In einer Zeit, in der die Relevanz von körperlicher Aktivität für die physische Gesundheit weithin anerkannt ist, gewinnt die Rolle von Sport und Bewegung auch für die psychische Gesundheit zunehmend an Bedeutung. Dabei werden neben rein körperlichen Maßnahmen vermehrt Interventionen der Mind-Body-Medizin eingesetzt, um auch der Verknüpfung von Körper und Geist gerecht zu werden und den Behandlungserfolg zu optimieren.In Bewegung, Sport und Mind-Body-Intervention werden für die wichtigsten psychiatrischen Störungen und Erkrankungen – u.a. affektive Störungen, Angststörungen, Zwangsstörungen, PTBS, ADHS, neurokognitive Störungen, Essstörungen, Substanzgebrauchsstörungen – klinische und psychiatrische Informationen und Zusammenhänge kompakt, strukturiert und praxisnah dargestellt:Symptomatik, Risikofaktoren, Maßnahmen der Pharmako- und PsychotherapieGegenüberstellung der ICD-10 und ICD-11 DiagnosekriterienStellenwert verschiedener Formen körperlicher und geistiger Aktivität bei der Entstehung, Aufrechterhaltung und Therapie der jeweiligen IndikationWissenschaftliche Evidenz von Studien zur Wirksamkeit von AktivitätPhysiologische Wirkmechanismen sowie psychologische und psychosoziale Prozesse, die für die körperliche und geistige Aktivität relevant sindZahlreiche Anwendungsbeispiele zur Umsetzung von Motivationsmodellen, Fallbeispiele aus der PraxisBeschreibung von störungsspezifischen Besonderheiten bzw. HerausforderungenBedeutung von Aktivität im Nebenwirkungsmanagement, bei der Augmentation von Primärbehandlungen und GesundheitsförderungDieses Buch eignet sichfür alle in der Sport- und Bewegungstherapie Tätigen, Physiotherapeuten und Physiotherapeutinnen, aber auch für Pflegepersonal sowie Ärzte und Ärztinnen für Psychiatrie, Psychotherapie oder psychosomatische Medizin. Kurzum für alle, die mit Menschen mit psychischen Erkrankungen arbeiten oder in deren Therapieauswahl und -strukturierung involviert sind.
Das Buch liefert Ihnen umfassendes theoretisches und praktisches Wissen. Im theoretischen Teil erfahren Sie:alles über Pathologie, Klassifikation und FolgeerkrankungenBehandlungskonzepte bei AdipositasWirkmechanismen von körperlicher BewegungAufbau und Inhalt zielgruppenspezifischer TrainingsprogrammeHerausforderungen, red flags und RisikomanagementDer praktische Teil stellt Ihnen die verschiedenen Übungen eindrucksvoll in Wort und Bild vor.Sie erfahren, worauf Sie achten müssen und was häufige Fehler in der unterstützenden Adipositastherapie sind.Das Buch eignet sich für:Ärzte und Ärztinnen mit Zusatzbezeichnung SportmedizinSportwissenschaftlerPhysiotherapeuten in Vorsorge- u. RehaeinrichtungenFachärzte Allgemeinmedizin, Innere Medizin
ESSA’s Student Manual for Health, Exercise and Sport assessment is an essential text for students and exercise clinicians wishing to accredit with ESSA as exercise scientists. Written by former ESSA President Jeff Coombes and clinical exercise physiologist Tina Skinner, this book provides everything students need to achieve competency in ESSA Standard 7, Health Exercise and Sport Assessment. It contains in-depth and well-articulated methodology for all tests, data recording tables and normative values, and case study analyses. Each of the 21 chapters addresses key health and fitness assessments used to evaluate health, fitness and performance. With easy-to-follow practicals throughout, this book has been updated to reflect current best practice and recent advances such as wearable devices and smartphone apps.
Endorsed by Exercise & Sports Science Australia (ESSA) ESSA is a professional organisation which is committed to establishing, promoting and defending the career paths of tertiary trained exercise and sports science practitioners. s ESSA’s Student Manual for Exercise Prescription, Delivery and Adherence is a unique text that covers not only how to write and deliver exercise programs, but also how to support and enable people to stick to them for better health and wellbeing. Expert academic authors Jeff Coombes, Nicola Burton and Emma Beckman have precisely mapped the contents to Australian essential professional standards, making this text suitable for students of all ESSA-accredited degree and postgraduate courses wanting to gain accreditation in exercise science and exercise physiology. The text combines theory and practical exercises to boost competency and confidence. It covers everything students need to know, from required foundational knowledge of biomechanics, functional anatomy, physiology and associated psychology and how to apply that to create, deliver, and support safe and effective exercise.
