Master medical terms on your terms! A combination text/workbook, Exploring Medical Language: A Student-Directed Approach, Twelfth Edition, provides exercises that make it easy to build an understanding of medical terminology. Organized by body system, medical terms are divided into two categories: 1) Words built from word parts, and 2) Words NOT built from word parts. Fun and engaging exercises help you first learn word parts and then learn how to combine the parts into full medical terms that make sense. The text also comes packaged with paper flashcards. For more practice, you can visit an Evolve companion website with games, activities, flashcards, and practice exams. From well-known educators Danielle LaFleur Brooks, Dale Levinsky, and Myrna LaFleur Brooks, this learning package helps you gain fluency in medical language and communicate clearly in the health care setting.
Master medical terms on your terms! A combination text/workbook, Exploring Medical Language: A Student-Directed Approach, Twelfth Edition, provides exercises that make it easy to build an understanding of medical terminology. Organized by body system, medical terms are divided into two categories: 1) Words built from word parts, and 2) Words NOT built from word parts. Fun and engaging exercises help you first learn word parts and then learn how to combine the parts into full medical terms that make sense. The text also comes packaged with paper flashcards. For more practice, you can visit an Evolve companion website with games, activities, flashcards, and practice exams. From well-known educators Danielle LaFleur Brooks, Dale Levinsky, and Myrna LaFleur Brooks, this learning package helps you gain fluency in medical language and communicate clearly in the health care setting.
Master medical terms on your terms! A combination text/workbook, Exploring Medical Language: A Student-Directed Approach, Twelfth Edition, provides exercises that make it easy to build an understanding of medical terminology. Organized by body system, medical terms are divided into two categories: 1) Words built from word parts, and 2) Words NOT built from word parts. Fun and engaging exercises help you first learn word parts and then learn how to combine the parts into full medical terms that make sense. The text also comes packaged with paper flashcards. For more practice, you can visit an Evolve companion website with games, activities, flashcards, and practice exams. From well-known educators Danielle LaFleur Brooks, Dale Levinsky, and Myrna LaFleur Brooks, this learning package helps you gain fluency in medical language and communicate clearly in the health care setting.
Master medical terms on your terms! A combination text/workbook, Exploring Medical Language: A Student-Directed Approach, Twelfth Edition, provides exercises that make it easy to build an understanding of medical terminology. Organized by body system, medical terms are divided into two categories: 1) Words built from word parts, and 2) Words NOT built from word parts. Fun and engaging exercises help you first learn word parts and then learn how to combine the parts into full medical terms that make sense. The text also comes packaged with paper flashcards. For more practice, you can visit an Evolve companion website with games, activities, flashcards, and practice exams. From well-known educators Danielle LaFleur Brooks, Dale Levinsky, and Myrna LaFleur Brooks, this learning package helps you gain fluency in medical language and communicate clearly in the health care setting.
Master medical terms on your terms! A combination text/workbook, Exploring Medical Language: A Student-Directed Approach, Twelfth Edition, provides exercises that make it easy to build an understanding of medical terminology. Organized by body system, medical terms are divided into two categories: 1) Words built from word parts, and 2) Words NOT built from word parts. Fun and engaging exercises help you first learn word parts and then learn how to combine the parts into full medical terms that make sense. The text also comes packaged with paper flashcards. For more practice, you can visit an Evolve companion website with games, activities, flashcards, and practice exams. From well-known educators Danielle LaFleur Brooks, Dale Levinsky, and Myrna LaFleur Brooks, this learning package helps you gain fluency in medical language and communicate clearly in the health care setting.
