Das Buch unterstützt Sie dabei, das schwierige Feld der psychischen Erkrankungen zu meistern.Es bietet einzigartig die Verknüpfung der wichtigsten Krankheitsbilder mit der entsprechenden Pflegeplanung und liefert Ihnen damit genau das Wissen für Prüfung und Praxis, das Pflegefachpersonen brauchen. Denn beim Thema „psychische Erkrankungen" geht das Wwenigste nach Schema F.Neu in der 2. Auflage:Wissen anwenden: 10 Fallbeispiele mit LösungsvorschlägenNANDA- und POP-Pflegediagnosen mit Angabe der Codes(NANDA: North American Nursing Diagnosis Association / POP: Praxisorientierte Pflegediagnostik)Das Buch eignet sich für:Auszubildende an psychiatrischen LehrkrankenhäusernPflegefachpersonen in der Weiterbildung Psychiatrische Pflege
Ayuda a mejorar la calidad de los cuidados enfermeros en salud mental. Plantea actividades enfermeras en el ámbito de la salud mental, partiendo de la metodologÃa de los cuidados. Destaca las bases metodológicas de la profesión enfermera, asà como la organización del cuidado por patrones funcionales. Incluye preguntas de autoevaluación y casos clÃnicos para reforzar la comprensión de los contenidos.
Understanding the basics of psychology – what drives human choices and behaviours – underpins good practice in health. Psychology: An Introduction for Health Professionals presents the latest relevant theories and concepts, as well as their application to specific health issues and clinical practice.Written by Deb O’Kane and other leading experts in the field, this book will help you understand more about why people act in certain ways related to their health and wellbeing, from diagnoses, health interventions and outcomes. For example, why does a person not complete a full course of antibiotics, or how can you expect a someone to respond to stress, loss or pain? Scenarios and reflection questions help to bring important psychology concepts to life.The book is written specifically for health science and nursing students undertaking discreet units of study in psychology, but will also be applicable to practitioners in their daily work.
Understanding the basics of psychology – what drives human choices and behaviours – underpins good practice in health. Psychology: An Introduction for Health Professionals presents the latest relevant theories and concepts, as well as their application to specific health issues and clinical practice.Written by Deb O’Kane and other leading experts in the field, this book will help you understand more about why people act in certain ways related to their health and wellbeing, from diagnoses, health interventions and outcomes. For example, why does a person not complete a full course of antibiotics, or how can you expect a someone to respond to stress, loss or pain? Scenarios and reflection questions help to bring important psychology concepts to life.The book is written specifically for health science and nursing students undertaking discreet units of study in psychology, but will also be applicable to practitioners in their daily work.
Understanding the basics of psychology – what drives human choices and behaviours – underpins good practice in health. Psychology: An Introduction for Health Professionals presents the latest relevant theories and concepts, as well as their application to specific health issues and clinical practice.Written by Deb O’Kane and other leading experts in the field, this book will help you understand more about why people act in certain ways related to their health and wellbeing, from diagnoses, health interventions and outcomes. For example, why does a person not complete a full course of antibiotics, or how can you expect a someone to respond to stress, loss or pain? Scenarios and reflection questions help to bring important psychology concepts to life.The book is written specifically for health science and nursing students undertaking discreet units of study in psychology, but will also be applicable to practitioners in their daily work.
Immerse yourself in the ideas, theories, and techniques of effective communication in the workplace! Communication in Nursing, 10th Edition adopts a uniquely practical and personal approach to the demands of today’s nursing practice, providing extensive examples, exercises, and techniques that help you apply communication skills in a variety of clinical settings. Using a conversational tone, this relatable text takes you beyond theory to show you how to understand important concepts and use communication as a tool to limit stress in your nursing practice. The 10th edition includes an emphasis on holistic self-care of the nurse, a new Confronting Bullying and Incivility with Honesty and Respect chapter, a new appendix mapping the AACN® Essentials domains to the text objectives, and case studies for the Next-Generation NCLEX® (NGN). In addition, the latest information on the topics of mindfulness, resilience, and interprofessional communication highlight the importance of implementing these tools in practice.
Immerse yourself in the ideas, theories, and techniques of effective communication in the workplace! Communication in Nursing, 10th Edition adopts a uniquely practical and personal approach to the demands of today’s nursing practice, providing extensive examples, exercises, and techniques that help you apply communication skills in a variety of clinical settings. Using a conversational tone, this relatable text takes you beyond theory to show you how to understand important concepts and use communication as a tool to limit stress in your nursing practice. The 10th edition includes an emphasis on holistic self-care of the nurse, a new Confronting Bullying and Incivility with Honesty and Respect chapter, a new appendix mapping the AACN® Essentials domains to the text objectives, and case studies for the Next-Generation NCLEX® (NGN). In addition, the latest information on the topics of mindfulness, resilience, and interprofessional communication highlight the importance of implementing these tools in practice.
Immerse yourself in the ideas, theories, and techniques of effective communication in the workplace! Communication in Nursing, 10th Edition adopts a uniquely practical and personal approach to the demands of today’s nursing practice, providing extensive examples, exercises, and techniques that help you apply communication skills in a variety of clinical settings. Using a conversational tone, this relatable text takes you beyond theory to show you how to understand important concepts and use communication as a tool to limit stress in your nursing practice. The 10th edition includes an emphasis on holistic self-care of the nurse, a new Confronting Bullying and Incivility with Honesty and Respect chapter, a new appendix mapping the AACN® Essentials domains to the text objectives, and case studies for the Next-Generation NCLEX® (NGN). In addition, the latest information on the topics of mindfulness, resilience, and interprofessional communication highlight the importance of implementing these tools in practice.
When working in the field of mental illness, the best evidence is people’s lived experience. The third edition of Working with Serious Mental Illness maintains its focus on research data, but this is framed by patients’ personal perspectives to provide clear, practical advice for practitioners. Aimed at nurses and healthcare practitioners working with mental illnesses such as severe depression, bi-polar disorder and psychosis, this book provides solutions for engaging and working with patients and their families. It vividly presents lived experience and the recommendations of patients, then proceeds through developing and implementing effective interventions and how to reflect on patient relationships to ensure sustained success. Easy to read and packed full of practical tips and strategies, this is the ideal book for all healthcare practitioners working with patients with serious mental illness, their families and their carers. It will also be valuable reading for staff working in acute and community mental care settings who lack specialist training in serious mental health disorders, for nursing students, mental health nurses and general nurses working in mental health, primary care and community settings.