Manual riguroso en el que se recogen de manera sistemática los últimos avances científicos en el estudio del comportamiento humano relacionado con la salud de una manera clara, sintética e integrada. La obra se divide en cinco grandes bloques temáticos, en los que se abordan desde los procesos psicológicos básicos, la personalidad y el desarrollo en un entorno social, la comunicación asistencial y la interacción médico-paciente, hasta contenidos introductorios a la psicopatología y la psicoterapia. Buscando un enfoque multidisciplinar, en la elaboración de esta segunda edición han participado 54 profesores e investigadores nacionales e internacionales de los ámbitos de la medicina, la psicología, la enfermería o la biología, todos ellos expertos en sus campos de conocimiento. A pesar de su rigor, se ha empleado un lenguaje didáctico. Incluye capítulos específicos que desarrollan los factores psicológicos clave para la adquisición de habilidades de comunicación asistencial con el objetivo de enseñar cómo establecer una buena interacción médico-paciente. Sitúa al paciente en el centro de la actividad asistencial, poniendo un especial énfasis en su bienestar y calidad de vida. En este sentido, se dedica un nuevo capítulo al envejecimiento saludable. Se trata del único texto actualizado disponible en español, adaptado al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior y dirigido a estudiantes de Medicina y otras ciencias de la salud, especialmente Enfermería y Odontología. Permite a los estudiantes adquirir una adecuada formación en los aspectos sociales y humanísticos vinculados con la medicina.
Psychology: An Introduction for Health Professionals will appeal to the undergraduate nursing and health science student seeking to understand patient responses and behaviours to various diagnoses, interventions and health outcomes. Written by Patricia Barkway and Deb O'Kane, the text is divided into two sections. The first introduces essential concepts and theories of psychology in the context of human development across the lifespan. The second focuses on applying these concepts and theories to healthcare issues and practice.
Covering the field’s latest trends and treatments, Psychiatric Nursing, 8th Edition provides you with the solid, therapeutic skills you need to deliver safe and effective psychiatric nursing care. This new edition features a unique, three-pronged approach to psychotherapeutic management which emphasizes the nurse’s three primary tools: themselves and their relationship with patients, medications, and the environment. Written in a friendly, approachable style, this text clearly defines the nurse’s role in caring for individuals with psychiatric disorders like no other book on the market!
Now in its sixth edition, and written by an author internationally recognised in his field, Psychiatric Drugs Explained offers a wealth of information in a handy easy-to-use format. Organised by disorder, and providing a comprehensive review of drug effects, action and side-effects, this fully updated new edition covers the latest drugs on the market, and explores changes in prescribing practice. The author’s approach is distinctive and reader-friendly, to help guide mental health professionals through the benefits and impacts of psychotropic drugs. Additional topics include management of disorders including stimulants and drugs for children, cognitive impairment and sleep disorders.
The revised reprint includes all new DSM-5 updates, updated psychiatric nursing content, along with new opening unit pages with vignettes, Selected Concept boxes and a new chapter on stress and stress-related disorders. This updated version equips yourself for today's psychiatric nursing practice with all of the essential nursing interventions and clinical content combined with current research and evidence-based practice. From the author of the bestselling Foundations of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing, this text was specifically developed to effectively prepare students in today's shorter courses.
This new edition of Mental Health Nursing: an evidence-based approach has been fully updated to include the latest research-based guidance. A wide variety of client problems is covered with , so that students are assured that what they learn is underpinned by a sound evidence base for treatment, and qualified mental health nurses can be confident that their practice is informed by the most up-to-date research. Skills acquisition is emphasised and experiential exercises encourage connections between theory and practice.
Psychotherapy for the Advanced Practice Psychiatric Nurse provides the nurse psychotherapist with a useful “how-to” primer that contains practical techniques and interventions without a lot of theoretical jargon. Topics include the basics of psychotherapy, from how to respond to a patient’s initial call to termination of care. Selected approaches, interpersonal, cognitive-behavioral, and psychodynamic psychotherapy are highlighted with discussion of evidence-base research. Specific techniques for working with commonly seen patient populations that require special consideration: those who have experienced trauma, children, and older adults are included. In addition, how to integrate psychopharmacology and psychotherapy is discussed in detail.
This title is directed primarily towards health care professionals outside of the United States. This book will help to identify the skills and resources that students already have and show how these can be developed into the essential skills needed for nursing in the mental health practice environment. Essential Mental Health Nursing Skills draws on the policy and theory underpinning mental health nursing but focusses on the practical aspects, providing an easily understandable guide to what to do and how to do it. It also provides a practical framework that can be applied in any setting. Examples are given to show how skills can be applied across the diversity of modern mental health nursing. Essential Mental Health Nursing Skills is also designed to be taken into the practice environment so that it can easily be referred to it when learning a skill.
The most comprehensive psychiatric nursing care planning text available assists students and practitioners in providing effective care in a variety of settings. Clear presentation of information, consistent use of the nursing process, correlation of nursing and medical diagnoses, and prioritization of interventions make this text an invaluable resource. Grounded in the latest classification of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-TR) and the most current list of NANDA-approved nursing diagnoses, this text covers a wide range of disorders, their psychopathology, and appropriate nursing interventions with rationales. Care plans use real clinical situations and include therapeutic and nontherapeutic dialogue examples to familiarize nurses with likely scenarios and equip them with the tools they need to feel confident in any clinical setting.
This book brings together a collection of the author's papers which, when taken as a whole, address many of the mostpressing issues in psychiatric nursing today. The papers are linked and present the 'backbone' of the author's philosophy of nursing. Each of the chapters deals either with the search to define the theoretical and practical basis of psychiatric nursing, or addresses more general issues in nursing which have some specific bearing on the practice of psychiatric nursing. Each chapter is followed by an invited commentary from respected psychiatric nurses, who were given the brief to draw out some of the main points of the chapter and put them in focus for today's nurses.