ALL-ENCOMPASSING and EXPANDED, now covering the WHOLE BODY (lower quadrant PLUS upper quadrant and spine) – The Comprehensive Textbook of Clinical Biomechanics (formerly Biomechanics in Clinic and Research) presents the latest research in a form which is accessible, practical, thorough and up-to-the minute.
This issue of Clinics in Sports Medicine, Guest Edited by Peter R. Kurzweil, MD, focuses on Sports-Related Injuries of the Meniscus. Articles in this issue will include:   Indications for meniscus repair: traumatic tears do better; Biologic enhancement of meniscal repair; Repairing the Unrepairable Meniscus; Posterior Horn Tears – all-inside suture repair; Meniscal Repair – Inside-out sutures; Meniscal Root tears – Recognizing and Repairing; Meniscal Repair – outside-in suture; Meniscal Repair with the Newest Fixators – which are best?; Treating post-meniscectomy pain with Meniscal implants;  Meniscus Repair in Children; and Getting Athletes Back to Sports after Meniscus Repair.Â
Performance Psychology: A Practitioner's Guide is a comprehensive, evidence-based text covering the key aspects of performance culture: performer development, preparation, training and execution. Written by a team of international contributors, including national coaches, training specialists, applied sports psychologists, clinicians and researchers, and building on strong links between theory and practice, the book shows how applied psychological methods and principles can be used to enhance performance Contributing authors offer clear implications for applied practice and each section is summarized by contributions from a 'Performers Panel'of experts who provide real-life practical examples. Performance psychology is applied to a wide variety of physical performance domains which enables practitioners to see how they can combine ideas and tailor interventions, to people and contexts, to produce effective applications of psychology. Dave Collins is Professor of Performance and Coaching/Director for the Institute of Coaching and Performance at the University of Central Lancashire. As a practitioner, he has worked with over 50 World and Olympic medalists, and in professional performance domains spanning sport, business, motor sport, music, dance and adventure. He was formerly Performance Director of UK Athletics, a rugby player, martial artist and OE instructor. Dave currently works with the Chelsea FC Football Academy, amongst other consultancies. Angela Button is a researcher at the University of Otago and is widely acknowledged as a world expert on talent. Angela has led funded research projects in talent development in the UK and New Zealand. Her sporting interests include squash, running and triathlon. Hugh Richards lectures and is Director of post-graduate programmes in Performance Psychology at the University of Edinburgh. He has published in the areas of coping, talent, individual differences and professional development related to sport, the military and music. Hugh has applied psychology to professional performers from international level sport to business. He currently works with the UK Motor Sport Association, international performer development schemes and has been advisor to the BBC on learning and performance.
Sports Coaching: Professionalisation and Practice is a comprehensive evidence-based textbook of sports coaching theory and practice. The book is edited by leading academics in sports coaching studies and authored by a world-renowned team of experts in sports coaching research. It deals with all aspects of coaching behaviour and practice, including coaches’ decision making, coaching pedagogy, and the development of expertise. Each of the chapters provides an up-to-date position statement on coaching themes, and makes explicit reference to the professionalisation of coaching. Written in an accessible style, and identifying critical ideas and issues, the book will complement and challenge both undergraduate and postgraduate teaching programmes, and will be an invaluable source of ideas for researchers and academics.
Exercise Physiology in Special Populations covers the prevalent health conditions that are either linked to an inactive lifestyle or whose effects can be ameliorated by increasing physical activity and physical fitness. The book explores physiological aspects of obesity and diabetes before moving on to cardiac disease, lung disease, arthritis and back pain, ageing and older people, bone health, the female participant, neurological and neuromuscular disorders, and spinal chord injury. The author team includes many of the UK’s leading researchers and exercise science and rehabilitation practitioners that specialise in each of the topic areas.New to the popular Advances in Sport and Exercise Science series, this book covers key aspects of exercise physiology including: •Coronary Heart Disease & Cardiac Dysfunction •Neurological disorders (Strokes, Parkinson’s Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Head Injury) •Spinal cord injuries •Obesity & Diabetes •Amputees •Downs syndrome •Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease •Musculo-rheumatological disorders and pain •Bone Health •Older People •HIV/Aids •The female exercise participant
Physiological Bases of Human Performance during Work and Exercise is a high-level physiology text for advanced students, researchers and practitioners in the fields of human physiology, exercise science and applied physiology. Eighty internationally recognised scientists from sixteen countries have written chapters within six areas: Physiological performance limits and human adaptation; The physiological bases of gender differences in performance; Age and human performance; Performance under environmental extremes; Exercise and health interactions; and Optimising performance through supplementation. Each section contains state-of-the-art reviews of the scientific literature. To stimulate critical thinking, there are thirteen debates and discussions that focus on some of the controversial topics that exist across these disciplines.