Das Richter-Lehrbuch begleitet seit über 30 Jahren durch erfolgreiche Heilpraktikerausbildungen. Auch in der aktuellen 11. Auflage überzeugt es mit klarer, verständlicher Sprache, die komplexe medizinische Zusammenhänge einfach und nachvollziehbar erklärt.Ideal für den Einstieg: Selbst ohne medizinische Vorkenntnisse bietet Ihnen dieses Buch die notwendige Unterstützung, um Ihren Traum vom Heilpraktikerberuf zu verwirklichen.Dieses Werk verspricht:Vollständigkeit: alle relevanten Inhalte der Heilpraktikerausbildung, klar und verständlich präsentiertStruktur: von der Anatomie über die Untersuchungstechniken zu den Krankheitsbildern und der erforderlichen TherapiePrüfungserfolg: Mit diesem Werk und den beiden perfekt darauf abgestimmten Schwester-Titeln – dem farbigen Atlas und dem Prüfungstraining – sichern Sie sich Ihren Lernerfolg für die Heilpraktikerüberprüfung.Neu in der 11. AuflageErgänzung vieler Infektionskrankheiten, einschließlich COVID-19 und MpoxViele neue und aktuelle AbbildungenUmfangreiche Aktualisierung des Kapitels GesetzeskundeOnline-Kapitel zu psychischen Erkrankungen nach einer Entwurfsfassung der ICD-11 als Ausblick
Nach der Prüfung ist vor der Praxis: Differenzialdiagnostik, Erkrankungen und Leitsymptome für die mündliche Überprüfung und den Praxisalltag!In 20 Kapiteln nach Organsystemen und übergreifenden Themen geordnet, erhalten Sie:60 realistische Fallbeispiele (Kasuistiken) aus mündlichen Prüfungen mit Verdachtsdiagnose, möglichen Differenzialdiagnosen und LösungDas differenzialdiagnostische Vorgehen zu über 100 Leitsymptomen von Aszites bis Zyanose. Die Abfolge möglicher Differenzialdiagnosen erfolgt entsprechend der anatomischen/physiologischen Gegebenheiten nach einer sinnvollen, leicht merkbaren StrukturLeitsymptome zu über 200 prüfungs- und praxisrelevanten KrankheitsbildernEin Kapitel speziell zu NotfallsituationenDer stringente Aufbau, die knappen Formulierungen sowie einprägsame Info-Kästen helfen, sich das differenzialdiagnostische Vorgehen und die typischen Leitsymptome einzuprägen sowie nachzuschlagen und unmittelbar anzuwenden.Ideal als Repetitorium und zum Nachschlagen in den Lehrbüchern "Heilpraktiker Ausbildungswissen" Bd. 1 u. 2.Neu in der 3. Auflage: 20 zusätzliche FallbeispielePlus Übersichten Laborwerte, Notfälle sowie GlossarAktualisierungen anhand neuer Erkenntnisse und veränderter VerfahrenGrößeres Format mit Platz für MarkierungenDas Buch eignet sich für:Heilpraktiker und Heilpraktikerinnen in Ausbildung, vor der Prüfung sowie insbesondere zum Nachschlagen in der Praxis
Video scenarios of effective and ineffective communicationEffective communication is a prerequisite for safe and high-quality health care. Stories in Health Communication consists of a series of videos and accompanying text designed to support readers to develop their communication skills to pass their assessments and to communicate more effectively in practice.The Stories book includes 12 short videos demonstrating effective and ineffective interactions between health practitioners and individuals. Students are encouraged to first watch each video, then complete the related activities to develop their own understanding and competence.This book will help students critique different communication interactions, reflect on their own habits, consider new skills for communicating more effectively to different people in different settings, and then apply what they learn to practice.
Video scenarios of effective and ineffective communicationEffective communication is a prerequisite for safe and high-quality health care. Stories in Health Communication consists of a series of videos and accompanying text designed to support readers to develop their communication skills to pass their assessments and to communicate more effectively in practice.The Stories book includes 12 short videos demonstrating effective and ineffective interactions between health practitioners and individuals. Students are encouraged to first watch each video, then complete the related activities to develop their own understanding and competence.This book will help students critique different communication interactions, reflect on their own habits, consider new skills for communicating more effectively to different people in different settings, and then apply what they learn to practice.