safety and applicability.To achieve these aims Clinical Plasma Medicine is designed as international and interdisciplinary forum for researchers and clinicians. It publishes peer-reviewed articles on therapeutic plasma applications for specific medical indications, general aspects of clinical plasma medicine, laboratory research with clear reference to clinical questions as well as technical aspects of applicability and safety of plasma use in clinical practise.Especially, clinical and experimental studies in all medical domains as for example wound treatment, cancer treatment, dermatology, and dentistry are welcome but also in vitro studies on microorganisms and mammalian cells which investigate biological effects of cold atmospheric plasmas with regard to specific aspects of its potential medical application as well as to safety aspects of medical plasma applicationsClinical Plasma Medicine focuses primarily on original research articles including (short) reviews, randomized controlled studies, other clinical, observational and epidemiological studies, case reports as well as experimental studies. In addition, the Journal will feature opinion articles as well as contributions relating to health policy, health economics and technical aspects of plasma-based medical devices.Cover designed by neoplas GmbH - Design meets Science,