Dieses bewährte Standardwerk zur Kinderzahnheilkunde unterstützt Sie dabei, Ihre kleinen Patient*innen fachgerecht und souverän zu behandeln. Abgedeckt sind alle Aspekte der Kinderzahnheilkunde – von der Geburt bis zur Pubertät. Sie erfahren, welche Behandlungskonzepte für Kinder unterschiedlichen Alters in Frage kommen und worauf Sie besonders achten müssen - auch vor dem Hintergrund, dass das Gebiss noch wächst und sich verändert. Von der Epidemiologie der Gebisserkrankungen über Kieferorthopädische Prophylaxe und Frühbehandlung, Füllungstherapie, Zahnersatz - Kinderkronen, Lückenhalter und Prothesen, Zahnbehandlungsangst bis hin zu Schmerzausschaltung und Sedierung, Endodontie im Milch- und Wechselgebiss / Zahnanomalien und ihre Versorgung / Chirurgie u.v.m. lässt das Buch keine Fragen offen. In der neuen Auflage wurden alle Inhalte auf den aktuellen Stand gebracht und grundlegend überarbeitet und aktualisiert. Neu hinzugekommen ist das Kapitel Zahnbehandlungsangst sowie umfangreiche Erweiterungen bei „Mikroinvasive Therapie bei Kindern“ und bei den betriebswirtschaftlichen Aspekten einer Kinderzahnarztpraxis. Das Buch eignet sich für: Zahnmediziner*innen Zahnmedizinstudierende
Pediatric Dentistry: Principles and Practice, 3e is based on syllabi prescribed by Dental Council of India (DCI) and the book will help BDS IV year students in understanding the fundamental concepts and current practice trends in Pediatric Dentistry. The contents are well-structured and presented in a lucid manner making it easy for readers to comprehend the discussed text with clarity.
**Selected for Doody’s Core Titles® 2024 with "Essential Purchase" designation in Dentistry**Get the expert knowledge you need to provide quality oral care to pediatric patients! Trusted for more than 50 years, McDonald and Avery's Dentistry for the Child and Adolescent, 11th Edition provides the latest diagnostic and treatment recommendations for infants, children, and adolescents. It covers topics ranging from pediatric examination and radiographic techniques to development and morphology of the primary teeth, dental caries, dental materials, and local anesthesia. Another point of emphasis is the management of patients with special medical issues. On the Expert Consult website, you’ll find a fully searchable version of the entire text along with case studies and step-by-step procedure videos. From internationally known educator Jeffrey A. Dean, this resource provides everything you need to prepare for board certification and succeed in clinical practice.
McDonald and Avery’s Dentistry for the Child and Adolescent: Second South Asia Edition, the definitive pediatric dentistry text for both the classroom and clinical practice, will offer high-level, comprehensive content that conveys the most current information to a diverse audience. This textbook is designed to help undergraduate dental students provide efficient and superior comprehensive oral health care to infants, children, teenagers, and medically compromised pediatric patients. It also provides experienced dentists with information regarding new developments and techniques.
**Selected for Doody’s Core Titles® 2024 with "Essential Purchase" designation in Dentistry**Provide superior oral and dental care to children of all ages! Pediatric Dentistry: Infancy through Adolescence Expert Consult, 6th Edition provides comprehensive coverage of oral care for infants, children, teenagers, and medically compromised pediatric patients. Organized by age group, the text covers examination, diagnosis, and treatment planning, as well as topics such as the prevention of dental disease, traumatic injuries, orthodontics, and restorative dentistry. From a team of accomplished authors and contributors led by Arthur J. Nowak, this edition includes a new Expert Consult website featuring case studies and procedural videos along with a fully searchable version of the text.
This issue of Dental Clinics of North America focuses on Evidence-based Pediatric Dentistry, and is edited by Dr. Donald Chi. Articles will include: Prenatal maternal factors, intergenerational transmission of disease, and child oral health outcomes; Evidence-based Medicaid policies and research use; Social determinants of children’s oral health; Pediatric behavioral oral health interventions; Pediatric social oral health interventions; Pediatric workforce issues; Pediatric-focused interprofessional interventions; Acculturation and pediatric minority oral health interventions; Interventions focusing on children with special health care needs; Genetics and pediatric dental caries; Oral health interventions during pregnancy; Topical fluoride hesitancy, and more!
You can count on McDonald: the go-to source for expert, complete coverage of oral care for infants, children, and teenagers for over half a century. McDonald and Avery’s Dentistry for the Child and Adolescent, 10th Edition discusses pediatric examination, development, morphology, eruption of the teeth, and dental caries in depth — and emphasizes prevention and the treatment of the medically compromised patient. Boasting a new design and handy Evolve site, this new edition by Jeffrey A. Dean equips you with the latest diagnostic and treatment recommendations in the fast-growing field of pediatric dentistry.
Now in full color, this text uses a unique age-specific organization to discuss all aspects of pediatric dentistry from infancy through adolescence. Each age-specific section covers the physical, cognitive, emotional, and social changes that children experience, as well as the epidemiology of dental disease at that age. Other chapters explore the examination, treatment planning, radiographic concerns, prevention, trauma, restorative dentistry, pulp therapy, orthodontics, and behavior management of each age range.